Republicans are the party of the downtrodden

Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.


The base looks down on education.

Why? Because we don't believing in paying for somebody else's education that they should be paying themselves?

They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century.

Nope, never did and never have. In fact we encourage people to plan for the future, you just have to pay for it yourself.

The base is a majority white.

The only thing you got right so far.

The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

What problems might those be? Yes, we do pass on our mind set to our children. We teach them to stay in school, teach them about investments and staying out of trouble with the police. We teach them to not have children they can't afford and get married if possible before they start a family.
Why are so many Trump supporters under employed? Your statement on education parrots the thinking of Trump supporters. You are making excuses for those who do not work hard to get marketable skill of the 21st century.

If Republican voters were underemployed, we would be fighting for a higher national minimum wage, now wouldn't we?

You are making crap up as you go along. No evidence to support most any of your claims. Anybody who wants to get into a trade school or college can, it's just that it's going to put you in debt for some time. Vocational training not as much, but those liberal colleges charge an arm and a leg.
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.
You can't be both under educated and under employed. If you aren't educated, then you don't deserve a "free ride". Republicans are finding that out after accusing minority hard workers of being "given". Now they are not only finding out they are wrong, but now they are way back in the pack. They have to work hard to catch up, but now, they just aren't used to hard work.

America hits peak anti-intellectualism: Majority of Republicans now think college is bad
Many of the downtrodden exist because of GOP policies. The GOP not only creates the downtrodden, but stomps on them good and then blames Obama.
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.
You can't be both under educated and under employed. If you aren't educated, then you don't deserve a "free ride". Republicans are finding that out after accusing minority hard workers of being "given". Now they are not only finding out they are wrong, but now they are way back in the pack. They have to work hard to catch up, but now, they just aren't used to hard work.

America hits peak anti-intellectualism: Majority of Republicans now think college is bad

You are just upset because you never got the Obama-phone you were promised.
You are describing the 1950's. I do not deny the majority of the under employed Trump base would like to do what you say. But they do not have and are not willing to get the skills required for the jobs of 2017.
They blame many things for not having jobs but they need to look at themselves and get the skills.

The problems you describe are those of the Democrat party--not the Republicans. Show me the Republicans that are complaining there aren't enough jobs around, or that jobs don't pay enough.

"Folks, if you ever want to know what the Democrats are up to, just take note of what the accuse the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
Many of the downtrodden exist because of GOP policies. The GOP not only creates the downtrodden, but stomps on them good and then blames Obama.
Democrats solutions turn those who were barely making it into more down trodden needing handouts.
You are describing the 1950's. I do not deny the majority of the under employed Trump base would like to do what you say. But they do not have and are not willing to get the skills required for the jobs of 2017.
They blame many things for not having jobs but they need to look at themselves and get the skills.

The problems you describe are those of the Democrat party--not the Republicans. Show me the Republicans that are complaining there aren't enough jobs around, or that jobs don't pay enough.

"Folks, if you ever want to know what the Democrats are up to, just take note of what the accuse the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
I'm a Republican complaining there aren't enough jobs that pay enough. I don't want to compete with third worlders for my job. I'm being left in the crack because I'm bi-polar and couldn't stay sane long enough to get a college education. Luckily I begged for my VA benefits, late in life, and am now medicated. An argument for national health care btw.
Many of the downtrodden exist because of GOP policies. The GOP not only creates the downtrodden, but stomps on them good and then blames Obama.

So what polices did the Republicans create that are responsible for the downtrodden? Is it when we told them to have single-parent families because they don't need a father in the house anymore? Is it when we decided to pay them more money for the more children they had that they couldn't afford? Or was it when we opened the borders and told all the foreigners to come in and lower the pay scale for American workers?
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

Let me offer some real world clarity and outline the distinct differences between the parties.
A model citizen for the Right would be one who gets up at 5:30am rolling over to give his WIFE a good morning kiss, he goes to work, is self funded, he takes great pride in never imposing himself on others. He exhausts all effort leading his family and raising his children. He teaches morality, family values and the paramount importance of responsibility and accountability. He goes to Church on Sundays and spends his life becoming and doing better. He expects and appreciates law and order, he's patriotic and respects American heritage. He prefers a likeminded society where normalcy and conformity isn't demonized.

A model citizen for the Left would be an illegal or barely legal Mexican who gets up at noon rolling over to give his boyfriend a good morning kiss, he would put on his dress and lipstick and rush off by 1:30pm to make his appointment at the welfare office where he would take his 'morning' dump next to a 14 year old girl in the ladies room. He's shameless and brags about the EBT card that taxpayers send him every month. He takes great pride in counting on others to survive. He fathers many children with multiple baby mamas. He would never be around to teach his children anything as he's way too busy smoking weed and drinking 40's. He would have an arrest record and this guy feels he's way too smart to believe in God or go to Church.

Folks, I am not making this up...sift through the forums'll quickly find out who and what are championed by which party.
. The only problem with this is your target of Mexicans. The American left is full of these same types of individuals you describe, and yes those who stake a claim as being republican can have some of the same problems as the loonies on the left have. Have to judge people by individual character, and not by broad brushed labels or groups who have some good existing within them, but sadly there is not enough in some cases to represent positively the entire group, so it gets a bad wrap over all. If a group becomes 75% bad in character and 25% only in good character, then the group better take a long hard look at itself.
And they give them free shit to get votes..

Where is my Trump-phone?

Obama gave out Obama-phones...

....fair is fair...
Oh wow. They got a phone? So they could find work? Such horrible people. A phone is so much.

Oh yeah, that's what they are doing with their phone, looking for work. In fact I had a delivery in the hood the other day. There were six of them standing around drinking out of bags; probably discussing all their job interviews. :badgrin::badgrin:
And they give them free shit to get votes..

Where is my Trump-phone?

Obama gave out Obama-phones...

....fair is fair...
Oh wow. They got a phone? So they could find work? Such horrible people. A phone is so much.

Oh yeah, that's what they are doing with their phone, looking for work. In fact I had a delivery in the hood the other day. There were six of them standing around drinking out of bags; probably discussing all their job interviews. :badgrin::badgrin:
I have a good job I hate, but it's a good job that pays the bills. If I had showed up in shorts they would not have hired me. I worked 25 years of my life wearing shorts. I didn't have long pants to wear that fit me. I've gained 260 pounds in that 25 years. Found a pair of long pants and got the job. Now I wear shorts to work and they love me. Got no teeth, can't afford dental, can't afford long pants, but they love me and my rent is getting paid.
And they give them free shit to get votes..

Where is my Trump-phone?

Obama gave out Obama-phones...

....fair is fair...
Oh wow. They got a phone? So they could find work? Such horrible people. A phone is so much.

Oh yeah, that's what they are doing with their phone, looking for work. In fact I had a delivery in the hood the other day. There were six of them standing around drinking out of bags; probably discussing all their job interviews. :badgrin::badgrin:
I have a good job I hate, but it's a good job that pays the bills. If I had showed up in shorts they would not have hired me. I worked 25 years of my life wearing shorts. I didn't have long pants to wear that fit me. I've gained 260 pounds in that 25 years. Found a pair of long pants and got the job. Now I wear shorts to work and they love me. Got no teeth, can't afford dental, can't afford long pants, but they love me and my rent is getting paid.
There is always canned cheese..

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