Republican’s VS. Democrat’s Health Care Plan

Mandating coverage = making people buy insurance who don't want it.

No tyrannical fist of government here.

Mandating car insurance must be tyrannical too... or is it tyrannical to smash into somebody with your gigantic Hummer and pull out your pocket lint as payment since you're too greedy to pony up for a decent insurance policy?

Driving a car is a priviledge, you don't have to drive. But, if your alive, you do need healthcare

Ahem, James Madison, one of the "framers" of the Constitution, defined in Federalist 39 that a "republic" is a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the great body of the people.

Every few years, the great body of the people get to nominate representatives for themselves at ELECTIONS. Duh...


So how come the neocon ideal for world peace wasn't called "spreading representative republicanism around the world"??

Just because the word "Republic" is included in the GOP's official party name, doesn't mean the word "democratic" doesn't also apply to our form of government. It ain't rocket science, genius.

But why am I arguing with you who "labels" anyone who disagrees with your absurdities as a "moron." Your vocabulary is obviously pretty limited anyway.
you confuse me with someone who is actually a neocon(otherwise known as a liberal republican)

this is why you dumb fucks never get it
Mandating coverage = making people buy insurance who don't want it.

No tyrannical fist of government here.

Mandating car insurance must be tyrannical too... or is it tyrannical to smash into somebody with your gigantic Hummer and pull out your pocket lint as payment since you're too greedy to pony up for a decent insurance policy?

Young healthy people don't want to buy insurance. They are not smashing anything into anyone.

But at least we have gotten beyond the little fib that government won't force people to make health care decisions they would not have already made.

A young 35-year old single woman called in to Washington Journal (C-Span) this morning with that same complaint: That she did not WANT health insurance because she was already healthy and didn't need it. When the moderator asked what she would do in case of an unforeseen catastrophic illness or injury, long pause, to which she ultimately replied that she would set up some installment plan on her own. What type of virtual reality do people like that live in? Ain't gonna happen.
You're right, the private sector has a unique plan for every single employer or individual. So when a claim comes in you can't just rubber stamp it and issue a check for 80% of the cost... you have to go into your records, see what plan this customer has, how much that plan pays (if anything!) and then calculate whatever discount you have for that specific doctor... THEN finally after wasting about 5 minutes you can cut a check. Medicare took about 10 seconds to settle, private insurance, 5 minutes. Geeeeeeee, that sure looks like government waste to me.
Another brain dead argument that presumes everybody has (or at least should have) a third-party payer for their medical services.

A lot of people skip all that crap and pay cash.

And your brain dead argument seems to be that everyone is as lucky as you are, to have wads of cash haning around doing nothing.
No, the private sector covers more than old people's medical and outpatient benefits.

And that 20% gets billed to somebody else.

You should feel lucky to live in a country where you can buy a health plan that works for you, and not the statists who give you no choices with your healthcare.

Since I now qualify for Medicare, that 20% gets paid BY ME. Hello?!
So how come the neocon ideal for world peace wasn't called "spreading representative republicanism around the world"??

Just because the word "Republic" is included in the GOP's official party name, doesn't mean the word "democratic" doesn't also apply to our form of government. It ain't rocket science, genius.

But why am I arguing with you who "labels" anyone who disagrees with your absurdities as a "moron." Your vocabulary is obviously pretty limited anyway.
First of all, neither DivCon or I are neocons.....And I'm not even a republican.

Secondly, the neocon claim of "spreading 'mockracy around the world" is more a comment on their ignorance that anything else.....Which also begs the question; why would you believe them in any case?
see why i call this dumb bitch a moron
how much more moronic crap does one need to display before it is obvious they are a moron?
No, the private sector covers more than old people's medical and outpatient benefits.

And that 20% gets billed to somebody else.

You should feel lucky to live in a country where you can buy a health plan that works for you, and not the statists who give you no choices with your healthcare.

Since I now qualify for Medicare, that 20% gets paid BY ME. Hello?!
not if you buy a supplemental plan
Part of the soaring costs we see in medical costs comes from people without insurance going into our expensive emergency rooms to get medical attention for common colds & flu symptons.

