Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

Kavanaugh was not caught on tape bragging about partaking in behavior exactly the same as his accuser stipulated in her testimony before Congress. Trump's accuser has the benefit of Trump being recorded bragging about assaulting women, in the same way, his accuser stipulated.
First Trump has never bragged about raping or sexual assualting women so that is a lie second talking about something is not the same as doing it. You can talk about robbing a bank if a bank gets robbed that doesn't make you guilty of robbing it.
Donald Dork is recorded bragging about his being able to sexually assault women because of his celebrity status. How can you not know that?
The Billy Bush tape. Trump described his attempt to seduce a married woman and indicated he might start kissing a woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. Low class and tasteless but does not add up to rape or sexual assault.
Uninvited forced kissing or grabbing a woman's pussy is assault.

So is rape, why isn't Bill in prison?
Because he never committed rape. The subject of this rhread, Juanita Broddrick recanted and under oath, testified Clinton did not rape her.
First Trump has never bragged about raping or sexual assualting women so that is a lie second talking about something is not the same as doing it. You can talk about robbing a bank if a bank gets robbed that doesn't make you guilty of robbing it.
Donald Dork is recorded bragging about his being able to sexually assault women because of his celebrity status. How can you not know that?
The Billy Bush tape. Trump described his attempt to seduce a married woman and indicated he might start kissing a woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. Low class and tasteless but does not add up to rape or sexual assault.
Uninvited forced kissing or grabbing a woman's pussy is assault.

So is rape, why isn't Bill in prison?
Because he never committed rape. The subject of this rhread, Juanita Broddrick recanted and under oath, testified Clinton did not rape her.

^^^ liberal denial and lies. Broddrick has publicly stated many times that Clinton raped her.
No police report no evidence no witnessess what we do have is an allegation coming from a woman about 25 years after the fact who is or was an advice columnist who happens to be writing a book. Maybe something happened maybe it didn't but without any evidence or credible witnesses this is just another attempt at creating a Kavanaugh hearing type show I have seen that movie and all the sequels I know how it ends not interested in another one.
Kavanaugh was not caught on tape bragging about partaking in behavior exactly the same as his accuser stipulated in her testimony before Congress. Trump's accuser has the benefit of Trump being recorded bragging about assaulting women, in the same way, his accuser stipulated.
First Trump has never bragged about raping or sexual assualting women so that is a lie second talking about something is not the same as doing it. You can talk about robbing a bank if a bank gets robbed that doesn't make you guilty of robbing it.
Donald Dork is recorded bragging about his being able to sexually assault women because of his celebrity status. How can you not know that?
The Billy Bush tape. Trump described his attempt to seduce a married woman and indicated he might start kissing a woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. Low class and tasteless but does not add up to rape or sexual assault.
Uninvited forced kissing or grabbing a woman's pussy is assault.
At best that is sexual harrassment it is not sexual assault or rape if the woman allows you do it because of your star status.
Kavanaugh was not caught on tape bragging about partaking in behavior exactly the same as his accuser stipulated in her testimony before Congress. Trump's accuser has the benefit of Trump being recorded bragging about assaulting women, in the same way, his accuser stipulated.
First Trump has never bragged about raping or sexual assualting women so that is a lie second talking about something is not the same as doing it. You can talk about robbing a bank if a bank gets robbed that doesn't make you guilty of robbing it.
Donald Dork is recorded bragging about his being able to sexually assault women because of his celebrity status. How can you not know that?
The Billy Bush tape. Trump described his attempt to seduce a married woman and indicated he might start kissing a woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. Low class and tasteless but does not add up to rape or sexual assault.
Uninvited forced kissing or grabbing a woman's pussy is assault.
At best that is sexual harrassment it is not sexual assault or rape if the woman allows you do it because of your star status.
I disagree. I believe any touching in an uninvited or aggressive considered an assault. But, all of this discussion is based on subjective opinions. It all depends on who you believe. Both Clinton and Trump have enough circumstantial evidence to make a subjective opinion about their guilt or innocence.

