Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?
To me, it doesn't make sense to refuse DLs to anyone using the roadways, because when people need to drive to get to work or buy groceries, they will, regardless if they're legal. It's better to make sure they know the rules of the road and have passed a road test, eye exam, etc. rather than close our eyes and pretend that not giving people a license means they won't drive. LOL.

In my state, though, you have to pretty much take your whole file cabinet with you to motor vehicles these days to get a DL. Proof of birth/citizenship, two proofs of residence, my W-2, proof you are who the other documents say you are. My guess is that illegals can't get a license here. They are here. Wherever legal immigrants are, illegals are mixed among them.

I guess it's a toss up. I can see why it's considered wrong to give illegals a license, but what does that actually get you? How fair is it to arrest someone for driving without a license when you have refused to give him one? I'd rather make sure they can read enough English to follow the signs and that they know the rules of the road. My son got his DL while in the service in Panama, and he said driving down there is complete mayhem. Stop signs and red lights are optional. Yield? Forget it. We need to make sure our drivers know how to do it our way.

Yes, we need to give up. We need to surrender. After all, surrendering is what made our country so strong and great. Since drivers are going to drive anyway without a license, then it's only fair we don't take licenses away from Americans with multiple DUI convictions. After all, they're going to drive anyway, right? They have to get to work too. They need to get groceries, don't they? We can't let people starve because they have a problem with alcohol.

When they get out of prison after serving six years in prison for killing your grandchild, just give them their license back.
DUI convictions are another matter entirely, Ray. Let's try sticking to the point.

I believe it is sticking to the point. Putting these people on our roads is dangerous. If you're going to break our laws coming here, you certainly don't care about our laws once you arrive.
You are NOT this stupid. Just isn't possible.

It's how they go about getting something they want. They want to reward illegals by giving them drivers license, using the excuse of safety. Forget the link I posted that stated ICE deported over 80,000 illegals in one year alone all with DUI offenses. Give those people licenses now.
I can't help it though, because I do like Mexican's. Maybe I haven't met the bad ones, but the one's I've met are humble hardworking always smiling people. We definitely need those types to be with us in America, but there is a way to do it and do it right. Legal immigration is the only way, and not upsetting the balance in our many cultures by allowing a flood of immigrants to over run our border in which is un-exceptable. We must get organized and legal in our processes, while ensuring that our own cultures thrive and prosper just as we always have. Treating people as one expects to be treated is also very important. Creating more butthurt people in America has got to end. Time to throw away the bickering partisan bullcrap for scoring political points, and get an immigration system that works.

All the while we must protect the personality, character, and the cultures that exist in America. We must hold on to who we are, and remain as great examples of who we are in the world and to the world.

Assimilation is key, and that goes for all, and especially to those who refuse to do so, and all because of hang ups that are being milked to death for political and/or personal angst through out time.

I'll have to disagree with you on this one. The US allows nearly a million people a year to join our country and become citizens. Plus we hand out 50,000 Visa's and green cards a year. No other country does more for other people outside their borders than the US. I think that's more than enough.
Agree, but as you could see, I said only if it is done right. That includes everything in doing it right.

There is no immigration problem on an administrative level. The only immigration problem we have are those who get into this country illegally, and then allow the Democrats to pander to them. Then they tell us these people are not illegally voting. HELLO! Politicians don't cater to people that don't vote for them, they cater to people that do. Of course they know the illegals are voting Democrat.
Everywhere there are legal immigrants from the south, there are illegal immigrants among them. IF the Democrats are "pandering," they are pandering to the legal immigrants who are friends/relatives of the illegals that they will vote to treat decently. Of course they don't want to see them deported. You wouldn't either. The vast majority of illegals would never get close to a polling place. Too risky.

I do agree that registering to vote at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles when you go to renew your license or whatever is a stupid idea that should be discontinued. Go to your town office and register, providing proof of citizenship. Citizenship is not necessary for a DL; a green card will do.
And having a license shows you are qualified to drive, and they shouldn't be qualified to drive in the US.

They need to get to work.
Deny them a license and they will drive unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicles and will not know the rules of the road
And when they get pulled over they will go to jail and then get the deported. Works for me. A drivers license is a privilege not a right.

