Republican women--How many will defect over to Hillary Clinton? They certainly have reason too.

The rest of us will stay home.

BINGO! I think you deserve a Winner badge for that one!

Not the first part of your post, but the last sentence. I think it's going to be huge! (Trump impression)

I have a bunch of very left-leaning liberal friends and I have to tell you... they don't seem to be all that jazzed about the election. I think a LOT of lefties are going to sit this one out.
Hillary Clinton is headed into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 200 years. Women are the majority voting block at 54%.

Carly Fiorina--a favorite with women in the Republican party is being put on ignore, and kicked to the curb for other candidates like Donald Trump, Ben Carson, & Ted Cruz who in no way possible could win the White House. Carly Fiorina is clearly the only candidate in this race that could defeat Hillary Clinton. She's also the most qualified.

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents make up for the largest party in this country today, representing 40% of the entire electorate. They aren't going to vote for a far right candidate like Ted Cruz or any of the other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals that fill the stage, nor will women.

Women are continually being insulted by the typical Republican Chimpanzees of the party. Rush Limbaugh who is referencing Hillary Clinton as a Cervix, and other republican radio personalities that are attacking Carly Fiorina as a Vagina.
Cruz Endorser Steve Deace Says Fiorina "Goes Full Vagina"

Trump supporters have done their job already, and moved 17% of the population (Hispanics) solidly into Hillary Clinton's column. Historically, the GOP nominee since Reagan needs to capture at least 40% of this vote to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this group. In fact it's so bad now, that Republicans could lose the senate, and a ton of seats in the house.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Women were chased off in 2012 by Republicans dragging the party into women's issues, abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape--which was always answered by an old white Republican male. Republicans lost younger women by a whopping 36 points, securing a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

So we can be pretty much be assured that all of the above is going to spell a Hillary Clinton landslide. We also know that as the election nears, the Republican chimpanzee's in the party are going to go "Crazy Ivan" on women's body parts.

At some point Republican women are going to have to look at the Republican party--with where they fit into it, when they are continually getting insulted & degraded by the chimps in the party. And ask themselves why do they belong to this party? So the question becomes how many will defect, & cross over and vote for Hillary Clinton?

I think it's funny that you'd expect that Carly Fiorina could compete with Hillary Clinton.
I think more woman will vote for Hillary out of the reality that people like cruz, trump and the "tea party" wants to gut this nations ability to compete.

Woman don't like driving on shitty roads or breathing dirty air.

It doesn't have to be a sexist reason as I will also be forced for this reason to vote for Hillary.
Minorities are not going to vote for the party which so clearly HATES them.

Well but that's the whole deal with Trump... he's not really a "party" kinda guy, is he?

Plus... I don't think the case is made that republicans hate minorities. I hear the rhetoric... I don't see the evidence. I see three of the four front-runners for the GOP nomination are minorities. I'll just about bet you that if Trump wins the nomination, one of them will be his VP on the ticket.
Look how much heat Cruz was giving Rubio over amnesty. The two of them spent the majority of their time during the last debate on that one issue.

That will hurt the GOP's Hispanic vote if Rubio isn't on the ticket.

I thought Cruz cleaned Rubio's clock. I also think Rubio was ridiculous and looked foolish trying to make the claim that Cruz favored amnesty and didn't support Israel. It was just too much like the left-wing Alinsky tactics to appeal with GOP voters. I like Rubio but he has proven to be a disappointment by flip-flopping on key issues in order to "get along" like John McCain. I don't think he stands ANY chance of winning the nomination. He MIGHT be a good pick for VP.

I've got some news for you about the Hispanic vote... they are not all in favor of open borders and amnesty. Many of them resent illegal immigration because they had to earn their stripes the hard way and these people just came on in. Illegal immigrants make life for the LEGAL immigrants harder. I wouldn't count those eggs before they've hatched.
...people like cruz, trump and the "tea party" wants to gut this nations ability to compete.

Oh, you mean like playing favorites with their big money corporate donors who squash the little guy? ...Oh wait... that's HILLARY! bad!
Minorities are not going to vote for the party which so clearly HATES them.

Well but that's the whole deal with Trump... he's not really a "party" kinda guy, is he?

Plus... I don't think the case is made that republicans hate minorities. I hear the rhetoric... I don't see the evidence. I see three of the four front-runners for the GOP nomination are minorities. I'll just about bet you that if Trump wins the nomination, one of them will be his VP on the ticket.
Look how much heat Cruz was giving Rubio over amnesty. The two of them spent the majority of their time during the last debate on that one issue.

That will hurt the GOP's Hispanic vote if Rubio isn't on the ticket.

I thought Cruz cleaned Rubio's clock. I also think Rubio was ridiculous and looked foolish trying to make the claim that Cruz favored amnesty and didn't support Israel. It was just too much like the left-wing Alinsky tactics to appeal with GOP voters. I like Rubio but he has proven to be a disappointment by flip-flopping on key issues in order to "get along" like John McCain. I don't think he stands ANY chance of winning the nomination. He MIGHT be a good pick for VP.

