Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt

Just going by the title.......
"Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt"

Kind of a ridiculous statement considering that democrats always call for trillions for support of Illegal Immigration and then
vote to send trillions more overseas.

The truth is closer to......
POLITICIANS (all) and the ESTABLISHMENT are totally to blame for our debt
Sure, but if you want people to care about debt we need to increase taxes. Repubs do the opposite and actually cut taxes while increasing spending. They are the worst.

It's really a lot more complicated than that.

Raising taxes has the effect of lowering total revenues.

It has been proven by many economists that LOWERING taxes actually increases the total tax revenue collected.
Raising taxes causes people to shift whatever they do to hide more of their taxable income....resulting in DECREASED revenues collected.

So IF we were going to go with your argument, then the reality in your eyes would be Democrats Decrease total tax revenues collected AND increase spending......
Whereas Republicans INCREASE total tax revenues AND Increase spending. Which is worse?'re still missing the boat.....but if you really do your research I have faith you will come to the correct conclusion.

I believe it is less of a "Democrats do this and Republicans do that" argument vs a question of what the Establishment does with BOTH parties.
I think your faith is misplaced with this one, I've been trying to explain simple logic to him all day. He is either stupid, willfully ignorant or just plain obtuse--I am leaning toward #1.
You have no logic. You think that people will ever care about debt when they get a tax cut for all the increased spending? You are a fool.

Have you ever owned and operated a SUCCESSFUL corporation?

To please your board (and keep your job and huge salary), you better find ways to cut your tax burden every single time the federal government burdens you with more taxes.

One of the most obvious ways they do that is to increase consumer prices.
Others include capital investments and a million different strategies.

in other words, the biggest taxable entities are NOT going to pay those Biden tax increases.....YOU are.

And since you don't have the deep pockets the big corporations do, you will do without...further putting a damper on the economy.

I've taken economics courses and run many successful businesses. This is how I know what I am talking about.
Just going by the title.......
"Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt"

Kind of a ridiculous statement considering that democrats always call for trillions for support of Illegal Immigration and then
vote to send trillions more overseas.

The truth is closer to......
POLITICIANS (all) and the ESTABLISHMENT are totally to blame for our debt
Sure, but if you want people to care about debt we need to increase taxes. Repubs do the opposite and actually cut taxes while increasing spending. They are the worst.

It's really a lot more complicated than that.

Raising taxes has the effect of lowering total revenues.

It has been proven by many economists that LOWERING taxes actually increases the total tax revenue collected.
Raising taxes causes people to shift whatever they do to hide more of their taxable income....resulting in DECREASED revenues collected.

So IF we were going to go with your argument, then the reality in your eyes would be Democrats Decrease total tax revenues collected AND increase spending......
Whereas Republicans INCREASE total tax revenues AND Increase spending. Which is worse?'re still missing the boat.....but if you really do your research I have faith you will come to the correct conclusion.
You are missing the point. As taxes increase tax payers will actually demand spending cuts. Right now spending increases at will because the tax payer also gets a tax cut. Nobody will care about debt until they have to pay for some of the spending. We wouldn't be sending foreign aid all over the world if tax payers got an increase for it.

Trump tax cuts hurt revenue, so that theory may work sometimes, but sure didn't this time. The rate of revenue increase took a big hit with the trump tax cuts.

You are not knowledgeable in corporate finance.

Please take a moment to review this....

Laffer Curve - Learn How Tax Rates and Tax Revenues are Related

You are wrong. perhaps misled.
But if you are flexible and willing to be open to new concepts, this may be interesting to you.
US tax revenue sharply dropped thanks to Trump cuts, new report says (
Just going by the title.......
"Republicans are mostly to blame for our debt"

Kind of a ridiculous statement considering that democrats always call for trillions for support of Illegal Immigration and then
vote to send trillions more overseas.

The truth is closer to......
POLITICIANS (all) and the ESTABLISHMENT are totally to blame for our debt
Sure, but if you want people to care about debt we need to increase taxes. Repubs do the opposite and actually cut taxes while increasing spending. They are the worst.

It's really a lot more complicated than that.

Raising taxes has the effect of lowering total revenues.

It has been proven by many economists that LOWERING taxes actually increases the total tax revenue collected.
Raising taxes causes people to shift whatever they do to hide more of their taxable income....resulting in DECREASED revenues collected.

So IF we were going to go with your argument, then the reality in your eyes would be Democrats Decrease total tax revenues collected AND increase spending......
Whereas Republicans INCREASE total tax revenues AND Increase spending. Which is worse?'re still missing the boat.....but if you really do your research I have faith you will come to the correct conclusion.

I believe it is less of a "Democrats do this and Republicans do that" argument vs a question of what the Establishment does with BOTH parties.
I think your faith is misplaced with this one, I've been trying to explain simple logic to him all day. He is either stupid, willfully ignorant or just plain obtuse--I am leaning toward #1.
You have no logic. You think that people will ever care about debt when they get a tax cut for all the increased spending? You are a fool.