Except they won't be thrown in jail most likely. Being in the US illegally is a misdemeanor.
Driving without a license is that one too? Driving without insurance? There is enough probable cause to arrest and then deport.

An otherwise law abiding individual? No, there really isn't. If a non citizen with a driver's license gets pulled over, they aren't going to get deported based on that. If a person gets pulled over without one, yes, there is a greater chance that could get them deported but maybe not. Depends on how busy your police are. Might just ticket them for driving without a license.

Then they'd have to get a ride, because no police officer (regardless how busy they are) is going to give a ticket to an unlicensed driver and send him or her on their way.
It's how they go about getting something they want. They want to reward illegals by giving them drivers license, using the excuse of safety. Forget the link I posted that stated ICE deported over 80,000 illegals in one year alone all with DUI offenses. Give those people licenses now.
I can't help it though, because I do like Mexican's. Maybe I haven't met the bad ones, but the one's I've met are humble hardworking always smiling people. We definitely need those types to be with us in America, but there is a way to do it and do it right. Legal immigration is the only way, and not upsetting the balance in our many cultures by allowing a flood of immigrants to over run our border in which is un-exceptable. We must get organized and legal in our processes, while ensuring that our own cultures thrive and prosper just as we always have. Treating people as one expects to be treated is also very important. Creating more butthurt people in America has got to end. Time to throw away the bickering partisan bullcrap for scoring political points, and get an immigration system that works.

All the while we must protect the personality, character, and the cultures that exist in America. We must hold on to who we are, and remain as great examples of who we are in the world and to the world.

Assimilation is key, and that goes for all, and especially to those who refuse to do so, and all because of hang ups that are being milked to death for political and/or personal angst through out time.

I'll have to disagree with you on this one. The US allows nearly a million people a year to join our country and become citizens. Plus we hand out 50,000 Visa's and green cards a year. No other country does more for other people outside their borders than the US. I think that's more than enough.
Agree, but as you could see, I said only if it is done right. That includes everything in doing it right.

There is no immigration problem on an administrative level. The only immigration problem we have are those who get into this country illegally, and then allow the Democrats to pander to them. Then they tell us these people are not illegally voting. HELLO! Politicians don't cater to people that don't vote for them, they cater to people that do. Of course they know the illegals are voting Democrat.
Everywhere there are legal immigrants from the south, there are illegal immigrants among them. IF the Democrats are "pandering," they are pandering to the legal immigrants who are friends/relatives of the illegals that they will vote to treat decently. Of course they don't want to see them deported. You wouldn't either. The vast majority of illegals would never get close to a polling place. Too risky.

I do agree that registering to vote at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles when you go to renew your license or whatever is a stupid idea that should be discontinued. Go to your town office and register, providing proof of citizenship. Citizenship is not necessary for a DL; a green card will do.

So if they don't vote, why is it motor voter programs are usually in Democrat strongholds that have a lot of illegals in their state? Of course that's why they started the program. If an illegal makes an attempt to register to vote, they are stopped because of their immigration status. It's an intentional action that most illegals would never attempt. If they are automatically registered when they get a license, oooops, my mistake. I accidentally hit the wrong button. I'll be more careful in the future.

So now, make it legal for them to drive, and in motor voter states, more accidents take place when they get their license. See how it works now? Democrats can't win elections doing it the fair way. That's why they are making it legal for ex-cons to vote, suggested letting children over the age of 16 to vote, and even allow prisoners to vote right from prison. Criminals are generally Democrat

The fact is, actual legal residents in the US are strongly in favor of getting rid of illegals and support stronger border deterrents according to polls. The Democrats are quite aware of this, so they are not pandering to that base.
You are NOT this stupid. Just isn't possible.
Having properly trained, licensed and insured drivers does not make us safer?

Did you ever move on from that short bus?
You know that's not what it's about, and that's the rub. Political desperation is what it's about, and because of the bullcrap the Democrats keep pulling, well it's just causing people to suffer on and on and on.
Having a drivers license doesn’t make you a citizen

Just shows you are qualified to drive

And having a license shows you are qualified to drive, and they shouldn't be qualified to drive in the US.