I've got some news for you about the Hispanic vote... they are not all in favor of open borders and amnesty. Many of them resent illegal immigration because they had to earn their stripes the hard way and these people just came on in. Illegal immigrants make life for the LEGAL immigrants harder. I wouldn't count those eggs before they've hatched.

It doesn't matter who wins the GOP nomination at this point. If you're too dumb to realize by now that Donald Trump has always been a trojan horse for Bill Clinton--then your I.Q. level doesn't hit 100. IOW--you're a moron and probably a special needs adult.

No candidate comes into this race doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he stated went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior. Who did that? Donald Truimp did. Trump is on several records blasting Republicans for losing in 2012, citing the reason they lost is because they were too mean spirited towards illegals. And he's right. G.W. Bush was the last to win capturing 44% of this block. Romney lost because he only captured 27% of this voting block. Of course the topic in 2012 was also about immigration.
Flashback 2012: Trump Criticized GOP for Being ‘Mean-Spirited’ on Immigration

So after stating that, Donald Trump talks to Bill Clinton just prior to jumping in this race. He goes immediately balls out on Hispanics, calling them everything in the book, and he chased Hispanics or 17% of the population right into Hillary Clinton's lap. Just what he intended to do. You dull-brained right wingers swallowed the bull-shit--hook, line and sinker just as he planned. He's made a fool out of all of you. And because of your ignorance and hate you have cost us this election already. It doesn't matter who the GOP nominee is now, this one is going to roll over on them, just like it did in 2012.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

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Minorities are not going to vote for the party which so clearly HATES them.

Well but that's the whole deal with Trump... he's not really a "party" kinda guy, is he?

Plus... I don't think the case is made that republicans hate minorities. I hear the rhetoric... I don't see the evidence. I see three of the four front-runners for the GOP nomination are minorities. I'll just about bet you that if Trump wins the nomination, one of them will be his VP on the ticket.
Look how much heat Cruz was giving Rubio over amnesty. The two of them spent the majority of their time during the last debate on that one issue.

That will hurt the GOP's Hispanic vote if Rubio isn't on the ticket.

Only because liberals have bamboozled the low information voters into conflating legal immigration with illegal alien status.

With the enthusiastic cooperation of the pc msm...illegal alien has been systematically scrubbed from the political lexicon to encourage that conflation.
The rest of us will stay home.

BINGO! I think you deserve a Winner badge for that one!

Not the first part of your post, but the last sentence. I think it's going to be huge! (Trump impression)

I have a bunch of very left-leaning liberal friends and I have to tell you... they don't seem to be all that jazzed about the election. I think a LOT of lefties are going to sit this one out.
This may be the election with the lowest turnout ever.
Minorities are not going to vote for the party which so clearly HATES them.

Well but that's the whole deal with Trump... he's not really a "party" kinda guy, is he?

Plus... I don't think the case is made that republicans hate minorities. I hear the rhetoric... I don't see the evidence. I see three of the four front-runners for the GOP nomination are minorities. I'll just about bet you that if Trump wins the nomination, one of them will be his VP on the ticket.
Look how much heat Cruz was giving Rubio over amnesty. The two of them spent the majority of their time during the last debate on that one issue.

That will hurt the GOP's Hispanic vote if Rubio isn't on the ticket.

I thought Cruz cleaned Rubio's clock. I also think Rubio was ridiculous and looked foolish trying to make the claim that Cruz favored amnesty and didn't support Israel. It was just too much like the left-wing Alinsky tactics to appeal with GOP voters. I like Rubio but he has proven to be a disappointment by flip-flopping on key issues in order to "get along" like John McCain. I don't think he stands ANY chance of winning the nomination. He MIGHT be a good pick for VP.

I've got some news for you about the Hispanic vote... they are not all in favor of open borders and amnesty. Many of them resent illegal immigration because they had to earn their stripes the hard way and these people just came on in. Illegal immigrants make life for the LEGAL immigrants harder. I wouldn't count those eggs before they've hatched.

It doesn't matter who wins the GOP nomination at this point. If you're too dumb to realize by now that Donald Trump has always been a trojan horse for Bill Clinton--then your I.Q. level doesn't hit 100. IOW--you're a moron and probably a special needs adult.

No candidate comes into this race doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what he stated went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior. Who did that? Donald Truimp did. Trump is on several records blasting Republicans for losing in 2012, citing the reason they lost is because they were too mean spirited towards illegals. And he's right. G.W. Bush was the last to win capturing 44% of this block. Romney lost because he only captured 27% of this voting block. Of course the topic in 2012 was also about immigration.
Flashback 2012: Trump Criticized GOP for Being ‘Mean-Spirited’ on Immigration

So after stating that, Donald Trump talks to Bill Clinton just prior to jumping in this race. He goes immediately balls out on Hispanics, calling them everything in the book, and he chased Hispanics or 17% of the population right into Hillary Clinton's lap. Just what he intended to do. You dull-brained right wingers swallowed the bull-shit--hook, line and sinker just as he planned. He's made a fool out of all of you. And because of your ignorance and hate you have cost us this election already. It doesn't matter who the GOP nominee is now, this one is going to roll over on them, just like it did in 2012.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance


Trump, as horrible as he is, has not sold us down the river yet. That will come later. Congress has done us wrong and I imagine everybody, left and right, is equally disgusted
It doesn't matter who wins the GOP nomination at this point.