Have you ever owned and operated a SUCCESSFUL corporation?

To please your board (and keep your job and huge salary), you better find ways to cut your tax burden every single time the federal government burdens you with more taxes.

One of the most obvious ways they do that is to increase consumer prices.
Others include capital investments and a million different strategies.

in other words, the biggest taxable entities are NOT going to pay those Biden tax increases.....YOU are.
Sure and prices went down when corporations got tax cuts. Right.
Ok, if you are not willing to learn then I'm done.

As I always say, out of billions of posts here....not one mind is changed or educated.

This is a place to vent....but never to educate

PS...if you really expect cnbc to say anything except orange man bad....then you are too close minded to learn anything

Good night and good luck
Ok, if you are not willing to learn then I'm done.

As I always say, out of billions of posts here....not one mind is changed or educated.

This is a place to vent....but never to educate

PS...if you really expect cnbc to say anything except orange man bad....then you are too close minded to learn anything

Good night and good luck
You are ignoring the facts. In order for the tax cuts to pay for themselves there would have to be increased growth. Last year GDP growth DECLINED!!!!! And the deficit hit a trillion. Wake up.
I think your faith is misplaced with this one, I've been trying to explain simple logic to him all day. He is either stupid, willfully ignorant or just plain obtuse--I am leaning toward #1.

I tried. I don't think a single Leftist has ever been touched by knowledge at this forum.
What they do is rely on false narratives and outright distortions from their favorite propaganda sites like CNN or NBC etc
That is where they feed their confirmation the absolute exclusion of truth or reality.

As was said....many leftists don't rely on fact.......only their opinion of truth

You turned out to be painfully correct ;)
I think your faith is misplaced with this one, I've been trying to explain simple logic to him all day. He is either stupid, willfully ignorant or just plain obtuse--I am leaning toward #1.

I tried. I don't think a single Leftist has ever been touched by knowledge at this forum.
What they do is rely on false narratives and outright distortions from their favorite propaganda sites like CNN or NBC etc
You turned out to be painfully correct ;)
And you clearly won't admit when you are wrong. Again, GDP growth declined after the trump tax cuts. That hurt revenue growth and the deficit ballooned to a trillion. Ignore facts and hide if you wish.
I think your faith is misplaced with this one, I've been trying to explain simple logic to him all day. He is either stupid, willfully ignorant or just plain obtuse--I am leaning toward #1.

I tried. I don't think a single Leftist has ever been touched by knowledge at this forum.
What they do is rely on false narratives and outright distortions from their favorite propaganda sites like CNN or NBC etc
You turned out to be painfully correct ;)
And you clearly won't admit when you are wrong. Again, GDP growth declined after the trump tax cuts. That hurt revenue growth and the deficit ballooned to a trillion. Ignore facts and hide if you wish.

You're right. I'm wrong.
You win.

Now good night and good luck
I think your faith is misplaced with this one, I've been trying to explain simple logic to him all day. He is either stupid, willfully ignorant or just plain obtuse--I am leaning toward #1.

I tried. I don't think a single Leftist has ever been touched by knowledge at this forum.
What they do is rely on false narratives and outright distortions from their favorite propaganda sites like CNN or NBC etc
You turned out to be painfully correct ;)
And you clearly won't admit when you are wrong. Again, GDP growth declined after the trump tax cuts. That hurt revenue growth and the deficit ballooned to a trillion. Ignore facts and hide if you wish.

You're right. I'm wrong.
You win.

Now good night and good luck
Yes I am. Decreasing the rate of growth is a giant failure.

Nominal revenue did increase, according to Treasury's fiscal year-end report, which shows that total federal tax revenue is up only $14 billion, or 0.4 percent, between FY 2018 and FY 2017. This revenue growth rate is the eighth lowest in the past 50 years, and the seven lower years either coincided with a recession or tax cuts/expiring tax increases enacted shortly after a recession.

The Tax Bill Did Not Cause Revenue to Rise | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (
Ok, if you are not willing to learn then I'm done.

As I always say, out of billions of posts here....not one mind is changed or educated.

This is a place to vent....but never to educate

PS...if you really expect cnbc to say anything except orange man bad....then you are too close minded to learn anything

Good night and good luck
Well we all pretty much figured that out about him along time ago.
I think your faith is misplaced with this one, I've been trying to explain simple logic to him all day. He is either stupid, willfully ignorant or just plain obtuse--I am leaning toward #1.

I tried. I don't think a single Leftist has ever been touched by knowledge at this forum.
What they do is rely on false narratives and outright distortions from their favorite propaganda sites like CNN or NBC etc
That is where they feed their confirmation the absolute exclusion of truth or reality.

