Republicans and Poverty


May 23, 2015
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.
Those are high school jobs because only kids would work for that. I totally agree that conservatives make a mistake in thinking that the best way to attack the welfare state is to appear unsympathetic to the poor. On the other hand, there are lots of people who need a shove to begin looking for work and be self sufficient. Honestly, welfare is a waste of money and only exist to satisfy our guilty conscience.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage.

Lots of young people believe a lot of silly things.
Hopefully, you'll mature, learn and join us who live in reality.

I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect.

Obama treats them with respect. So much respect he wants to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who compete with them to hold down their wages.
Not to worry your wee heads about Republicans. .they can't COMPETE with Your Democrat party which has sold being in poverty and on welfare, the taxpayer gravy train as a luxury. Just sit back, work your job to support your family and everyone else who doesn't fweeel like working. oh and shut up about it too

brainwashed tools for the Democrat party. blaaa blaaa the Republicans hate the people in poverty, blaaa blaaa they hate the poor blaa
NO Republican would ever say they DESERVE a LIVING wage. please
try harder
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Welcome. You might want to introduce yourself in the appropriate forum. You are likely to get flamed in this one.

As far as your OP goes you raise some very valid points. Obviously you never made any "poor choices" to end up where you are today. Instead you have a legitimate medical condition that is belittled out of ignorance by those who have never had to deal with something of that nature.

I absolutely agree that anyone who works 40 hrs/week deserves a living wage and benefits. Anything less is dehumanizing. So what if that means that HS kids can make money that they can put away for college. That will just reduce the amount of loan debt that they incur once they are in college.

We do need an honest debate on the minimum wage and everything I have seen to date has debunked the fear mongering used to oppose it. Instead it has only had a positive impact wherever it has been implemented.

Perhaps the strongest fiscal conservative argument for a living minimum wage is that it reduces the need for taxpayer supported welfare subsidies for food, housing and medical coverage. Which fiscal conservative is opposed to reducing those programs? Why not implement a means whereby they become unnecessary by increasing the minimum wage?

So the following whine will be that businesses can't afford higher wages. That is bogus and is being exposed as such wherever the minimum wage has been raised. Furthermore there is another fiscal conservative argument to be made here. Why should businesses be entitled to taxpayer subsidized labor? If they can't afford to pay living wages then why should they be allowed to be in business in the first place? Why should corporations be entitled to taxpayer subsidies?

Just my 2 cents.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage.

Lots of young people believe a lot of silly things.
Hopefully, you'll mature, learn and join us who live in reality.

I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect.

Obama treats them with respect. So much respect he wants to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who compete with them to hold down their wages.

quiet, his base think he's doing them a favor by allowing 10 Million illegal immigrants to come in over them and take a job they could have had.... lol
Welcome. You might want to introduce yourself in the appropriate forum. You are likely to get flamed in this one.

As far as your OP goes you raise some very valid points. Obviously you never made any "poor choices" to end up where you are today. Instead you have a legitimate medical condition that is belittled out of ignorance by those who have never had to deal with something of that nature.

I absolutely agree that anyone who works 40 hrs/week deserves a living wage and benefits. Anything less is dehumanizing. So what if that means that HS kids can make money that they can put away for college. That will just reduce the amount of loan debt that they incur once they are in college.

We do need an honest debate on the minimum wage and everything I have seen to date has debunked the fear mongering used to oppose it. Instead it has only had a positive impact wherever it has been implemented.

Perhaps the strongest fiscal conservative argument for a living minimum wage is that it reduces the need for taxpayer supported welfare subsidies for food, housing and medical coverage. Which fiscal conservative is opposed to reducing those programs? Why not implement a means whereby they become unnecessary by increasing the minimum wage?

So the following whine will be that businesses can't afford higher wages. That is bogus and is being exposed as such wherever the minimum wage has been raised. Furthermore there is another fiscal conservative argument to be made here. Why should businesses be entitled to taxpayer subsidized labor? If they can't afford to pay living wages then why should they be allowed to be in business in the first place? Why should corporations be entitled to taxpayer subsidies?

Just my 2 cents.

Perhaps the strongest fiscal conservative argument for a living minimum wage is that it reduces the need for taxpayer supported welfare subsidies for food, housing and medical coverage.

There is no conservative argument for a "living minimum wage".
Plenty of liberal ones. Because liberals are really bad at economics.

Why not implement a means whereby they become unnecessary by increasing the minimum wage?

Driving businesses under and reducing employment will not make those programs disappear or magically less expensive.

