Republican women--How many will defect over to Hillary Clinton? They certainly have reason too.

Minorities are not going to vote for the party which so clearly HATES them.

Well but that's the whole deal with Trump... he's not really a "party" kinda guy, is he?

Plus... I don't think the case is made that republicans hate minorities. I hear the rhetoric... I don't see the evidence. I see three of the four front-runners for the GOP nomination are minorities. I'll just about bet you that if Trump wins the nomination, one of them will be his VP on the ticket.
Look how much heat Cruz was giving Rubio over amnesty. The two of them spent the majority of their time during the last debate on that one issue.

That will hurt the GOP's Hispanic vote if Rubio isn't on the ticket.

Only because liberals have bamboozled the low information voters into conflating legal immigration with illegal alien status.

With the enthusiastic cooperation of the pc msm...illegal alien has been systematically scrubbed from the political lexicon to encourage that conflation.

Well you can be assured that Hillary Clinton is not going to build a wall, but Trump never had any intentions of doing it either. He is in this race to insure that Hillary Clinton wins. And that's exactly what's going to happen.

So it's you that is really the low information voter. You got roped a doped into supporting a Candidate that was planted on the GOP side to help Hillary Clinton get elected. Trump has succeeded at doing that already.

And the moon landing was a hoax and 9/11 was an insider job. :D

Weren't you so sure Romney was a shoe in that you attacked all the other candidates this way? How'd that turn out?
the question should be HOW MANY Democrats are TIRED of being lied to by this past thuggish Democrat administration and now only GIVEN two choices to vote for and will now be defecting over to Republican/Independent.
that thread title sounded more like someone wet dream
IF Trump wins the nomination, (which I still don't believe he will) I think people will be absolutely shocked at how many crossover votes he gets, how much of the black vote he gets, and how much of the women and Latino vote he gets.

If I were a Democratic political strategist, the thing I would be worried about most is Trump's appeal to black voters. This has been a reliable stalwart for the Democrats but I think Trump would pull enough to give them fits. Especially if Hillary is the nominee for the Dems... which looks inevitable. I think Hillary comes across as a bit racist. She pulled this on Obama when running against him. Subtle little innuendos here and there about his qualifications, including the whole birther movement... and yes, it was her campaign that started that.

I think Hillary will try to "appeal" to blacks and she'll come across as the phony pretentious white bread bitch she is and they'll see right through her. I don't think she can pull it off... on the flip side... black folk love them some Trump!

Do you remember when Hitlary said the moonbat messiah "hasn't done the necessary SPADEWORK to be president"?

Republicans have lost the 2016 election cycle already.

That is not even close to a sure thing.

Americans are as sick of the Clintons as they are of the GOP clown antics. I'm fairly certain we will have the lowest voter turnout in a Presidential election year since 1924. And low voter turnouts benefit the GOP.

Judging based on Trump rally crowds and record GOP Debate ratings...I seriously doubt there will be low REPUBLICAN voter turn out if Trump is the nominee.


Oreo will be out there campaigning for Hillary that should help a little. Then again, maybe not...
At some point Republican women are going to have to look at the Republican party--with where they fit into it,

I think they will feel safer with Trump fighting ISIS than with Hilary. Why be sexist even after Hilary created the all the current wars!! She would be the dumbest choice ever!!
Let me tell ya OP, (or is it Opie?) Hillary is skating because the GOP is arguing with each other. As soon as that is over, Hillary and Billary will be exposed, and America will be reminded what it was like under the Clinstones.

What do I mean?

Here is the lead video to be released the day after the GOP nominee is chosen. Enjoy-)

Give me a break--the Clinton's have been investigated for the last 30 years. They come out smelling like a rose. Bengazi;/Emails are so worn out right now--you're preaching to a lot of deaf ears.

