Republicans are ALWAYS wrong!

Republicans are ALWAYS wrong!

When liberals lose enough arguments (and especially elections) to conservatives, they usually start calling pissing and moaning and telling lies about the conservatives like this.

It's been happening a lot recently, as the Democrat party goes down the tubes (lost Congressional majorities, lost governorships, unable to find any viable candidates for President).

Care to give ONE policy GOPers gave US that worked as promised or was on the right side of history the past 40 years? lol

They freed the slaves, gave voting rights to women and blacks. etc.

Oh you are an IGNORANT Tool that wants to conflate IDEOLOGY (CONservative) with PARTY (GOP)?? Seriously?

Sure, it's the GOP of today who support the CONfederate Flag as "heritage not hate" that were the PROGRESSIVES WHO FOUGHT THE CONservative CONfederate States of AmerriKKKa? Today's GOP base?

It was Democrats who fought to keep slaves. It was Democrats who rioted to keep blacks out of their schools. It was Democrats who tried to filibusterer to keep the government from giving blacks equal rights led by Al Gore's father.
And you say I'm the dummy.
The south was Democrat then...


The south is Republican now...

Lets have a little,contest bill. You go,ahead and tell me how many lies dick,Cheney said and I'll tell you how many lies,Obama has said, and see who,wins. Or maybe quote Biden with his faux accent saying if repubs get elected you black people are going to be put in chains. It's not hard to rip the opposition when you are the only one doing the talking. I'd be more,than happy to take on mister bill
Care to give ONE policy GOPers gave US that worked as promised or was on the right side of history the past 40 years? lol

They freed the slaves, gave voting rights to women and blacks. etc.

Oh you are an IGNORANT Tool that wants to conflate IDEOLOGY (CONservative) with PARTY (GOP)?? Seriously?

Sure, it's the GOP of today who support the CONfederate Flag as "heritage not hate" that were the PROGRESSIVES WHO FOUGHT THE CONservative CONfederate States of AmerriKKKa? Today's GOP base?

It was Democrats who fought to keep slaves. It was Democrats who rioted to keep blacks out of their schools. It was Democrats who tried to filibusterer to keep the government from giving blacks equal rights led by Al Gore's father.
And you say I'm the dummy.

Sorry tool it was CONservatives doing those things you dumbass

History proves you wrong.
U.S. Senate: 1964: Civil Rights Filibuster Ended -- June 10, 1964
At 9:51 on the morning of June 10, 1964, SenatorRobert C. Byrd completed an address that he had begun 14 hours and 13 minutes earlier. The subject was the pending Civil Rights Act of 1964, a measure that occupied the Senate for 60 working days, including seven Saturdays. A day earlier, Senate whips Hubert Humphrey (D-MN) and Thomas Kuchel (R-CA), the bill's floor managers, concluded they had the 67 votes required at that time to end the debate.

The Civil Rights Act provided protection of voting rights; banned discrimination in public facilities—including private businesses offering public services—such as lunch counters, hotels, and theaters; and established equal employment opportunity as the law of the land.

As Senator Byrd took his seat, House members, former senators, and others—150 of them—vied for limited standing space at the back of the chamber. With all gallery seats taken, hundreds waited outside in hopelessly extended lines.

Georgia Democrat Richard Russell offered the final arguments in opposition. Minority Leader Everett Dirksen, who had enlisted the Republican votes that made cloture a realistic option, spoke for the proponents with his customary eloquence. Noting that the day marked the 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's nomination to a second term, the Illinois Republican proclaimed, in the words of Victor Hugo, "Stronger than all the armies is an idea whose time has come." He continued, "The time has come for equality of opportunity in sharing in government, in education, and in employment. It will not be stayed or denied. It is here!"

Never in history had the Senate been able to muster enough votes to cut off a filibuster on a civil rights bill. And only five times in the 47 years since the cloture rule was established had the Senate agreed to cloture for any measure.

