Republican 2016 Presidential Candidate

their best candidate to win the election, Christie is no longer in contention ... good luck with what's left.

Robert Portman-(Senator Ohio)

bright (Dartmouth, Michigan Law) good looking, came out in favor of gay marriage (son, Will-at Yale is gay). expert on economics/budget pro gun, isn't a bible thumping brain dead social fascist

David border-(RIP) predicted Portman would be president in 22016 if Obama won in 2012
Right now they are Trial Ballooning Romney and Jeb Bush.


why do republicans insist that a candidate that can't win their primary is the type of candidate they need to win the general?
that would make sense if the primary system was pushing out radical right wing types that couldn't appeal to anyone but the radical right wing, but so far that hasn't been the case.
further, it's not like republican turnout has been an issue
Unless he is running as a Democrat I'm not really seeing how that takes him out of contention.

"their best candidate to win the election"
there is a difference between winning the nomination and winning the election, Christie had the appeal to win both but no longer. he is disliked by the far right republicans and now has lost the support he had among moderate democrats, support he will not be able to revive.

Christie is out of contention whether there appears to be a come back or not.


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