The right wing of the Republican party handed Barack Obama a 2nd term by going into women's issues, abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions. You lost women by double digits, younger women by a whopping 36 points. These women aren't coming back to the Republican party. In 2016 Trump supporters have chased off 17% of the population (Hispanics) when Republicans need at least 40% of them to win the White House. They won't be coming back.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

Now you have got all these Republican Chimpanzees in the party that are continually offending women. You put up several knuckle dragging neanderthals (again) into this race--(Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Scott Walker, Rick Perry, and a few others) that the women you chased off in 2012--would never vote for. With the Republican chimpanzees in this mix, you're going to lose a lot more women. You are the MINORITY party, which means you have to attract Independents, women & Hispanics to vote for you.

Then the ONLY candidate that was capable & qualified to defeat Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina--you kicked to the curb, and referred to her as a rino/establishment candidate, but even more-so because she's a woman. An historic 15 GOP male candidates was not out of fear of Hillary Clinton, but more-so the fear of the 1st woman POTUS. They look like a freaking beauty contest on the platform, not a debate.

The problem with the Tea Party--aka Rino/Establishment crowd is they never read anything-. Their entire lives are totally centered around Rush Limbaugh, and other right wing talk radio, and FOX News. And like little lambs--you're being lead to the slaughter. YOU are the minority party, and until you realize that you cannot afford to chase off large voting blocks, you will continue to lose National Elections from here on out.

You are going to get your right wing behinds kicked to mars in the voting booth on election night. It wouldn't surprise me to see Republicans lose the senate and a ton of seats in the house. Republicans in the southwest of this country depend on Hispanics voting for them to get elected, without them they don't win.
Cory Gardner defeats Mark Udall in critical Colorado Senate race

This is how stupid the right wing of the Republican party really is.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

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Republicans have lost the 2016 election cycle already.

That is not even close to a sure thing.

Americans are as sick of the Clintons as they are of the GOP clown antics. I'm fairly certain we will have the lowest voter turnout in a Presidential election year since 1924. And low voter turnouts benefit the GOP.

Judging based on Trump rally crowds and record GOP Debate ratings...I seriously doubt there will be low REPUBLICAN voter turn out if Trump is the nominee.


Oreo will be out there campaigning for Hillary that should help a little. Then again, maybe not...

Republicans will turn out, but they will be voting for Hillary Clinton--and that was Trump's plan all along. Trumps tops out at around 30%, meaning 70% of the Republican is saying Oh hell no to Trump. There is no way the majority of Americans are going to let Donald Trump get within 200 miles of the Oval Office.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

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Any woman voting for Hillary Rodham is about as rational as any woman who is consciously and willingly is a Muslim.
Women are the largest voting block in this country today at 54%. You chased them off in 2012--you chased Hispanics off this year. Another 17% of the population is now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. They won't be coming back. Republicans are the minority party.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

So what's left of your "winning" the White House solution--LOL Do you want to offend another large voting block--because that's all you seem to know how to do. You really expect women to hang out in a party--with all these Republican Chimpanzee's who continually insult and degrade them. Treating them as though they're second class citizens? Is that one of your "winning" solutions also?

Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on election night.

And she wants to give all of you Trump Supporters, and far right wing nut cases a shout out for your continued support.

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Hillary Clinton is headed into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 200 years. Women are the majority voting block at 54%.

Carly Fiorina--a favorite with women in the Republican party is being put on ignore, and kicked to the curb for other candidates like Donald Trump, Ben Carson, & Ted Cruz who in no way possible could win the White House. Carly Fiorina is clearly the only candidate in this race that could defeat Hillary Clinton. She's also the most qualified.

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents make up for the largest party in this country today, representing 40% of the entire electorate. They aren't going to vote for a far right candidate like Ted Cruz or any of the other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals that fill the stage, nor will women.

