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Republican Ken Buck Says Being Gay Is A Choice, And Also Like Alcoholism

Contending that before that time I had no experience with anything sexual.. hence no sexual impulses.. but as stated, each person is either XX or XY without a genetic abnormality... and that is hard wired for the propagation of the species

If exposed to it.. who knows what I would have started thinking... as a young person inexperienced in anything pertaining to sexuality, I could have easily thought it to be normal.. with parents who would say it is OK, I could have accepted the behavior to be learned as normal.. so yes, many things can imprint upon us which we go back on when making decisions... why I am anxious around the sound of a train whistle? Don't mean it's genetic... Why do I find huge breasts repulsive? Don't mean it's genetic... Why do I find women with a prominent birthmark attractive? Don't mean it's genetic... Why have I always been repulsed by the texture of mushrooms? Don't mean it's genetic... but can I take actions to 'get over' all of these things if I so choose? Yep[/quote]

Dave the more you try to rationalize this, the worse your argument falls apart. First XX and XY has nothing to do with sexual attraction. XX and XY are there to propogate the speices only in the sense that it requires a male and female. But for whatever reason you seem to think that your gender has something to do with sexual attraction. Fine. Lets' go wth that for a second. Your argument then is that for the early part of your life where your exposure to sex is limited we are predisposed to being to straight. It would seem them to make the jump from a predisposition to straightness to being gay would take quite the psychological event or series of events to make one gay. So people like Seawytch are just lieing about their childhoods or what? You really believe the all of the millions of gays out there experienced early life in vastly different manner than you did that resulted in their gayness? That takes quite a leap Dave
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Like I said though.. funny how people love to put research into ending things such as cancer or Downs Syndrome or Proteus syndrome, etc.. but mention curing homosexuality, and you'll have the whole agenda driven activists in an uproar

If you advocated preventing Downs Syndrome, Bern would be the first to call you a bigot and organise a DEMONSTRATION in San Franciso where the entire GLBT community would march down Height Street in their Speedos and Boas

No I wouldn't. Having down syndrome clearly prevents those afflicted with it from experiencing life to the fullest. It has a negative effect to those afflicted with it. Since sexual orientation is who you are attracted to we are talking about what people like, what makes them happy. Thus why am for treating something (down syndrome) that essentially makes those afflicted with unhappy and why I am oppossed to treating those (gays) that are already perfectly happy.
Like I said though.. funny how people love to put research into ending things such as cancer or Downs Syndrome or Proteus syndrome, etc.. but mention curing homosexuality, and you'll have the whole agenda driven activists in an uproar

If you advocated preventing Downs Syndrome, Bern would be the first to call you a bigot and organise a DEMONSTRATION in San Franciso where the entire GLBT community would march down Height Street in their Speedos and Boas

No I wouldn't. Having down syndrome clearly prevents those afflicted with it from experiencing life to the fullest. It has a negative effect to those afflicted with it. Since sexual orientation is who you are attracted to we are talking about what people like, what makes them happy. Thus why am for treating something (down syndrome) that essentially makes those afflicted with unhappy and why I am oppossed to treating those (gays) that are already perfectly happy.

ALL Gays are happy?

I think you've been watching too many gay pornos.

:doubt:......do I need to find statistical evidence for the propensity for Queers to abuse drugs and alcohol, to be on some psychiatric medication, or to committ suicide?
If you advocated preventing Downs Syndrome, Bern would be the first to call you a bigot and organise a DEMONSTRATION in San Franciso where the entire GLBT community would march down Height Street in their Speedos and Boas

No I wouldn't. Having down syndrome clearly prevents those afflicted with it from experiencing life to the fullest. It has a negative effect to those afflicted with it. Since sexual orientation is who you are attracted to we are talking about what people like, what makes them happy. Thus why am for treating something (down syndrome) that essentially makes those afflicted with unhappy and why I am oppossed to treating those (gays) that are already perfectly happy.

ALL Gays are happy?

I think you've been watching too many gay pornos.

:doubt:......do I need to find statistical evidence for the propensity for Queers to abuse drugs and alcohol, to be on some psychiatric medication, or to committ suicide?

