Republican States Have Highest Rates of Pre-Existing Conditions

The macho American diet is one that increases obesity and disease. Simple fact. Luckily educated folk know to avoid certain foods.
Wow you people can make jokes or rationalizations but the point is that republicans want to take away protections for preexisting conditions yet it will hurt mostly republican constituents.

Which is why the republicans don't want to write a health care bill now. It won't be good for reelection chances.
That's what Newsweek says. That's why it's a joke.
Toxic substances get in the water and soil which affects the food we eat. We have a republican party hell bent on putting the profits of billionaires and corporations ahead of peoples' health and lives so yeah, the red states are for sure more toxic. Remember when this trump character put that pruitt guy in charge of the epa? "Get rid of ten regulations for every new regulation" said trump to the new epa chief. This present group of pigs in charge don't care about peoples' lives and health at all. At all.
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Wow you people can make jokes or rationalizations but the point is that republicans want to take away protections for preexisting conditions yet it will hurt mostly republican constituents.

Which is why the republicans don't want to write a health care bill now. It won't be good for reelection chances.
That's what Newsweek says. That's why it's a joke.
Its what kaiser family foundation data says. Newsweek is just reporting on it.
What does Detroit know about Healthcare? huh? A city that's been to hell and back? The finer things in life? That Eminem guy? huh? You %$&#*%. You little #(&$. Chrysler. Imported from Detroit. %$(* Other countries trying to perform any sort of industrial supply chains. Peace! Eminem. women's choir. 2006 superbowl. Healthcare!
The American diet is a mess...deep fried in an oil that is a derivative of petroleum....we wonder why we have issues?

This has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever read on this forum, and I've read some dumb shit.

Let me give you a hint buddy, cooking oil isn't made from motor oil LOL
Wow you people can make jokes or rationalizations but the point is that republicans want to take away protections for preexisting conditions yet it will hurt mostly republican constituents.

Which is why the republicans don't want to write a health care bill now. It won't be good for reelection chances.
That's what Newsweek says. That's why it's a joke.
Its what kaiser family foundation data says. Newsweek is just reporting on it.

Care to explain this?

There is a Republican plan to cover pre-existing conditions — and the House already passed it

"The American Health Care Act included an amendment that Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz., and I introduced. It ensured that anyone with a preexisting condition could purchase health insurance. The Palmer-Schweikert amendment established a risk-sharing plan that allowed any individual with a preexisting condition to purchase insurance at the same price as a healthy individual."

"The Republican bill with this amendment passed the House on May 4, 2017 without a single Democrat vote in favor."

It's democrats that don't want to cover preexisting conditions as their voting record proves it.
Wow you people can make jokes or rationalizations but the point is that republicans want to take away protections for preexisting conditions yet it will hurt mostly republican constituents.

Which is why the republicans don't want to write a health care bill now. It won't be good for reelection chances.
That's what Newsweek says. That's why it's a joke.
Its what kaiser family foundation data says. Newsweek is just reporting on it.

Care to explain this?

There is a Republican plan to cover pre-existing conditions — and the House already passed it

"The American Health Care Act included an amendment that Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz., and I introduced. It ensured that anyone with a preexisting condition could purchase health insurance. The Palmer-Schweikert amendment established a risk-sharing plan that allowed any individual with a preexisting condition to purchase insurance at the same price as a healthy individual."

"The Republican bill with this amendment passed the House on May 4, 2017 without a single Democrat vote in favor."

It's democrats that don't want to cover preexisting conditions as their voting record proves it.
The republican senate shit-canned that.
Also Trump did the same.
Not sure why washington examiner would report on something now, when they know was abandoned over a year ago.
This is one of the reasons why there will be no health care votes or even any legislation proposed by republicans until after the election next year.

Republicans want to take away the preexisting conditions protections we now have. Yet it's the red states that have the highest populations of people with preexisting conditions.

As the article states a poll by Gallup shows that health care is again the number one issue with Americans in the coming election. It was in the 2018 election too. Look how that ended up for the republicans and trump.

Americans don't trust republicans with health care.

Healthcare: Republicans Highest Pre-Existing Conditions
Actually moron trump supports pre existing coverage where have you been inspecting your hemroids
This is one of the reasons why there will be no health care votes or even any legislation proposed by republicans until after the election next year.

Republicans want to take away the preexisting conditions protections we now have. Yet it's the red states that have the highest populations of people with preexisting conditions.

As the article states a poll by Gallup shows that health care is again the number one issue with Americans in the coming election. It was in the 2018 election too. Look how that ended up for the republicans and trump.

Americans don't trust republicans with health care.

Healthcare: Republicans Highest Pre-Existing Conditions
Actually moron trump supports pre existing coverage where have you been inspecting your hemroids


Then why did he first start out trying to remove those protections from the ACA then ended up directing the DOJ to get the whole law declared unconstitutional? That includes preexisting conditions.

The only thing that republicans will offer that they call a "solution" is high risk pools which don't work. They run out of money. The premiums are just so astronomically high, people can't afford it. Those who try to stay in the pool don't get to stay long, the pool runs out of money.

So a person like me, who paid into employer provided health care through my ex spouse for over 30 years, loses my insurance only because I got divorced, are just screwed then. I paid into the system since the 80s. So all that money I paid is just gone. I was told that I was prepaying my medical costs for when I need it when I get older since I didn't use it beyond check ups for decades. Now all that money I paid in premiums, deductibles, copayments and residuals are gone. Now that I'm older I actually need to use that money but because of divorce I'm denied that right. Not only that, the few protections that the ACA does give to people like me will be gone if or when the courts rule it's unconstitutional. That includes preexisting conditions. Which means it will be unconstitutional to pass laws to protect people with preexisting conditions. It will be unconstitutional for people to remain on their parents plan until they're 26. All of the regulations and protections in that law will become unconstitutional which means no one will ever be able to have them ever again in America unless a constitutional amendment is passed for it.

Think about that. An insurance company will be able to kick you off your policy for something as simple as an ear infection. You then will have a record of being kicked off a policy and have a preexisting condition. Which will mean you will never be able to buy insurance ever again in your life. A baby who its born with a serious life long condition will never be able to have insurance when they're beyond 18 years of age.

If trump and the republicans are successful in their lawsuit no one, not even trump and the republicans, will ever be able to write and pass legislation that provides protections for preexisting conditions. So saying they support preexisting conditions is a lie.

If you don't believe me, when did abortion become illegal in America since Roe V Wade? Or when did Citizens United become illegal since the ruling? When did segregation in the public schools become legal after the Brown ruling? When did birth control become illegal after the Griswold case?

You're being lied to and you don't care. The sad thing is innocent people will be harmed.

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