Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.
If they have a driver's license, they have had some drivers education and they can buy auto insurance which benefits everyone. The GOP's attempt to keep driver's licenses out of the hands of illegal immigrants is just plain stupid.

Each State is different. Here, there is no law that says you have one second of Drivers Education. If you are over a certain age, you only have to pass a written test and a road test and Presto, Chango. Plus, you have to have Insurance to bind your license to. What idiot Insurance Company would give insurance to an illegal before they passed their DL test? In order to get that insurance, the Insured would have to lie out his ass to get it. That means, when or if he does have an accident involving you, his insurance won't pay off a dime since it was obtain fraudulently. That means, even offering the DL to an Illegal doesn't protect you any better than if they were driving with no DL or insurance.
All auto insurance that I am familiar with requires a valid US drivers license. And they do check it. A few years ago I applied for auto insurance and made a mistake on my driver's license number. They came back immediately and denied coverage. I called the company and gave them my correct drivers licence number and the problem was solved.

If allowing undocumented immigrants to have drivers licenses and it increases the number of trained and insured drivers, I'm all far. I'm OK with the goverment enforcing immigration laws but I don't see how denying drivers license will help.

In Colorado, you need Insurance to have a License. If you don't have a car, there are insurance policies that covers your license only. If you don't have insurance you don't get a license. It's called driving while uninsured and get you jail time and a nice fine plus it makes it that much harder to get a license.
No, what I want is to make them as miserable as possible being here. I want them hiding in sewers and scared to death of getting caught here.

We on the right are doing everything we can to stop this terrible problem, and you on the left are doing everything you can to getting more of them in this country. And yes, making it comfortable and rewarding their criminal behavior is doing just that.

Ray, will you admit that I am left of you? Just a simple yes or no will work.

Now, that we have that covered and to you I am a Leftie, how can you explain me not wanting to issued DL's to Illegal? Afterall, it's only the Right that is working so hard to prevent DL's being issued to Illegals and us Lefties that are working so hard to get all of them DL's. How about an answer to that one for a change?

WTF are you talking about? I wasn't responding to you, I was responding to Rigby.

You said that ALL Lefties were after the same conclusion. Well, chipper, I asked you two questions.

Am I a leftie?
Do ALL Lefties want Illegals to have a legal Drivers License and be Insured?

Why are you asking me if I think you are a lefty? I don't need to ask anybody how they think about what side I'm on. I said "you on the left" to another poster, and if you think I was talking about you, then so be it. But I didn't make the judgment on you being a lefty or not.

You made the blanket statement that ALL Lefties pretty much want Illegals to have legal Drivers Licenses. Not your exact words, but close enough. And you stated it in an open forum. Do you hold to that still or did your fingers get your ass in trouble once again? You insulted many in here. If you don't want called on it, don't insult the group. And it doesn't matter if you were answering just one person or not.

STFU up, Daryl Klunt......what lefties there may be that may not want "open borders" are not going to make peep about it nor will it stop them from supporting the socialist/communist party that is the DNC. If you support them, vote for them and they are the ones that set the goals of said communist party? Then you are put in the same sorry category. You are a gun grabbing wannabe...that much is for certain which is near and dear to leftards. You and some fellow leftards felt "insulted" by his post? And anyone should care because of????
No, what I want is to make them as miserable as possible being here. I want them hiding in sewers and scared to death of getting caught here.

We on the right are doing everything we can to stop this terrible problem, and you on the left are doing everything you can to getting more of them in this country. And yes, making it comfortable and rewarding their criminal behavior is doing just that.

Ray, will you admit that I am left of you? Just a simple yes or no will work.

Now, that we have that covered and to you I am a Leftie, how can you explain me not wanting to issued DL's to Illegal? Afterall, it's only the Right that is working so hard to prevent DL's being issued to Illegals and us Lefties that are working so hard to get all of them DL's. How about an answer to that one for a change?

WTF are you talking about? I wasn't responding to you, I was responding to Rigby.

You said that ALL Lefties were after the same conclusion. Well, chipper, I asked you two questions.

Am I a leftie?
Do ALL Lefties want Illegals to have a legal Drivers License and be Insured?