I like the idea of giving incentives to all pharmacy locations--Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid, etc. to keep nurse practitioners in their facilities--to where these people can go. They can get there quickly in most instances with these type symptons--without an appointment--get checked out by a nurse practitioners for a fee, & those that can't pay--should have state medicade. They are there & can get their prescription at the same time.

If we can eliminate the waste of tax payer dollars in our hospital emergency rooms--we can make a real dent in the cost of medical insurance premiums. Then the federal government is going to have to mandate that everyone carries at least castastrophic medical insurance. With everyone having to do that it will bring in private sector competition while dramatically reducing the medical insurance costs to all.

Free market solutions are ALWAYS better--cheaper-& more efficient than the Federal Government. In fact, I can't think of one federal government run program that they have not screwed up in the last 70 years.

You've basically described the Obama plan, except he wants PREVENTIVE insurance coverage provisions as well, which will avoid many of the catastrophic expenses in the first place.
Do those clinics offer ultrasounds and CAT Scans. I need those one or the other every six months. If not, then your argument is completely moot. The only place I know of that will provide a CAT Scan is a hosptial. I'm not talking about going to see the doc about a sore throat so he can hand me a prescription for anitbiotics. So unless you can tell me of the local cash & carry clinic that offers those services, Bulllshit on you.
Fuck your CAT scans.

I've walked into places with GI problems and needing 'roids cut need for CAT scans....and been turned away because I had no insurance, even though I had a pocket full of $100.00 bills.

You're the bullshitter....

Edit: Maybe we've hit on a counterintuitive problem....I'm open to considering that.

Maybe that big ol' round thing stuck in your ass wasn't a hemorrhoid after all. What was their verbal advice? Get someone to help you pull your head out and call us in the morning?

You're really clever and amusing. I think you post here just for fun. You can't really be serious with your constant bragging about how much cash you carry.
Nothing like making a complete idiot of yourself, is there? I have hemochromatosis, which is a genetic disorder that allows the body to absorb too much iron. Excess iron is stored in the liver and heart. Eventually the excess iron leads to cirrhosis of the liver, the same as copper overload does with Wilson's Disease. Once you have cirrhosis, your chance of developing liver cancer is 200 times greater, so CAT Scans are necessary to look for tumors. Because liver cancer spreads so quickly, early detection is the only chance of survival. By the time symptoms become evident, they give you three to six months and tell you to go home. Actually, they will treat you, but you die anyway.

So don't tell me what the fuck I need you dumb ass, because you are as clueless as a God Damn rock.

And let's look at your stupid ass statement. You were turned away from medical care with cash in hand? So much for your argument that paying out of pocket is cheaper. Hell, they wouldn't even treat you with the cash in hand.

Maybe you should quit the bullshitting and discuss something that you might actually have a clue about. I've seen every damn aspect of the healthcare industry. Besides my condition and problems, I lost my wife to leukemia, so don't try to act like you know something, because as I said, your as clueless as a damn rock.
Dude...Take a Midol.

The fact that I was turned away from a clinic because I had no insurance has absolutely no bearing upon what were the ultimate costs for their services....It only comments upon which method of payment that they were willing to accept.....Which excluded cash payment.

What would it be like if you could afford to throw stacks of $100.00 bills at a provider of relatively minor medical services, and they said "no thanks"???

Who's the bullshitter here? You could always go to a bank and get a certified check. Lots of medical clinics don't handle large amounts of CASH, for obvious reasons.
Mandating car insurance must be tyrannical too... or is it tyrannical to smash into somebody with your gigantic Hummer and pull out your pocket lint as payment since you're too greedy to pony up for a decent insurance policy?

Young healthy people don't want to buy insurance. They are not smashing anything into anyone.

But at least we have gotten beyond the little fib that government won't force people to make health care decisions they would not have already made.

A young 35-year old single woman called in to Washington Journal (C-Span) this morning with that same complaint: That she did not WANT health insurance because she was already healthy and didn't need it. When the moderator asked what she would do in case of an unforeseen catastrophic illness or injury, long pause, to which she ultimately replied that she would set up some installment plan on her own. What type of virtual reality do people like that live in? Ain't gonna happen.