They need to get to work.
Deny them a license and they will drive unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicles and will not know the rules of the road

And when they get caught, they will be arrested, have their car towed, and reported to ICE for deportation.
Ray, will you admit that I am left of you? Just a simple yes or no will work.

Now, that we have that covered and to you I am a Leftie, how can you explain me not wanting to issued DL's to Illegal? Afterall, it's only the Right that is working so hard to prevent DL's being issued to Illegals and us Lefties that are working so hard to get all of them DL's. How about an answer to that one for a change?

WTF are you talking about? I wasn't responding to you, I was responding to Rigby.

You said that ALL Lefties were after the same conclusion. Well, chipper, I asked you two questions.

Am I a leftie?
Do ALL Lefties want Illegals to have a legal Drivers License and be Insured?

Why are you asking me if I think you are a lefty? I don't need to ask anybody how they think about what side I'm on. I said "you on the left" to another poster, and if you think I was talking about you, then so be it. But I didn't make the judgment on you being a lefty or not.

You made the blanket statement that ALL Lefties pretty much want Illegals to have legal Drivers Licenses. Not your exact words, but close enough. And you stated it in an open forum. Do you hold to that still or did your fingers get your ass in trouble once again? You insulted many in here. If you don't want called on it, don't insult the group. And it doesn't matter if you were answering just one person or not.

STFU up, Daryl Klunt......what lefties there may be that may not want "open borders" are not going to make peep about it nor will it stop them from supporting the socialist/communist party that is the DNC. If you support them, vote for them and they are the ones that set the goals of said communist party? Then you are put in the same sorry category. You are a gun grabbing wannabe...that much is for certain which is near and dear to leftards. You and some fellow leftards felt "insulted" by his post? And anyone should care because of????

Oh, so now I am a gun grabber once again according to you rtwingnutjobs. I think that most don't buy that. Once again, you rtwingnutjob just stepped in the crap you keep dropping everywhere. More of your GRU Putin cyber routine that's been reported. Hows the weather in Moscow these days, comrade?
Ray, will you admit that I am left of you? Just a simple yes or no will work.

Now, that we have that covered and to you I am a Leftie, how can you explain me not wanting to issued DL's to Illegal? Afterall, it's only the Right that is working so hard to prevent DL's being issued to Illegals and us Lefties that are working so hard to get all of them DL's. How about an answer to that one for a change?

WTF are you talking about? I wasn't responding to you, I was responding to Rigby.

You said that ALL Lefties were after the same conclusion. Well, chipper, I asked you two questions.

Am I a leftie?
Do ALL Lefties want Illegals to have a legal Drivers License and be Insured?

Why are you asking me if I think you are a lefty? I don't need to ask anybody how they think about what side I'm on. I said "you on the left" to another poster, and if you think I was talking about you, then so be it. But I didn't make the judgment on you being a lefty or not.

You made the blanket statement that ALL Lefties pretty much want Illegals to have legal Drivers Licenses. Not your exact words, but close enough. And you stated it in an open forum. Do you hold to that still or did your fingers get your ass in trouble once again? You insulted many in here. If you don't want called on it, don't insult the group. And it doesn't matter if you were answering just one person or not.

Wait a minute. I insulted who and how? It's pretty clear that Rigby is to the left. I told him that he and his peers felt the same way. I never once mentioned your name in the conversation.

You can't talk your way out of this one. You specifically said that all lefties. That means you insulted me because by your own definition, I am a leftie. I suggest if you are going to mean one person, you don't use the blanket group name. Then you are going to use the name of quite a few of us in the process and we will have the right to respond. Just a suggestions, rtwingnutjob.
WTF are you talking about? I wasn't responding to you, I was responding to Rigby.

You said that ALL Lefties were after the same conclusion. Well, chipper, I asked you two questions.

Am I a leftie?
Do ALL Lefties want Illegals to have a legal Drivers License and be Insured?

Why are you asking me if I think you are a lefty? I don't need to ask anybody how they think about what side I'm on. I said "you on the left" to another poster, and if you think I was talking about you, then so be it. But I didn't make the judgment on you being a lefty or not.

