Republican proposed assault on freedom of demonstration

Some Guy

Deregulated User
Jan 19, 2010
I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

This proposed law would prevent you from protesting (or engaging in any public activity that could be construed as a "protest") while wearing a Trump mask, or a George Washington mask, or a straight-up American Flag mask. I.e. any mask, no matter what, even if you're not violating any other law in the process.

Still Fearing Antifa Supersoldiers, Republicans in Congress Declare War on Masks: Reason Roundup
I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

This proposed law would prevent you from protesting (or engaging in any public activity that could be construed as a "protest") while wearing a Trump mask, or a George Washington mask, or a straight-up American Flag mask. I.e. any mask, no matter what, even if you're not violating any other law in the process.

Still Fearing Antifa Supersoldiers, Republicans in Congress Declare War on Masks: Reason Roundup
Freedom of assembly. I am not sure what freedom of demonstration means.

That is all.
I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

This proposed law would prevent you from protesting (or engaging in any public activity that could be construed as a "protest") while wearing a Trump mask, or a George Washington mask, or a straight-up American Flag mask. I.e. any mask, no matter what, even if you're not violating any other law in the process.

Still Fearing Antifa Supersoldiers, Republicans in Congress Declare War on Masks: Reason Roundup
Good, I hope the law is passed. .... :thup:
Code of Virginia.

§ 18.2-422. Prohibition of wearing of masks in certain places; exceptions.
It shall be unlawful for any person over 16 years of age to, with the intent to conceal his identity, wear any mask, hood or other device whereby a substantial portion of the face is hidden or covered so as to conceal the identity of the wearer, to be or appear in any public place, or upon any private property in this Commonwealth without first having obtained from the owner or tenant thereof consent to do so in writing. However, the provisions of this section shall not apply to persons (i) wearing traditional holiday costumes; (ii) engaged in professions, trades, employment or other activities and wearing protective masks which are deemed necessary for the physical safety of the wearer or other persons; (iii) engaged in any bona fide theatrical production or masquerade ball; or (iv) wearing a mask, hood or other device for bona fide medical reasons upon (a) the advice of a licensed physician or osteopath and carrying on his person an affidavit from the physician or osteopath specifying the medical necessity for wearing the device and the date on which the wearing of the device will no longer be necessary and providing a brief description of the device, or (b) the declaration of a disaster or state of emergency by the Governor in response to a public health emergency where the emergency declaration expressly waives this section, defines the mask appropriate for the emergency, and provides for the duration of the waiver. The violation of any provisions of this section is a Class 6 felony.
If you are a conservative speaker try giving a lecture on a college campus. Every high profile conservative has been a victim of assault on a college campus sometime or numerous times in their careers.. From little Ann Coulter to big Bob Bennett if you are conservative or a republican you are at constant risk of bodily harm. Don't look for help from the faculty or security because they ain't there to help you and as a matter of fact the faculty authorizes and encourages the assaults. Conservative students have it almost as bad. Shades of Orwell they actually have a list of words that cannot be whispered on college campus or risk big brother turning you in.
You notice that it's easy to pass laws against WOMEN wearing masks -------- the burkas, the veils Muslims force women to wear. :47:

But when criminal rioter anarchists -- males -- wearing black masks and look-alike black clothes so they can perpetrate crimes and not be caught come out again and again to riot, whoa, that's supposed to be this big Civil Liberties issue. As if.

Nobody wore masks during the Vietnam War protests! (Guess how I know.) We'd have been ashamed to and the marshalls (yes, we had marshalls, identified by black armbands at every big march, and very useful for controlling crowd surges they were, too) would never have allowed it.

I want every ha-ha "protester" wearing a mask to be arrested. Shot by police is also fine with me, sooner rather than later.

I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

Liberal groups like the Triple K have worn masks for many decades, its not surprising that the Invisible Empire of Antifa would follow the examples of the past.

I don't see it as a problem, as long as the these masked thugs don't mind getting beat to the fullest extent of the law.
I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

This proposed law would prevent you from protesting (or engaging in any public activity that could be construed as a "protest") while wearing a Trump mask, or a George Washington mask, or a straight-up American Flag mask. I.e. any mask, no matter what, even if you're not violating any other law in the process.

Still Fearing Antifa Supersoldiers, Republicans in Congress Declare War on Masks: Reason Roundup

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“The California court recognized, and other courts recognize, that people wear masks in all sorts of situations for completely nonviolent and, in fact, purposes that are protected by the First Amendment,” Michael T. Risher, a senior staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, said in an interview.

After that case, the state enacted a far narrower provision: It is illegal to wear a mask in the act of committing a crime. The University of California, Berkeley, also has its own regulation for masks: People who are not affiliated with the university cannot wear masks on campus for the purpose of intimidation.
/----/ It's has been a law in many places since 1949.

Since 1949, it has been illegal to wear a mask in public in Alabama outside of occasions like Halloween and Mardi Gras. That sweeping law, and others enacted across the country around that time, was in direct response to the Ku Klux Klan.

Numerous states have laws governing the wearing of masks in public. In Ohio, for instance, it is illegal for two or more people to wear “white caps, masks or other disguises” while committing a misdemeanor. In West Virginia, a broad law prohibiting the wearing of masks includes several exceptions: holiday costumes and winter sports attire, among others.

California had an expansive anti-mask law for decades, until the Iranian revolution in 1979. Iranian-Americans in California sued over the law, saying it kept them from shielding their identities for safety purposes in protests against the new leadership in Iran. The law was struck down.
Is It Illegal to Wear Masks at a Protest? It Depends on the Place
If you are a conservative speaker try giving a lecture on a college campus. Every high profile conservative has been a victim of assault on a college campus sometime or numerous times in their careers.. From little Ann Coulter to big Bob Bennett if you are conservative or a republican you are at constant risk of bodily harm. Don't look for help from the faculty or security because they ain't there to help you and as a matter of fact the faculty authorizes and encourages the assaults. Conservative students have it almost as bad. Shades of Orwell they actually have a list of words that cannot be whispered on college campus or risk big brother turning you in.