Why should businesses be entitled to taxpayer subsidized labor?

I agree, don't give a business taxpayer dollars so they can pay their workers.
I wish this younger generation (which I have one 21 years old.. but I taught him to be self reliant) didn't buy into all this BS fed to them. Like you need a PARTY to make it in life, the Republicans hate the poor, the Democrats blows pretty smoke up your ass LIKE how a company is SUPPOSE to give you a LIVING WAGE and just THINK for themselves ONCE in awhile

Doesn't matter we are doomed anyway
Welcome. You might want to introduce yourself in the appropriate forum. You are likely to get flamed in this one.

As far as your OP goes you raise some very valid points. Obviously you never made any "poor choices" to end up where you are today. Instead you have a legitimate medical condition that is belittled out of ignorance by those who have never had to deal with something of that nature.

I absolutely agree that anyone who works 40 hrs/week deserves a living wage and benefits. Anything less is dehumanizing. So what if that means that HS kids can make money that they can put away for college. That will just reduce the amount of loan debt that they incur once they are in college.

We do need an honest debate on the minimum wage and everything I have seen to date has debunked the fear mongering used to oppose it. Instead it has only had a positive impact wherever it has been implemented.

Perhaps the strongest fiscal conservative argument for a living minimum wage is that it reduces the need for taxpayer supported welfare subsidies for food, housing and medical coverage. Which fiscal conservative is opposed to reducing those programs? Why not implement a means whereby they become unnecessary by increasing the minimum wage?

So the following whine will be that businesses can't afford higher wages. That is bogus and is being exposed as such wherever the minimum wage has been raised. Furthermore there is another fiscal conservative argument to be made here. Why should businesses be entitled to taxpayer subsidized labor? If they can't afford to pay living wages then why should they be allowed to be in business in the first place? Why should corporations be entitled to taxpayer subsidies?

Just my 2 cents.

Perhaps the strongest fiscal conservative argument for a living minimum wage is that it reduces the need for taxpayer supported welfare subsidies for food, housing and medical coverage.

There is no conservative argument for a "living minimum wage".
Plenty of liberal ones. Because liberals are really bad at economics.

Why not implement a means whereby they become unnecessary by increasing the minimum wage?

Driving businesses under and reducing employment will not make those programs disappear or magically less expensive.

Why should businesses be entitled to taxpayer subsidized labor?

I agree, don't give a business taxpayer dollars so they can pay their workers.

The cognitive dissonance of your responses must be quiet deafening for you to have to live with them.
I did not intend to hit such a nerve. I never once advocated welfare. I'm talking about people who are working. I honestly did not expect people to be bashing people that are indeed working. It is kind of low to bash people that have jobs. This is kind of the point I was trying to make. I'm not saying everyone should make 100$ an hour. I do not think people are being honest when they say all businesses will fail if they actually paid their employees. I'm not trying to paint republicans with a wide brush of they don't care about the poor, but in this one instance I really don't think they get it.
I did not intend to hit such a nerve. I never once advocated welfare. I'm talking about people who are working. I honestly did not expect people to be bashing people that are indeed working. It is kind of low to bash people that have jobs. This is kind of the point I was trying to make. I'm not saying everyone should make 100$ an hour. I do not think people are being honest when they say all businesses will fail if they actually paid their employees. I'm not trying to paint republicans with a wide brush of they don't care about the poor, but in this one instance I really don't think they get it.

You need to separate the noise from the legitimate responses. Stephanie is nothing but noise so you can safely ignore everything she posts.

Toddster deflected because he could not actually address your OP with a legitimate response.

Don't be discouraged. The politics forum is like the wild west of USMB. Everyone is shooting from the hip and missing by a mile. Lots of noise and smoke and no results worthy of the name.

You might want to try this again in either the Clean Debate Zone or the Structured Discussion Forum. The noise level is much lower and you are more likely to receive some intelligent responses.

