Republican women--How many will defect over to Hillary Clinton? They certainly have reason too.

I don't kiss any party's ass--I just call it like I see it, regardless if it's democrat or republican. It's really refreshing. You don't get caught up in trying to defend the A-holes in the party.

This thread is about what I am seeing. And it's really not looking good for Republicans in 2016.

You're right... it's looking pretty damn dismal for the Republicans.

.....Looking pretty good for the Conservatives, though. ;)
I wouldn't be surprised if a few million republican woman voted Hillary.

Republicans are going to lose big!!!
I don't kiss any party's ass--I just call it like I see it, regardless if it's democrat or republican. It's really refreshing. You don't get caught up in trying to defend the A-holes in the party.

This thread is about what I am seeing. And it's really not looking good for Republicans in 2016.

You're right... it's looking pretty damn dismal for the Republicans.

.....Looking pretty good for the Conservatives, though. ;)

The Cut, slash, and Abolish loserterians are going to lose so fucking bad that our great grand kids will learn about it in school.
Rubio could win back a lot of Hispanics and women cause he's young and good looking.

In my opinion, Rubio is done after the last debate. Cruz owned him and he came off looking more and more like a desperate fighter. When he tried to claim Cruz supported amnesty and was against Israel, that was when he lost any chance of redemption in my book. That was all she wrote for Rubio. He missed the vote on Ryan's Obamanationbudget... he was Gang of 8... and I think the establishment's last best hope.

I think it will come down to Cruz and Trump.
I wouldn't be surprised if a few million republican woman voted Hillary.

Republicans are going to lose big!!!

You keep making that prediction.

I learned back when HW lost to Clinton not to be so brash. There is a LONG way to go before election day. A lot of things can happen, a lot of things will be said... we haven't even really gotten started good.

You have to realize this... Republican women are not like whatever you might have in your head. I find that they are exceptionally smart and think about things much more complex than you might imagine. Most of them are not big Hillary fans... I can tell you that.

Trump is an anomaly. We really don't know what Donald Trump will be able to generate in terms of actual votes on ballots anywhere. There is absolutely no political history. I think this is what scares the shit out of most political analysts regardless of party or candidate. We just don't know.

It could be, Trump brings something to the table that we can't factor? He does have name recognition and popularity. His appearances are insane in terms of numbers. No candidate has ever had this kind of turnout. Does that mean anything? Again... we don't know. Maybe?

Hillary is not exactly the Greatest Candidate in the History of Candidates.

I think this could get interesting. :popcorn:
"Republican chimpanzees"? Another latent racial slur from the left. You gotta wonder if progressives have any sense. There is no reason in the world for republican women or any woman to identify with a psychotic abused wife who was forced to endure the humiliation of defending a guy who couldn't even keep his pants on in the Oval Office. Hillary is a mess both mentally and physically.

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