That is the stupidity among so many in this country. "I'm healthy now, so why should I pay for insurance?" is what they think to themselves. Of course when they become sick, then everyone else is footing the bill because they will still receive some form of treatment, even though they can't pay for it. This is why health insurance should be mandatory.

People don't plan on becoming sick. My wife was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 40. She died ten months later and the cost was over $1.3 million in medical bills. You don't pay off $1.3 million in installments, lol.
Who's the bullshitter here? You could always go to a bank and get a certified check. Lots of medical clinics don't handle large amounts of CASH, for obvious reasons.
You're the bullshitter.

I've walked into a couple hospital inpatient areas, not the ER, and had the money for the minor treatments needed (which themselves didn't cost more than a couple hundred dollars) in my hand, showing it to the intake personnel in fact, and was still turned away because I had no insurance.
Democrat plan: Do much much, more of what already has failed to deliver the goods and spend much, much more money doing so.

Republican plan: Try to polish democrat turds.

I disagree; the Republican plan stimulates competition by making a considerable part of the money spent by the insured their own money. People look out for their own money with a lot more diligence than they do someone elses money. No?
Medicare works great and administrative costs are a fraction of what private plans are.
Would you ask your parents or grandparents to give up their Social Security or Medicare? I'll bet you consider both Socialist programs.
Democrat plan: Do much much, more of what already has failed to deliver the goods and spend much, much more money doing so.

Republican plan: Try to polish democrat turds.

I disagree; the Republican plan stimulates competition by making a considerable part of the money spent by the insured their own money. People look out for their own money with a lot more diligence than they do someone elses money. No?
Medicare works great and administrative costs are a fraction of what private plans are.
Would you ask your parents or grandparents to give up their Social Security or Medicare? I'll bet you consider both Socialist programs.

You'd lose that bet PJ. These are necessary for those who've worked hard, worn out their bodies (even their minds) and need help in their old age - or younger when disabled - to maintain themselves. But I'd bet that once we have a single payer plan, Medicare will be rolled into it, or the rationing that results will mean that the old and disabled are shunted aside as being insufficiently productive to make their health benefits good returns on "investment". That’s because the system will be ‘strapped’ for money. Therefore/and also someone needing knee surgery to remain productive will lose their productivity, lowering their worth to society, and will live a shorter, lower quality of life as a result of those 'policy' (life and death) decisions. This will amount to a form of euthanasia, something we already see at the beginning of life becoming operational at the end of life.

As for SS, all those treasury notes that were issued to allow the government to draw down the dollars paid in have to be taken into account when we say that SS is bankrupt. Right now all we seem to take into account is 'cash flow'. The policy makers allow that misconception to go on because it allows them to game the system to their own ends, and because they don't want those loans in mega-bucks to be counted in the public consciousness.

I keep harping at this logical prediction, because although most of you may be younger than forty years of age, look back and take note how quickly the months, years, decades have rolled by already. Before you know it these decisions will have implications on whether or not you have become expendable. The situation of your own parents should make that clear. When you were born they were probably as young as you are now, or even younger; time flies.

Face it; we have a choice between competition and a government monopoly in the form of a bureaucracy in the distribution of health care services. I opt for competition and the productivity of a free market system providing for the vulnerable through the public conscience, rather than a bureaucracy.
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So how come the neocon ideal for world peace wasn't called "spreading representative republicanism around the world"??

Just because the word "Republic" is included in the GOP's official party name, doesn't mean the word "democratic" doesn't also apply to our form of government. It ain't rocket science, genius.

But why am I arguing with you who "labels" anyone who disagrees with your absurdities as a "moron." Your vocabulary is obviously pretty limited anyway.
First of all, neither DivCon or I are neocons.....And I'm not even a republican.

Secondly, the neocon claim of "spreading 'mockracy around the world" is more a comment on their ignorance that anything else.....Which also begs the question; why would you believe them in any case?
see why i call this dumb bitch a moron
how much more moronic crap does one need to display before it is obvious they are a moron?

Well gee, I'd like to see SOMETHING other than an insult coming from you. Are you even capable of that, child?

You're not only ignorant, you're borrrrrrrrring............

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