Never said all gays were happy. Neither are all straight people.
I am oppossed to treating those (gays) that are already perfectly happy.

ALL Gays are happy?

I think you've been watching too many gay pornos.

:doubt:......do I need to find statistical evidence for the propensity for Queers to abuse drugs and alcohol, to be on some psychiatric medication, or to committ suicide?[/QUOTE]

Never said all gays were happy. Neither are all straight people.[/QUOTE]

So, you are not opposed to treating gays that are NOT perfectly happy?

If I had a pill, that would make you a heterosexual, you might not take it, but I wonder how many queers would be ticked pink not to be a mutant.
[The Samples for these Studies are too Small and Blatantly Selective and they are looking for a Conclusion they have already come to themselves...




Yes, we believe cons are imbeciles from birth, but these studies are too small and selective, so the conclusion isn't for certain, it might just be a choice to be stupid.:clap2:
Nah...stupid probably has a basis in genetics and breeding. Hatred and bigotry are learned traits however. Fortunately fewer and fewer people are teaching it to their children.
Where did these feelings originate? I was not abused, did not have a bad experience with a man, had a completely normal childhood, have parents who are still married to each other, etc, etc. So what is your explanation?

I feel so sorry for your parents.

I'm sure they have a strong sense of guilt and shame that you entered into a perverted lifestyle.

And feel that they failed as parents.
Quite the opposite in fact. They are extremely proud of me and of my family. Heck, my father volunteered to trailer my partner's motorcycle and drive it into the city so she could ride it in the Pride Parade. I'm the only one of their two children to give them grandkids and they couldn't be prouder of them.

Many times on the news. They will interview friends and relatives of child molesters and serial killers.

Many had perfectly normal childhoods. And were model children. Straight A students, Eagle Scouts, etc.

Which goes to show that parents many times are not the cause of kids who becomming degenerates or sexual deviants such as yourself.
LOL...and we are back to Poe's Law once again. (nor did you answer the question as to where you believe sexual orientation originates)
So, you are not opposed to treating gays that are NOT perfectly happy?

If I had a pill, that would make you a heterosexual, you might not take it, but I wonder how many queers would be ticked pink not to be a mutant.

Maybe some would. Their choice. I really don't care. Common sense says being gay isn't a choice, therefore I'm fully prepared to consider it a gene or multi-gene mutation, brain miswiring, chemical imbalance, whatever. I bet there probably is a small percentage of them that have been environmentally influenced into being gay, though again I imagine it is a very small number. I just don't see it as being an abnormality worth treating for those that are perfectly content with it.
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If you advocated preventing Downs Syndrome, Bern would be the first to call you a bigot and organise a DEMONSTRATION in San Franciso where the entire GLBT community would march down Height Street in their Speedos and Boas

No I wouldn't. Having down syndrome clearly prevents those afflicted with it from experiencing life to the fullest. It has a negative effect to those afflicted with it. Since sexual orientation is who you are attracted to we are talking about what people like, what makes them happy. Thus why am for treating something (down syndrome) that essentially makes those afflicted with unhappy and why I am oppossed to treating those (gays) that are already perfectly happy.

ALL Gays are happy?

I think you've been watching too many gay pornos.

:doubt:......do I need to find statistical evidence for the propensity for Queers to abuse drugs and alcohol, to be on some psychiatric medication, or to committ suicide?

No, all gays aren't "happy", but neither are they all the tragic figures that some people have in their minds either. We are people just like any other person on the planet. Same wants, same desires, but with more discrimination.

Funny how you like to point to gays response to this discrimination and bullying as their fault. Nice "blame the victim" stance.

Now, regarding gay porn...they certainly look like they are having a hell of a lot more fun in gay porn than straights do in theirs.
No I wouldn't. Having down syndrome clearly prevents those afflicted with it from experiencing life to the fullest. It has a negative effect to those afflicted with it. Since sexual orientation is who you are attracted to we are talking about what people like, what makes them happy. Thus why am for treating something (down syndrome) that essentially makes those afflicted with unhappy and why I am oppossed to treating those (gays) that are already perfectly happy.

ALL Gays are happy?

I think you've been watching too many gay pornos.

:doubt:......do I need to find statistical evidence for the propensity for Queers to abuse drugs and alcohol, to be on some psychiatric medication, or to committ suicide?