Why are you asking me if I think you are a lefty? I don't need to ask anybody how they think about what side I'm on. I said "you on the left" to another poster, and if you think I was talking about you, then so be it. But I didn't make the judgment on you being a lefty or not.

You made the blanket statement that ALL Lefties pretty much want Illegals to have legal Drivers Licenses. Not your exact words, but close enough. And you stated it in an open forum. Do you hold to that still or did your fingers get your ass in trouble once again? You insulted many in here. If you don't want called on it, don't insult the group. And it doesn't matter if you were answering just one person or not.

Wait a minute. I insulted who and how? It's pretty clear that Rigby is to the left. I told him that he and his peers felt the same way. I never once mentioned your name in the conversation.
Licenses are a privledge ,not mandatory.
Get your act together and earn some privledges.
I said unless it’s a medical emergency. Until then it should be free markets. I got mine so F U is right. I pay ~35% in combined Fed and state & local taxes. How much more would you like me to pay for parasites like you? If you’re a poor person, fix it and certainly don’t have kids you cannot afford to support. Durr.

I pay about the same amount. The rich should pay more.

The poor are going to "fix it" eventually, but I don't think you are going to like their solution.

That is why them getting a license makes us safer
You are NOT this stupid. Just isn't possible.
Having properly trained, licensed and insured drivers does not make us safer?

Did you ever move on from that short bus?
You know that's not what it's about, and that's the rub. Political desperation is what it's about, and because of the bullcrap the Democrats keep pulling, well it's just causing people to suffer on and on and on.
Having a drivers license doesn’t make you a citizen

Just shows you are qualified to drive

And having a license shows you are qualified to drive, and they shouldn't be qualified to drive in the US.

They need to get to work.
Deny them a license and they will drive unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicles and will not know the rules of the road
I said unless it’s a medical emergency. Until then it should be free markets. I got mine so F U is right. I pay ~35% in combined Fed and state & local taxes. How much more would you like me to pay for parasites like you? If you’re a poor person, fix it and certainly don’t have kids you cannot afford to support. Durr.

I pay about the same amount. The rich should pay more.

The poor are going to "fix it" eventually, but I don't think you are going to like their solution.
You pay 35% of a much lower amount as you make about 1/4th of what I do. In absolute dollars the rich do pay more. They also employ people so they pay that way as well. The problem is not the rich, the problem is people having kids they cannot afford and the Govt subsidizing that stupid practice.
You are NOT this stupid. Just isn't possible.
Having properly trained, licensed and insured drivers does not make us safer?

Did you ever move on from that short bus?
You know that's not what it's about, and that's the rub. Political desperation is what it's about, and because of the bullcrap the Democrats keep pulling, well it's just causing people to suffer on and on and on.
Having a drivers license doesn’t make you a citizen

Just shows you are qualified to drive

And having a license shows you are qualified to drive, and they shouldn't be qualified to drive in the US.

They need to get to work.
Deny them a license and they will drive unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicles and will not know the rules of the road
And when they get pulled over they will go to jail and then get the deported. Works for me. A drivers license is a privilege not a right.
Ray, will you admit that I am left of you? Just a simple yes or no will work.

Now, that we have that covered and to you I am a Leftie, how can you explain me not wanting to issued DL's to Illegal? Afterall, it's only the Right that is working so hard to prevent DL's being issued to Illegals and us Lefties that are working so hard to get all of them DL's. How about an answer to that one for a change?

WTF are you talking about? I wasn't responding to you, I was responding to Rigby.

You said that ALL Lefties were after the same conclusion. Well, chipper, I asked you two questions.

Am I a leftie?
Do ALL Lefties want Illegals to have a legal Drivers License and be Insured?

Why are you asking me if I think you are a lefty? I don't need to ask anybody how they think about what side I'm on. I said "you on the left" to another poster, and if you think I was talking about you, then so be it. But I didn't make the judgment on you being a lefty or not.

You made the blanket statement that ALL Lefties pretty much want Illegals to have legal Drivers Licenses. Not your exact words, but close enough. And you stated it in an open forum. Do you hold to that still or did your fingers get your ass in trouble once again? You insulted many in here. If you don't want called on it, don't insult the group. And it doesn't matter if you were answering just one person or not.

