Republican thanks Obama for saving his life

You bet your ass. If I had that choice. I'm not interested in paying "for my neighbor." If you are then good for you. Whip out your wallet, checkbook and debit card an pay away.

But you were okay with paying through the EMTALA, you just didn't realize you were paying, or you're just going to ignore my second paragraph?

Nope. I'm not okay with taking responsibility for anyone's bills but my own.

Of course EMTALA is something we are forced to do and pay for. Doesn't mean I have to like it. And yes I knew it.

So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?

Oh it won't save me any money.

The cost of my benefits has gone up by 60% in the last two years.

It won't save anyone who's a taxpayer anything. The only winners are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize.

Paying for HC is easy when you use someone else's money.

And your premiums never went up before this? Extraordinary.
60% in two years sounds standard to you? What is wrong with you?
So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?
How about if government got their greedy meat hooks off our pocketbooks and let the hospitals, doctors and us work it out. With tort reform we can make it more affordable for all. You still don't want to pay, that should be your right and no one should be obligated to care for you. If you had a backbone it wouldn't need to be explained.

You conveniently left out any mention of the insurers. But you did mention the Magic of Tort Reform. Keep going. I'm sure you'll cover all the talking points eventually.

Somehow I doubt that even your ass is Christian.

I could be an atheist for all you know. I have no use for religion and being a Christian doesn't mean your ready to spend your money on someone else.

Catch a clue dumbass.

It does mean that you're ready to "love your neighbor as yourself." You, it seems, would define that as slamming the door in his face. Others might think differently.

Besides, for all the caterwauling about the PPACA, not one of you has actually "spent your money on someone else" via the new regulations, though any of you who've relied on the services of a hospital have in fact paid more because of the EMTALA, you just didn't know it.
Hey, asshole. You don't have the right to other people's money. If people don't want socialism you can define it as slamming the door in their face, which I would literally do if your dumb ass ever knocked on it, but it just proves how lost you are. Everyone paying more due to obamacare is sharing their resources. So you're a liar as well.

When you're finished arguing with your body parts, perhaps you can respond to my post. Or are you just talking to your asshole because it knows you don't know what a preexisting condition is?
Your bullshit isn't working, Slick. You make accusations to many people all the time. You're just a fucking troll. Probably with a government job too.

And you were doing so well for a moment there...
You bet your ass. If I had that choice. I'm not interested in paying "for my neighbor." If you are then good for you. Whip out your wallet, checkbook and debit card an pay away.

But you were okay with paying through the EMTALA, you just didn't realize you were paying, or you're just going to ignore my second paragraph?

Nope. I'm not okay with taking responsibility for anyone's bills but my own.

Of course EMTALA is something we are forced to do and pay for. Doesn't mean I have to like it. And yes I knew it.

So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?

Oh it won't save me any money.

The cost of my benefits has gone up by 60% in the last two years.

It won't save anyone who's a taxpayer anything. The only winners are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize.

Paying for HC is easy when you use someone else's money.

And your premiums never went up before this? Extraordinary.

Sure but not like they do now. The ACA isn't going to save anyone any money. Oh except for those we are forced to subsidize.
But you were okay with paying through the EMTALA, you just didn't realize you were paying, or you're just going to ignore my second paragraph?

Nope. I'm not okay with taking responsibility for anyone's bills but my own.

Of course EMTALA is something we are forced to do and pay for. Doesn't mean I have to like it. And yes I knew it.

So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?

Oh it won't save me any money.

The cost of my benefits has gone up by 60% in the last two years.

It won't save anyone who's a taxpayer anything. The only winners are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize.

Paying for HC is easy when you use someone else's money.

And your premiums never went up before this? Extraordinary.
60% in two years sounds standard to you?

Sounds incredible, actually, but I was being polite.
But you were okay with paying through the EMTALA, you just didn't realize you were paying, or you're just going to ignore my second paragraph?

Nope. I'm not okay with taking responsibility for anyone's bills but my own.

Of course EMTALA is something we are forced to do and pay for. Doesn't mean I have to like it. And yes I knew it.

So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?

Oh it won't save me any money.

The cost of my benefits has gone up by 60% in the last two years.

It won't save anyone who's a taxpayer anything. The only winners are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize.

Paying for HC is easy when you use someone else's money.

And your premiums never went up before this? Extraordinary.

Sure but not like they do now. The ACA isn't going to save anyone any money. Oh except for those we are forced to subsidize.

A subject talked about so frequently it has its own separate forum. To get back to the thread topic, you'd have been happy to let the man in the OP die, correct?
Nope. I'm not okay with taking responsibility for anyone's bills but my own.

Of course EMTALA is something we are forced to do and pay for. Doesn't mean I have to like it. And yes I knew it.

So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?

Oh it won't save me any money.

