Repub Senator slams trump for killing border deal

You have no idea what I did or did not express during the summer protests of 2020: so there is your first lie.
Seymour Floops: I know exactly what you did not express: a desire for the murderous George Floyd protesters to be in solitary with bread and water.
JESH: And? That makes no sense.
Your second lie is that I have not objected to any protests. As long as they are peaceful, that is their right. I support your right to protest here, BUT not lie. You have no right to lie, and no right to any respect as long as you do.
Seymour Floops: Prove me wrong. Show me where you talked about pro Hamas protesters who turned violent, pro abortion protesters who turned violent or any violent left wingers ever.
JESH: Why? That does not chance your lies.

Seymour Floops
Let's find out why you lie before we discuss the other matters. <snip> Facts you don’t want spoken are not “lies.”

JESH The little shitass is on the run. Why don't you support all non-violent protest? Why do you support the J6 violent protest? The tide has turned and we are laughing at you moops and floops.
Putin knew Trump was his little bitch who would do whatever he wanted.

Is that why Trump gave Ukraine weapons while Obama gave them blankets and meals?
You mean when Trump tried to blackmail Zelensky and got himself impeached?
LOL...yeah, gomer. You roll with that.

That's why Putin helped Trump get elected in 2016....idiot.

It's funny that dems fellated Russia non-stop, for 100 years, until Hillary needed an
excuse for getting beat, again, by an amateur.
It's funny that dems fellated Russia non-stop, for 100 years, until Hillary needed an
excuse for getting beat, again, by an amateur.
LOL...what an idiot.

Try reading a history book, gomer. Learn about the Berlin Airlift and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
LOL...what an idiot.

Try reading a history book, gomer. Learn about the Berlin Airlift and the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Here's Obama, being all tough on the commies.

Finally! Here we have a repub Senator who puts country above the worship of trump. This is amazing!
Nah....he's just not getting his monthly envelope from Ukraine boomerang bucks that's all. I mean after all he's got cars to buy and a swimming pool to get finished! How's a guy supposed to live?
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Finally! Here we have a repub Senator who puts country above the worship of trump. This is amazing!
There is no need for a border deal. Biden does not need anything from Congress. He already has the authority to do what was approved a few years ago. But you being an idiot sheep is begging for Biden to fleece your worthless.
Nah....he's just not getting his monthly envelope from Ukraine boomerang bucks that's all. I mean after all he's got cars to buy and a swimming pool to get finished! How's a guy supposed to live?
Sheep just love being fleeced

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