No, all gays aren't "happy", but neither are they all the tragic figures that some people have in their minds either. We are people just like any other person on the planet. Same wants, same desires, but with more discrimination.

Funny how you like to point to gays response to this discrimination and bullying as their fault. Nice "blame the victim" stance.

Now, regarding gay porn...they certainly look like they are having a hell of a lot more fun in gay porn than straights do in theirs.

"Nice 'blame the victim' stance?"

Did I say Queers had to be victims to be unhappy being Queer?


But apparently YOU believe so.

How terribly bias of you......I daresay, "bigoted!!!":eusa_hand:

Now, you've made me tear up with indignanty....may I have a tissue?
ALL Gays are happy?

I think you've been watching too many gay pornos.

:doubt:......do I need to find statistical evidence for the propensity for Queers to abuse drugs and alcohol, to be on some psychiatric medication, or to committ suicide?

No, all gays aren't "happy", but neither are they all the tragic figures that some people have in their minds either. We are people just like any other person on the planet. Same wants, same desires, but with more discrimination.

Funny how you like to point to gays response to this discrimination and bullying as their fault. Nice "blame the victim" stance.

Now, regarding gay porn...they certainly look like they are having a hell of a lot more fun in gay porn than straights do in theirs.

"Nice 'blame the victim' stance?"

Did I say Queers had to be victims to be unhappy being Queer?


But apparently YOU believe so.

How terribly bias of you......I daresay, "bigoted!!!":eusa_hand:

Now, you've made me tear up with indignanty....may I have a tissue?
The rates of suicide and depression, especially in gay and lesbian teens, has a direct collation with how they are treated. It is not the sexuality that causes the depression, but the way bigots treat them (you know, like calling them deviants and the like)

Hatred and bigotry is what is truly deviant, not two consenting adults who want to honor, cherish and love each other for the rest of their lives...or just want a quick fuck with each other.
The rates of suicide and depression, especially in gay and lesbian teens, has a direct collation with how they are treated.

Oh, then based on your poll data that says Queers are more socially accepted than ever in the history of the poll, there should be a dramatic decrease in Queer mortality from drug use, alcohol abuse, psychological problems, and suicide, right?

But there's no evidence to support your claim.:eusa_whistle:

OK, I've added this:

LGBT teens are between 30 and 40 percent more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers, 365 Gay reports. Despite increased acceptance of LGBT people in today's pop culture, LGBT teens still suffer from bullying and abuse from peers, especially in middle school. With technology, the abuse goes beyond the classroom and into the realm of text messaging and social-networking sites, where comments are visible and can be brutal. So when an LGBT teen feels suicide is their only option, it can almost be said that they were bullied to death.


How do they reconcile that there has been BOTH a rise in "acceptance of LGBT people in today's pop culture" (whatever that means), AND bullying remains as bad or worse than ever? Isn't the "pop culture" also the major user of text messaging and social networking sites????

At any rate, I'm still looking for the ADULT suicide rate. ALL suicide data is skewed higher for adolescents.
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I just don't see it as being an abnormality worth treating for those that are perfectly content with it.

Of COURSE NOT, for christssakes, who ever said anything about forceably treating the abnormality?

Okay.......so they're abnormal. Guess what? So is hate. But the fucked up thing about hate is that it is something that MUST BE LEARNED. Why? Simple.......humans have an instinct that breeds cooperation. Wanna see it in action? Go to a playground sometime and watch the kids.

Very young to 7? Most of the kids cooperate, which is why they rarely ever see color or anything else.

7-12? Now you're gonna start seeing them separate themselves from others because they're "different" or not like them.

After that? If they've learned hate, it's gonna last for a while.........

By the way Simp Son (yeah......you're a simp and you're a male, at least, that's what you claim).........wanna know what my fondest wish is for you?

That if you ever decide to have progeny and spawn or whatever the fuck idiots like you do, I hope that whatever is spawned or considered offspring walks up to you at age 13 and says........"Dad, I'm gay".