As was said....many leftists don't rely on fact.......only their opinion of truth

You turned out to be painfully correct ;)
You nailed very true.
You are. Extending the cuts means that taxes were unchanged from the previous year. Unchanged is not cutting taxes.

Actually, the Bush tax cuts expired. Obama signed a new bill with his own tax cuts.

Barack Obama is bowing to Republican demands to extend a deep tax cut for wealthier Americans, to the fury of some of the president's allies who say he has succumbed to "blackmail".

Barack Obama gives way to Republicans over Bush tax cuts | Barack Obama | The Guardian
Now that we are closing out another failed republican president it seems like a good time to bring up debt since repubs will no doubt put there fiscally responsible hats back on for us to laugh at. It's clear big debt started with Reagan, the guy tripled the debt. We almost had it under control under Clinton, then Bush messed that up completely. Then Obama inherited the Bush mess and spent a lot, but deficits generally came down after the mess was fixed. Now Trump inherited a strong economy and still increased debt every single year. Last year pre pandemic he managed a trillion dollar deficit during a strong economy, this year he will set a new record by a lot.

Over and over and over republicans support the same policy of cut taxes, increase military spending, and drastically increase debt. And that is what has happened every time they have done it. Reagan did it, Bush did it, and now Trump did it. And repubs stupidly believe the square peg is going to fit the round hole this time.... or are they all that stupid? Many certainly are, but others clearly love the freebies. Heck better than a freebie, trumpers got their military spending and a tax cut! Government is great!

So for the last 40 years we have gotten more and more government and thanks to repubs it costs tax payers less and less. That is a formula for increasing government if I have ever seen one. So laugh whenever a repub claims to be for fiscal responsibility, their policy has clearly lead the way for more and more debt.

Like decency and morality, you Lefties are no authority on spending.
Remember when you championed everything the malnourished Kenyan with the unAmerican name did when he doubled the debt?
Link us to your bitching about that so we know we can take you serious before we engage in this TDS rooted thread. Thanks in advance.

I have complained about deficits as long as I've been on this board. Take a look at my history. Now you probably pretended to be a tea party person then trump drastically increased deficits...
What you mean is that you have lobbied for tax increases as long as you have been on this board
The funny (if predictable) thing is that I'm ALREADY seeing the Trumpsters complain about "Biden's spending".
This, after Trump made Keynes look like Ron freakin' Paul and took credit for the actions of the Fed.
They're not to be taken seriously.
Clueless Moron Alert!
Good, solid Trumpian-level response there!
One side is clearly worse for debt. Just look at the trump disaster. Trillion dollar deficit last year during a strong economy!
This is why I call Trump a hyper-Keynesian.

The so-called "conservatives" HATED Keynesianism BEFORE, and Keynes only advocated for increased spending during times of economic RECESSION.

But when Trump comes along and signs a MASSIVE spending increase with the GDP still growing, he's a fucking genius.

These people are completely clueless on economics. All they know is that they absolutely adore this ignorant buffoon.


One side is clearly worse for debt. Just look at the trump disaster. Trillion dollar deficit last year during a strong economy!
This is why I call Trump a hyper-Keynesian.

The so-called "conservatives" HATED Keynesianism BEFORE, and Keynes only advocated for increased spending during times of economic RECESSION.

But when Trump comes along and signs a MASSIVE spending increase with the GDP still growing, he's a fucking genius.

These people are completely clueless on economics. All they know is that they absolutely adore this ignorant buffoon.


You're wrong, asshole. I didn't like Trump's budget increase. Not a bit.
One side is clearly worse for debt. Just look at the trump disaster. Trillion dollar deficit last year during a strong economy!
This is why I call Trump a hyper-Keynesian.

The so-called "conservatives" HATED Keynesianism BEFORE, and Keynes only advocated for increased spending during times of economic RECESSION.

But when Trump comes along and signs a MASSIVE spending increase with the GDP still growing, he's a fucking genius.

These people are completely clueless on economics. All they know is that they absolutely adore this ignorant buffoon.


You're wrong, asshole. I didn't like Trump's budget increase. Not a bit.
And yet you crow about the economy it helped to stimulate.

You're worthless.
One side is clearly worse for debt. Just look at the trump disaster. Trillion dollar deficit last year during a strong economy!
This is why I call Trump a hyper-Keynesian.

The so-called "conservatives" HATED Keynesianism BEFORE, and Keynes only advocated for increased spending during times of economic RECESSION.

But when Trump comes along and signs a MASSIVE spending increase with the GDP still growing, he's a fucking genius.

These people are completely clueless on economics. All they know is that they absolutely adore this ignorant buffoon.


You're wrong, asshole. I didn't like Trump's budget increase. Not a bit.
And yet you crow about the economy it helped to stimulate.

You're worthless.
It isn't the tax cuts that I am against, it's the increased spending. The tax cuts brought in trillions of dollars from overseas that definitely stimulated the economy,

You're worthless.

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