The cost of my benefits has gone up by 60% in the last two years.

It won't save anyone who's a taxpayer anything. The only winners are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize.

Paying for HC is easy when you use someone else's money.

And your premiums never went up before this? Extraordinary.
60% in two years sounds standard to you?

Sounds incredible, actually, but I was being polite.
You define words in a strange way.
So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?

Oh it won't save me any money.

The cost of my benefits has gone up by 60% in the last two years.

It won't save anyone who's a taxpayer anything. The only winners are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize.

Paying for HC is easy when you use someone else's money.

And your premiums never went up before this? Extraordinary.
60% in two years sounds standard to you?

Sounds incredible, actually, but I was being polite.
You define words in a strange way.

Define, no. Use judiciously, yes.
So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?
How about if government got their greedy meat hooks off our pocketbooks and let the hospitals, doctors and us work it out. With tort reform we can make it more affordable for all. You still don't want to pay, that should be your right and no one should be obligated to care for you. If you had a backbone it wouldn't need to be explained.

You conveniently left out any mention of the insurers. But you did mention the Magic of Tort Reform. Keep going. I'm sure you'll cover all the talking points eventually.

I could be an atheist for all you know. I have no use for religion and being a Christian doesn't mean your ready to spend your money on someone else.

Catch a clue dumbass.

It does mean that you're ready to "love your neighbor as yourself." You, it seems, would define that as slamming the door in his face. Others might think differently.

Besides, for all the caterwauling about the PPACA, not one of you has actually "spent your money on someone else" via the new regulations, though any of you who've relied on the services of a hospital have in fact paid more because of the EMTALA, you just didn't know it.
Hey, asshole. You don't have the right to other people's money. If people don't want socialism you can define it as slamming the door in their face, which I would literally do if your dumb ass ever knocked on it, but it just proves how lost you are. Everyone paying more due to obamacare is sharing their resources. So you're a liar as well.

When you're finished arguing with your body parts, perhaps you can respond to my post. Or are you just talking to your asshole because it knows you don't know what a preexisting condition is?
Your bullshit isn't working, Slick. You make accusations to many people all the time. You're just a fucking troll. Probably with a government job too.

And you were doing so well for a moment there...
What a blind bastard. I am increasingly convinced you are on the government dole. No one would hawk something so religiously. But my words are still there, evidence of your deceit and stupidity abound. The only thing you are covering is your well worn office chair.
So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?
How about if government got their greedy meat hooks off our pocketbooks and let the hospitals, doctors and us work it out. With tort reform we can make it more affordable for all. You still don't want to pay, that should be your right and no one should be obligated to care for you. If you had a backbone it wouldn't need to be explained.

You conveniently left out any mention of the insurers. But you did mention the Magic of Tort Reform. Keep going. I'm sure you'll cover all the talking points eventually.

It does mean that you're ready to "love your neighbor as yourself." You, it seems, would define that as slamming the door in his face. Others might think differently.

Besides, for all the caterwauling about the PPACA, not one of you has actually "spent your money on someone else" via the new regulations, though any of you who've relied on the services of a hospital have in fact paid more because of the EMTALA, you just didn't know it.
Hey, asshole. You don't have the right to other people's money. If people don't want socialism you can define it as slamming the door in their face, which I would literally do if your dumb ass ever knocked on it, but it just proves how lost you are. Everyone paying more due to obamacare is sharing their resources. So you're a liar as well.

When you're finished arguing with your body parts, perhaps you can respond to my post. Or are you just talking to your asshole because it knows you don't know what a preexisting condition is?
Your bullshit isn't working, Slick. You make accusations to many people all the time. You're just a fucking troll. Probably with a government job too.

And you were doing so well for a moment there...
What a blind bastard. I am increasingly convinced you are on the government dole. No one would hawk something so religiously.

Good manners on message boards? Yeah, what a concept.
Nope. I'm not okay with taking responsibility for anyone's bills but my own.

Of course EMTALA is something we are forced to do and pay for. Doesn't mean I have to like it. And yes I knew it.

So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?

Oh it won't save me any money.

The cost of my benefits has gone up by 60% in the last two years.

It won't save anyone who's a taxpayer anything. The only winners are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize.

Paying for HC is easy when you use someone else's money.

And your premiums never went up before this? Extraordinary.

Sure but not like they do now. The ACA isn't going to save anyone any money. Oh except for those we are forced to subsidize.

A subject talked about so frequently it has its own separate forum. To get back to the thread topic, you'd have been happy to let the man in the OP die, correct?

That man isn't my responsibility, nor is he yours or the taxpayers of Americas. His problems are his own.
So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?

Oh it won't save me any money.

The cost of my benefits has gone up by 60% in the last two years.

It won't save anyone who's a taxpayer anything. The only winners are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize.

Paying for HC is easy when you use someone else's money.

