Republicans are the true moochers in this country

What causes a partisan brain to become so white washed that it starts believing clearly disprovable things? What a sad reality, the fucking delusions jesus christ.

The democrats are the entire lower 47%?

On what earth? Its not this one. Did you say that for fun, or like.........
Did anyone say the Democrats are the entire lower 47%? Or are you too stupid to read a sentence and understand it? My money is on the latter.
"Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners." - the rabbifail

Nice attempted moonwalk though.

I egged your face 2 days straight now. God damn, just quit while youre behind mother fucker. Haha what a glutton.
Yeah that's a fail post from you.
The lower 47% pay no federal income taxes. They tend to be Dems. Ergo Dems are the ones freeloading on the rest of us.
Thanks for letting bring that out yet again. A Billy Triple Net Failure with a GT punch out twist. Win-win!
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.
You bitching because Obama did not rescind ALL of the Bush tax cuts?

I am a Libertarian, and always pay my taxes on time, without bitching, or, even itemizing.
Last edited:
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.
Spending causes debt. That's not a difficult concept to understand.

So something that hasn't increased in 3 decades is the problem. lol Please think and consider what is really causing our debt before you turn us into a third world shithole.

Wall street bailouts
Allow corporation to have huge tax breaks.
The national debt has increased $10 Trillion under Obama because he has been reducing spending?
No, because he did not rescind all of Bush's stupid tax cuts.
What causes a partisan brain to become so white washed that it starts believing clearly disprovable things? What a sad reality, the fucking delusions jesus christ.

The democrats are the entire lower 47%?

On what earth? Its not this one. Did you say that for fun, or like.........
Did anyone say the Democrats are the entire lower 47%? Or are you too stupid to read a sentence and understand it? My money is on the latter.
"Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners." - the rabbifail

Nice attempted moonwalk though.

I egged your face 2 days straight now. God damn, just quit while youre behind mother fucker. Haha what a glutton.
Yeah that's a fail post from you.
The lower 47% pay no federal income taxes. They tend to be Dems. Ergo Dems are the ones freeloading on the rest of us.
Thanks for letting bring that out yet again. A Billy Triple Net Failure with a GT punch out twist. Win-win!
Nice moonwalk bro.

Of course.......

By "are" you meant to add a qualifier.

But ....

Ya didnt.

Too bad, so sad, yo dad. You lose. Again. Rabbifail big fat fail number 82 (million): the income delusion.
What causes a partisan brain to become so white washed that it starts believing clearly disprovable things? What a sad reality, the fucking delusions jesus christ.

The democrats are the entire lower 47%?

On what earth? Its not this one. Did you say that for fun, or like.........
Did anyone say the Democrats are the entire lower 47%? Or are you too stupid to read a sentence and understand it? My money is on the latter.
"Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners." - the rabbifail

Nice attempted moonwalk though.

I egged your face 2 days straight now. God damn, just quit while youre behind mother fucker. Haha what a glutton.
Yeah that's a fail post from you.
The lower 47% pay no federal income taxes. They tend to be Dems. Ergo Dems are the ones freeloading on the rest of us.
Thanks for letting bring that out yet again. A Billy Triple Net Failure with a GT punch out twist. Win-win!
Nice moonwalk bro.

Of course.......

By "are" you meant to add a qualifier.

But ....

Ya didnt.

Too bad, so sad, yo dad. You lose. Again. Rabbifail big fat fail number 82 (million): the income delusion.
Your saying it of course makes it true. In your own mind.
Anyway, if you have nothing to add, and you never do, I'll just go back to beating liberal ass.
What causes a partisan brain to become so white washed that it starts believing clearly disprovable things? What a sad reality, the fucking delusions jesus christ.

The democrats are the entire lower 47%?

On what earth? Its not this one. Did you say that for fun, or like.........
Did anyone say the Democrats are the entire lower 47%? Or are you too stupid to read a sentence and understand it? My money is on the latter.
"Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners." - the rabbifail

Nice attempted moonwalk though.

