Republican women--How many will defect over to Hillary Clinton? They certainly have reason too.

Hillary Clinton is headed into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 200 years. Women are the majority voting block at 54%.

Carly Fiorina--a favorite with women in the Republican party is being put on ignore, and kicked to the curb for other candidates like Donald Trump, Ben Carson, & Ted Cruz who in no way possible could win the White House. Carly Fiorina is clearly the only candidate in this race that could defeat Hillary Clinton. She's also the most qualified.

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents make up for the largest party in this country today, representing 40% of the entire electorate. They aren't going to vote for a far right candidate like Ted Cruz or any of the other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals that fill the stage, nor will women.

Women are continually being insulted by the typical Republican Chimpanzees of the party. Rush Limbaugh who is referencing Hillary Clinton as a Cervix, and other republican radio personalities that are attacking Carly Fiorina as a Vagina.
Cruz Endorser Steve Deace Says Fiorina "Goes Full Vagina"

Trump supporters have done their job already, and moved 17% of the population (Hispanics) solidly into Hillary Clinton's column. Historically, the GOP nominee since Reagan needs to capture at least 40% of this vote to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this group. In fact it's so bad now, that Republicans could lose the senate, and a ton of seats in the house.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Women were chased off in 2012 by Republicans dragging the party into women's issues, abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape--which was always answered by an old white Republican male. Republicans lost younger women by a whopping 36 points, securing a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

So we can be pretty much be assured that all of the above is going to spell a Hillary Clinton landslide. We also know that as the election nears, the Republican chimpanzee's in the party are going to go "Crazy Ivan" on women's body parts.

At some point Republican women are going to have to look at the Republican party--with where they fit into it, when they are continually getting insulted & degraded by the chimps in the party. And ask themselves why do they belong to this party? So the question becomes how many will defect, & cross over and vote for Hillary Clinton?
Mitt Romney won the married women's vote by an enormous margin. Women despise Hillary. In part for pandering to them with her vagina, in part because she allowed Bill to walk all over her with other women.
she's a womanizer. With her staying with Bill, she supports marital sex with other women, making her a womanizer.
She has no self respect. What woman allows her husband to run after bimbos like that. It's a disgrace to her.

Nah More like she a disgrace to all women.
Hillary Clinton is headed into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 200 years. Women are the majority voting block at 54%.

Carly Fiorina--a favorite with women in the Republican party is being put on ignore, and kicked to the curb for other candidates like Donald Trump, Ben Carson, & Ted Cruz who in no way possible could win the White House. Carly Fiorina is clearly the only candidate in this race that could defeat Hillary Clinton. She's also the most qualified.

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents make up for the largest party in this country today, representing 40% of the entire electorate. They aren't going to vote for a far right candidate like Ted Cruz or any of the other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals that fill the stage, nor will women.

Women are continually being insulted by the typical Republican Chimpanzees of the party. Rush Limbaugh who is referencing Hillary Clinton as a Cervix, and other republican radio personalities that are attacking Carly Fiorina as a Vagina.
Cruz Endorser Steve Deace Says Fiorina "Goes Full Vagina"

Trump supporters have done their job already, and moved 17% of the population (Hispanics) solidly into Hillary Clinton's column. Historically, the GOP nominee since Reagan needs to capture at least 40% of this vote to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this group. In fact it's so bad now, that Republicans could lose the senate, and a ton of seats in the house.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Women were chased off in 2012 by Republicans dragging the party into women's issues, abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape--which was always answered by an old white Republican male. Republicans lost younger women by a whopping 36 points, securing a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

So we can be pretty much be assured that all of the above is going to spell a Hillary Clinton landslide. We also know that as the election nears, the Republican chimpanzee's in the party are going to go "Crazy Ivan" on women's body parts.

At some point Republican women are going to have to look at the Republican party--with where they fit into it, when they are continually getting insulted & degraded by the chimps in the party. And ask themselves why do they belong to this party? So the question becomes how many will defect, & cross over and vote for Hillary Clinton?
Mitt Romney won the married women's vote by an enormous margin. Women despise Hillary. In part for pandering to them with her vagina, in part because she allowed Bill to walk all over her with other women.
she's a womanizer. With her staying with Bill, she supports marital sex with other women, making her a womanizer.
She has no self respect. What woman allows her husband to run after bimbos like that. It's a disgrace to her.