And your premiums never went up before this? Extraordinary.

Sure but not like they do now. The ACA isn't going to save anyone any money. Oh except for those we are forced to subsidize.

A subject talked about so frequently it has its own separate forum. To get back to the thread topic, you'd have been happy to let the man in the OP die, correct?

That man isn't my responsibility, nor is he yours or the taxpayers of Americas. His problems are his own.

So your philosophy is "Me, ME, MEEEEEE!!!!!" That's honest. No doubt you'll say no one's ever done anything for you. Gave birth to yourself, pulled yourself up by your own bootstraps. Never had a teacher or a mentor to help you out. Completely sui generis.

Never fell on hard times and needed a hand from anyone (not that you'd bother with friends because, yanno, friends expect you to do things for them once in a while). Never benefited from anything in "the Best Damn Country in the World Until Obama," right? Never used a public library or drove on the interstates that previous generations paid for.

Amazing how many of you there are on message boards. Amazing how few there are IRL.
So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?
How about if government got their greedy meat hooks off our pocketbooks and let the hospitals, doctors and us work it out. With tort reform we can make it more affordable for all. You still don't want to pay, that should be your right and no one should be obligated to care for you. If you had a backbone it wouldn't need to be explained.

You conveniently left out any mention of the insurers. But you did mention the Magic of Tort Reform. Keep going. I'm sure you'll cover all the talking points eventually.

Hey, asshole. You don't have the right to other people's money. If people don't want socialism you can define it as slamming the door in their face, which I would literally do if your dumb ass ever knocked on it, but it just proves how lost you are. Everyone paying more due to obamacare is sharing their resources. So you're a liar as well.

When you're finished arguing with your body parts, perhaps you can respond to my post. Or are you just talking to your asshole because it knows you don't know what a preexisting condition is?
Your bullshit isn't working, Slick. You make accusations to many people all the time. You're just a fucking troll. Probably with a government job too.

And you were doing so well for a moment there...
What a blind bastard. I am increasingly convinced you are on the government dole. No one would hawk something so religiously.

Good manners on message boards? Yeah, what a concept.
You don't respond to posts, you troll them, hurling insults along the way. obamacare is your baby, it's like a religion, it's blasphemy to speak out against. No one is that dedicated, you are sucking off the system in some capacity, maybe one of the "navigators".
Oh it won't save me any money.

The cost of my benefits has gone up by 60% in the last two years.

It won't save anyone who's a taxpayer anything. The only winners are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize.

Paying for HC is easy when you use someone else's money.

And your premiums never went up before this? Extraordinary.

Sure but not like they do now. The ACA isn't going to save anyone any money. Oh except for those we are forced to subsidize.

A subject talked about so frequently it has its own separate forum. To get back to the thread topic, you'd have been happy to let the man in the OP die, correct?

That man isn't my responsibility, nor is he yours or the taxpayers of Americas. His problems are his own.

So your philosophy is "Me, ME, MEEEEEE!!!!!" That's honest. No doubt you'll say no one's ever done anything for you. Gave birth to yourself, pulled yourself up by your own bootstraps. Never had a teacher or a mentor to help you out. Completely sui generis.

Never fell on hard times and needed a hand from anyone (not that you'd bother with friends because, yanno, friends expect you to do things for them once in a while). Never benefited from anything in "the Best Damn Country in the World Until Obama," right? Never used a public library or drove on the interstates that previous generations paid for.

Amazing how many of you there are on message boards. Amazing how few there are IRL.
What a stupid asshole response. You aren't worth talking to.
So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?
How about if government got their greedy meat hooks off our pocketbooks and let the hospitals, doctors and us work it out. With tort reform we can make it more affordable for all. You still don't want to pay, that should be your right and no one should be obligated to care for you. If you had a backbone it wouldn't need to be explained.

You conveniently left out any mention of the insurers. But you did mention the Magic of Tort Reform. Keep going. I'm sure you'll cover all the talking points eventually.

When you're finished arguing with your body parts, perhaps you can respond to my post. Or are you just talking to your asshole because it knows you don't know what a preexisting condition is?
Your bullshit isn't working, Slick. You make accusations to many people all the time. You're just a fucking troll. Probably with a government job too.

And you were doing so well for a moment there...
What a blind bastard. I am increasingly convinced you are on the government dole. No one would hawk something so religiously.

Good manners on message boards? Yeah, what a concept.
You don't respond to posts, you troll them, hurling insults along the way. obamacare is your baby, it's like a religion, it's blasphemy to speak out against. No one is that dedicated, you are sucking off the system in some capacity, maybe one of the "navigators".

I'm sorry you have so much trouble understanding my posts. How can I help you?

And your premiums never went up before this? Extraordinary.

Sure but not like they do now. The ACA isn't going to save anyone any money. Oh except for those we are forced to subsidize.