The clerk proceeded to call the roll. When he reached "Mr. Engle," there was no response. A brain tumor had robbed California's mortally ill Clair Engle of his ability to speak. Slowly lifting a crippled arm, he pointed to his eye, thereby signaling his affirmative vote. Few of those who witnessed this heroic gesture ever forgot it. When Delaware's John Williams provided the decisive 67th vote, Majority Leader Mike Mansfield exclaimed, "That's it!"; Richard Russell slumped; and Hubert Humphrey beamed. With six wavering senators providing a four-vote victory margin, the final tally stood at 71 to 29. Nine days later the Senate approved the act itself—producing one of the 20th century's towering legislative achievements.
Byrd, Gore, other Democrats tried to filibuster.


Civil Rights Act of 1964

By party and region
Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


" A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." MLK JR. (LEAD THE CR MOVEMENT) A CON OR LIBERAL VIEW BUBS? lol
Republicans are ALWAYS wrong!

When liberals lose enough arguments (and especially elections) to conservatives, they usually start calling pissing and moaning and telling lies about the conservatives like this.

It's been happening a lot recently, as the Democrat party goes down the tubes (lost Congressional majorities, lost governorships, unable to find any viable candidates for President).

Care to give ONE policy GOPers gave US that worked as promised or was on the right side of history the past 40 years? lol

They freed the slaves, gave voting rights to women and blacks. etc.

Oh you are an IGNORANT Tool that wants to conflate IDEOLOGY (CONservative) with PARTY (GOP)?? Seriously?

Sure, it's the GOP of today who support the CONfederate Flag as "heritage not hate" that were the PROGRESSIVES WHO FOUGHT THE CONservative CONfederate States of AmerriKKKa? Today's GOP base?

It was Democrats who fought to keep slaves. It was Democrats who rioted to keep blacks out of their schools. It was Democrats who tried to filibusterer to keep the government from giving blacks equal rights led by Al Gore's father.
And you say I'm the dummy.

Sorry tool it was CONservatives doing those things you dumbass

Spot on.
Last I checked Byrd and Gore were full blown Democrats. Byrd died just recently. Democrats

Those guys from the South? LOL

"Now, our country can do this. John Kenneth Galbraith said that a guaranteed annual income could be done for about twenty billion dollars a year. And I say to you today, that if our nation can spend thirty-five billion dollars a year to fight an unjust, evil war in Vietnam, and twenty billion dollars to put a man on the moon, it can spend billions of dollars to put God's children on their own two feet right here on earth..."


Yet there are fewer people working than when your dear leader took office. Cooked books, ya think?
Actually a LIE, and I know it!

There are more people working now than ever in the history of this great country!!!

Right, number working in Jan 2009 144.099 million. Number working today (Aug 2015) 123.42 millon

U.S. full-time employees: August 2015, unadjusted | Statistic

You were saying?


Total PRIVATE sector jobs

FEB 2001-JUST FOR FUN 111,861,000 (LOL)

FEB 2009 110,698,000

AUG 2015 120,293,00

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Fuck off and die dickhead, I said Jan 2009 and provided a BLS link to back it up. So just take your ignorance and arrogance and shove it up your ass!!!!!! BTW, you using the big font to make up for your tiny little dick and balls?
Look at the rightie lie.

That's what righties do.

Notice how it claims there are fewer jobs now than when Obama became president. A patent falsehood...

1/09: 142,152,000
8/15: 149,036,000

1/09: 133,977,000
8/15: 142,288,000

Even worse for the lyin' rightie -- notice how to show there are fewer people working now versus then, the lyin' rightie has to compare total employed in January, 2009, with full time employed in August, 2015.


By the way, even full time employment is up...

Full Time:
1/09: 115,818,000
8/15: 122,024,000

So is the private sector...

Private Sector:
1/09: 111,398,000
8/15: 120,293,000

Now let's see if the lyin' rightie possesses the testicular fortitude to simply admit he's a fucking imbecile who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.......

Oh, another 'by the way'....

Bush ...... +6.5 million
Obama ... +6.9 million

Bush ...... +1.3 million
Obama ... +8.3 million

Full Time:
Bush ...... +1.6 million
Obama ... +6.2 million

Private Sector:
Bush ...... -0.5 million
Obama ... +8.9 million

Hummmmmm, seems they redefined full time from 40 hours to 35. Hummmmmmm Did they go back and recalculate all those numbers?
Under Obama, the three years of economic growth from the bottom of the recession... unemployment dropped by only 1.8 points,
UE was 10.0% at the bottom of the Bush Depression and is 5.1% now, a drop of 4.9% and falling.

