Republican poll watchers in Georgia cover their license plates

wouldn’t you demafasict brownshirts like that? sorry
We just want to vote in peace and not have armed thugs prowling around collecting our information. These guys are the ones channeling the brownshirts.
Excuse my frankness, but you are really getting absurd.

Now you are defending some wannabe license plate vigilantes who physically assaulted people sitting silently and peacefully in a parking lot,

Since you are being so incompetent, let me explain the lesser point about the plate...

License plates are used to identify a vehicle while being operated on public roads (AZ implies "moving"). Plates are not intended to be used to identify the driver after the driver leaves the vehicle and pursues their lawful business.

Defending thugs. That's you.

You are the one who is absurd. A license plate can also be used to identify people and criminals do not want to be identified. They can steal license plates or cover them up. A citizen or a policeman has every right to ask them what they are doing there if they are sitting there. The police should tell them to move on if they have no business there.
that’s a lie. you said nothing when obama sent the black panthers to voting stations.
Brownshirts (and blackshirts) were a paramilitary component of a hyper nationalist right wing governments.

We are seeing right wingers banding together into the same kinds of groups with increasing frequency.

What statute did they violate by covering the license plates while parked in a parking lot, Simp?

And I’m betting they are doing it to protect themselves from Dimtard domestic terrorists wHI don’t want elections monitored.

The police have every right to ask them what they are doing. They also have the right to tell you to move on In some municipalities, that can be a crime. You do not have a right to loiter on private property unless you have business there.
that’s a lie. you said nothing when obama sent the black panthers to voting stations.
A. No one sent those three guys

B. That was one incident in one city about a decade ago and you assholes still scream about it

C. Those Black Panthers were not carrying guns . these assholes ARE. Oddly you defend those creeps and still rant about the Panther incident
Brownshirts (and blackshirts) were a paramilitary component of a hyper nationalist right wing governments.

We are seeing right wingers banding together into the same kinds of groups with increasing frequency.

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It’s not the first time the American right has done this.

Look up Silver Shirts
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A. No one sent those three guys

B. That was one incident in one city about a decade ago and you assholes still scream about it

C. Those Black Panthers were not carrying guns . these assholes ARE. Oddly you defend those creeps and still rant about the Panther incident
1) the demafacist did
2) hey i haven’t said a thing about it until you demafasict acted like this was a big deal
3) so theg could afford a gun? so they carried nightsticks? sort of like the brownshirts the national socialist used to send out
You do not have the right to loiter in certain areas. If you have no business there, the police can tell you to move on especially when you have your license plate covered up or you are covered up.
WTF does covering your license plate have to do with some loitering ordinance? If you have your plate covered while loitering are you guilty of Mega MAGA Loitering?

I don’t think you even know what that means.
Sure I do,....I also know what National Socialist means, and I know the politics and policies they's the policies that the Demafacist have formally embraced.
You do not have the right to loiter in certain areas. If you have no business there, the police can tell you to move on especially when you have your license plate covered up or you are covered up.

Oh really?
Why didnt the dem assholes call the cops if it's illegal?
They have every right to be there as long as they stay a certain distance from the entrance of the polling location,everyone knows that.

Like a well-off, Lexus-owning person not stopping at a stop sign crowded by delinquents... yes, OMG, they broke the law, but we all know why... they would have been dumb to stop.

We all know people who identify as republican are at risk from rioters.. especially at polling stations.

Hey, why don't you try it out yourself... where a MAGA hat in public leftists at your local hangout.. see how that goes.
You cited a stupid analogy in which several delinquents are ready to attack a person driving a Lexus.
now go to the picture and show me the people that you see trying to attack this vehicle owner.

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