Wait a minute. I insulted who and how? It's pretty clear that Rigby is to the left. I told him that he and his peers felt the same way. I never once mentioned your name in the conversation.
Hunt is a whiny baby
I said unless it’s a medical emergency. Until then it should be free markets. I got mine so F U is right. I pay ~35% in combined Fed and state & local taxes. How much more would you like me to pay for parasites like you? If you’re a poor person, fix it and certainly don’t have kids you cannot afford to support. Durr.

I pay about the same amount. The rich should pay more.

The poor are going to "fix it" eventually, but I don't think you are going to like their solution.
You pay 35% of a much lower amount as you make about 1/4th of what I do. In absolute dollars the rich do pay more. They also employ people so they pay that way as well. The problem is not the rich, the problem is people having kids they cannot afford and the Govt subsidizing that stupid practice.

In percentage they do not. Yes 10% of a million is more than my 35% of 100k but that ain't the way it should work. If I'm paying 35% they should too. Oh, and that "job creation" meme is bullshit.

Sorry, Folks, Rich People Actually Don't 'Create The Jobs'
I said unless it’s a medical emergency. Until then it should be free markets. I got mine so F U is right. I pay ~35% in combined Fed and state & local taxes. How much more would you like me to pay for parasites like you? If you’re a poor person, fix it and certainly don’t have kids you cannot afford to support. Durr.

I pay about the same amount. The rich should pay more.

The poor are going to "fix it" eventually, but I don't think you are going to like their solution.
You pay 35% of a much lower amount as you make about 1/4th of what I do. In absolute dollars the rich do pay more. They also employ people so they pay that way as well. The problem is not the rich, the problem is people having kids they cannot afford and the Govt subsidizing that stupid practice.

In percentage they do not. Yes 10% of a million is more than my 35% of 100k but that ain't the way it should work. If I'm paying 35% they should too. Oh, and that "job creation" meme is bullshit.

Sorry, Folks, Rich People Actually Don't 'Create The Jobs'
Did I say “create”? They pay for a landscaper, pool man, cleaning services, buy pricier clothes and cars, pay more in RE taxes, etc. They pay more than you so stop bitching because they are more successful than you.
Having properly trained, licensed and insured drivers does not make us safer?

Did you ever move on from that short bus?
You know that's not what it's about, and that's the rub. Political desperation is what it's about, and because of the bullcrap the Democrats keep pulling, well it's just causing people to suffer on and on and on.
Having a drivers license doesn’t make you a citizen

Just shows you are qualified to drive

And having a license shows you are qualified to drive, and they shouldn't be qualified to drive in the US.

They need to get to work.
Deny them a license and they will drive unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicles and will not know the rules of the road
And when they get pulled over they will go to jail and then get the deported. Works for me. A drivers license is a privilege not a right.

Except they won't be thrown in jail most likely. Being in the US illegally is a misdemeanor.
You know that's not what it's about, and that's the rub. Political desperation is what it's about, and because of the bullcrap the Democrats keep pulling, well it's just causing people to suffer on and on and on.
Having a drivers license doesn’t make you a citizen

Just shows you are qualified to drive

And having a license shows you are qualified to drive, and they shouldn't be qualified to drive in the US.

They need to get to work.
Deny them a license and they will drive unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicles and will not know the rules of the road
And when they get pulled over they will go to jail and then get the deported. Works for me. A drivers license is a privilege not a right.

Except they won't be thrown in jail most likely. Being in the US illegally is a misdemeanor.
Driving without a license is that one too? Driving without insurance? There is enough probable cause to arrest and then deport.
I said unless it’s a medical emergency. Until then it should be free markets. I got mine so F U is right. I pay ~35% in combined Fed and state & local taxes. How much more would you like me to pay for parasites like you? If you’re a poor person, fix it and certainly don’t have kids you cannot afford to support. Durr.

I pay about the same amount. The rich should pay more.

