Republicans are the party of the downtrodden

Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

1. Funny how when they vote dems, the Poor are the Be All and End All of Society, but when they don't they are the Rabble.

2. We do not look down on education. We have a problem with educated assholes who insult us.

3. We do not "Deny skills".

4. NOthign wrong with being white. It's a good thing. THe majority of this country is white. WTF are you talking about?

5. Whites are being discriminated against. This has been repeatedly documented. Only a liar or a fool would say otherwise.

6. All people try to pass their culture on to their children.

7. We are tying to NOT pass our problems on to our children. We are trying to leave them BETTER off than we are.

Whites are NOT being discriminated against. That is such bullshit. As a white personal, not once ever in my entire life have I lost a job or an opportunity because of the colour of my skin. I've never been publically mocked or shamed because of the colour of my skin.

Idiots like you talk about "affirmative action" programs in college admissions as proof positive of discrimination against whites, but you completely ignore "legacy admissions" which is white affirmative action.

One third of Ivy League admissions to top US colleges in 2017 went to the sons and daughters of alumni. Do you think "C" student George W. Bush attended Harvard on his own merits? Of course not. He got in because his daddy went to Harvard.

Lots of bright motivated young people are turned away from Ivy League institutions every year so that the freckles offspring of the alumni can get in but nobody rails against this discrimination. Nobody even mentions it. They just go on and on about a handful of supposedly "unqualified" blacks getting an opportunity.

I've often seen it stated in this board that Barrack Obama was an "affirmative action" student who stole some deserving white kid's spot at Harvard. I've never seen it stated that W was an undeserving legacy who stole some deserving student's spot there.

That's just white privilege.
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

1. Funny how when they vote dems, the Poor are the Be All and End All of Society, but when they don't they are the Rabble.

2. We do not look down on education. We have a problem with educated assholes who insult us.

3. We do not "Deny skills".

4. NOthign wrong with being white. It's a good thing. THe majority of this country is white. WTF are you talking about?

5. Whites are being discriminated against. This has been repeatedly documented. Only a liar or a fool would say otherwise.

6. All people try to pass their culture on to their children.

7. We are tying to NOT pass our problems on to our children. We are trying to leave them BETTER off than we are.

Whites are NOT being discriminated against. That is such bullshit. As a white personal, not once ever in my entire life have I lost a job or an opportunity because of the colour of my skin. I've never been publically mocked or shamed because of the colour of my skin.

Idiots like you talk about "affirmative action" programs in college admissions as proof positive of discrimination against whites, but you completely ignore "legacy admissions" which is white affirmative action.

One third of Ivy League admissions to top US colleges in 2017 went to the sons and daughters of alumni. Do you think "C" student George W. Bush attended Harvard on his own merits? Of course not. He got in because his daddy went to Harvard.

Lots of bright motivated young people are turned away from Ivy League institutions every year so that the freckles offspring of the alumni can get in but nobody rails against this discrimination. Nobody even mentions it. They just go on and on about a handful of supposedly "unqualified" blacks getting an opportunity.

I've often seen it stated in this board that Barrack Obama was an "affirmative action" student who stole some deserving white kid's spot at Harvard. I've never seen it stated that W was an undeserving legacy who stole some deserving student's spot there.

That's just white privilege.

I thought you lived in Canada. How would you be subject to white discrimination under US laws?

Riddle me this: George Bush and John Kerry had the same grades in college. How did he get into Yale?
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

1. Funny how when they vote dems, the Poor are the Be All and End All of Society, but when they don't they are the Rabble.

2. We do not look down on education. We have a problem with educated assholes who insult us.

3. We do not "Deny skills".

4. NOthign wrong with being white. It's a good thing. THe majority of this country is white. WTF are you talking about?

5. Whites are being discriminated against. This has been repeatedly documented. Only a liar or a fool would say otherwise.

6. All people try to pass their culture on to their children.

7. We are tying to NOT pass our problems on to our children. We are trying to leave them BETTER off than we are.

Whites are NOT being discriminated against. That is such bullshit. As a white personal, not once ever in my entire life have I lost a job or an opportunity because of the colour of my skin. I've never been publically mocked or shamed because of the colour of my skin.

Idiots like you talk about "affirmative action" programs in college admissions as proof positive of discrimination against whites, but you completely ignore "legacy admissions" which is white affirmative action.

One third of Ivy League admissions to top US colleges in 2017 went to the sons and daughters of alumni. Do you think "C" student George W. Bush attended Harvard on his own merits? Of course not. He got in because his daddy went to Harvard.