You made the blanket statement that ALL Lefties pretty much want Illegals to have legal Drivers Licenses. Not your exact words, but close enough. And you stated it in an open forum. Do you hold to that still or did your fingers get your ass in trouble once again? You insulted many in here. If you don't want called on it, don't insult the group. And it doesn't matter if you were answering just one person or not.

Wait a minute. I insulted who and how? It's pretty clear that Rigby is to the left. I told him that he and his peers felt the same way. I never once mentioned your name in the conversation.

You can't talk your way out of this one. You specifically said that all lefties. That means you insulted me because by your own definition, I am a leftie. I suggest if you are going to mean one person, you don't use the blanket group name. Then you are going to use the name of quite a few of us in the process and we will have the right to respond. Just a suggestions, rtwingnutjob.

How do you know what I consider you? Maybe you are a lefty, since lefties believe they can read minds.
You know that's not what it's about, and that's the rub. Political desperation is what it's about, and because of the bullcrap the Democrats keep pulling, well it's just causing people to suffer on and on and on.
Having a drivers license doesn’t make you a citizen

Just shows you are qualified to drive

And having a license shows you are qualified to drive, and they shouldn't be qualified to drive in the US.

They need to get to work.
Deny them a license and they will drive unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicles and will not know the rules of the road
And when they get pulled over they will go to jail and then get the deported. Works for me. A drivers license is a privilege not a right.

Except they won't be thrown in jail most likely. Being in the US illegally is a misdemeanor.
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.
If they have a driver's license, they have had some drivers education and they can buy auto insurance which benefits everyone. The GOP's attempt to keep driver's licenses out of the hands of illegal immigrants is just plain stupid.

Each State is different. Here, there is no law that says you have one second of Drivers Education. If you are over a certain age, you only have to pass a written test and a road test and Presto, Chango. Plus, you have to have Insurance to bind your license to. What idiot Insurance Company would give insurance to an illegal before they passed their DL test? In order to get that insurance, the Insured would have to lie out his ass to get it. That means, when or if he does have an accident involving you, his insurance won't pay off a dime since it was obtain fraudulently. That means, even offering the DL to an Illegal doesn't protect you any better than if they were driving with no DL or insurance.
All auto insurance that I am familiar with requires a valid US drivers license. And they do check it. A few years ago I applied for auto insurance and made a mistake on my driver's license number. They came back immediately and denied coverage. I called the company and gave them my correct drivers licence number and the problem was solved.

If allowing undocumented immigrants to have drivers licenses and it increases the number of trained and insured drivers, I'm all far. I'm OK with the goverment enforcing immigration laws but I don't see how denying drivers license will help.

In Colorado, you need Insurance to have a License. If you don't have a car, there are insurance policies that covers your license only. If you don't have insurance you don't get a license. It's called driving while uninsured and get you jail time and a nice fine plus it makes it that much harder to get a license.
So if you don't make your insurance payment and your policy is cancelled, do they suspend your license? I thought people's car insurance automatically covered other occasional drivers. It doesn't?

That's taking things too far.
Having a drivers license doesn’t make you a citizen

Just shows you are qualified to drive

And having a license shows you are qualified to drive, and they shouldn't be qualified to drive in the US.

They need to get to work.
Deny them a license and they will drive unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicles and will not know the rules of the road
And when they get pulled over they will go to jail and then get the deported. Works for me. A drivers license is a privilege not a right.

Except they won't be thrown in jail most likely. Being in the US illegally is a misdemeanor.
Driving without a license is that one too? Driving without insurance? There is enough probable cause to arrest and then deport.
Not really. In this area, the cops have basically given up. They say it's just not worth the paperwork.
They need to get to work.
Deny them a license and they will drive unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicles and will not know the rules of the road
And when they get pulled over they will go to jail and then get the deported. Works for me. A drivers license is a privilege not a right.

Except they won't be thrown in jail most likely. Being in the US illegally is a misdemeanor.
Driving without a license is that one too? Driving without insurance? There is enough probable cause to arrest and then deport.

An otherwise law abiding individual? No, there really isn't. If a non citizen with a driver's license gets pulled over, they aren't going to get deported based on that. If a person gets pulled over without one, yes, there is a greater chance that could get them deported but maybe not. Depends on how busy your police are. Might just ticket them for driving without a license.