The poor are going to "fix it" eventually, but I don't think you are going to like their solution.
You pay 35% of a much lower amount as you make about 1/4th of what I do. In absolute dollars the rich do pay more. They also employ people so they pay that way as well. The problem is not the rich, the problem is people having kids they cannot afford and the Govt subsidizing that stupid practice.

In percentage they do not. Yes 10% of a million is more than my 35% of 100k but that ain't the way it should work. If I'm paying 35% they should too. Oh, and that "job creation" meme is bullshit.

Sorry, Folks, Rich People Actually Don't 'Create The Jobs'
Did I say “create”? They pay for a landscaper, pool man, cleaning services, but pricier clothes and cars, pay more in RE taxes, etc. They pay more than you so stop bitching because they are more successful than you.

They don't pay more than I do as a percentage of their wealth. They should actually be taxed more because they consume more of the common goods...which is why I favor a progressive consumption tax.
Having a drivers license doesn’t make you a citizen

Just shows you are qualified to drive

And having a license shows you are qualified to drive, and they shouldn't be qualified to drive in the US.

They need to get to work.
Deny them a license and they will drive unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicles and will not know the rules of the road
And when they get pulled over they will go to jail and then get the deported. Works for me. A drivers license is a privilege not a right.

Except they won't be thrown in jail most likely. Being in the US illegally is a misdemeanor.
Driving without a license is that one too? Driving without insurance? There is enough probable cause to arrest and then deport.

An otherwise law abiding individual? No, there really isn't. If a non citizen with a driver's license gets pulled over, they aren't going to get deported based on that. If a person gets pulled over without one, yes, there is a greater chance that could get them deported but maybe not. Depends on how busy your police are. Might just ticket them for driving without a license.
I said unless it’s a medical emergency. Until then it should be free markets. I got mine so F U is right. I pay ~35% in combined Fed and state & local taxes. How much more would you like me to pay for parasites like you? If you’re a poor person, fix it and certainly don’t have kids you cannot afford to support. Durr.

I pay about the same amount. The rich should pay more.

The poor are going to "fix it" eventually, but I don't think you are going to like their solution.
You pay 35% of a much lower amount as you make about 1/4th of what I do. In absolute dollars the rich do pay more. They also employ people so they pay that way as well. The problem is not the rich, the problem is people having kids they cannot afford and the Govt subsidizing that stupid practice.

In percentage they do not. Yes 10% of a million is more than my 35% of 100k but that ain't the way it should work. If I'm paying 35% they should too. Oh, and that "job creation" meme is bullshit.

Sorry, Folks, Rich People Actually Don't 'Create The Jobs'
Did I say “create”? They pay for a landscaper, pool man, cleaning services, but pricier clothes and cars, pay more in RE taxes, etc. They pay more than you so stop bitching because they are more successful than you.

They don't pay more than I do as a percentage of their wealth. They should actually be taxed more because they consume more of the common goods...which is why I favor a progressive consumption tax.
They also spend more. They go to fancier restaurants, buy nicer cars and homes, nicer furniture, give more to charity, etc. And they do pay more in absolute dollars. By living in a bigger house they automatically pay more in RE taxes and by driving nicer cars they pay more in excise taxes. Concentrate more on why the poor have kids they cannot afford vs the rich paying even more.
And having a license shows you are qualified to drive, and they shouldn't be qualified to drive in the US.

They need to get to work.
Deny them a license and they will drive unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicles and will not know the rules of the road
And when they get pulled over they will go to jail and then get the deported. Works for me. A drivers license is a privilege not a right.

Except they won't be thrown in jail most likely. Being in the US illegally is a misdemeanor.
Driving without a license is that one too? Driving without insurance? There is enough probable cause to arrest and then deport.

An otherwise law abiding individual? No, there really isn't. If a non citizen with a driver's license gets pulled over, they aren't going to get deported based on that. If a person gets pulled over without one, yes, there is a greater chance that could get them deported but maybe not. Depends on how busy your police are. Might just ticket them for driving without a license.
If I am driving without a lawful license and registration I am facing severe penalties as are you.
I pay about the same amount. The rich should pay more.