Nah More like she a disgrace to all women.
I think a wife is disgraced when her husband goes after other women. That she feels that way, I mean.
If Ted wins, I'll be very happy...but this may be the only chance in My lifetime a true political outsider has a shot at the Whitehouse. The establishment has picked our candidate every election's time to throw a monkey wrench in the works.

I like Cruz...but as the end of that day...he's a politician who had to sell at least part of his soul to make it to the dance.

Well I can respect that perspective. I do believe that Cruz is an outsider though. He is reviled by the democrooks and the republicrat establishment. I think that with his understanding of law and devotion to the COTUS he will return the government to a more manageable and retrained entity.

I do see the potential for him to be a Trump VP, and if that's the case I'd be delighted to vote them in. I think Cruz would be very influential in a Trump administration.

I just really want to see Cruz at the top of the ticket. I want him to pick the replacement Justice when Ruth Badger Ginsburg finally shucks the mortal coil and descends to hell where she came from.

Ted Cruz (a tea party candidate) would never win women or Independents. He is too far right on abortion, and he has this Michael Dukasis type moment which Bush 1 used to cream him. That's another thing you far righties never consider. What do Democrats have on my candidate that could destroy him within a mili-second.
Democrats use this:

and this
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights
If Ted wins, I'll be very happy...but this may be the only chance in My lifetime a true political outsider has a shot at the Whitehouse. The establishment has picked our candidate every election's time to throw a monkey wrench in the works.

I like Cruz...but as the end of that day...he's a politician who had to sell at least part of his soul to make it to the dance.

Well I can respect that perspective. I do believe that Cruz is an outsider though. He is reviled by the democrooks and the republicrat establishment. I think that with his understanding of law and devotion to the COTUS he will return the government to a more manageable and retrained entity.

I do see the potential for him to be a Trump VP, and if that's the case I'd be delighted to vote them in. I think Cruz would be very influential in a Trump administration.

I just really want to see Cruz at the top of the ticket. I want him to pick the replacement Justice when Ruth Badger Ginsburg finally shucks the mortal coil and descends to hell where she came from.

Ted Cruz a Tea Party candidate would never win women or Independants. He's too extreme on abortion women would not vote him. He also has this Michael Dukakis video moment that Bush 1 used to destroy Dukakis.

Tank Ride Video - Presidential Elections -

Here is what will be used on Ted Cruz.

That's another thing you Tea Party members never think about. What do Democrats have on my candidate that will destroy him within a mili--second.

And this is why Cruz wouldn't win women.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

And Cruz actually attended a Gay Hate party in Iowa a couple of weeks ago, along with Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal--where one of the speakers called for the execution of gays. That will also be used against him.

WATCH: Rachel Maddow Breaks Down Pastor's 'Kill the Gays' Rally Attended by GOP Candidates |
Last edited:
Hillary Clinton is headed into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in 200 years. Women are the majority voting block at 54%.

Carly Fiorina--a favorite with women in the Republican party is being put on ignore, and kicked to the curb for other candidates like Donald Trump, Ben Carson, & Ted Cruz who in no way possible could win the White House. Carly Fiorina is clearly the only candidate in this race that could defeat Hillary Clinton. She's also the most qualified.

Republicans are the minority party at 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents make up for the largest party in this country today, representing 40% of the entire electorate. They aren't going to vote for a far right candidate like Ted Cruz or any of the other Knuckle dragging Neanderthals that fill the stage, nor will women.

Women are continually being insulted by the typical Republican Chimpanzees of the party. Rush Limbaugh who is referencing Hillary Clinton as a Cervix, and other republican radio personalities that are attacking Carly Fiorina as a Vagina.
Cruz Endorser Steve Deace Says Fiorina "Goes Full Vagina"

Trump supporters have done their job already, and moved 17% of the population (Hispanics) solidly into Hillary Clinton's column. Historically, the GOP nominee since Reagan needs to capture at least 40% of this vote to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this group. In fact it's so bad now, that Republicans could lose the senate, and a ton of seats in the house.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

Women were chased off in 2012 by Republicans dragging the party into women's issues, abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape--which was always answered by an old white Republican male. Republicans lost younger women by a whopping 36 points, securing a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

So we can be pretty much be assured that all of the above is going to spell a Hillary Clinton landslide. We also know that as the election nears, the Republican chimpanzee's in the party are going to go "Crazy Ivan" on women's body parts.