Oh well... I guess we may as well give up and call the elections off... just crown Hillary the Queen of America and be done with it.... Right? :rofl:

..........You wish!
Ah another Democrat self delusion thread. Hillary couldn't even win her own party's nomination vs a noob Obama even with the help of a former 2 term president husband and Dem's are talking trash. :laugh:
Minorities are not going to vote for the party which so clearly HATES them.

Well but that's the whole deal with Trump... he's not really a "party" kinda guy, is he?

Plus... I don't think the case is made that republicans hate minorities. I hear the rhetoric... I don't see the evidence. I see three of the four front-runners for the GOP nomination are minorities. I'll just about bet you that if Trump wins the nomination, one of them will be his VP on the ticket.
Look how much heat Cruz was giving Rubio over amnesty. The two of them spent the majority of their time during the last debate on that one issue.

That will hurt the GOP's Hispanic vote if Rubio isn't on the ticket.

I thought Cruz cleaned Rubio's clock. I also think Rubio was ridiculous and looked foolish trying to make the claim that Cruz favored amnesty and didn't support Israel.
Rubio did not say Cruz favored amnesty. He said Cruz won't rule it out, and Cruz steadfastly refused to say he ruled it out. Rubio had him in a corner, and Cruz was sweating.

Unfortunately, the audience is not intelligent enough to grasp the nuances of that exchange, because Rubio was absolutely correct and more in tune with the political realities on the ground, and he was calling out Cruz for cowardice.

Cruz is a big time coward. He's smart, and he knows the realities, but he does not have the guts to say them. Instead, he panders to the lower common denominator.

Cruz knows amnesty for illegals is an inevitability, which is why he won't say out loud that he isn't ruling it out. He knows the day is coming when he will have to vote for amnesty. Or, as President he would have to approve an amnesty bill. He knows this, but he also knows the audience DOES NOT know it.

So he wiggles out of the corner.

Yeah, Cruz won the fight, but only because of the deliberately dumbed down audience by the right wing propaganda machine. Those rubes are one day in for a HUGE surprise.
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Minorities are not going to vote for the party which so clearly HATES them.

Well but that's the whole deal with Trump... he's not really a "party" kinda guy, is he?

Plus... I don't think the case is made that republicans hate minorities. I hear the rhetoric... I don't see the evidence. I see three of the four front-runners for the GOP nomination are minorities. I'll just about bet you that if Trump wins the nomination, one of them will be his VP on the ticket.
Look how much heat Cruz was giving Rubio over amnesty. The two of them spent the majority of their time during the last debate on that one issue.

That will hurt the GOP's Hispanic vote if Rubio isn't on the ticket.

Only because liberals have bamboozled the low information voters into conflating legal immigration with illegal alien status.

With the enthusiastic cooperation of the pc msm...illegal alien has been systematically scrubbed from the political lexicon to encourage that conflation.

Well you can be assured that Hillary Clinton is not going to build a wall, but Trump never had any intentions of doing it either. He is in this race to insure that Hillary Clinton wins. And that's exactly what's going to happen.

So it's you that is really the low information voter. You got roped a doped into supporting a Candidate that was planted on the GOP side to help Hillary Clinton get elected. Trump has succeeded at doing that already.
I have given up. I won't vote for trump or his master Hillery. ryan convinced me today that it is all a sham
I have given up. I won't vote for trump or his master Hillery. ryan convinced me today that it is all a sham

So you'd rather the government be shut down for months with killing hundreds of billions of dollars in investment in our own country. You're just plain nutz. I use to question why blacks in africa never did anything to improve their own nation, but the more I see people like you I've come to the conclusion that they just don't want too. Self centered bs and idiocy.
The rest of us will stay home.

BINGO! I think you deserve a Winner badge for that one!

Not the first part of your post, but the last sentence. I think it's going to be huge! (Trump impression)

I have a bunch of very left-leaning liberal friends and I have to tell you... they don't seem to be all that jazzed about the election. I think a LOT of lefties are going to sit this one out.
This may be the election with the lowest turnout ever.


If you run a loserterian like Cruz the democrats will come out big time to save our infrastructure funding, ssi and science. Count on it. You're kidding yourself.
Ryan and his Ilk were in favor of shutting down the government getting what sleazy deals they wanted. Not me
Let me tell ya OP, (or is it Opie?) Hillary is skating because the GOP is arguing with each other. As soon as that is over, Hillary and Billary will be exposed, and America will be reminded what it was like under the Clinstones.

What do I mean?

Here is the lead video to be released the day after the GOP nominee is chosen. Enjoy-)


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