Lots of bright motivated young people are turned away from Ivy League institutions every year so that the freckles offspring of the alumni can get in but nobody rails against this discrimination. Nobody even mentions it. They just go on and on about a handful of supposedly "unqualified" blacks getting an opportunity.

I've often seen it stated in this board that Barrack Obama was an "affirmative action" student who stole some deserving white kid's spot at Harvard. I've never seen it stated that W was an undeserving legacy who stole some deserving student's spot there.

That's just white privilege.

The Alumni system is not "white affirmative action". IT is preference shown to children of former students.

That does not mean that the preference shown to black and brown kids is not discrimination.

ALSO, more importantly, the factors that drive that discrimination are not limited to College Admissions. They are universal in American life.

The New Haven Firefighters did not have "Alumni" discrimination to balance out the anti-white discrimination they faced.

Whites ARE discriminated against.

Your denial of the plain truth is just you being in favor of discrimination you like.
NBC News 2012 exit polls show that the Dems garnered 44% of college graduate Voters while the GOP won 54% of college graduate Voters, but Obama did win 64% of high school drop-out voters lol…
Public Housing - 81% D vs 12% R
Medicaid - 74% D vs 16% R
Food Stamps - 67% D vs 20% R
Unemployment Compensation - 64% D vs 25% R
Welfare/Public Assistance - 63% D vs 22% R…....
…. i.e. Democrat Voters are the least educated and lowest income bottom 50% of our society

2012 Presidential Race - Election Results by State | NBC News
NBC News 2012 exit polls show that the Dems garnered 44% of college graduate Voters while the GOP won 54% of college graduate Voters, but Obama did win 64% of high school drop-out voters lol…
Public Housing - 81% D vs 12% R
Medicaid - 74% D vs 16% R
Food Stamps - 67% D vs 20% R
Unemployment Compensation - 64% D vs 25% R
Welfare/Public Assistance - 63% D vs 22% R…....
…. i.e. Democrat Voters are the least educated and lowest income bottom 50% of our society
View attachment 153231

2012 Presidential Race - Election Results by State | NBC News
…. i.e. Democrat Voters are the least educated and lowest income bottom 50% of our society

And yet, it's those derned Democratic States that make the money and keep GOP states who have been following conservative economic policies for the last 150 years afloat. Odd that.
NBC News 2012 exit polls show that the Dems garnered 44% of college graduate Voters while the GOP won 54% of college graduate Voters, but Obama did win 64% of high school drop-out voters lol…
Public Housing - 81% D vs 12% R
Medicaid - 74% D vs 16% R
Food Stamps - 67% D vs 20% R
Unemployment Compensation - 64% D vs 25% R
Welfare/Public Assistance - 63% D vs 22% R…....
…. i.e. Democrat Voters are the least educated and lowest income bottom 50% of our society
View attachment 153231

2012 Presidential Race - Election Results by State | NBC News

Was it wrong of Obama to win the under educated?
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

The downtrodden Billionaires?
The Billionaires are split between the two parties.
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

1. Funny how when they vote dems, the Poor are the Be All and End All of Society, but when they don't they are the Rabble.

2. We do not look down on education. We have a problem with educated assholes who insult us.

3. We do not "Deny skills".

4. NOthign wrong with being white. It's a good thing. THe majority of this country is white. WTF are you talking about?

5. Whites are being discriminated against. This has been repeatedly documented. Only a liar or a fool would say otherwise.

6. All people try to pass their culture on to their children.

7. We are tying to NOT pass our problems on to our children. We are trying to leave them BETTER off than we are.

Whites are NOT being discriminated against. That is such bullshit. As a white personal, not once ever in my entire life have I lost a job or an opportunity because of the colour of my skin. I've never been publically mocked or shamed because of the colour of my skin.

Idiots like you talk about "affirmative action" programs in college admissions as proof positive of discrimination against whites, but you completely ignore "legacy admissions" which is white affirmative action.

One third of Ivy League admissions to top US colleges in 2017 went to the sons and daughters of alumni. Do you think "C" student George W. Bush attended Harvard on his own merits? Of course not. He got in because his daddy went to Harvard.

Lots of bright motivated young people are turned away from Ivy League institutions every year so that the freckles offspring of the alumni can get in but nobody rails against this discrimination. Nobody even mentions it. They just go on and on about a handful of supposedly "unqualified" blacks getting an opportunity.

I've often seen it stated in this board that Barrack Obama was an "affirmative action" student who stole some deserving white kid's spot at Harvard. I've never seen it stated that W was an undeserving legacy who stole some deserving student's spot there.

That's just white privilege.