At some point Republican women are going to have to look at the Republican party--with where they fit into it, when they are continually getting insulted & degraded by the chimps in the party. And ask themselves why do they belong to this party? So the question becomes how many will defect, & cross over and vote for Hillary Clinton?
Mitt Romney won the married women's vote by an enormous margin. Women despise Hillary. In part for pandering to them with her vagina, in part because she allowed Bill to walk all over her with other women.
she's a womanizer. With her staying with Bill, she supports marital sex with other women, making her a womanizer.
She has no self respect. What woman allows her husband to run after bimbos like that. It's a disgrace to her.

Nah More like she a disgrace to all women.
I think a wife is disgraced when her husband goes after other women. That she feels that way, I mean.

Well I mean it was a disgrace that she stayed with him.

That's the way most women would see it. I doubt they would vote for someone who stayed with a horndog like Bill Clinton.
If Ted wins, I'll be very happy...but this may be the only chance in My lifetime a true political outsider has a shot at the Whitehouse. The establishment has picked our candidate every election's time to throw a monkey wrench in the works.

I like Cruz...but as the end of that day...he's a politician who had to sell at least part of his soul to make it to the dance.

Well I can respect that perspective. I do believe that Cruz is an outsider though. He is reviled by the democrooks and the republicrat establishment. I think that with his understanding of law and devotion to the COTUS he will return the government to a more manageable and retrained entity.

I do see the potential for him to be a Trump VP, and if that's the case I'd be delighted to vote them in. I think Cruz would be very influential in a Trump administration.

I just really want to see Cruz at the top of the ticket. I want him to pick the replacement Justice when Ruth Badger Ginsburg finally shucks the mortal coil and descends to hell where she came from.

Ted Cruz (a tea party candidate) would never win women or Independents. He is too far right on abortion, and he has this Michael Dukasis type moment which Bush 1 used to cream him. That's another thing you far righties never consider. What do Democrats have on my candidate that could destroy him within a mili-second.
Democrats use this:

and this
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights
If Ted wins, I'll be very happy...but this may be the only chance in My lifetime a true political outsider has a shot at the Whitehouse. The establishment has picked our candidate every election's time to throw a monkey wrench in the works.

I like Cruz...but as the end of that day...he's a politician who had to sell at least part of his soul to make it to the dance.

Well I can respect that perspective. I do believe that Cruz is an outsider though. He is reviled by the democrooks and the republicrat establishment. I think that with his understanding of law and devotion to the COTUS he will return the government to a more manageable and retrained entity.

I do see the potential for him to be a Trump VP, and if that's the case I'd be delighted to vote them in. I think Cruz would be very influential in a Trump administration.

I just really want to see Cruz at the top of the ticket. I want him to pick the replacement Justice when Ruth Badger Ginsburg finally shucks the mortal coil and descends to hell where she came from.

Ted Cruz a Tea Party candidate would never win women or Independants. He too extreme on abortion women would not vote him. He also has this Michael Dukakis video moment that Bush 1 used to destroy Dukakis.

Tank Ride Video - Presidential Elections -

Here is what will be used on Ted Cruz.

That's another thing you Tea Party members never think about. What do Democrats have on my candidate that will destroy him within a mili--second.

And this is why Cruz wouldn't win women.
A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights

Cruz wil win both. Women and independents are tired f being lied to by the establishment of both parties.
IF Trump wins the nomination, (which I still don't believe he will) I think people will be absolutely shocked at how many crossover votes he gets, how much of the black vote he gets, and how much of the women and Latino vote he gets.

If I were a Democratic political strategist, the thing I would be worried about most is Trump's appeal to black voters. This has been a reliable stalwart for the Democrats but I think Trump would pull enough to give them fits. Especially if Hillary is the nominee for the Dems... which looks inevitable. I think Hillary comes across as a bit racist. She pulled this on Obama when running against him. Subtle little innuendos here and there about his qualifications, including the whole birther movement... and yes, it was her campaign that started that.