Then they'd have to get a ride, because no police officer (regardless how busy they are) is going to give a ticket to an unlicensed driver and send him or her on their way.

They don't even bother with the tickets anymore in this area.
WTF are you talking about? I wasn't responding to you, I was responding to Rigby.

You said that ALL Lefties were after the same conclusion. Well, chipper, I asked you two questions.

Am I a leftie?
Do ALL Lefties want Illegals to have a legal Drivers License and be Insured?

Why are you asking me if I think you are a lefty? I don't need to ask anybody how they think about what side I'm on. I said "you on the left" to another poster, and if you think I was talking about you, then so be it. But I didn't make the judgment on you being a lefty or not.

You made the blanket statement that ALL Lefties pretty much want Illegals to have legal Drivers Licenses. Not your exact words, but close enough. And you stated it in an open forum. Do you hold to that still or did your fingers get your ass in trouble once again? You insulted many in here. If you don't want called on it, don't insult the group. And it doesn't matter if you were answering just one person or not.

Wait a minute. I insulted who and how? It's pretty clear that Rigby is to the left. I told him that he and his peers felt the same way. I never once mentioned your name in the conversation.

You can't talk your way out of this one. You specifically said that all lefties. That means you insulted me because by your own definition, I am a leftie. I suggest if you are going to mean one person, you don't use the blanket group name. Then you are going to use the name of quite a few of us in the process and we will have the right to respond. Just a suggestions, rtwingnutjob.

LMAO! Commie fuckwads like yourself suffer from the "Hive Mind Syndrome" and you will go along with "open borders" if your commie overlords desire it even if you have reservations. If the poster made you feel "insulted"? All the better......
WTF are you talking about? I wasn't responding to you, I was responding to Rigby.

You said that ALL Lefties were after the same conclusion. Well, chipper, I asked you two questions.

Am I a leftie?
Do ALL Lefties want Illegals to have a legal Drivers License and be Insured?

Why are you asking me if I think you are a lefty? I don't need to ask anybody how they think about what side I'm on. I said "you on the left" to another poster, and if you think I was talking about you, then so be it. But I didn't make the judgment on you being a lefty or not.

You made the blanket statement that ALL Lefties pretty much want Illegals to have legal Drivers Licenses. Not your exact words, but close enough. And you stated it in an open forum. Do you hold to that still or did your fingers get your ass in trouble once again? You insulted many in here. If you don't want called on it, don't insult the group. And it doesn't matter if you were answering just one person or not.

STFU up, Daryl Klunt......what lefties there may be that may not want "open borders" are not going to make peep about it nor will it stop them from supporting the socialist/communist party that is the DNC. If you support them, vote for them and they are the ones that set the goals of said communist party? Then you are put in the same sorry category. You are a gun grabbing wannabe...that much is for certain which is near and dear to leftards. You and some fellow leftards felt "insulted" by his post? And anyone should care because of????

Oh, so now I am a gun grabber once again according to you rtwingnutjobs. I think that most don't buy that. Once again, you rtwingnutjob just stepped in the crap you keep dropping everywhere. More of your GRU Putin cyber routine that's been reported. Hows the weather in Moscow these days, comrade?

Did I "stutter", fuckface? Are you becoming senile as you reach the "back nine" of your life? Have we not discussed this issue ad naseum? I asked if you had the nads to go "door to door" and confiscate over what you advocate and you bailed.

I live in Moscow, Daryl Chunt? Do tell? Since I gave you a way to talk to me directly as I reside here in Carrollton, Texas and you bailed like the big ol' pussy that you are......ya might want to walk back that "You are a rooskie" accusation, pussbag.
And when they get pulled over they will go to jail and then get the deported. Works for me. A drivers license is a privilege not a right.

Except they won't be thrown in jail most likely. Being in the US illegally is a misdemeanor.
Driving without a license is that one too? Driving without insurance? There is enough probable cause to arrest and then deport.

An otherwise law abiding individual? No, there really isn't. If a non citizen with a driver's license gets pulled over, they aren't going to get deported based on that. If a person gets pulled over without one, yes, there is a greater chance that could get them deported but maybe not. Depends on how busy your police are. Might just ticket them for driving without a license.

