Repub Senator slams trump for killing border deal

Biden's illegals made an amphibious landing in California today. Ditched the boat and charged up the beach into a wealthy neighborhood.

Obviously, trump does not care. He is trying to kill a border bill. Cause trump is a treasonous insurrectionist

IF P01135809 was so almighty concerned about our Southern Border (he is NOT) he would welcome Mr. Biden signing this bill, instead he wants to kill it. Fucking P01135809 does not give a flying fuck through a rolling donut about our border or our country. His is the worst kind of political gamesmanship.
IF P01135809 was so almighty concerned about our Southern Border (he is NOT) he would welcome Mr. Biden signing this bill, instead he wants to kill it. Fucking P01135809 does not give a flying fuck through a rolling donut about our border or our country. His is the worst kind of political gamesmanship.
Your LIES will not work on Americans other than the brainwashed youth

Everyone knows the Dems caused the border problems
IF P01135809 was so almighty concerned about our Southern Border (he is NOT) he would welcome Mr. Biden signing this bill, instead he wants to kill it. Fucking P01135809 does not give a flying fuck through a rolling donut about our border or our country. His is the worst kind of political gamesmanship.

Kill the shit out of the bill.
Your LIES will not work on Americans other than the brainwashed youth

Everyone knows the Dems caused the border problems
Your lies are exposed yet again. We have GOP and Dems working to get this bill done, and you are working for the Chinese and Russians who don't want it done.
Trump is a vindictive spoiler. He's hellbent on his personal revenge. He doesn't give a shit about the country.
You just projected Biden to a T, sweetie. President Trump acted benignly to people who never got raises in their life for their work by convincing their employers to pay them better in a way that benefitted both employee and employer. He also saw to it that black workers got better pay than they ever had before. No one has ever loved America more than President Trump. Biden has a war room of people finding who they're going to disadvantage next due to their being Republicans. President Trump treated all of us the same. Biden made sure to make sure no Republican senior got things his Democrat base got from the government. Republicans make sure that everyone is treated equally. Biden only makes sure he gets kickbacks, and he did it for 44 years using the Foreign Aid Packages as his targets to extort money from countries like the Ukraine. I heard that his take there was millions for himself and millions for his son minus his huge percentage take for himself from Hunter's millions. I'll be so glad when he retires.
Your lies are exposed yet again. We have GOP and Dems working to get this bill done, and you are working for the Chinese and Russians who don't want it done.
The Chinese and Russians like the open borders. Just like they paid Biden for.
They are sending in thousands of operatives thru the wide open southern border.
Biden is a traitor.
I'm not crazy about sending American Taxpayer Dollars to Ukraine either. But they're fighting and killing Russians.

And while the USSR may be gone, Russia is still pulling the same shit they did when their name was the USSR. Iran, Syria, Hamas, etc, etc. Anywhere there's shit; there's Russia.

Ukraine is corrupt, you say? Unlike our pure-as-the-driven-snow dimocrap scum party?

Here's a thought..... Let's rid ourselves of the most corrupt political party in Human History before we start demanding perfection from other countries.

That's a nasty, nasty, muddy, dirty, bloody -- VERY Bloody, War the Ukes are fighting. If I were younger and single, I'd be there alongside them.

Russia isn't a country, it's a disease. One that needs to be destoryed. utterly

If it were up to me, I'd send Ukraine every F-117 we have. We're not using them and they're just sitting somewhere eating maintenance dollars by the million. I'd send them a couple dozen Warthogs, too. And maybe some Apaches if they don't already them.

Didja see where, the other day, a lone Bradley IFV ran into a couple of Russian BMP's and a T-90 (Russia's most advanced Tank) and destroyed all three of them?

Fuck Russia. Bunch of punk-ass bullies.

You obviously don't like Russia, but you worship Trump. Talk about a massive contradiction.

Trump sucked Putin's cock his entire presidency.
Trump policy let in twice as many immigrants in four years as Obama did in four years.
LIAR. Trump and the CBP sent illegals back to Mexico.

While the Obama administration deported 1.18 million people in his first three
years, the number of deportations has been a little under 800,000 so far under
Trump, according to the Post.


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