Republicans Complain But Never Accept Blame

"The blame"? When is the left going to stop whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the federal government? Act like losers and you will be losers.
Wow, different Republicans have different opinions. That's so novel to a progressive it must look like a conspiracy.
The truth is the GOP in general does not want to pursue impeachment, which will be a dead end at this point. Sarah Palin is not the GOP. She's not even an important part in it.

Ahh...those were the days.

Of course, that was well after you posted this:

Palin is doing her best work right now going around making speeches and pontificating on this and that. I think she will make an excellent replacement for Ann Coulter.
As a politician she is finished. I have been a Reagan Republican since 1980 and there is no effing way I would vote for her. I like her ideas and ideals but she has proven herself incapable of holding office.

I'm sure the Dems are at fault for you not being able to make a statement and stick to it...much like your Party.

Are you obsessed with me because my posts are brilliant or because you think I'd be great in bed?
Says the ones who blamed Bush for everything that went wrong during Obamas first term I love the irony in threads like this.

What do you mean the first term? They still blame Bush for everyithing bad. Economy? Foreign policy? You name it. Either everything is hunky dory or its Bush's fault it isnt.
All one has to do is open any random topic on this forum started by a right winger, and all you hear is one long, high pitched whine.

No solutions. Just a lot of crying.

The rubes are following the cues given them by the GOP leadership:





Amusing that the people who have been in charge since 2006 are whining because the minority party won't come up with solutions.
Democrats operate under the philosophy of if everyone is at fault then no one is to blame.
A Progressive Perspective. Ooookkkaay

Republicans really do share part of the blame because they have allowed liberalism to exist. The ideology should be stamped out and destroyed. It should have been long ago. It's like any form of cancer.
'Allowed' it to exist? Where did you hear that lie? It's the Voting American Public that has truly welcomed it in fact, so much so that even Republicans cross over to vote Democrat! And Democrats Keep Winning the All Important White House Because of Their Liberal Politics! So, go figure who America is really listening to.
I don't come here to read articles. Left or Right. It's a message board.
So, you want your fellow CONS to stop using web links in support of what they say? Sorry, it doesn't work that way for Either side! Besides, if you don't like to read what I post, simply Ignore it. That's all there is to it. But in effect, you know that you're actually drawn to all of my postings like a bee is drawn to honey. So, quit the whining already because you also know you'll continue reading whatever I present, time and time and again.
Says the guy blindly following Obama who is still blaming Bush for things that have happened 6 years since he left office.
well this fits right in here I believe..pretty much sums them up to tee

Townhall |
Columnists |
David Limbaugh

Democrats, the Constitution and the Rule of Law
David Limbaugh | Aug 01, 2014

Have we arrived at the point in our nation that a Democratic president and powerful members of his administration can act as lawlessly as they choose without any significant objection or protest from the Democratic Party, the liberal media and Democratic voters?

Deny it as they might, liberals seem to have less fealty than conservatives to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.

Stop right there, you say. Democrats are no different from Republicans. Both parties are equally guilty.

Well, as much as it pleases some to invoke moral equivalency excuses when caught in wrongdoing, it simply isn't true that Republicans and conservatives are anywhere close to being as culpable as Democrats and liberals in thwarting the Constitution and the rule of law to achieve their ends.

There is a simple reason for that: Liberals believe, as a matter of their ideology, that the ends justify the means. We see it in practice every day. Liberals routinely distort facts and manipulate language to achieve their ends. As part of that, they will say that Republicans are guilty of precisely what they are doing. Manufactured projection is one of their most effective tools.

I know, I know, many will say that as an ardent conservative, I have little credibility in making such charges. I am blinded by my partisanship.

I don't deny my bias or my strong, mostly unwavering conservative ideology. Nor do I apologize for them. If I thought I were doing something wrong in being conservative, I would consider apologizing for it, but I don't.

But let me ask you to consider this: As a conservative, I would oppose judicial activism (roughly defined as the courts rewriting or making laws rather than interpreting them) to achieve conservative political ends. I don't know many liberals -- other than perhaps law professor Jonathan Turley -- who can make a similar statement.

It's not a matter of my (and conservatives generally) being more moral than liberals. That's not the point at all. The point is that we believe that preserving the integrity of the Constitution, as written and originally intended, is itself an essential end.

We cherish liberty, and we understand the inextricable relationship between preserving the integrity of the Constitution and preserving our liberties. Anytime our constitutional system is undermined through egregious executive, legislative or judicial overreaches, our liberty is diminished.

ALL of it here:
Democrats, the Constitution and the Rule of Law - David Limbaugh - Page 1
Also, assigning blame doesn't fix problems.

Why not try to make choices to address current problems.
Of course by "solutions" progressive dimwits mean more spending, more debt, more welfare, more govt programs, more artificial equality, more taxes, more regulations, more central authoritarianism, and more hate for anyone not a marxist homosexual atheist of color dependent on handouts...

Communist workers of the world, unite !!! Lol
Republicans Complain But Never Accept Blame | vegasjessie

Well after all, isn't that intuitively obvious to the most casual observer!
Be sure to read this great article with good information everyone should know about!

This thread is George W. Bush's fault. :badgrin:

Observe that, you damned RETARD.
Talk about "damned RETARD." Who are the ones complaining about the refugee children the most today? Answer: The Republicans.

And who was it that signed a law in 2008 to WELCOME those children into the United States? Answer: It WAS George W. Bush's fault, A Republican! So, go figure! :lol: :D
The Reps get the blame for everthing anyway.

Nothing is ever the fault of the Dems or that fuck in the WH. Hell. They still blame Bush and he's been out of office for six years.

That right there speaks volumes.

As for that immigration bill??

Build the damned fence to keep anymore illegals from coming here then worry about those that are here.

As for those kids from SA. Send em all back to wherever the hell they came from. They are not the responsibility of the taxpayers of America.

Bush leaving 6 years ago doesn't erase the mess he made.

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