Repub Senator slams trump for killing border deal

Finally! Here we have a repub Senator who puts country above the worship of trump. This is amazing!
Why would anyone want a border deal that allows another million illegals into the country? At a time when it's becoming quite clear that we can't handle the eight million that the left has let pour into the country...why would any rational person vote for a deal that lets another million into the country? You've got Democrat cities like Boston, New York, Denver, Chicago, LA and San Francisco that are now begging for Federal assistance because this tidal wave of illegals is bankrupting them! That Senator needs to have his head examined.
The current "bipartisan " border control deal allows 1.8 million illegal immigrants each year into the states.

How is that different from what is happening without any border security?
Why would anyone want a border deal that allows another million illegals into the country? At a time when it's becoming quite clear that we can't handle the eight million that the left has let pour into the country...why would any rational person vote for a deal that lets another million into the country? You've got Democrat cities like Boston, New York, Denver, Chicago, LA and San Francisco that are now begging for Federal assistance because this tidal wave of illegals is bankrupting them! That Senator needs to have his head examined.
You clearly don’t know anything about what the people involved in the deal say
The border obviously needs to be closed. The illegals we have NOW are going to bankrupt the system and that's not some right wing talking point...that's the opinion of liberal Mayors all over the country! Joe Biden doesn't need a "deal" with Congress. He has always had the ability to make the border secure! He's CHOSEN not to! Now he wants the GOP to work with him? Are you kidding me? Close the border, Potato Head! Do it now!
My question is what Senator or Representative thinks still letting a thousand illegals in a day is a "good thing" when literally hundreds of cities across the nation are looking at huge budget deficits because of the illegals we already have here?
What about the Republican Senators ?

Are they lying scum too?
Some of them are also lying scum rat bastards. Hello the debt is $34 trillion and the additional $138 billion since it hit $34 trillion only took a few weeks to achieve.
Biden is a traitor. That is a fact. He is a national security disaster.

Along America’s southern border with Mexico, CBP encountered 24,314 Chinese foreign nationals and 43,210 Russian foreign nationals.
Daily Signal? You pulled those numbers outta your butt. Having said that, we have to pass the bill and Trump has to stop interfering.
The numbers don't lie. Obama sent back twice as many as Trump.
Trump had far fewer coming INTO the country, John! I know this kind of thing is confusing for "Slow" guys like you but if you have less coming don't have to deport as many! Duh?
Now let's talk about Biden. He's let 8 million into the country. But he hasn't deported even as many as Trump. Hence the crisis now taking place in US cities from coast to coast as they're running out of money to pay for services for the migrants they have got with many more on the way! You liberals have really shit the bed on this one, little buddy! Liberal Mayor's are starting to cut services to tax paying citizens to pay for the illegals and the citizens are NOT happy! This is only going to get worse as the year goes on. Good luck in November, little buddy! You're gonna need it! :)
Trump had far fewer coming INTO the country, John! I know this kind of thing is confusing for "Slow" guys like you but if you have less coming don't have to deport as many! Duh?
Now let's talk about Biden. He's let 8 million into the country. But he hasn't deported even as many as Trump. Hence the crisis now taking place in US cities from coast to coast as they're running out of money to pay for services for the migrants they have got with many more on the way! You liberals have really shit the bed on this one, little buddy! Liberal Mayor's are starting to cut services to tax paying citizens to pay for the illegals and the citizens are NOT happy! This is only going to get worse as the year goes on. Good luck in November, little buddy! You're gonna need it! :)
You are not good at arranging the facts. Obama was good at intercepting immigrants. Trump was far poorer.

Now you Repubkkklans get off your ass and pass this bill.
You guys want the War money to line your buddies pockets making the weapons you gotta put up a decent bill.

On a personal note i hope the House shuts down the debt ceiling til HELL FREEZES OVER. FIRE HALF OF ALL FED EMPLOYEES.

Let them come join us in the real world.

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