The Alumni system is not "white affirmative action". IT is preference shown to children of former students.

That does not mean that the preference shown to black and brown kids is not discrimination.

ALSO, more importantly, the factors that drive that discrimination are not limited to College Admissions. They are universal in American life.

The New Haven Firefighters did not have "Alumni" discrimination to balance out the anti-white discrimination they faced.

Whites ARE discriminated against.

Your denial of the plain truth is just you being in favor of discrimination you like.
You articulate that white discrimination makes life difficult for whites in recent years.
What do you think discrimination has done to racial minorities for centuries.

Why don't you do what has been told to minorities for years. Life is tough, you need to work through the challenges like everyone else. Do not blame your problems on discrimination.

All whites do not take advantage of their privilege for many reasons. Quit whining about discrimination and work hard to take advantage of the opportunity you have. Do not be a whiny white SOB.
NBC News 2012 exit polls show that the Dems garnered 44% of college graduate Voters while the GOP won 54% of college graduate Voters, but Obama did win 64% of high school drop-out voters lol…
Public Housing - 81% D vs 12% R
Medicaid - 74% D vs 16% R
Food Stamps - 67% D vs 20% R
Unemployment Compensation - 64% D vs 25% R
Welfare/Public Assistance - 63% D vs 22% R…....
…. i.e. Democrat Voters are the least educated and lowest income bottom 50% of our society
View attachment 153231

2012 Presidential Race - Election Results by State | NBC News

Was it wrong of Obama to win the under educated?
Many of Obama's supporters were under-educated and under employed. Obama's attempted solutions involved education programs and job training for jobs of the 21st century as opposed to Trump who is saying he will bring the old jobs back.
NBC News 2012 exit polls show that the Dems garnered 44% of college graduate Voters while the GOP won 54% of college graduate Voters, but Obama did win 64% of high school drop-out voters lol…
Public Housing - 81% D vs 12% R
Medicaid - 74% D vs 16% R
Food Stamps - 67% D vs 20% R
Unemployment Compensation - 64% D vs 25% R
Welfare/Public Assistance - 63% D vs 22% R…....
…. i.e. Democrat Voters are the least educated and lowest income bottom 50% of our society
View attachment 153231

2012 Presidential Race - Election Results by State | NBC News
This may be a surprise to you, but Romney is not our President
Republican base is made up of under educated and under employed Americans.
The base looks down on education. They deny the skills required for jobs in the 21st century. The base is a majority white. They feel whites are being discriminated against.
The base is a culture that is passing on their mind set and problems to their children.

1. Funny how when they vote dems, the Poor are the Be All and End All of Society, but when they don't they are the Rabble.

2. We do not look down on education. We have a problem with educated assholes who insult us.

3. We do not "Deny skills".

4. NOthign wrong with being white. It's a good thing. THe majority of this country is white. WTF are you talking about?

5. Whites are being discriminated against. This has been repeatedly documented. Only a liar or a fool would say otherwise.

6. All people try to pass their culture on to their children.

7. We are tying to NOT pass our problems on to our children. We are trying to leave them BETTER off than we are.

Whites are NOT being discriminated against. That is such bullshit. As a white personal, not once ever in my entire life have I lost a job or an opportunity because of the colour of my skin. I've never been publically mocked or shamed because of the colour of my skin.

Idiots like you talk about "affirmative action" programs in college admissions as proof positive of discrimination against whites, but you completely ignore "legacy admissions" which is white affirmative action.

One third of Ivy League admissions to top US colleges in 2017 went to the sons and daughters of alumni. Do you think "C" student George W. Bush attended Harvard on his own merits? Of course not. He got in because his daddy went to Harvard.

Lots of bright motivated young people are turned away from Ivy League institutions every year so that the freckles offspring of the alumni can get in but nobody rails against this discrimination. Nobody even mentions it. They just go on and on about a handful of supposedly "unqualified" blacks getting an opportunity.

I've often seen it stated in this board that Barrack Obama was an "affirmative action" student who stole some deserving white kid's spot at Harvard. I've never seen it stated that W was an undeserving legacy who stole some deserving student's spot there.

That's just white privilege.
. Can you speak to every corner of the nation ? No you can't, so before trying to, how about learning a little more or get out more often. In some parts of the nation I know of vengence in the form of discrimination being levied against whites by groups who were actually liberated by whites (go figure). Hey racist or people that go by skin color when exacting their vengence or racism, do you think they ask questions first before acting ???? If you say no, then you have alot to learn in life. Yes whites can find themselves victims of reverse discrimination in reply to your post.

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