Then they'd have to get a ride, because no police officer (regardless how busy they are) is going to give a ticket to an unlicensed driver and send him or her on their way.

They don't even bother with the tickets anymore in this area.

Well if they come here, that's what will happen to them.
I can't help it though, because I do like Mexican's. Maybe I haven't met the bad ones, but the one's I've met are humble hardworking always smiling people. We definitely need those types to be with us in America, but there is a way to do it and do it right. Legal immigration is the only way, and not upsetting the balance in our many cultures by allowing a flood of immigrants to over run our border in which is un-exceptable. We must get organized and legal in our processes, while ensuring that our own cultures thrive and prosper just as we always have. Treating people as one expects to be treated is also very important. Creating more butthurt people in America has got to end. Time to throw away the bickering partisan bullcrap for scoring political points, and get an immigration system that works.

All the while we must protect the personality, character, and the cultures that exist in America. We must hold on to who we are, and remain as great examples of who we are in the world and to the world.

Assimilation is key, and that goes for all, and especially to those who refuse to do so, and all because of hang ups that are being milked to death for political and/or personal angst through out time.

I'll have to disagree with you on this one. The US allows nearly a million people a year to join our country and become citizens. Plus we hand out 50,000 Visa's and green cards a year. No other country does more for other people outside their borders than the US. I think that's more than enough.
Agree, but as you could see, I said only if it is done right. That includes everything in doing it right.

There is no immigration problem on an administrative level. The only immigration problem we have are those who get into this country illegally, and then allow the Democrats to pander to them. Then they tell us these people are not illegally voting. HELLO! Politicians don't cater to people that don't vote for them, they cater to people that do. Of course they know the illegals are voting Democrat.
Everywhere there are legal immigrants from the south, there are illegal immigrants among them. IF the Democrats are "pandering," they are pandering to the legal immigrants who are friends/relatives of the illegals that they will vote to treat decently. Of course they don't want to see them deported. You wouldn't either. The vast majority of illegals would never get close to a polling place. Too risky.

I do agree that registering to vote at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles when you go to renew your license or whatever is a stupid idea that should be discontinued. Go to your town office and register, providing proof of citizenship. Citizenship is not necessary for a DL; a green card will do.

So if they don't vote, why is it motor voter programs are usually in Democrat strongholds that have a lot of illegals in their state? Of course that's why they started the program. If an illegal makes an attempt to register to vote, they are stopped because of their immigration status. It's an intentional action that most illegals would never attempt. If they are automatically registered when they get a license, oooops, my mistake. I accidentally hit the wrong button. I'll be more careful in the future.

So now, make it legal for them to drive, and in motor voter states, more accidents take place when they get their license. See how it works now? Democrats can't win elections doing it the fair way. That's why they are making it legal for ex-cons to vote, suggested letting children over the age of 16 to vote, and even allow prisoners to vote right from prison. Criminals are generally Democrat

The fact is, actual legal residents in the US are strongly in favor of getting rid of illegals and support stronger border deterrents according to polls. The Democrats are quite aware of this, so they are not pandering to that base.
why is it motor voter programs are usually in Democrat strongholds that have a lot of illegals in their state?
Maine is purple, over 90% white and has very few immigrants legal or otherwise. It was done to bolster voter turnout and for convenience.

in motor voter states, more accidents take place when they get their license.
I'd love to see some factual stats on that.

Democrats can't win elections doing it the fair way. That's why they are making it legal for ex-cons to vote...and even allow prisoners to vote right from prison. Criminals are generally Democrat
Maine has always allowed inmates to vote while incarcerated and there are no restrictions once they are released. Laws apply to you whether or not you're in jail. You should be able to have a say in who is in charge. Mainers are sure as hell not a mass of far left Democrats. Half are Independents; our Senators are Republican and Independent and we just had a Republican governor for 8 years. We voted half and half for Clinton and Trump in 2016.

