Republicans are the party of the downtrodden

NBC News 2012 exit polls show that the Dems garnered 44% of college graduate Voters while the GOP won 54% of college graduate Voters, but Obama did win 64% of high school drop-out voters lol…
Public Housing - 81% D vs 12% R
Medicaid - 74% D vs 16% R
Food Stamps - 67% D vs 20% R
Unemployment Compensation - 64% D vs 25% R
Welfare/Public Assistance - 63% D vs 22% R…....
…. i.e. Democrat Voters are the least educated and lowest income bottom 50% of our society
Republicans want a whites only country so badly that they're willing to side with the Nazis and the KKK.

So much retardation packed into one sentence, holy shit.. that takes talent.

I was honestly unaware that Canada had such whack-jobs. Dragonlady has to be from Loon York or Mexifornia.

Canada is pathetic. Look at who they elected prime minister for god's sake. Also, after he was released from guantanamo, they awarded an islamist who killed American soldiers millions of dollars for his pain and suffering.
Why do the Democrat Voters always demand higher taxes for the rich and more welfare themselves if they are so superior?
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

Yeah, all the problems the white man caused.

Like light bulbs, the internet, the automobile and space travel.

i notice the only people arguing for anti-white policies are emasculated white boys in denial. You know your SO is getting fucked by a black guy, right?

I guess that's why they're so interested in making us pony up for those birth control pills. Wouldn't want your significant other popping out mulattoes.

You are describing the 1950's. I do not deny the majority of the under employed Trump base would like to do what you say. But they do not have and are not willing to get the skills required for the jobs of 2017.
They blame many things for not having jobs but they need to look at themselves and get the skills.

The problems you describe are those of the Democrat party--not the Republicans. Show me the Republicans that are complaining there aren't enough jobs around, or that jobs don't pay enough.

"Folks, if you ever want to know what the Democrats are up to, just take note of what the accuse the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
Hello, knock knock. What do you think Trump ran on?
You are describing the 1950's. I do not deny the majority of the under employed Trump base would like to do what you say. But they do not have and are not willing to get the skills required for the jobs of 2017.
They blame many things for not having jobs but they need to look at themselves and get the skills.

The problems you describe are those of the Democrat party--not the Republicans. Show me the Republicans that are complaining there aren't enough jobs around, or that jobs don't pay enough.

"Folks, if you ever want to know what the Democrats are up to, just take note of what the accuse the Republicans of."
Rush Limbaugh
Hello, knock knock. What do you think Trump ran on?

Did you know that virtue signalling online about how non-racist you are doesn't make you a good person? Now you do.
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

Yeah, all the problems the white man caused.

Like light bulbs, the internet, the automobile and space travel.

i notice the only people arguing for anti-white policies are emasculated white boys in denial. You know your SO is getting fucked by a black guy, right?

I guess that's why they're so interested in making us pony up for those birth control pills. Wouldn't want your significant other popping out mulattoes.

We have to pay for white wingers viagra who can't get a boner. How fair is that?

Besides, not all whites are Republican. There is all kinds of white who aren't Republican.
College professors
White Hispanics
Former Republicans who don't like what the GOP has done to this country
and the list goes on.
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

Yeah, all the problems the white man caused.

Like light bulbs, the internet, the automobile and space travel.

i notice the only people arguing for anti-white policies are emasculated white boys in denial. You know your SO is getting fucked by a black guy, right?

I guess that's why they're so interested in making us pony up for those birth control pills. Wouldn't want your significant other popping out mulattoes.

We have to pay for white wingers viagra who can't get a boner. How fair is that?

Besides, not all whites are Republican. There is all kinds of white who aren't Republican.
College professors
White Hispanics
Former Republicans who don't like what the GOP has done to this country
and the list goes on.

well, we've been fucking so many feminists chicks that secretly want the conservative D, hard to keep up sometimes.

Can't blame a homie for doing what's necessary to keep them women satisfied. It's a tough job but someones gotta do it.

Nothing wrong with getting some satisfaction in life.
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.
That's right, little LibTard Wanker...

Keep throwin' rocks at Whitey, and callin' em a basket of deplorables...

I mean, that worked so well for ya'll in 2016, didn't it?

Keep it up... that'll keep you on the sidelines in 2018, 2020, and 2022, as well...