Seems the point of the thread is the hypocrisy of making a subjective opinion on one and not the other. We seem to be willing to form absolute determinations on whichever guy we are judging.
First Trump has never bragged about raping or sexual assualting women so that is a lie second talking about something is not the same as doing it. You can talk about robbing a bank if a bank gets robbed that doesn't make you guilty of robbing it.
Donald Dork is recorded bragging about his being able to sexually assault women because of his celebrity status. How can you not know that?
The Billy Bush tape. Trump described his attempt to seduce a married woman and indicated he might start kissing a woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. Low class and tasteless but does not add up to rape or sexual assault.
Uninvited forced kissing or grabbing a woman's pussy is assault.
At best that is sexual harrassment it is not sexual assault or rape if the woman allows you do it because of your star status.
I disagree. I believe any touching in an uninvited or aggressive considered an assault. But, all of this discussion is based on subjective opinions. It all depends on who you believe. Both Clinton and Trump have enough circumstantial evidence to make a subjective opinion about their guilt or innocence.

Seems the point of the thread is the hypocrisy of making a subjective opinion on one and not the other. We seem to be willing to form absolute determinations on whichever guy we are judging.
I highly doubt anyone has or ever will be convicted in court of law over unwanted kissing. I agree there is to much rush to judgement depending on how much one likes or dislikes the person being accused I believe in judging guilt or innocence by the facts and evidence not simply by an allegation like so many on both sides seem to like to do.
They never give up, do they? LOL


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Donald Dork is recorded bragging about his being able to sexually assault women because of his celebrity status. How can you not know that?
The Billy Bush tape. Trump described his attempt to seduce a married woman and indicated he might start kissing a woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. Low class and tasteless but does not add up to rape or sexual assault.
Uninvited forced kissing or grabbing a woman's pussy is assault.

So is rape, why isn't Bill in prison?
Because he never committed rape. The subject of this rhread, Juanita Broddrick recanted and under oath, testified Clinton did not rape her.

^^^ liberal denial and lies. Broddrick has publicly stated many times that Clinton raped her.
so did scumps wife his first said he raped her
Just as Hannity revealed republican hypocrisy with his opinion when Pelosi said she wanted to see Trump put in jail, the story of Trump and E. Jean Carrol once again displays the double standards republicans live by.

Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

“Thank you very much for coming. These four very courageous women have asked to be here and it was our honor to help them. And I think they’re each going to make just an individual, short statement. And then will do a little meeting, and we will see you at the debate.”

With those words, candidate Donald Trump kicked off a news conference just hours before the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, 2016. The brainchild of Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s campaign chief, the gathering was an effort to blunt the impact of the now-notorious “Access Hollywood” tape, unearthed two days before, on which Trump had boasted of grabbing women by their genitals and doing “anything” to them that he liked.

Sitting with Trump were four women, three of whom claimed to have been subjected to Bill Clinton’s unwelcome sexual advances. One, in particular, was sitting just to Trump’s right.

Her name was Juanita Broaddrick. And she made an accusation of criminal sexual assault.

But today there’s another woman with a similar allegation, against a different powerful man. Her name is E. Jean Carroll.

She, too, says that she was raped — by Donald Trump.

She, too, tells a story about how she was alone with a man. How in 1995 or 1996 that man, Trump, allegedly forced himself upon her. How she tried to fight back. How she tried to push him away and tried to stomp on his foot. How he penetrated her. How she ran out the door. How she told friends. How she didn’t tell the police. Trump also denied the accusations, calling them “fake news” and adding, “She is trying to sell a new book — that should indicate her motivation. It should be sold in the fiction section.”

But Trump called Broaddrick “courageous,” and if Broaddrick was courageous, then certainly Carroll is as well. For Carroll’s story is at least as compelling as Broaddrick’s — if not more so.

And that is because Carroll’s claim, for a number of reasons, actually rests upon a significantly stronger foundation than Broaddrick’s.