The poor are going to "fix it" eventually, but I don't think you are going to like their solution.
You pay 35% of a much lower amount as you make about 1/4th of what I do. In absolute dollars the rich do pay more. They also employ people so they pay that way as well. The problem is not the rich, the problem is people having kids they cannot afford and the Govt subsidizing that stupid practice.

In percentage they do not. Yes 10% of a million is more than my 35% of 100k but that ain't the way it should work. If I'm paying 35% they should too. Oh, and that "job creation" meme is bullshit.

Sorry, Folks, Rich People Actually Don't 'Create The Jobs'
Did I say “create”? They pay for a landscaper, pool man, cleaning services, but pricier clothes and cars, pay more in RE taxes, etc. They pay more than you so stop bitching because they are more successful than you.

They don't pay more than I do as a percentage of their wealth. They should actually be taxed more because they consume more of the common goods...which is why I favor a progressive consumption tax.
They also spend more. They go to fancier restaurants, buy nicer cars and homes, nicer furniture, give more to charity, etc. And they do pay more in absolute dollars. By living in a bigger house they automatically pay more in RE taxes and by driving nicer cars they pay more in excise taxes. Concentrate more on why the poor have kids they cannot afford vs the rich paying even more.
But they don't. The rich are paying less than you or I do. You act like a serf beholden to your wealthy benefactor. #sad....
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?
To me, it doesn't make sense to refuse DLs to anyone using the roadways, because when people need to drive to get to work or buy groceries, they will, regardless if they're legal. It's better to make sure they know the rules of the road and have passed a road test, eye exam, etc. rather than close our eyes and pretend that not giving people a license means they won't drive. LOL.

In my state, though, you have to pretty much take your whole file cabinet with you to motor vehicles these days to get a DL. Proof of birth/citizenship, two proofs of residence, my W-2, proof you are who the other documents say you are. My guess is that illegals can't get a license here. They are here. Wherever legal immigrants are, illegals are mixed among them.

I guess it's a toss up. I can see why it's considered wrong to give illegals a license, but what does that actually get you? How fair is it to arrest someone for driving without a license when you have refused to give him one? I'd rather make sure they can read enough English to follow the signs and that they know the rules of the road. My son got his DL while in the service in Panama, and he said driving down there is complete mayhem. Stop signs and red lights are optional. Yield? Forget it. We need to make sure our drivers know how to do it our way.

Yes, we need to give up. We need to surrender. After all, surrendering is what made our country so strong and great. Since drivers are going to drive anyway without a license, then it's only fair we don't take licenses away from Americans with multiple DUI convictions. After all, they're going to drive anyway, right? They have to get to work too. They need to get groceries, don't they? We can't let people starve because they have a problem with alcohol.

When they get out of prison after serving six years in prison for killing your grandchild, just give them their license back.
DUI convictions are another matter entirely, Ray. Let's try sticking to the point.
You pay 35% of a much lower amount as you make about 1/4th of what I do. In absolute dollars the rich do pay more. They also employ people so they pay that way as well. The problem is not the rich, the problem is people having kids they cannot afford and the Govt subsidizing that stupid practice.

In percentage they do not. Yes 10% of a million is more than my 35% of 100k but that ain't the way it should work. If I'm paying 35% they should too. Oh, and that "job creation" meme is bullshit.

Sorry, Folks, Rich People Actually Don't 'Create The Jobs'
Did I say “create”? They pay for a landscaper, pool man, cleaning services, but pricier clothes and cars, pay more in RE taxes, etc. They pay more than you so stop bitching because they are more successful than you.

They don't pay more than I do as a percentage of their wealth. They should actually be taxed more because they consume more of the common goods...which is why I favor a progressive consumption tax.
They also spend more. They go to fancier restaurants, buy nicer cars and homes, nicer furniture, give more to charity, etc. And they do pay more in absolute dollars. By living in a bigger house they automatically pay more in RE taxes and by driving nicer cars they pay more in excise taxes. Concentrate more on why the poor have kids they cannot afford vs the rich paying even more.
But they don't. The rich are paying less than you or I do. You act like a serf beholden to your wealthy benefactor. #sad....

I just explained otherwise. What are you talking about?

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