I egged your face 2 days straight now. God damn, just quit while youre behind mother fucker. Haha what a glutton.
Yeah that's a fail post from you.
The lower 47% pay no federal income taxes. They tend to be Dems. Ergo Dems are the ones freeloading on the rest of us.
Thanks for letting bring that out yet again. A Billy Triple Net Failure with a GT punch out twist. Win-win!
Nice moonwalk bro.

Of course.......

By "are" you meant to add a qualifier.

But ....

Ya didnt.

Too bad, so sad, yo dad. You lose. Again. Rabbifail big fat fail number 82 (million): the income delusion.
Your saying it of course makes it true. In your own mind.
Anyway, if you have nothing to add, and you never do, I'll just go back to beating liberal ass.
"Democrats ARE the lower 47% of wage earners"

Rabbi fact fail #82 million.

Keep kicking ass if this is what that looks like. :lol:
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.
Spending causes debt. That's not a difficult concept to understand.

So something that hasn't increased in 3 decades is the problem. lol Please think and consider what is really causing our debt before you turn us into a third world shithole.

Wall street bailouts
Allow corporation to have huge tax breaks.
The national debt has increased $10 Trillion under Obama because he has been reducing spending?

Conservative "math"?

Obama's first F/Y budget begins:

US debt
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75

09/30/2014 17,824,071,380,733.82

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2014

The national debt has increased $10 Trillion under Obama because he has been reducing spending?

You mean Obama took on paying the bills that came due after Bush was gone?
You think conducting wars is free?
You think prescription drug coverage is free?
You think tax cuts are free?
You think saving the country from total economic disaster is free?

Yea, I have seen your Obama Derangement Syndrome in action before. You think all the actions of George Bush had no cost and no bills to come due.

You must be one of them stupid Republicans. You think everything is "free". Right? Or is it that you think Obama spent all that money on Obama ideas?

Says the one with Obama Ass Licking Syndrome. That entire $10 TRILLION is Obama paying what Bush cost us my ass.

I realize nothing is free. Apparently Liberals do. One example is the recent proposal of "free" tuition for 2 years of community college. Is that free? Who pays for that? Will Bush get blamed for what it costs?

Pucker up.

Waste of time bothering to debate with the drones. For decades to come, the fools will attempt to bail out Obozos legacy by blaming anyone they can. He's half black, so he is above critique, learn the rules.

Good for you Bubba, take the hoodie all the way off now :banana:
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.

You are either ignorant, or dishonest, or both. Do you even understand what the word "conservative" means? Conservatives have no issue with paying reasonable taxes, or for that matter contributing to charity which frankly the tight wad liberals avoid like the plague. But insanely high taxes, taxes that shit on the poor and middle class so that teachers can drive a Benz and buy a vacation condo on the beach, get free Cadillac healthcare for life, retire at 20 on a pension taxpayers can't afford yeah fuck that!
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.

Just keep blaming may actually keep us winning for the next fifty years.

Yeah, because in right wing world taking US fed revenues from 20% to 15% of GDP, Korean war levels, AS you go to 2 UNFUNDED wars and give an UNFUNDED Medicare expansion, those 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts don't matter *shaking head*
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.
Another Billy Triple Fail fail thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners and they pay no income taxes. Dems are the true moochers of this country.
Really? Link me to an income by political party chart which shows this...

Or youre full of shit, eh boss?

Damn, you always step in it.
Ive posted the story many times already. Just use Google. Or get an adult to help you.

Lie. Shocking. You EVER going to respond to your BS talking points on the "worst" thread Bubba? lol
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.
You bitching because Obama did not rescind ALL of the Bush tax cuts?

I am a Libertarian, and always pay my taxes on time, without bitching, or, even itemizing.

I think it was BECAUSE Dubya/.GOP took US from surpluses to 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts WHILE they went to 2 UNFUNDED wars AND UNFUNDED Medicare expansion, AS they call themselves the party of fiscal responsibility??