For one thing, before she went public with her story, Broaddrick had repeatedly denied that Clinton had assaulted her, even under oath: In an affidavit she had submitted in Paula Jones’s sexual harassment case against Clinton, Broaddrick had sworn that the allegations “that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies … are untrue,” that the press had previously sought “corroboration of these tales,” but that she had “repeatedly denied the allegations.” (Disclosure: I provided behind-the-scenes pro bono legal assistance to Jones’s lawyers.)

For another, Carroll’s account is supported by the sheer number of claims that have now surfaced against Trump — claims in which women have accused Trump of engaging in unwelcome or forcible sexual conduct or assault against them. These claims — all denied by the president — far outnumber the publicized sexual misconduct incidents that involved Clinton, which mostly concerned rumors or allegations of consensual affairs.

And as if to bring things full circle, Carroll’s account is also of course supported by Trump’s depraved remarks on the “Access Hollywood” video, of which there was simply no equivalent in Broaddrick’s case. Whatever else he may have done, Clinton never made a video like that. What Trump described on the video is exactly what Carroll says he did to her.

Finally, no controversy involving Trump would be complete without at least one utterly brazen, easily disprovable Trumpian lie. In his statement denying the rape allegation, he added the claim that “I’ve never met this person in my life.”

If Trump had even bothered to glance at Carroll’s published account, he would have seen a photograph of himself and his then-wife, Ivana, from 1987 ― in which he was amiably chatting with Carroll and her then-husband. By making the absurd and mendacious assertion that he never even met Carroll, Trump utterly annihilates the credibility of his claim that he didn’t assault her.

Republicans or conservatives who promoted Broaddrick’s charges would be hypocritical if they fail to champion Carroll and condemn Trump.

Opinions | Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

Yep, the new rape charge against Trump is absolutely more credible! Is Trump the first "rapist" president?

The Billy Bush tape. Trump described his attempt to seduce a married woman and indicated he might start kissing a woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. Low class and tasteless but does not add up to rape or sexual assault.
Uninvited forced kissing or grabbing a woman's pussy is assault.

So is rape, why isn't Bill in prison?
Because he never committed rape. The subject of this rhread, Juanita Broddrick recanted and under oath, testified Clinton did not rape her.

^^^ liberal denial and lies. Broddrick has publicly stated many times that Clinton raped her.
so did scumps wife his first said he raped her

Its a little early in the day for you to be falling down drunk isn't it?
Just as Hannity revealed republican hypocrisy with his opinion when Pelosi said she wanted to see Trump put in jail, the story of Trump and E. Jean Carrol once again displays the double standards republicans live by.

Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

“Thank you very much for coming. These four very courageous women have asked to be here and it was our honor to help them. And I think they’re each going to make just an individual, short statement. And then will do a little meeting, and we will see you at the debate.”

With those words, candidate Donald Trump kicked off a news conference just hours before the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, 2016. The brainchild of Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s campaign chief, the gathering was an effort to blunt the impact of the now-notorious “Access Hollywood” tape, unearthed two days before, on which Trump had boasted of grabbing women by their genitals and doing “anything” to them that he liked.

Sitting with Trump were four women, three of whom claimed to have been subjected to Bill Clinton’s unwelcome sexual advances. One, in particular, was sitting just to Trump’s right.

Her name was Juanita Broaddrick. And she made an accusation of criminal sexual assault.

But today there’s another woman with a similar allegation, against a different powerful man. Her name is E. Jean Carroll.

She, too, says that she was raped — by Donald Trump.

She, too, tells a story about how she was alone with a man. How in 1995 or 1996 that man, Trump, allegedly forced himself upon her. How she tried to fight back. How she tried to push him away and tried to stomp on his foot. How he penetrated her. How she ran out the door. How she told friends. How she didn’t tell the police. Trump also denied the accusations, calling them “fake news” and adding, “She is trying to sell a new book — that should indicate her motivation. It should be sold in the fiction section.”