A subject talked about so frequently it has its own separate forum. To get back to the thread topic, you'd have been happy to let the man in the OP die, correct?

That man isn't my responsibility, nor is he yours or the taxpayers of Americas. His problems are his own.

So your philosophy is "Me, ME, MEEEEEE!!!!!" That's honest. No doubt you'll say no one's ever done anything for you. Gave birth to yourself, pulled yourself up by your own bootstraps. Never had a teacher or a mentor to help you out. Completely sui generis.

Never fell on hard times and needed a hand from anyone (not that you'd bother with friends because, yanno, friends expect you to do things for them once in a while). Never benefited from anything in "the Best Damn Country in the World Until Obama," right? Never used a public library or drove on the interstates that previous generations paid for.

Amazing how many of you there are on message boards. Amazing how few there are IRL.
What a stupid asshole response. You aren't worth talking to.

And yet you do.
So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?
How about if government got their greedy meat hooks off our pocketbooks and let the hospitals, doctors and us work it out. With tort reform we can make it more affordable for all. You still don't want to pay, that should be your right and no one should be obligated to care for you. If you had a backbone it wouldn't need to be explained.

Many states have tort reform laws. It has done nothing to lower health care costs.

Tort reform doesn’t actually save much money
I watched the video, it would have been better if the guy was dead.

WTF, over? Is that an attempt at humor?
Nope, it's an attempt at reality.

Now we have one more disabled person on the SSI roles. Thanks government. Great job keeping him alive.

Holy fucking crap. I've heard people like you existed...I just didn't believe it. Wow...
There are a lot of them. They call them Republicans. Sometimes, like with Terry Schievo, they pretend to care. But most of the time it's all about yelling out "Let him die" at a GOP debate.
When you have been there, when you have suffered like this man, then come talk to me.

In thirty years, if this guy is still alive, I'd like to talk to him about his decision to pimp himself out about ripping off his fellow man by force and changing the world around him by the barrel of a gun.

When ever modern medicine goes in to heal, it leaves it's scars.

It's always a long painful road to recovery.

After Obama is done with him, then what?

I take offense to being called a Republican. Everyone knows I'm a freethinker. :tinfoil: lol

I'll bet you drank the Kool-aid and are now responsible for ISIS, Libya, drones, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. Noble peace prize my ass. Boy, your hands are just dripping with blood, aren't they? :badgrin:

When this woman ran against Obama, I voted for her.

You seriously think I'm a "Republican?"

Don't worry, I haven't voted in over a decade, and I don't plan on it. :lame2:
The Dems took over an entire industry,/QUOTE]

Wow.....The dems did what the rest of the industrialized world has done.....where their citizens pay LESS and their health care delivery ranks way better than ours.
Right wing idiots STILL think that we have a better system......brainwashed to the core.
Don't be silly. Obamacare was constructed in such a manner to make the dem party more powerful
Trump's proposals make ACA look silly.

You have no idea what the ACA is, do you?
I watched the video, it would have been better if the guy was dead.

WTF, over? Is that an attempt at humor?
Nope, it's an attempt at reality.

Now we have one more disabled person on the SSI roles. Thanks government. Great job keeping him alive.

So, we should just execute people who don't have jobs.... great work.
Well, Bernie Sanders already wants to steal from those who do, it's radical proposal, one I'm not in favor of, but if you can find a candidate in favor of it, good luck!

Steal from? Not really, he'd tell them to pay, and they'd pay, or leave the country.
Read the link and maybe you will learn something, although I seriously doubt it.

"It isn't your imagination. It is harder if you're in the middle class.If you have been diagnosed with cancer and are firmly entrenched in the middle class, you should know that you may have to do more research and talk to more people than you'd ever imagine. That’s because there are more programs that help those at the bottom of the financial ladder than those in the middle. Even with insurance, middle-class patients may believe they have to go bankrupt to qualify for the programs out there.

That isn't quite true, however – or it doesn't need to be. "There are resources and ways to receive cancer care for people who are struggling financially – even for the middle class," Rieber says. "But it is hard to find them."

Yes, I too often wonder WHY some 82 year old, poor, basically illiterate woman, living in some trailer park in rural Alabama does not more readily access the Internet blogs for special deals for cancer patients.

I sometimes wonder how that 82 year old woman gets to the grocery store to buy some groceries. But, just perhaps she has a friend or a relative that helps her.
So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?
How about if government got their greedy meat hooks off our pocketbooks and let the hospitals, doctors and us work it out. With tort reform we can make it more affordable for all. You still don't want to pay, that should be your right and no one should be obligated to care for you. If you had a backbone it wouldn't need to be explained.

If the doctors, hospitals and patients had been "working it out" reform wouldn't have been needed. It is precisely because no one was "working it out" that reform was needed.

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