Good luck
The same people who shout that one doesn't need a college education are the same ones who believe a person can survive on $15 an hour. They are for cutting and gutting education as they know American companies need a low wage work force so the company can make their profits with nobody asking "how about a raise". They stick their trust that corporate America is such a wonderful place.... when in reality.... Its all about getting a degree in a needed field... and holding that over your employers head. Make them believe you will get up and leave at any time. They will come around. A good worker does NOT in any way shape or form need to be loyal to his/her employee. No 2 weekis notice. Nothing. Find a better job at all times and walk away whenever you want. There are ways to get ahead of the crookedness of corporate America. One must always remember that a company does not like even their best employees and one must FORCE them to get ahead. This can be done with a college degree.
I did not intend to hit such a nerve. I never once advocated welfare. I'm talking about people who are working. I honestly did not expect people to be bashing people that are indeed working. It is kind of low to bash people that have jobs. This is kind of the point I was trying to make. I'm not saying everyone should make 100$ an hour. I do not think people are being honest when they say all businesses will fail if they actually paid their employees. I'm not trying to paint republicans with a wide brush of they don't care about the poor, but in this one instance I really don't think they get it.

I honestly did not expect people to be bashing people that are indeed working. It is kind of low to bash people that have jobs.

Where did this bashing occur? What post #?

I do not think people are being honest when they say all businesses will fail if they actually paid their employees.

Who said all businesses would fail? What post #?
The same people who shout that one doesn't need a college education are the same ones who believe a person can survive on $15 an hour. They are for cutting and gutting education as they know American companies need a low wage work force so the company can make their profits with nobody asking "how about a raise". They stick their trust that corporate America is such a wonderful place.... when in reality.... Its all about getting a degree in a needed field... and holding that over your employers head. Make them believe you will get up and leave at any time. They will come around. A good worker does NOT in any way shape or form need to be loyal to his/her employee. No 2 weekis notice. Nothing. Find a better job at all times and walk away whenever you want. There are ways to get ahead of the crookedness of corporate America. One must always remember that a company does not like even their best employees and one must FORCE them to get ahead. This can be done with a college degree.
This is something else that bothers me. If your employer treats you like garbage it is assumed that you can just leave. I haven't seen this to be the case. Even people in low end jobs can't just up and leave to find greener pastures. Most people are grateful to have any kind of work, and do backflips if they can get decent hours.
College degrees don't help. Too many of them are vanity degrees. They enable you to say you have a degree but no background to actually get a job. The classes were easy. That's all that can be said .
Why pick on republicans? Hillary Clinton gets 100k for a speaking engagement and Barry Hussein is still president.
Democrats are always looking to replenish their ranks with poor people they can screw over. You will just have to give up your freedoms and allow them to control every aspect of your life. Its kind of like being a slave on a plantation, at least that's what some Republican black leaders have said.
Those are high school jobs because only kids would work for that. I totally agree that conservatives make a mistake in thinking that the best way to attack the welfare state is to appear unsympathetic to the poor. On the other hand, there are lots of people who need a shove to begin looking for work and be self sufficient. Honestly, welfare is a waste of money and only exist to satisfy our guilty conscience.

Its called tough love, the poor need to pull their heads out of their ass and come to grips with the fact that liberals and many democrats are lying lowlife scum that frequently throw them under the bus.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.

Republicans want to help those who really need help and it sounds like you do.....and it isn't a misconception that minimum wage jobs are primarily for are the exception in that you say you are disabled and can only hold onto a minimum wage job....

The problem comes from the government encouraging healthy people to become dependent on the lowest level of success.....and democrats do this by destroying public education, creating graduates who can't read, write or do math...and that creates people who can't support themselves or advance in life....'

You mention 40 hours a week...if democrats love 40 hours a week...why did obama care create an incentive to reduce the hours of full time workers....?

Democrats need more people in your situation, but they need healthy, capable people on the government rolls because when people can succeed...they don't need democrats....

And because the government wastes so much money...that takes money away from people who really need it...back in the 90s the number was only 26 cents out of every dollar spent for the poor actually made it to people who needed it....26 cents.....the waste, fraud and abuse burns up all the tax money meant to help the really needy....we need to fix that...and more government...the people who created this mess, will not fix it....
Those are high school jobs because only kids would work for that. I totally agree that conservatives make a mistake in thinking that the best way to attack the welfare state is to appear unsympathetic to the poor. On the other hand, there are lots of people who need a shove to begin looking for work and be self sufficient. Honestly, welfare is a waste of money and only exist to satisfy our guilty conscience.

Its called tough love, the poor need to pull their heads out of their ass and come to grips with the fact that liberals and many democrats are lying lowlife scum that frequently throw them under the bus.

we need to help the poor by getting control of education away from the democrat party...they use the money we pay for education to pay union dues to pay the politicians who set the wages for public particular democrat controlled teacher unions....

Republicans need to get education out of the hands of the democrats so that kids can actually get an education and graduate at rates higher than 50% and when they graduate they can actually succeed in life without the democrats controlling them....

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