Maybe then you'll learn what compassion is all about.
That if you ever decide to have progeny and spawn or whatever the fuck idiots like you do, I hope that whatever is spawned or considered offspring walks up to you at age 13 and says........"Dad, I'm gay".
That's when a good and loving Father would snatch the boy up by the shirt collar and march him directly to the wood shed.

Where he could effect an immediate and lasting "cure" on his son. :eusa_angel:
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That if you ever decide to have progeny and spawn or whatever the fuck idiots like you do, I hope that whatever is spawned or considered offspring walks up to you at age 13 and says........"Dad, I'm gay".
That's when a good and loving Father would snatch the boy up by the shirt collar and march him directly to the wood shed.

Where he could effect an immediate and lasting "cure" on his son. :eusa_angel:



But hopefully it would never have to happen at all. The message should be clear, frequent, and consistant: Queerness is unacceptable behaviour
treated[/b]. It is not the sexuality that causes the depression, but the way bigots treat them (you know, like calling them deviants and the like)

How true. How they come to be defined is what causes the depression. The same is true of a felon, a child molest victim, a raped person, etc. It is how society lables them that causes the depression & makes them a victim.
No, but we practice really, really hard. :lol:
Oh, the mental image.... :happy-1:
(there is another smiley that would be better but it went too far!)
The rates of suicide and depression, especially in gay and lesbian teens, has a direct collation with how they are treated.

Oh, then based on your poll data that says Queers are more socially accepted than ever in the history of the poll, there should be a dramatic decrease in Queer mortality from drug use, alcohol abuse, psychological problems, and suicide, right?

But there's no evidence to support your claim.:eusa_whistle:

OK, I've added this:

LGBT teens are between 30 and 40 percent more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers, 365 Gay reports. Despite increased acceptance of LGBT people in today's pop culture, LGBT teens still suffer from bullying and abuse from peers, especially in middle school. With technology, the abuse goes beyond the classroom and into the realm of text messaging and social-networking sites, where comments are visible and can be brutal. So when an LGBT teen feels suicide is their only option, it can almost be said that they were bullied to death.


How do they reconcile that there has been BOTH a rise in "acceptance of LGBT people in today's pop culture" (whatever that means), AND bullying remains as bad or worse than ever? Isn't the "pop culture" also the major user of text messaging and social networking sites????

At any rate, I'm still looking for the ADULT suicide rate. ALL suicide data is skewed higher for adolescents.
And this does what for your claims? In the end, virtually ALL the evidence points to gay and lesbian couples are just as good at raising children as straight couples and the only thing you can point to is the fact that they 'may' be picked on because of their parents. The fact is that bulling is a DIRECT result of what parents teach and tolerate in their children. THE SAME attiude that YOU want to pass on to your children when you say something like this:
However, should they be queer, I would expect them to take responsibility for not subjecting children to the horrible stigmata's associated with their abominable mutation.
It is NOT an abominable mutation. It is an abnormality but there is nothing abominable about gays and lesbians. As seawytch pointed out and you conveniently ignored, you could apply the EXACT same standards to extremely short people, fat people and an entire HOST of other people that are picked on as children. There is no reason to push this kind of crap on your children and I am so sure that your child would really appreciate it if they came to you and told you they were gay you responded with:
'That's okay son, I still love you even though you are a horrible abomination and just to be clear, make sure you NEVER have kids because that would make you a terrible person.'
Adoption NEEDS to be open for committed homosexuals as there are many problems for children that are in the system and hardships that are faced without loving parents for those children to rely on. The world would be a FAR better place if people could simply ACCEPT others instead of always trying to project their values on everyone else.

As for the idea that gays have a choice in the matter. There is ZERO evidence or logic that shows it is a choice. NO ONE has put fourth there is a specific gay gene but if anyone here knew anything about genes they would know that genes are not always specific in that sense. Accept that a bunch of STRAIGHT people saying there is a choice has no bearing on reality and the vast majority of gays likely know much better and they say it is not a conscious choice. In the end, choice or not, there is absolutely no reason that gays and lesbians have different rights based on the fact YOU do not like their choices. As a free nation, you should have all the freedoms as everyone else regardless of your choices as long as they are legal. I am all for fighting the special interests as I have made clear in relation to teaching homosexual sexual education but opposing special interests are NOT the same thing as EQUAL rights.

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