You Leftist a$$holes never learn, do you?
It is under-educated and under employed whites.Not all whites. They have legitimate complaints and concerns but they are chasing the wrong answers.
Unfortunately in today's world if you are willing to work hard it does not guarantee a living wage. It requires 21st century skills.
Robots are doing many of the jobs hard working Americans used to do. There are people in other countries that are willing to work very hard and work for dirt wages. This is not going to change.
We need to direct all hard working people to the right skills.
To promise that jobs will come back with current skills is a lie.
Globalism and greed in which has led our citizens into the world markets with the wrong attitudes and reasoning in which they have gone there is a devastating thing.
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

Let me offer some real world clarity and outline the distinct differences between the parties.
A model citizen for the Right would be one who gets up at 5:30am rolling over to give his WIFE a good morning kiss, he goes to work, is self funded, he takes great pride in never imposing himself on others. He exhausts all effort leading his family and raising his children. He teaches morality, family values and the paramount importance of responsibility and accountability. He goes to Church on Sundays and spends his life becoming and doing better. He expects and appreciates law and order, he's patriotic and respects American heritage. He prefers a likeminded society where normalcy and conformity isn't demonized.

A model citizen for the Left would be an illegal or barely legal Mexican who gets up at noon rolling over to give his boyfriend a good morning kiss, he would put on his dress and lipstick and rush off by 1:30pm to make his appointment at the welfare office where he would take his 'morning' dump next to a 14 year old girl in the ladies room. He's shameless and brags about the EBT card that taxpayers send him every month. He takes great pride in counting on others to survive. He fathers many children with multiple baby mamas. He would never be around to teach his children anything as he's way too busy smoking weed and drinking 40's. He would have an arrest record and this guy feels he's way too smart to believe in God or go to Church.

Folks, I am not making this up...sift through the forums'll quickly find out who and what are championed by which party.

So why are these God fearing church going hard working people always complaining how screwed over they are? How they can't get good jobs or make decent wages and the government takes everything they make in taxes?

The men complain they can't get laid, and that women are all bitches. Immigrants took their jobs, and the corporations sent the rest of their jobs overseas.

If life is so good for these self sufficient folks who look out for themselves and their families, and life is good, what are they so pissed off about?
. That was a bunch of blabbering nonsense, but who cares right ? LOL
Democrats are not friends to the working poor with their pro amnesty bullshit. They're chasing after votes and getting more low wage earners to compete with real americans who should be voting Republican.
. Sad thing is that the Republicans are also guilty in the bullcrap.
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

The downtrodden Billionaires?
Republicans put DOWN millions of Americans and then TROD all over them. Hence, the party of downtrodden.
Democrats are not friends to the working poor with their pro amnesty bullshit. They're chasing after votes and getting more low wage earners to compete with real americans who should be voting Republican.

It's all part of the bigger plot.

What Democrats are trying to do is make whites a minority in this country. Why? Because every other group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat.

The Jewish vote a majority Democrat. The Asians vote a majority Democrat. Middle-Eastern people vote a majority Democrat. Hispanics vote a majority Democrat. Blacks? Forget about it. They vote almost totally Democrat.

So once they can get us out of the way, it paves the path for a single-party rule in this country. This is why they fight for more immigrants so strongly. This is why they are resisting things like getting rid of sanctuary cities. It's also why they stopped Kate's Law. Kate's law would have given criminal immigrants a minimum of five years in prison if they return after their deportation. The Democrats want a single-party government so badly, they are willing to keep criminals in this country.

Republicans want a whites only country so badly that they're willing to side with the Nazis and the KKK.
This goes down as the most ignorant thing I have seen posted this week.
Since Reagan the country has seen almost equal amounts of GOP and Dem presidents, yet you idiots want to blamer all the problems of society on one party..Wake up folks, it's both parties that be screwing yous...Gawd what blind idiots!!
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

1. Funny how when they vote dems, the Poor are the Be All and End All of Society, but when they don't they are the Rabble.

2. We do not look down on education. We have a problem with educated assholes who insult us.

3. We do not "Deny skills".

4. NOthign wrong with being white. It's a good thing. THe majority of this country is white. WTF are you talking about?

5. Whites are being discriminated against. This has been repeatedly documented. Only a liar or a fool would say otherwise.

6. All people try to pass their culture on to their children.

7. We are tying to NOT pass our problems on to our children. We are trying to leave them BETTER off than we are.

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