But Trump called Broaddrick “courageous,” and if Broaddrick was courageous, then certainly Carroll is as well. For Carroll’s story is at least as compelling as Broaddrick’s — if not more so.

And that is because Carroll’s claim, for a number of reasons, actually rests upon a significantly stronger foundation than Broaddrick’s.

For one thing, before she went public with her story, Broaddrick had repeatedly denied that Clinton had assaulted her, even under oath: In an affidavit she had submitted in Paula Jones’s sexual harassment case against Clinton, Broaddrick had sworn that the allegations “that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies … are untrue,” that the press had previously sought “corroboration of these tales,” but that she had “repeatedly denied the allegations.” (Disclosure: I provided behind-the-scenes pro bono legal assistance to Jones’s lawyers.)

For another, Carroll’s account is supported by the sheer number of claims that have now surfaced against Trump — claims in which women have accused Trump of engaging in unwelcome or forcible sexual conduct or assault against them. These claims — all denied by the president — far outnumber the publicized sexual misconduct incidents that involved Clinton, which mostly concerned rumors or allegations of consensual affairs.

And as if to bring things full circle, Carroll’s account is also of course supported by Trump’s depraved remarks on the “Access Hollywood” video, of which there was simply no equivalent in Broaddrick’s case. Whatever else he may have done, Clinton never made a video like that. What Trump described on the video is exactly what Carroll says he did to her.

Finally, no controversy involving Trump would be complete without at least one utterly brazen, easily disprovable Trumpian lie. In his statement denying the rape allegation, he added the claim that “I’ve never met this person in my life.”

If Trump had even bothered to glance at Carroll’s published account, he would have seen a photograph of himself and his then-wife, Ivana, from 1987 ― in which he was amiably chatting with Carroll and her then-husband. By making the absurd and mendacious assertion that he never even met Carroll, Trump utterly annihilates the credibility of his claim that he didn’t assault her.

Republicans or conservatives who promoted Broaddrick’s charges would be hypocritical if they fail to champion Carroll and condemn Trump.

Opinions | Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

It's not more credible...... you have 2 hard core left wingers who say they back up her story......are these the same left wingers who backed up the rape allegations against Brett Kavanaugh......? The left are insane...and will say or do anything against Trump.....
First Trump has never bragged about raping or sexual assualting women so that is a lie second talking about something is not the same as doing it. You can talk about robbing a bank if a bank gets robbed that doesn't make you guilty of robbing it.
Donald Dork is recorded bragging about his being able to sexually assault women because of his celebrity status. How can you not know that?
The Billy Bush tape. Trump described his attempt to seduce a married woman and indicated he might start kissing a woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. Low class and tasteless but does not add up to rape or sexual assault.
Uninvited forced kissing or grabbing a woman's pussy is assault.

So is rape, why isn't Bill in prison?
Because he never committed rape. The subject of this rhread, Juanita Broddrick recanted and under oath, testified Clinton did not rape her.

Wrong...under oath and threat of perjury under questioning by the FBI, she stated he raped her. She isn't the only woman either.....Eileen Wellstone and Elizabeth Ward Gracen also said that clinton raped them.
Just as Hannity revealed republican hypocrisy with his opinion when Pelosi said she wanted to see Trump put in jail, the story of Trump and E. Jean Carrol once again displays the double standards republicans live by.

Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

“Thank you very much for coming. These four very courageous women have asked to be here and it was our honor to help them. And I think they’re each going to make just an individual, short statement. And then will do a little meeting, and we will see you at the debate.”

With those words, candidate Donald Trump kicked off a news conference just hours before the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, 2016. The brainchild of Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s campaign chief, the gathering was an effort to blunt the impact of the now-notorious “Access Hollywood” tape, unearthed two days before, on which Trump had boasted of grabbing women by their genitals and doing “anything” to them that he liked.

Sitting with Trump were four women, three of whom claimed to have been subjected to Bill Clinton’s unwelcome sexual advances. One, in particular, was sitting just to Trump’s right.

