Republicans boo Marine who lost leg in Iraq

I didn't see Bush at the Democrat Convention!!!! Wow!

Didn't see him too much at the Republican Convention either. Didn't see him much at the last two Republican conventions. Why was that? In fact, I think I saw more of Bill Clinton at the Republican conventions.

Yup....he's been playing it smart and staying out of politics pretty much. Have you also noticed how he's never blamed Obama for anything that has happened? He also never blamed Clinton for anything before him. He's not a crybaby like our blamer-in-chief in office now.

Clinton left him a surplus.

Obama is cleaning up his mess.

Bush isn't crying, he's sulking.

Did that really have to be explained?
Should Vets get a pass for expressing crazy opinions on gender identity? The radical left was spitting on and assaulting Veterans to such an extent forty years ago that they had to shed their uniforms in airports when they returned to the States. Now the bi-polar left thinks any opinion expressed by a Veteran should be applauded. It don't work that way.
Should Vets get a pass for expressing crazy opinions on gender identity? The radical left was spitting on and assaulting Veterans to such an extent forty years ago that they had to shed their uniforms in airports when they returned to the States. Now the bi-polar left thinks any opinion expressed by a Veteran should be applauded. It don't work that way.

But these days, it's Republicans:

GOP Sen Tom Coburn's cuts: Military's Tricare Prime health care program targeted - Washington Post

Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs

So what do you think about that?
Should Vets get a pass for expressing crazy opinions on gender identity? The radical left was spitting on and assaulting Veterans to such an extent forty years ago that they had to shed their uniforms in airports when they returned to the States. Now the bi-polar left thinks any opinion expressed by a Veteran should be applauded. It don't work that way.

But these days, it's Republicans:

GOP Sen Tom Coburn's cuts: Military's Tricare Prime health care program targeted - Washington Post

Senate GOP Obstructionists Throw Veterans Under The Bus-Vote Down Bill To Help Vets In Need Of Jobs

So what do you think about that?

In case you didn't look it's the Obama administration. Thanks to Hussein's appointments the supervisors in V.A. hospitals received bonuses (at taxpayer expense) while furnishing substandard care. When are democrats going to stop whining about only controlling 2/3 of the federal government?
There is something I am curious about, and would love to know if any of our Liberal friends can help me that would be great.

Is there any video of this incident? I am sure that at least somebody must have recorded it, I would love to watch it and find out for myself when and what they booed him for, instead of reading the opinions of some reporter (because every news article I saw was more opinion then news).

And if you think this was wrong, then you must also think that anybody who booed somebody who supported President Bush or our Veterans is wrong as well, right? Because this is a two way street my friends. You can't demand ultimate respect, then give nothing back.

And yes, he had a right to speak, as does any citizen of this country.

And while I would personally give him a big "Semper Fi" for being one of my brothers, when it comes to what he is doing now he is more political hack then Marine. For the last 10 years he has been an active gay rights activist. He is a political hack, just like any pro or anti abortion hack. And while he has the right to speak, I also have the right to boo him if I do not agree with him. Just as I have the right to applaud him if I agree.

But he is nothing but another political hack, nothing more and nothing less. And my booing him for a stance has nothing to do with him personally.

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