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Republicans are not for our constitution.

Trump just issued an executive order that strengthened the 1st Amendment freedom of religion that lefties have been attacking ever since a former KKK member appointed to the supreme court by FDR re-wrote the Constitution and created a "separation of church and state" that does not exist in the Constitution. Lefties appointed to the Court later found a "right to privacy" that did not exist in the Constitution to legalize the murder of the unborn. The dirty little secret is that democrats have been trying to tear down the Constitution for a century.
I constantly run across right wingers who claim that conservatives “follow the constitution” and are “for the constitution “.

Nothing but words . Whenever I ask for some real life proof, I get nothing .

I will concede that they are nuts over the 2nd . I’ll give you that .

But as far as the rest of the con? They push agendas to weaken our con freedoms .

Prove me wrong! What con talking points/agendas/ legislation strengthen (non 2nd amendmemt )constitutional rights ?

I didn't know Communists had a Constitution. I just thought it was a
doctrine, and a way for government to keep their thumb on the common

Glad you mother-fuckers aren't Americans
What Constitutional rights are Republicans trying to deny or take away from people?

14th amendment /equal protection under the law
Rights to citizenship
Voter rights
Who is trying to repeal the 14th amendment? There is a process to become a citizen for those who come here legally. Showing a photo ID does not prevent one from voting.

Voter suppression is a Republican initiative
Make it more difficult to vote, Strict ID standards, limit voter hours, selectively reduce the number of voting machines, cut back early voting
A photo ID is not a strict standard voter hours are generally 7am to 7pm 12 hours I have seen no one reduce the number of voting machines you might have to cut back early voting if you don’t have enough people to work at polls.

Almost 95% of Americans have an acceptable photo ID. Determining what is acceptable is a way Republicans suppress the vote.
A gun permit is acceptable while a student ID is not
Drivers licenses are acceptable, but many legitimate voters in urban areas do not drive

5% not having ID is not that big a deal until you realize many elections are won by 1-2%
If most of the people without an acceptable ID vote Democrat, Voter ID laws are an effective means of suppression

Utter bull. Where do you get this 5% number from? How does 5% of our society function in this country with no valid ID? How do they borrow money, buy alcohol, get on a plane, get a passport, get a loan from the bank? Cash a check?

In most states (if not all) gun licenses are issued to people who passed a thorough criminal background check. You must also present a valid legal identification. In our state, you are fingerprinted when you apply for the license and fingerprinted again with each renewal. What does it take to get a student ID?

My mother never drove in her live, that's why she went to the DMV and got a State ID. It looks just like a drivers license and she has voted with it her entire life.
I constantly run across right wingers who claim that conservatives “follow the constitution” and are “for the constitution “.

Nothing but words . Whenever I ask for some real life proof, I get nothing .

I will concede that they are nuts over the 2nd . I’ll give you that .

But as far as the rest of the con? They push agendas to weaken our con freedoms .

Prove me wrong! What con talking points/agendas/ legislation strengthen (non 2nd amendmemt )constitutional rights ?

It's like saying they're for the Constitution but against Gay marriage. They compartmentalize. Anything they see that they agree with that is in the Constitution, usually their view of the 2A, then they're for it. But if it doesn't support their view, then they'll pretend the Constitution means something else.

Where is the word "marriage" in the US Constitution?
Who is trying to repeal the 14th amendment? There is a process to become a citizen for those who come here legally. Showing a photo ID does not prevent one from voting.

Voter suppression is a Republican initiative
Make it more difficult to vote, Strict ID standards, limit voter hours, selectively reduce the number of voting machines, cut back early voting

Started by democrats

We are talking 2018

Tough , you guys should of never started it to begin with now the republicans are doing it.

Republicans cannot win elections without cheating

Is that so then how come Trump didn't run as a democrat?

Oh we know why

Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. To the liberal this means disrupt opponent protesting, including violence. Attacking opponent's economic status, including termination, and alienating opponents who attend schools.

Amendment 2:
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. No explanation needed.

Amendment 4: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Someone should have told Obama.

Amendment 5: No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation. Unless you're President Trump. Then we fabricate a crime and investigate everything but the stated crime, because the crime was of course fabricated.

Amendment 6: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. What a coincidence, doesn't really apply to Trump. Doesn't apply to the "Me Too" "cause" either. According to liberals, if a woman suggests she's been violated then we're to take it as face value.
Name the agendas!

Fine . Unlike you I will answer the question .

Freedom of speech : cons always try to pass laws making flag buring illegal .

What does the flag have to do with speech? You can't convey a message without buying the American flag?

It’s all about free speech .

Why is it ok for a Boy Scout troop to burn flags , but not some hippee commie protestor ?
Boy scouts burning the flag?

You never a boy scout, yes they do the proper and respectful way to an old worn out flag
Oh yeah I forgot about that. Leave it to a liberal to compare the two.
14th amendment /equal protection under the law
Rights to citizenship
Voter rights
Who is trying to repeal the 14th amendment? There is a process to become a citizen for those who come here legally. Showing a photo ID does not prevent one from voting.