Her name was Juanita Broaddrick. And she made an accusation of criminal sexual assault.

But today there’s another woman with a similar allegation, against a different powerful man. Her name is E. Jean Carroll.

She, too, says that she was raped — by Donald Trump.

She, too, tells a story about how she was alone with a man. How in 1995 or 1996 that man, Trump, allegedly forced himself upon her. How she tried to fight back. How she tried to push him away and tried to stomp on his foot. How he penetrated her. How she ran out the door. How she told friends. How she didn’t tell the police. Trump also denied the accusations, calling them “fake news” and adding, “She is trying to sell a new book — that should indicate her motivation. It should be sold in the fiction section.”

But Trump called Broaddrick “courageous,” and if Broaddrick was courageous, then certainly Carroll is as well. For Carroll’s story is at least as compelling as Broaddrick’s — if not more so.

And that is because Carroll’s claim, for a number of reasons, actually rests upon a significantly stronger foundation than Broaddrick’s.

For one thing, before she went public with her story, Broaddrick had repeatedly denied that Clinton had assaulted her, even under oath: In an affidavit she had submitted in Paula Jones’s sexual harassment case against Clinton, Broaddrick had sworn that the allegations “that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies … are untrue,” that the press had previously sought “corroboration of these tales,” but that she had “repeatedly denied the allegations.” (Disclosure: I provided behind-the-scenes pro bono legal assistance to Jones’s lawyers.)

For another, Carroll’s account is supported by the sheer number of claims that have now surfaced against Trump — claims in which women have accused Trump of engaging in unwelcome or forcible sexual conduct or assault against them. These claims — all denied by the president — far outnumber the publicized sexual misconduct incidents that involved Clinton, which mostly concerned rumors or allegations of consensual affairs.

And as if to bring things full circle, Carroll’s account is also of course supported by Trump’s depraved remarks on the “Access Hollywood” video, of which there was simply no equivalent in Broaddrick’s case. Whatever else he may have done, Clinton never made a video like that. What Trump described on the video is exactly what Carroll says he did to her.

Finally, no controversy involving Trump would be complete without at least one utterly brazen, easily disprovable Trumpian lie. In his statement denying the rape allegation, he added the claim that “I’ve never met this person in my life.”

If Trump had even bothered to glance at Carroll’s published account, he would have seen a photograph of himself and his then-wife, Ivana, from 1987 ― in which he was amiably chatting with Carroll and her then-husband. By making the absurd and mendacious assertion that he never even met Carroll, Trump utterly annihilates the credibility of his claim that he didn’t assault her.

Republicans or conservatives who promoted Broaddrick’s charges would be hypocritical if they fail to champion Carroll and condemn Trump.

Opinions | Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.


Link to one of the Carroll's friends finding her with a cut and bloody lip shortly after the alleged incident took place?
Let's review bill the rapist....

The Secret Sex Abuse Victims of Bill Clinton - Breitbart

All of this raises the question: how many more sexual victims of Bill Clinton are out there? The common theme among many of Bill Cosby’s sex victims was that they did not want to challenge a rich, powerful and popular public figure. People at the level of Cosby and Clinton have an army of lawyers, PR people and nasty private detectives who they use to crush any woman who would dare to tell the truth about them.

The Washington Post’s Roger Morris, Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff (now with NBC), and former Clinton Military Aide Buzz Patterson all have written about Bill Clinton’s other anonymous alleged sex abuse victims.

Capitol Hill Blue interviewed other secret alleged sex abuse victims of Bill Clinton. According to Capitol Hill Blue, in 1972, while Bill was dating Hillary at Yale Law School, a 22-year-old woman told campus police that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her.She confirmed the assault to Capitol Hill Blue but did not want her name used. Clinton was still president in 1999 when the article was written.

