Republican thanks Obama for saving his life

So if it turns out that the PPACA actually saved you $, would you still be as angry, or is your anger proportional to the amount you feel you're paying to help others get life-saving treatment?
How about if government got their greedy meat hooks off our pocketbooks and let the hospitals, doctors and us work it out. With tort reform we can make it more affordable for all. You still don't want to pay, that should be your right and no one should be obligated to care for you. If you had a backbone it wouldn't need to be explained.

Many states have tort reform laws. It has done nothing to lower health care costs.

Tort reform doesn’t actually save much money
How could it now? You see only what you want to.

How could it not now? Texas put the Tort Reform you think you want into place. It did nothing to lower costs. Republicans keep repeating the same "plan" (tort reform and selling across state lines which, by the way, is allowed under the ACA) that Americans have rejected. Why? Because it doesn't work to lower costs.
It's just much cheaper for me just to pay the fine, health insurances are a freakin rip off.
Obama care is nothing but legalized extortion
His story isn't unique. People are alive today because the United States passed the Affordable Care Act.

Thousands more are dead because of it.

Thousands of people have died as a result of the ACA? Oh, you'll definitely have to provide links to that.

That's easy. Thousands thrown out of their previous healthcare plan and can't afford obamacare.

And yet your un fact filled post is also unsupported by actual data. Imagine that. :rolleyes:

It's all out there. Thousands have died because of obamacare
His story isn't unique. People are alive today because the United States passed the Affordable Care Act.

Thousands more are dead because of it.

Thousands of people have died as a result of the ACA? Oh, you'll definitely have to provide links to that.

That's easy. Thousands thrown out of their previous healthcare plan and can't afford obamacare.

And yet your un fact filled post is also unsupported by actual data. Imagine that. :rolleyes:

It's all out there. Thousands have died because of obamacare

Then you shouldn't have any trouble posting the links.
Of course the liberals buy it, hook, line and sinker. If he waiting until his symptoms manifested themselves to go looking for insurance then there's the problem. Even so, he could probably get insurance, maybe not for the price he wanted though. Drugs are made more expensive due to litigation and the FDA regulation, trial time periods, etc. So cry over the letter if it tugs on your heart strings while ignoring all those who lost their insurance due to obamacare if it makes you feeeel good.

Nobody lost insurance due to Obamacare. They were forced to find better policies

I disagree, they are higher priced and were not what I want. Now, I have to pay almost $10000 every year to use my policy. Before, I had a catastrophic plan that I paid less for, then I also could negotiate with my healthcare professionals and it cost a lot less. The plan I had worked well for me. This new plan covers me for things I don't need, like birth control, pregnancy, yearly check ups. Working with your doctor for cash pay is a thing of the past. It is very expensive for little return.
Of course the liberals buy it, hook, line and sinker. If he waiting until his symptoms manifested themselves to go looking for insurance then there's the problem. Even so, he could probably get insurance, maybe not for the price he wanted though. Drugs are made more expensive due to litigation and the FDA regulation, trial time periods, etc. So cry over the letter if it tugs on your heart strings while ignoring all those who lost their insurance due to obamacare if it makes you feeeel good.

Nobody lost insurance due to Obamacare. They were forced to find better policies

I disagree, they are higher priced and were not what I want. Now, I have to pay almost $10000 every year to use my policy. Before, I had a catastrophic plan that I paid less for, then I also could negotiate with my healthcare professionals and it cost a lot less. The plan I had worked well for me. This new plan covers me for things I don't need, like birth control, pregnancy, yearly check ups. Working with your doctor for cash pay is a thing of the past. It is very expensive for little return.
Obamacare relies heavily on the young and the healthy being forced into paying for things they don't need or will ever use so that the multi million dollar "surprise" claims of the people such as in the OP get paid.

Unfortunately ...the young and the healthy that are needed to pay for this stuff are waiting until they are "sick" to seek coverage because it costs too much.

Recipe for failure.
Nice made up story. dumbass

No doubt you can prove it was "made up."

No doubt you can prove it wasn't made up.

There's a link in the OP. It's up to you to prove it's a fake. Go see what instructions Breitbart has for you.

I don't have to prove a thing, I didn't put forth that the story is true.

Never use Breitbart so you are uttering complete BS and diverting the issue because you have nothing but BS, which seems to be your MO.

Over the years we have seen hundreds of fake stories, I take them all with a grain of salt. I usually will check several sources and if they aren't extreme left or right, then there is some validity.
Nice made up story. dumbass

No doubt you can prove it was "made up."

No doubt you can prove it wasn't made up.

There's a link in the OP. It's up to you to prove it's a fake. Go see what instructions Breitbart has for you.

I don't have to prove a thing, I didn't put forth that the story is true.

You claimed it wasn't. You have no proof. Not surprising.
Nice made up story. dumbass

No doubt you can prove it was "made up."

No doubt you can prove it wasn't made up.

There's a link in the OP. It's up to you to prove it's a fake. Go see what instructions Breitbart has for you.

I don't have to prove a thing, I didn't put forth that the story is true.

You claimed it wasn't. You have no proof. Not surprising.

Check your reading comprehension, I made no such claim. You made a statement, that rustic could prove it was "made up." I made the statement that you could prove it wasn't made up.
Made up story

Prove it.

Or just keep repeating yourself.

Go with your strengths.
It's just some horses ass making up a story

Three times. How many times before it magically becomes true?

Post it again.
Fairytale, warm and fuzzy stories make some people feel good even though they're made up.

Five times.

Post it again.
only an idiot would believe that story
Prove it.

Or just keep repeating yourself.

Go with your strengths.
It's just some horses ass making up a story

Three times. How many times before it magically becomes true?

Post it again.
Fairytale, warm and fuzzy stories make some people feel good even though they're made up.

Five times.

Post it again.
only an idiot would believe that story

Only an idiot would post some variation on this six times in lieu of refuting it.

Post it again.

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