But yes, the GOP blackmailed Obama into keeping the top tax rate at $450,000 rather than the $250,000 he wanted!
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.
Another Billy Triple Fail fail thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners and they pay no income taxes. Dems are the true moochers of this country.
What? No link?
Thought so.
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.

I am Conservative and want to pay limited taxes. I don't want a corrupt government and special interests using public schools, infrastructure, as blank checks to grab more money. Is that a problem?
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.

You are either ignorant, or dishonest, or both. Do you even understand what the word "conservative" means? Conservatives have no issue with paying reasonable taxes, or for that matter contributing to charity which frankly the tight wad liberals avoid like the plague. But insanely high taxes, taxes that shit on the poor and middle class so that teachers can drive a Benz and buy a vacation condo on the beach, get free Cadillac healthcare for life, retire at 20 on a pension taxpayers can't afford yeah fuck that!

Yeah, Federal Gov't funds teachers a lot *shaking head*

CBO: Fed tax rates hit historic low

The average tax rates for American households reached a historical low in 2009, according to a report issued by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

Indeed, federal taxes for American households averaged 17.4 percent in 2009, a historical low over the 1979 to 2009 period.


CBO Fed tax rates hit historic low - Tim Mak -

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.
Not only was The Rabbi 's big fat fail a big fat fail.....

In 2012s election r's only beat d's in the "over $75k/year" category by 11 points.

11 is REALLY close to a 47 point gap, innit rabbi? :lol: you lose every fucking time.
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.

I am Conservative and want to pay limited taxes. I don't want a corrupt government and special interests using public schools, infrastructure, as blank checks to grab more money. Is that a problem?

Win elections where those you vote for decide to follow your premise. IF the GOPers spend, why should they be allowed to put it on the credit card? Like they have for 30+ years?



The national debt has increased $10 Trillion under Obama because he has been reducing spending?

You mean Obama took on paying the bills that came due after Bush was gone?
You think conducting wars is free?
You think prescription drug coverage is free?
You think tax cuts are free?
You think saving the country from total economic disaster is free?

Yea, I have seen your Obama Derangement Syndrome in action before. You think all the actions of George Bush had no cost and no bills to come due.

You must be one of them stupid Republicans. You think everything is "free". Right? Or is it that you think Obama spent all that money on Obama ideas?

Says the one with Obama Ass Licking Syndrome. That entire $10 TRILLION is Obama paying what Bush cost us my ass.

I realize nothing is free. Apparently Liberals do. One example is the recent proposal of "free" tuition for 2 years of community college. Is that free? Who pays for that? Will Bush get blamed for what it costs?

Pucker up.

Waste of time bothering to debate with the drones. For decades to come, the fools will attempt to bail out Obozos legacy by blaming anyone they can. He's half black, so he is above critique, learn the rules.

Good for you Bubba, take the hoodie all the way off now :banana:

Wipe the shit stain off your lips from puckering up to his ass.
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.

Just keep blaming may actually keep us winning for the next fifty years.

Yeah, because in right wing world taking US fed revenues from 20% to 15% of GDP, Korean war levels, AS you go to 2 UNFUNDED wars and give an UNFUNDED Medicare expansion, those 2 UNFUNDED tax cuts don't matter *shaking head*
Only in the left wing world does a poverty level equivalent to the percentage before trillions was spent mean poverty was eradicated.
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.
Spending causes debt. That's not a difficult concept to understand.

So something that hasn't increased in 3 decades is the problem. lol Please think and consider what is really causing our debt before you turn us into a third world shithole.

Wall street bailouts
Allow corporation to have huge tax breaks.
The national debt has increased $10 Trillion under Obama because he has been reducing spending?

Conservative "math"?

Obama's first F/Y budget begins:

US debt
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75

09/30/2014 17,824,071,380,733.82

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 2000 - 2014


Obama's first F/Y budget begins:

US debt
09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75

LOL! Hilarious!

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