I think Hillary will try to "appeal" to blacks and she'll come across as the phony pretentious white bread bitch she is and they'll see right through her. I don't think she can pull it off... on the flip side... black folk love them some Trump!
The tards will vote for the person with simplistic, demagogic answers to everything.

The rest of us will stay home.
IF Trump wins the nomination, (which I still don't believe he will) I think people will be absolutely shocked at how many crossover votes he gets, how much of the black vote he gets, and how much of the women and Latino vote he gets.

I think you need a good dose of reality to shock you out of your delusion. See post 22.

Minorities are not going to vote for the party which so clearly HATES them.
women aren't that stupid to vote their vaginas. There are a small number, but There are lots more men who vote their pricks.

Carley is right, all issues are women's issues. There are differences because they are women, but women are just not stupid enough to vote for them because.

Look at the women who got in, Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher, That Korean woman Park Geun-hye, Indira Gandhi... They all of them got the job because they were tougher than men around them
Some more realities:


All Republican women above a Forrest Gump IQ should be voting for Hillary.
See that skyrocketing defection of Asians away from the GOP and into the Democratic camp?

Keep lying to yourselves its "because gifts" that the GOP fails to win the minority vote.
As usual democrats arguing and promoting division. Divide and conquer. The way of the democrats and their useless pawns gleefully comply.

It is all about cosmetics and blatant lies. Then when it does not work, they blame their scapegoats.

Round and round we go.
Minorities are not going to vote for the party which so clearly HATES them.

Well but that's the whole deal with Trump... he's not really a "party" kinda guy, is he?

Plus... I don't think the case is made that republicans hate minorities. I hear the rhetoric... I don't see the evidence. I see three of the four front-runners for the GOP nomination are minorities. I'll just about bet you that if Trump wins the nomination, one of them will be his VP on the ticket.
My wife is a republican woman...she hates Hillary and was the driving force behind my support for Trump. She convinced me...I would likely be a Cruz guy otherwise.

I told her that if the GOP Establishment forced Jeb or another Romney/McCain/Dole on us I'd vote for Hillary in protest...I Damn near ended up sleeping on the couch.

Come back to the Light side.

Cruz is the better choice.


If Ted wins, I'll be very happy...but this may be the only chance in My lifetime a true political outsider has a shot at the Whitehouse. The establishment has picked our candidate every election's time to throw a monkey wrench in the works.

I like Cruz...but as the end of that day...he's a politician who had to sell at least part of his soul to make it to the dance.

My thoughts exactly.

Republicans have lost the 2016 election cycle already. You can't be the minority party in this country and run off large voting blocks, women & now Hispanics and expect to win National elections. You should have learned this lesson in 2012 and you didn't.

Hillary Clinton is going to paint this country blue from sea to shining sea on Election night, and the Republican party is going to have to be put on life support the morning after.

There is ONE happy Gal in this--and she wants to give all you Trump supporters and Republican chimpanzees a shout-out for your continued support. You have driven this race right into her lap.

Minorities are not going to vote for the party which so clearly HATES them.

Well but that's the whole deal with Trump... he's not really a "party" kinda guy, is he?

Plus... I don't think the case is made that republicans hate minorities. I hear the rhetoric... I don't see the evidence. I see three of the four front-runners for the GOP nomination are minorities. I'll just about bet you that if Trump wins the nomination, one of them will be his VP on the ticket.
Look how much heat Cruz was giving Rubio over amnesty. The two of them spent the majority of their time during the last debate on that one issue.

That will hurt the GOP's Hispanic vote if Rubio isn't on the ticket.
All Republican women above a Forrest Gump IQ should be voting for Hillary.

Run Forest Run. Stop talking down to conservative women. They are all smarter than you are. They don't vote based on what you libs say but on what they feel. That is the difference between conservative and liberal women. Conservative women think for themselves.

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Republicans have lost the 2016 election cycle already.

That is not even close to a sure thing.

Americans are as sick of the Clintons as they are of the GOP clown antics. I'm fairly certain we will have the lowest voter turnout in a Presidential election year since 1924. And low voter turnouts benefit the GOP.

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