Women are continually being insulted by the typical Republican Chimpanzees of the party. Rush Limbaugh who is referencing Hillary Clinton as a Cervix, and other republican radio personalities that are attacking Carly Fiorina as a Vagina.
Cruz Endorser Steve Deace Says Fiorina "Goes Full Vagina"

Trump supporters have done their job already, and moved 17% of the population (Hispanics) solidly into Hillary Clinton's column. Historically, the GOP nominee since Reagan needs to capture at least 40% of this vote to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this group. In fact it's so bad now, that Republicans could lose the senate, and a ton of seats in the house.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Women were chased off in 2012 by Republicans dragging the party into women's issues, abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape--which was always answered by an old white Republican male. Republicans lost younger women by a whopping 36 points, securing a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

So we can be pretty much be assured that all of the above is going to spell a Hillary Clinton landslide. We also know that as the election nears, the Republican chimpanzee's in the party are going to go "Crazy Ivan" on women's body parts.

At some point Republican women are going to have to look at the Republican party--with where they fit into it, when they are continually getting insulted & degraded by the chimps in the party. And ask themselves why do they belong to this party? So the question becomes how many will defect, & cross over and vote for Hillary Clinton?

If anyone is insulting to women, it's leftist asswipes like YOU assuming that we are nothing but our vaginas, and have no thoughts, issues, or preferences other than, "Ehrmagerd, ANOTHER vagina! Must vote for it!" (This is always assuming one even accepts Hillary as female.)

I would rather have comments on the female candidates acting like vaginas on legs than have idiots like you assume I'm one. Or worse, that I should be.
I don't know of a single conservative woman planning on voting for the Hildabeast and I know plenty. This is just more BS put out by Clinton and the lame stream media

Leftists are such incredible bigots and misogynists, it's breathtaking, especially when coupled with their hypocrisy in believing they're CHAMPIONS of the people they so routinely and casually denigrate.

They really, genuinely believe that women are just mindless children who see nothing deeper or more meaningful than, "A reproductive system JUST LIKE MINE!" when choosing a candidate.
I don't know of a single conservative woman planning on voting for the Hildabeast and I know plenty. This is just more BS put out by Clinton and the lame stream media

Leftists are such incredible bigots and misogynists, it's breathtaking, especially when coupled with their hypocrisy in believing they're CHAMPIONS of the people they so routinely and casually denigrate.

They really, genuinely believe that women are just mindless children who see nothing deeper or more meaningful than, "A reproductive system JUST LIKE MINE!" when choosing a candidate.

Leftists can't deal with a strong woman, or an intelligent black, both are way too smart for them
I don't know of a single conservative woman planning on voting for the Hildabeast and I know plenty. This is just more BS put out by Clinton and the lame stream media

Leftists are such incredible bigots and misogynists, it's breathtaking, especially when coupled with their hypocrisy in believing they're CHAMPIONS of the people they so routinely and casually denigrate.

They really, genuinely believe that women are just mindless children who see nothing deeper or more meaningful than, "A reproductive system JUST LIKE MINE!" when choosing a candidate.

Leftists can't deal with a strong woman, or an intelligent black, both are way too smart for them
me thinks you are projecting what you all see in the mirror...yourselves.

It's you all that can not deal with a strong, intelligent woman, and would rather support a bimbo like Palin, or some duffus, stick your foot in your mouth then try to swallow it, like Trump.

but hey, to each, his/her own! :beer:
did she not sit up there next to him when he lied to us about not having sex with that WOMAN? so yes she is complicit.

Hold on, in all fairness to Bill, let's quote him correctly... He said "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewenski." He was simply letting Monica know that he did not have sex with Hillary! ;)
did she not sit up there next to him when he lied to us about not having sex with that WOMAN? so yes she is complicit.

Hold on, in all fairness to Bill, let's quote him correctly... He said "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewenski." He was simply letting Monica know that he did not have sex with Hillary! ;)

Well I'll be damned. A Republican trying to be funny.

Whats next groucho? You pulling a rabbi out your ass?
did she not sit up there next to him when he lied to us about not having sex with that WOMAN? so yes she is complicit.

Hold on, in all fairness to Bill, let's quote him correctly... He said "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewenski." He was simply letting Monica know that he did not have sex with Hillary! ;)

Well I'll be damned. A Republican trying to be funny.

Whats next groucho? You pulling a rabbi out your ass?
no but watching you pull one out of your ass would be hilarious. you calling others Groucho. look in a mirror.

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