Republican thanks Obama for saving his life

It's just some horses ass making up a story

Three times. How many times before it magically becomes true?

Post it again.
Fairytale, warm and fuzzy stories make some people feel good even though they're made up.

Five times.

Post it again.
only an idiot would believe that story

Only an idiot would post some variation on this six times in lieu of refuting it.

Post it again.
If the story is true it's not true
Three times. How many times before it magically becomes true?

Post it again.
Fairytale, warm and fuzzy stories make some people feel good even though they're made up.

Five times.

Post it again.
only an idiot would believe that story

Only an idiot would post some variation on this six times in lieu of refuting it.

Post it again.
If the story is true it's not true

That makes as much sense as anything else you've posted in this thread.
Fairytale, warm and fuzzy stories make some people feel good even though they're made up.

Five times.

Post it again.
only an idiot would believe that story

Only an idiot would post some variation on this six times in lieu of refuting it.

Post it again.
If the story is true it's not true

That makes as much sense as anything else you've posted in this thread.
Even if the story was true, it would not mean anything.
The sorry ass shit people believe - LOL
Oh it won't save me any money.

The cost of my benefits has gone up by 60% in the last two years.

It won't save anyone who's a taxpayer anything. The only winners are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize.

Paying for HC is easy when you use someone else's money.

And your premiums never went up before this? Extraordinary.

Sure but not like they do now. The ACA isn't going to save anyone any money. Oh except for those we are forced to subsidize.

A subject talked about so frequently it has its own separate forum. To get back to the thread topic, you'd have been happy to let the man in the OP die, correct?

That man isn't my responsibility, nor is he yours or the taxpayers of Americas. His problems are his own.

So your philosophy is "Me, ME, MEEEEEE!!!!!" That's honest. No doubt you'll say no one's ever done anything for you. Gave birth to yourself, pulled yourself up by your own bootstraps. Never had a teacher or a mentor to help you out. Completely sui generis.

Never fell on hard times and needed a hand from anyone (not that you'd bother with friends because, yanno, friends expect you to do things for them once in a while). Never benefited from anything in "the Best Damn Country in the World Until Obama," right? Never used a public library or drove on the interstates that previous generations paid for.

Amazing how many of you there are on message boards. Amazing how few there are IRL.

No. My philosophy is I'm not responsible for everyone in America who needs help. Neither are the taxpayers of America and I sure didn't volunteer to provide for them.

Too bad you bleeding hearts can't be singled out to assist all those who need help. Wonder how long YOUR money would last??

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