Most ex-cons don't vote. However, of those who do, slightly over half in the states studied were Democrats. That certainly doesn't equate to the "vast majority of violent criminals being Democrats." Cruz pulled that out his ass and it's been repeated ad nauseum since. See link citing the report Cruz used. The authors said he was misapplying their stats. PolitiFact - Are the 'overwhelming majority of violent criminals' Democrats? Ted Cruz said so

actual legal residents in the US are strongly in favor of getting rid of illegals and support stronger border deterrents according to polls.
Try talking to some legal Hispanic immigrants you can trust to be honest with you. Family means everything.
Give me a link to support that statement if you can. I think some of these statements you're making are just "beliefs," not facts.
Maine is purple, over 90% white and has very few immigrants legal or otherwise. It was done to bolster voter turnout and for convenience.

Maine is one out of 16 motor voter states. Most are Democrat and yes, some purple, but they want to attract the illegals to vote.

Automatic Voter Registration

I'd love to see some factual stats on that.

Maine has always allowed inmates to vote while incarcerated and there are no restrictions once they are released. Laws apply to you whether or not you're in jail. You should be able to have a say in who is in charge. Mainers are sure as hell not a mass of far left Democrats. Half are Independents; our Senators are Republican and Independent and we just had a Republican governor for 8 years. We voted half and half for Clinton and Trump in 2016.

Oh please, your Senators are as Republican as Romney or McCain. They usually side against the Republican on major issues.

Most ex-cons don't vote. However, of those who do, slightly over half in the states studied were Democrats. That certainly doesn't equate to the "vast majority of violent criminals being Democrats." Cruz pulled that out his ass and it's been repeated ad nauseum since. See link citing the report Cruz used. The authors said he was misapplying their stats.

No, most jails and prisons are Democrats. \

Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats

Try talking to some legal Hispanic immigrants you can trust to be honest with you. Family means everything.
Give me a link to support that statement if you can. I think some of these statements you're making are just "beliefs," not facts.

Hispanic Voters Favor Strong Border: Poll
If they have a driver's license, they have had some drivers education and they can buy auto insurance which benefits everyone. The GOP's attempt to keep driver's licenses out of the hands of illegal immigrants is just plain stupid.

Each State is different. Here, there is no law that says you have one second of Drivers Education. If you are over a certain age, you only have to pass a written test and a road test and Presto, Chango. Plus, you have to have Insurance to bind your license to. What idiot Insurance Company would give insurance to an illegal before they passed their DL test? In order to get that insurance, the Insured would have to lie out his ass to get it. That means, when or if he does have an accident involving you, his insurance won't pay off a dime since it was obtain fraudulently. That means, even offering the DL to an Illegal doesn't protect you any better than if they were driving with no DL or insurance.
All auto insurance that I am familiar with requires a valid US drivers license. And they do check it. A few years ago I applied for auto insurance and made a mistake on my driver's license number. They came back immediately and denied coverage. I called the company and gave them my correct drivers licence number and the problem was solved.

If allowing undocumented immigrants to have drivers licenses and it increases the number of trained and insured drivers, I'm all far. I'm OK with the goverment enforcing immigration laws but I don't see how denying drivers license will help.

The same way it helps Americans. It's a perk. It's an attraction that's added to the list of attractions Democrats provide to lure them here.
If they enter the country illegally, they expose themselves to significant dangers and if caught lose their ability to enter the country legally. They don't qualify for any federal benefits programs, and in most states can't take advantage of police protection without exposing themselves. So now illegal immigrants come to the US to get a drivers license. You do realize most of them can get drivers licenses in their home country.

I don't see how that's relevant here. If they come here and drop babies they can't afford, who do you think takes care of them? That's right, the US taxpayers. It's the same with education. The illegals don't pay for the education of their children, we taxpayers do via property tax, at least in my state. But no matter how it's funded, it's not being funded by them in many cases.

As for police, that's the excuse most people on the left give me about sanctuary cities and states. They have told me that by not cooperating with ICE, it gives illegals the ability to confide in police without ramifications. As for myself, I think that's as phony of a concern as safety on our roads by licensing them. They are just looking for excuses to keep and protect them here.

When NY announced that they will provide illegals with drivers licenses, they had videos of DMV's in NYC with lines a mile long outside of illegals. They didn't seem very coy or scared to me. Some of them waiving at the cameras.