Yeah ---------- Agree.

Totally off topic, I know ---------- I was watching Sharknado 3 yesterday (subtitled "Oh, Hell, no!") and Anne Coulter plays the vice president!! She looks good, too. Not a bad actor ---- admittedly the standard was not very high. Fun.
I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

This proposed law would prevent you from protesting (or engaging in any public activity that could be construed as a "protest") while wearing a Trump mask, or a George Washington mask, or a straight-up American Flag mask. I.e. any mask, no matter what, even if you're not violating any other law in the process.

Still Fearing Antifa Supersoldiers, Republicans in Congress Declare War on Masks: Reason Roundup
While the constitution protects your right to privacy; no one has the right to anonymity. Especially whilst engaging in social protest. Even more so when committing crimes against our citizenry...
I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

This proposed law would prevent you from protesting (or engaging in any public activity that could be construed as a "protest") while wearing a Trump mask, or a George Washington mask, or a straight-up American Flag mask. I.e. any mask, no matter what, even if you're not violating any other law in the process.

Still Fearing Antifa Supersoldiers, Republicans in Congress Declare War on Masks: Reason Roundup
Some States (example: Fla) have state laws against wearing masks during "public" demos. If this law was not in place the KKK and other orgs could commit crimes and get away with murder. I see nothing wrong with the law. It bad to let criminals hide their Identity behind a mask.
I understand politicians seeking to strip thugs of the 'courage' - as in courage to commit violence / crimes - anonymity a mask hiding their face offers. I don't agree with it, but I understand it.

As far as Antifa goes, the group should already have been officially listed / recognized as a terrorist organization, to at least a criminal organization.

Their leaders have openly bragged about how they have shown up to towns / locations where other groups are legally exercising their Constitutional Right to Assemble and of Free Speech and within the required boundaries of the law fully intent on initiating violence against those groups...and proceeded to od so.

Antifa is one of several identified liberal groups who willingly took cash from the Russians to spread racial division and violence across the US. Sorry, but - IMO - that makes you an Enemy of the State, having been proven to have treasonously / traitorously worked with / financed by this nation's enemies.
As far as Antifa goes, the group should already have been officially listed / recognized as a terrorist organization, to at least a criminal organization.

Good idea! I wish I'd thought of it. Yes, Antifa should be recognized as a terrorist organization. I hope Trump does that.
I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

This proposed law would prevent you from protesting (or engaging in any public activity that could be construed as a "protest") while wearing a Trump mask, or a George Washington mask, or a straight-up American Flag mask. I.e. any mask, no matter what, even if you're not violating any other law in the process.

Still Fearing Antifa Supersoldiers, Republicans in Congress Declare War on Masks: Reason Roundup
Not for it, a crime is a crime, what you wear doesn't matter, this is as dumb as hate crimes.
I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

This proposed law would prevent you from protesting (or engaging in any public activity that could be construed as a "protest") while wearing a Trump mask, or a George Washington mask, or a straight-up American Flag mask. I.e. any mask, no matter what, even if you're not violating any other law in the process.

Still Fearing Antifa Supersoldiers, Republicans in Congress Declare War on Masks: Reason Roundup

Thank God for Article III and the judiciary.

Funny, they're okay with anonymous money, but anonymous protestors kicking the shit out of the alt-right -- NO, can't have that!!
I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

This proposed law would prevent you from protesting (or engaging in any public activity that could be construed as a "protest") while wearing a Trump mask, or a George Washington mask, or a straight-up American Flag mask. I.e. any mask, no matter what, even if you're not violating any other law in the process.

Still Fearing Antifa Supersoldiers, Republicans in Congress Declare War on Masks: Reason Roundup
While the constitution protects your right to privacy; no one has the right to anonymity. Especially whilst engaging in social protest. Even more so when committing crimes against our citizenry...
Social protest is just that, social protest. It's not illegal to protest. It is illegal to assault people. So if someone assaults someone, they should be charged with a crime. But someone wearing a mask who isn't assaulting someone doesn't deserve to be charged with a crime.

It's nothing but judging someone based on what they're wearing and associating them with a certain way of conducting themselves as a result. You might recognize this kind of thing from instances like "oh look, that black guy is wearing loose fitting clothes with his pants sagging, he's probably a gangbanger/drug dealer/insert racist stereotype here." This really isn't any different than that, other than it would criminalize a certain type of article of clothing while engaging in a certain act, both of which are extremely subjective and rife with opportunity to abuse as the government sees fit.
I'm about anti-Antifa as anyone on this board. I also think that of the two authoritarian mega-parties, Republicans are standing up for free speech, freedom of demonstration and freedom of association far more than the democrats. But, they're still plenty happy to (at least try to) use the government to stomp out forms of speech that they don't like.

This proposed law would prevent you from protesting (or engaging in any public activity that could be construed as a "protest") while wearing a Trump mask, or a George Washington mask, or a straight-up American Flag mask. I.e. any mask, no matter what, even if you're not violating any other law in the process.

Still Fearing Antifa Supersoldiers, Republicans in Congress Declare War on Masks: Reason Roundup

Thank God for Article III and the judiciary.

Funny, they're okay with anonymous money, but anonymous protestors kicking the shit out of the alt-right -- NO, can't have that!!

Oh look an anonymous internet homosexual fantasizing about being a tough guy. You obviously didn't see the film of ANTIFA'S clash in Portland. They got their asses handed to them.

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