Bill Clinton’s trail of alleged attacks dates back even further to the University of Arkansas, where he was a law instructor. There, Clinton allegedly sexually attacked a female student, groped her and tried to physically trap her in his office. This secret sex victim of Clinton also confirmed her attack to Capitol Hill Blue. She is not alone. Other former Arkansas students confirmed that Clinton tried to force himself on them when he was a professor, according to the article’s authors Daniel J. Harris & Teresa Hampton.

Another alleged secret sex victim of Clinton was identified by journalist Roger Morris, who wrote in Partners In Power, his book about the Clintons:

A young woman lawyer in Little Rock claimed that she was accosted by Clinton while he was attorney general and that when she recoiled he forced himself on her, biting and bruising her. Deeply affected by the assault, the woman decided to keep it all quiet for the sake of her own hard-won career and that of her husband. When the husband later saw Clinton at the 1980 Democratic Convention, he delivered a warning. “If you ever approach her,” he told the governor, “I’ll kill you.” Not even seeing fit to deny the incident, Bill Clinton sheepishly apologized and duly promised never to bother her again.[iii]

Note: Bill Clinton is alleged to have bitten the victim who described her ordeal to Roger Morris. According to Juanita Broaddrick, while Clinton assaulted her in 1978 he savagelybit, tore and bloodied her upper lip. He also allegedly bit the reigning Miss America Liz Ward Gracen in 1983–who, by the way, was married at the time. Gracen told Michael Isikoff, then of Newsweek, that Bill Clinton had bit her and tearfully told her best friend, Judy Stokes, that then Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton had raped her. Publicly, a terrified Gracen has said that her sex with Clinton was consensual, but she privately maintains Clinton raped her.[iv]

Another alleged secret sex abuse victim of Bill Clinton, the wife of a prominent Democrat, contacted Michael Isikoff, who wrote in his book Uncovering Clinton (p. 162) about what he did to this (also married) woman in the Oval Office in 1996:

Clinton started getting physical, trying to kiss her, touching her breasts. The woman said she was stunned. She had no idea how to respond. “I’ve never had a man take advantage of me like that” … As Clinton pressed himself on her, she said, she resisted–and finally pushed him away. What happened after that? I asked. Clinton turned away, she said. She hesitated, and she said softly and with apparent discomfort, “I think he finished the job himself.”[v]

Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, the military attaché who used to carry the “nuclear football” in the Clinton White House, wrote a book about Clinton called Dereliction of Duty. Not only does Patterson describe Hillary as an abusive, yelling, ultra-profane harpy, he also tells the story about yet another alleged secret sex victim of Bill Clinton. Patterson recounts:

“Buzz, we have a problem,” he [Lt. Col. Mark Donnelly, a presidential pilot] said grimly. “One of my female stewards claims she was approached and touched inappropriately by President Clinton and she’s upset.”

I knew the woman Mark was referring to, and I liked her. She was bright, cheery, and beautiful. She was also an enlisted member of the United States Air Force — and had just, apparently, been sexually molested by the commander in chief.

“Where did this happen, Mark?”

“In one of the galleys on Air Force One on a recent trip. Apparently, he cornered her.”

“Is she going to come forward? How does she want to handle it?”
LOL, she can not remember the year, the month or the day it supposedly happened. Anyone Raped would have that date seered in their brain. As for a picture from 1987? Really? Do you remember who you talked to in 1987?
Probably he didnt do it. But answer honestly?
Do you think that trump never abused women ?
LOL, she can not remember the year, the month or the day it supposedly happened. Anyone Raped would have that date seered in their brain. As for a picture from 1987? Really? Do you remember who you talked to in 1987?
Probably he didnt do it. But answer honestly?
Do you think that trump never abused women ?

Define abuse....I think some of his ex-wives think they were abused....

Do you mean rape? Sexual assault? No.
But Bill Clinton was a sleaze bag fornicator whereas St Trumpy is a good Christian family man who would never in a million years do anything so reprehensible.
Just as Hannity revealed republican hypocrisy with his opinion when Pelosi said she wanted to see Trump put in jail, the story of Trump and E. Jean Carrol once again displays the double standards republicans live by.

Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

“Thank you very much for coming. These four very courageous women have asked to be here and it was our honor to help them. And I think they’re each going to make just an individual, short statement. And then will do a little meeting, and we will see you at the debate.”

With those words, candidate Donald Trump kicked off a news conference just hours before the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, 2016. The brainchild of Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s campaign chief, the gathering was an effort to blunt the impact of the now-notorious “Access Hollywood” tape, unearthed two days before, on which Trump had boasted of grabbing women by their genitals and doing “anything” to them that he liked.

Sitting with Trump were four women, three of whom claimed to have been subjected to Bill Clinton’s unwelcome sexual advances. One, in particular, was sitting just to Trump’s right.

Her name was Juanita Broaddrick. And she made an accusation of criminal sexual assault.

But today there’s another woman with a similar allegation, against a different powerful man. Her name is E. Jean Carroll.

She, too, says that she was raped — by Donald Trump.

She, too, tells a story about how she was alone with a man. How in 1995 or 1996 that man, Trump, allegedly forced himself upon her. How she tried to fight back. How she tried to push him away and tried to stomp on his foot. How he penetrated her. How she ran out the door. How she told friends. How she didn’t tell the police. Trump also denied the accusations, calling them “fake news” and adding, “She is trying to sell a new book — that should indicate her motivation. It should be sold in the fiction section.”

But Trump called Broaddrick “courageous,” and if Broaddrick was courageous, then certainly Carroll is as well. For Carroll’s story is at least as compelling as Broaddrick’s — if not more so.

And that is because Carroll’s claim, for a number of reasons, actually rests upon a significantly stronger foundation than Broaddrick’s.

For one thing, before she went public with her story, Broaddrick had repeatedly denied that Clinton had assaulted her, even under oath: In an affidavit she had submitted in Paula Jones’s sexual harassment case against Clinton, Broaddrick had sworn that the allegations “that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies … are untrue,” that the press had previously sought “corroboration of these tales,” but that she had “repeatedly denied the allegations.” (Disclosure: I provided behind-the-scenes pro bono legal assistance to Jones’s lawyers.)

For another, Carroll’s account is supported by the sheer number of claims that have now surfaced against Trump — claims in which women have accused Trump of engaging in unwelcome or forcible sexual conduct or assault against them. These claims — all denied by the president — far outnumber the publicized sexual misconduct incidents that involved Clinton, which mostly concerned rumors or allegations of consensual affairs.

And as if to bring things full circle, Carroll’s account is also of course supported by Trump’s depraved remarks on the “Access Hollywood” video, of which there was simply no equivalent in Broaddrick’s case. Whatever else he may have done, Clinton never made a video like that. What Trump described on the video is exactly what Carroll says he did to her.

Finally, no controversy involving Trump would be complete without at least one utterly brazen, easily disprovable Trumpian lie. In his statement denying the rape allegation, he added the claim that “I’ve never met this person in my life.”

If Trump had even bothered to glance at Carroll’s published account, he would have seen a photograph of himself and his then-wife, Ivana, from 1987 ― in which he was amiably chatting with Carroll and her then-husband. By making the absurd and mendacious assertion that he never even met Carroll, Trump utterly annihilates the credibility of his claim that he didn’t assault her.

Republicans or conservatives who promoted Broaddrick’s charges would be hypocritical if they fail to champion Carroll and condemn Trump.

Opinions | Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

More credible?

Dumbest shit I've ever read.

Broadrick is credible, she has dates, reported the rape immediately, told dozens of witnesses about it, reported it to the police,

This hack Carroll? Well, not so much.

The hack author from the hate site is a liar and a moron.
But Bill Clinton was a sleaze bag fornicator whereas St Trumpy is a good Christian family man who would never in a million years do anything so reprehensible.

No....clinton has a long history of allegations, as I highlighted in my post. At his worst, Trump is a crude guy..... and allegations of violence against him are zero...
No....clinton has a long history of allegations, as I highlighted in my post. At his worst, Trump is a crude guy..... and allegations of violence against him are zero...