Yet there are fewer people working than when your dear leader took office. Cooked books, ya think?
Actually a LIE, and I know it!

There are more people working now than ever in the history of this great country!!!

Right, number working in Jan 2009 144.099 million. Number working today (Aug 2015) 123.42 millon

U.S. full-time employees: August 2015, unadjusted | Statistic

You were saying?
Notice how these scum bags lie. The Jan 2009 number is total employment and the Aug 2015 number is NOT total employment, but full time employment only.

Here are the real numbers:

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

Total employment Nov 2007, the highest before the start of the Bush Depression, 146,595,000
Total employment Jan 2009, 142,152,000
Total employed now Aug 2015, 149,036,000

The Right are worthless lying scum!
Fuck off and die dickhead, I said Jan 2009 and provided a BLS link to back it up. So just take your ignorance and arrogance and shove it up your ass!!!!!! BTW, you using the big font to make up for your tiny little dick and balls?
When the worthless lying scum Right get caught lying, they lie some more and punctuate their lies with insults.
Well twink, I used the first credible links that had the dates I was looking for. Also my original contention was there are fewer working today than when your dear leader took office, that would be Jan 2009. Try actually reading the complete string before you continue to make a total ass out of yourself.
No, you deliberately and dishonestly used two different data sets because the Right are worthless lying scum incapable of telling the truth.
Actually a LIE, and I know it!

There are more people working now than ever in the history of this great country!!!

Right, number working in Jan 2009 144.099 million. Number working today (Aug 2015) 123.42 millon

U.S. full-time employees: August 2015, unadjusted | Statistic

You were saying?


Total PRIVATE sector jobs

FEB 2001-JUST FOR FUN 111,861,000 (LOL)

FEB 2009 110,698,000

AUG 2015 120,293,00

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Fuck off and die dickhead, I said Jan 2009 and provided a BLS link to back it up. So just take your ignorance and arrogance and shove it up your ass!!!!!! BTW, you using the big font to make up for your tiny little dick and balls?
Look at the rightie lie.

That's what righties do.

Notice how it claims there are fewer jobs now than when Obama became president. A patent falsehood...

1/09: 142,152,000
8/15: 149,036,000

1/09: 133,977,000
8/15: 142,288,000

Even worse for the lyin' rightie -- notice how to show there are fewer people working now versus then, the lyin' rightie has to compare total employed in January, 2009, with full time employed in August, 2015.


By the way, even full time employment is up...

Full Time:
1/09: 115,818,000
8/15: 122,024,000

So is the private sector...

Private Sector:
1/09: 111,398,000
8/15: 120,293,000

Now let's see if the lyin' rightie possesses the testicular fortitude to simply admit he's a fucking imbecile who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.......

Oh, another 'by the way'....

Bush ...... +6.5 million
Obama ... +6.9 million

Bush ...... +1.3 million
Obama ... +8.3 million

Full Time:
Bush ...... +1.6 million
Obama ... +6.2 million

Private Sector:
Bush ...... -0.5 million
Obama ... +8.9 million

Hummmmmm, seems they redefined full time from 40 hours to 35. Hummmmmmm Did they go back and recalculate all those numbers?
You're a liar and a fucking retard. The BLS did no such thing. Here's an article from early 1986 where it describes the cut off between part time/full time is 35 hours, and it was 35 hours even before then.

So? You idiotically compared total employment in 1/09 with full time in 8/15... where's your apology for being a dumbfucking conservative who doesn't know what the hell he's talking about?
Under Obama, the three years of economic growth from the bottom of the recession... unemployment dropped by only 1.8 points,
UE was 10.0% at the bottom of the Bush Depression and is 5.1% now, a drop of 4.9% and falling.

Yet there are fewer people working than when your dear leader took office. Cooked books, ya think?
Actually a LIE, and I know it!

There are more people working now than ever in the history of this great country!!!
There are more people not working now than ever in the history of this great country.
So? There are more retirees now than ever in the history of this great country.

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