Voter suppression is a Republican initiative
Make it more difficult to vote, Strict ID standards, limit voter hours, selectively reduce the number of voting machines, cut back early voting
A photo ID is not a strict standard voter hours are generally 7am to 7pm 12 hours I have seen no one reduce the number of voting machines you might have to cut back early voting if you don’t have enough people to work at polls.

Almost 95% of Americans have an acceptable photo ID. Determining what is acceptable is a way Republicans suppress the vote.
A gun permit is acceptable while a student ID is not
Drivers licenses are acceptable, but many legitimate voters in urban areas do not drive

5% not having ID is not that big a deal until you realize many elections are won by 1-2%
If most of the people without an acceptable ID vote Democrat, Voter ID laws are an effective means of suppression

Utter bull. Where do you get this 5% number from? How does 5% of our society function in this country with no valid ID? How do they borrow money, buy alcohol, get on a plane, get a passport, get a loan from the bank? Cash a check?

In most states (if not all) gun licenses are issued to people who passed a thorough criminal background check. You must also present a valid legal identification. In our state, you are fingerprinted when you apply for the license and fingerprinted again with each renewal. What does it take to get a student ID?

My mother never drove in her live, that's why she went to the DMV and got a State ID. It looks just like a drivers license and she has voted with it her entire life.

Let me flip this . Why do righties fight a gun registry ? It doesn’t stop your right to bear arms .

By the way . If a birth certificate is ok to get a photo ID at the rmv, why isn’t that birth certificate good enough to vote with?
Fine . Unlike you I will answer the question .

Freedom of speech : cons always try to pass laws making flag buring illegal .

What does the flag have to do with speech? You can't convey a message without buying the American flag?

It’s all about free speech .

Why is it ok for a Boy Scout troop to burn flags , but not some hippee commie protestor ?
Boy scouts burning the flag?

You never a boy scout, yes they do the proper and respectful way to an old worn out flag
Oh yeah I forgot about that. Leave it to a liberal to compare the two.

Yeah . A liberal explaining free speech to you rubes .
Who is trying to repeal the 14th amendment? There is a process to become a citizen for those who come here legally. Showing a photo ID does not prevent one from voting.

Voter suppression is a Republican initiative
Make it more difficult to vote, Strict ID standards, limit voter hours, selectively reduce the number of voting machines, cut back early voting
A photo ID is not a strict standard voter hours are generally 7am to 7pm 12 hours I have seen no one reduce the number of voting machines you might have to cut back early voting if you don’t have enough people to work at polls.

Almost 95% of Americans have an acceptable photo ID. Determining what is acceptable is a way Republicans suppress the vote.
A gun permit is acceptable while a student ID is not
Drivers licenses are acceptable, but many legitimate voters in urban areas do not drive

5% not having ID is not that big a deal until you realize many elections are won by 1-2%
If most of the people without an acceptable ID vote Democrat, Voter ID laws are an effective means of suppression

Utter bull. Where do you get this 5% number from? How does 5% of our society function in this country with no valid ID? How do they borrow money, buy alcohol, get on a plane, get a passport, get a loan from the bank? Cash a check?

In most states (if not all) gun licenses are issued to people who passed a thorough criminal background check. You must also present a valid legal identification. In our state, you are fingerprinted when you apply for the license and fingerprinted again with each renewal. What does it take to get a student ID?

My mother never drove in her live, that's why she went to the DMV and got a State ID. It looks just like a drivers license and she has voted with it her entire life.

Let me flip this . Why do righties fight a gun registry ? It doesn’t stop your right to bear arms .

By the way . If a birth certificate is ok to get a photo ID at the rmv, why isn’t that birth certificate good enough to vote with?

Because anybody can use anothers birth certificate. Try getting a DR or state ID using somebody else's birth certificate and see what happens to you if you get caught.
And you ID freaks . Do you think it’s right that an old man can’t vote because he has an EXPIRED drivers license ? He doesn’t drive anymore !

Do you think it’s ok to deny a picture student ID from your own state university? Cause that’s what these laws say . The whole intent is to suppress votes .
Voter suppression is a Republican initiative
Make it more difficult to vote, Strict ID standards, limit voter hours, selectively reduce the number of voting machines, cut back early voting
A photo ID is not a strict standard voter hours are generally 7am to 7pm 12 hours I have seen no one reduce the number of voting machines you might have to cut back early voting if you don’t have enough people to work at polls.

Almost 95% of Americans have an acceptable photo ID. Determining what is acceptable is a way Republicans suppress the vote.
A gun permit is acceptable while a student ID is not
Drivers licenses are acceptable, but many legitimate voters in urban areas do not drive

5% not having ID is not that big a deal until you realize many elections are won by 1-2%
If most of the people without an acceptable ID vote Democrat, Voter ID laws are an effective means of suppression

Utter bull. Where do you get this 5% number from? How does 5% of our society function in this country with no valid ID? How do they borrow money, buy alcohol, get on a plane, get a passport, get a loan from the bank? Cash a check?

In most states (if not all) gun licenses are issued to people who passed a thorough criminal background check. You must also present a valid legal identification. In our state, you are fingerprinted when you apply for the license and fingerprinted again with each renewal. What does it take to get a student ID?