You’re a bit of a simpleton aren’t you?
Just as Hannity revealed republican hypocrisy with his opinion when Pelosi said she wanted to see Trump put in jail, the story of Trump and E. Jean Carrol once again displays the double standards republicans live by.

Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

“Thank you very much for coming. These four very courageous women have asked to be here and it was our honor to help them. And I think they’re each going to make just an individual, short statement. And then will do a little meeting, and we will see you at the debate.”

With those words, candidate Donald Trump kicked off a news conference just hours before the second presidential debate on Oct. 9, 2016. The brainchild of Stephen K. Bannon, Trump’s campaign chief, the gathering was an effort to blunt the impact of the now-notorious “Access Hollywood” tape, unearthed two days before, on which Trump had boasted of grabbing women by their genitals and doing “anything” to them that he liked.

Sitting with Trump were four women, three of whom claimed to have been subjected to Bill Clinton’s unwelcome sexual advances. One, in particular, was sitting just to Trump’s right.

Her name was Juanita Broaddrick. And she made an accusation of criminal sexual assault.

But today there’s another woman with a similar allegation, against a different powerful man. Her name is E. Jean Carroll.

She, too, says that she was raped — by Donald Trump.

She, too, tells a story about how she was alone with a man. How in 1995 or 1996 that man, Trump, allegedly forced himself upon her. How she tried to fight back. How she tried to push him away and tried to stomp on his foot. How he penetrated her. How she ran out the door. How she told friends. How she didn’t tell the police. Trump also denied the accusations, calling them “fake news” and adding, “She is trying to sell a new book — that should indicate her motivation. It should be sold in the fiction section.”

But Trump called Broaddrick “courageous,” and if Broaddrick was courageous, then certainly Carroll is as well. For Carroll’s story is at least as compelling as Broaddrick’s — if not more so.

And that is because Carroll’s claim, for a number of reasons, actually rests upon a significantly stronger foundation than Broaddrick’s.

For one thing, before she went public with her story, Broaddrick had repeatedly denied that Clinton had assaulted her, even under oath: In an affidavit she had submitted in Paula Jones’s sexual harassment case against Clinton, Broaddrick had sworn that the allegations “that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies … are untrue,” that the press had previously sought “corroboration of these tales,” but that she had “repeatedly denied the allegations.” (Disclosure: I provided behind-the-scenes pro bono legal assistance to Jones’s lawyers.)

For another, Carroll’s account is supported by the sheer number of claims that have now surfaced against Trump — claims in which women have accused Trump of engaging in unwelcome or forcible sexual conduct or assault against them. These claims — all denied by the president — far outnumber the publicized sexual misconduct incidents that involved Clinton, which mostly concerned rumors or allegations of consensual affairs.

And as if to bring things full circle, Carroll’s account is also of course supported by Trump’s depraved remarks on the “Access Hollywood” video, of which there was simply no equivalent in Broaddrick’s case. Whatever else he may have done, Clinton never made a video like that. What Trump described on the video is exactly what Carroll says he did to her.

Finally, no controversy involving Trump would be complete without at least one utterly brazen, easily disprovable Trumpian lie. In his statement denying the rape allegation, he added the claim that “I’ve never met this person in my life.”

If Trump had even bothered to glance at Carroll’s published account, he would have seen a photograph of himself and his then-wife, Ivana, from 1987 ― in which he was amiably chatting with Carroll and her then-husband. By making the absurd and mendacious assertion that he never even met Carroll, Trump utterly annihilates the credibility of his claim that he didn’t assault her.

Republicans or conservatives who promoted Broaddrick’s charges would be hypocritical if they fail to champion Carroll and condemn Trump.

Opinions | Republicans believed Juanita Broaddrick. The new rape allegation against Trump is more credible.

Ya know i think their is something to this whole blacks have lower average IQs

being a left wing moron certainly doesn't help either

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