The most disturbing part of this is that once they have a drivers license from a state that permits illegals to drive, they can drive to any state that don't want them driving. It's why one poster suggested that perhaps the way to combat this is for other states to not grant reciprocity. From now on, you can't drive in my state of Ohio with a NY license unless they get rid of handing them out to illegals.
As numerous studies have show, undocumented immigrants entered the US to work, most of them legally, not to have babies, get driver's licenses, or commit crimes. We don't have to spend billions on building walls around the country and have endless fights over illegal immigration. All that needs to happen is for Americans to stop hiring illegal immigrants.
Each State is different. Here, there is no law that says you have one second of Drivers Education. If you are over a certain age, you only have to pass a written test and a road test and Presto, Chango. Plus, you have to have Insurance to bind your license to. What idiot Insurance Company would give insurance to an illegal before they passed their DL test? In order to get that insurance, the Insured would have to lie out his ass to get it. That means, when or if he does have an accident involving you, his insurance won't pay off a dime since it was obtain fraudulently. That means, even offering the DL to an Illegal doesn't protect you any better than if they were driving with no DL or insurance.
All auto insurance that I am familiar with requires a valid US drivers license. And they do check it. A few years ago I applied for auto insurance and made a mistake on my driver's license number. They came back immediately and denied coverage. I called the company and gave them my correct drivers licence number and the problem was solved.

If allowing undocumented immigrants to have drivers licenses and it increases the number of trained and insured drivers, I'm all far. I'm OK with the goverment enforcing immigration laws but I don't see how denying drivers license will help.

The same way it helps Americans. It's a perk. It's an attraction that's added to the list of attractions Democrats provide to lure them here.
If they enter the country illegally, they expose themselves to significant dangers and if caught lose their ability to enter the country legally. They don't qualify for any federal benefits programs, and in most states can't take advantage of police protection without exposing themselves. So now illegal immigrants come to the US to get a drivers license. You do realize most of them can get drivers licenses in their home country.

I don't see how that's relevant here. If they come here and drop babies they can't afford, who do you think takes care of them? That's right, the US taxpayers. It's the same with education. The illegals don't pay for the education of their children, we taxpayers do via property tax, at least in my state. But no matter how it's funded, it's not being funded by them in many cases.

As for police, that's the excuse most people on the left give me about sanctuary cities and states. They have told me that by not cooperating with ICE, it gives illegals the ability to confide in police without ramifications. As for myself, I think that's as phony of a concern as safety on our roads by licensing them. They are just looking for excuses to keep and protect them here.

When NY announced that they will provide illegals with drivers licenses, they had videos of DMV's in NYC with lines a mile long outside of illegals. They didn't seem very coy or scared to me. Some of them waiving at the cameras.

The most disturbing part of this is that once they have a drivers license from a state that permits illegals to drive, they can drive to any state that don't want them driving. It's why one poster suggested that perhaps the way to combat this is for other states to not grant reciprocity. From now on, you can't drive in my state of Ohio with a NY license unless they get rid of handing them out to illegals.
As numerous studies have show, undocumented immigrants entered the US to work, most of them legally, not to have babies, get driver's licenses, or commit crimes. We don't have to spend billions on building walls around the country and have endless fights over illegal immigration. All that needs to happen is for Americans to stop hiring illegal immigrants.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I can't believe for a minute most of them are here working illegally. Why the fight over the wall? Because if Democrats ever get total control over the federal government again, a wall is not something they can reverse. They can change policy, they can weaken our border patrol, but a wall is up to stay.

Yes, they do come here to have babies. It's actually an institution of sorts called Birther Tourism. Others want to have babies here because those anchor babies also anchor the parents. Deport the parents, they would be forced to take their children with them, or leave them behind which draws out the violins for the MSM.

Birther Tourism is also very dangerous for our country. China is sending their pregnant women here, and now people from the middle-east are starting to do the same. They return home and the child is radicalized by the government or religion. Once of age, they can return back to the US as a citizen to do us God knows what harm, and nobody will question their entrance. Thank God for President Trump in trying to prevent a future disaster.

White House Explains New Birth Tourism Crackdown

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