My mother never drove in her live, that's why she went to the DMV and got a State ID. It looks just like a drivers license and she has voted with it her entire life.

Let me flip this . Why do righties fight a gun registry ? It doesn’t stop your right to bear arms .

By the way . If a birth certificate is ok to get a photo ID at the rmv, why isn’t that birth certificate good enough to vote with?

Because anybody can use anothers birth certificate. Try getting a DR or state ID using somebody else's birth certificate and see what happens to you if you get caught.

But you say that is good enough to GET The fancy photo ID . Just cut out the middle man.
And you ID freaks . Do you think it’s right that an old man can’t vote because he has an EXPIRED drivers license ? He doesn’t drive anymore !

Do you think it’s ok to deny a picture student ID from your own state university? Cause that’s what these laws say . The whole intent is to suppress votes .
Have you ever in your miserable life ever heard of identity theft?
Who is trying to repeal the 14th amendment? There is a process to become a citizen for those who come here legally. Showing a photo ID does not prevent one from voting.

Voter suppression is a Republican initiative
Make it more difficult to vote, Strict ID standards, limit voter hours, selectively reduce the number of voting machines, cut back early voting
A photo ID is not a strict standard voter hours are generally 7am to 7pm 12 hours I have seen no one reduce the number of voting machines you might have to cut back early voting if you don’t have enough people to work at polls.

Almost 95% of Americans have an acceptable photo ID. Determining what is acceptable is a way Republicans suppress the vote.
A gun permit is acceptable while a student ID is not
Drivers licenses are acceptable, but many legitimate voters in urban areas do not drive

5% not having ID is not that big a deal until you realize many elections are won by 1-2%
If most of the people without an acceptable ID vote Democrat, Voter ID laws are an effective means of suppression

Utter bull. Where do you get this 5% number from? How does 5% of our society function in this country with no valid ID? How do they borrow money, buy alcohol, get on a plane, get a passport, get a loan from the bank? Cash a check?

In most states (if not all) gun licenses are issued to people who passed a thorough criminal background check. You must also present a valid legal identification. In our state, you are fingerprinted when you apply for the license and fingerprinted again with each renewal. What does it take to get a student ID?

My mother never drove in her live, that's why she went to the DMV and got a State ID. It looks just like a drivers license and she has voted with it her entire life.

Let me flip this . Why do righties fight a gun registry ? It doesn’t stop your right to bear arms .

By the way . If a birth certificate is ok to get a photo ID at the rmv, why isn’t that birth certificate good enough to vote with?

It's not good enough to apply for a job now is it? And prove you can't use a birth certificate? I remember when the cops took my drivers license and gave me a a ticket , I was using my birth certificate to cash checks and get into bars I always looked younger then I am.
And you ID freaks . Do you think it’s right that an old man can’t vote because he has an EXPIRED drivers license ? He doesn’t drive anymore !

Do you think it’s ok to deny a picture student ID from your own state university? Cause that’s what these laws say . The whole intent is to suppress votes .

How does he buy beer or cash his welfare checks.
And you ID freaks . Do you think it’s right that an old man can’t vote because he has an EXPIRED drivers license ? He doesn’t drive anymore !

Do you think it’s ok to deny a picture student ID from your own state university? Cause that’s what these laws say . The whole intent is to suppress votes .
Have you ever in your miserable life ever heard of identity theft?

Yes! People are stealing others IDS so they can vote under their name = somthing that never happens.
They follow it as much as the dems.......meaning, either side hates the constitution.

Example ?
It's your thread. How about you show us how Republicans violate the Constitution.

I’ve done so a number of times in this thread .

I’ll do a new one ! “States rights “ . Gop talks Big about states rights. As we speak they are looking to override states wh legal pot, they want to force states to accept others gun licenses , and they want to force oil drilling off the states coasts .

States rights my ass!
What does the flag have to do with speech? You can't convey a message without buying the American flag?

It’s all about free speech .

Why is it ok for a Boy Scout troop to burn flags , but not some hippee commie protestor ?
Boy scouts burning the flag?

You never a boy scout, yes they do the proper and respectful way to an old worn out flag
Oh yeah I forgot about that. Leave it to a liberal to compare the two.

Yeah . A liberal explaining free speech to you rubes .
He is comparing an asshole burning the flag out of spite. To an boy scout disposing of a flag the right way. And yes the asshole has the right to burn the flag, but it doesn't make it right.
They follow it as much as the dems.......meaning, either side hates the constitution.

Example ?
It's your thread. How about you show us how Republicans violate the Constitution.

I’ve done so a number of times in this thread .

I’ll do a new one ! “States rights “ . Gop talks Big about states rights. As we speak they are looking to override states wh legal pot, they want to force states to accept others gun licenses , and they want to force oil drilling off the states coasts .

States rights my ass!

You mean those same states that were held captive by Commie Care? Those same states that voted down the acceptance of gay marriage? Those same states that are forced to comply with federal EPA standards? Those same states that had to comply with Moooochelle's school lunch menu or her husbands order that schools had to allow weirdo's in dresses to use girls bathrooms and showers?

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