Republicans Complain But Never Accept Blame

Of course by "solutions" progressive dimwits mean more spending, more debt, more welfare, more govt programs, more artificial equality, more taxes, more regulations, more central authoritarianism, and more hate for anyone not a marxist homosexual atheist of color dependent on handouts...

Communist workers of the world, unite !!! Lol

So what's a republican ever done for you I always say. What's wrong with safety nets for people in need? Try going down to appalachia and kicking some redneck's grannie off of soc sec or medicaid and listen to the sound of lock and load. Democrat programs. Republicans do nothing for the little guy.
Democrats operate under the philosophy of if everyone is at fault then no one is to blame.
Sorry but you're confusing that with the Republican philosophy.


Benghazi, the line was that everyone failed somewhere so no one was actually to blame.

But then again maybe that was Bush's fault too.

Benghazi won't work. Neither will bill ayers, jeremiah wright, fast and furious etc. all of these republican battle cries dont equal the pile of dog crap the republicans left in '08. The whole world sees this.
Republicans Complain But Never Accept Blame | vegasjessie

Well after all, isn't that intuitively obvious to the most casual observer!
Be sure to read this great article with good information everyone should know about!

This thread is George W. Bush's fault. :badgrin:

Observe that, you damned RETARD.
Talk about "damned RETARD." Who are the ones complaining about the refugee children the most today? Answer: The Republicans.

And who was it that signed a law in 2008 to WELCOME those children into the United States? Answer: It WAS George W. Bush's fault, A Republican! So, go figure! :lol: :D

Again, your preachiness on display.

Nobody here or anywhere else needs a goddamned lesson in morality or ethics from YOU, hack.

You have never so much as made one single thread on this board that isn't partisan trollbait.

You have no right whatsoever to be waving your finger at anyone, moron.
Sorry but you're confusing that with the Republican philosophy.


Benghazi, the line was that everyone failed somewhere so no one was actually to blame.

But then again maybe that was Bush's fault too.

Benghazi won't work. Neither will bill ayers, jeremiah wright, fast and furious etc. all of these republican battle cries dont equal the pile of dog crap the republicans left in '08. The whole world sees this.

I understand you think you are entitled to behave bad and be corrupt because you claim Republicans have done worse. It doesn't work that way. Even if Republicans have done worse, you are still responsible for the evils you created. Blaming them doesn't make you less accountable for your actions.

Blame Bush all you want, but stop trying to excuse your bad behavior. It makes you just as guilty.
Republicans Complain But Never Accept Blame | vegasjessie

Well after all, isn't that intuitively obvious to the most casual observer!
Be sure to read this great article with good information everyone should know about!

This thread is George W. Bush's fault. :badgrin:

Observe that, you damned RETARD.
Talk about "damned RETARD." Who are the ones complaining about the refugee children the most today? Answer: The Republicans.

And who was it that signed a law in 2008 to WELCOME those children into the United States? Answer: It WAS George W. Bush's fault, A Republican! So, go figure! :lol: :D

So what your saying is that you've been lying about the Republicans helping the "refugees"?

I'm sure you are going to deny it, but you've just said Republicans are responsible.
Says the ones who blamed Bush for everything that went wrong during Obamas first term I love the irony in threads like this.

What do you mean the first term? They still blame Bush for everyithing bad. Economy? Foreign policy? You name it. Either everything is hunky dory or its Bush's fault it isnt.

I'm trying to be fair in Obamas second term so far they have gone more to blaming House Republicans than Bush?
Ahh...those were the days.

Of course, that was well after you posted this:

Palin is doing her best work right now going around making speeches and pontificating on this and that. I think she will make an excellent replacement for Ann Coulter.
As a politician she is finished. I have been a Reagan Republican since 1980 and there is no effing way I would vote for her. I like her ideas and ideals but she has proven herself incapable of holding office.

I'm sure the Dems are at fault for you not being able to make a statement and stick to it...much like your Party.

Are you obsessed with me because my posts are brilliant or because you think I'd be great in bed?

I guess when you take every position on a topic, you have a chance at being brilliant. You're no where near brilliant.

I'll have to call Prince Freebus and ask her how you are in bed got her private number?
Of course, that was well after you posted this:

I'm sure the Dems are at fault for you not being able to make a statement and stick to it...much like your Party.

Are you obsessed with me because my posts are brilliant or because you think I'd be great in bed?

I guess when you take every position on a topic, you have a chance at being brilliant. You're no where near brilliant.

I'll have to call Prince Freebus and ask her how you are in bed got her private number?

Attn: Candycorn: Call your sig line.
This thread is George W. Bush's fault. :badgrin:

Observe that, you damned RETARD.
Talk about "damned RETARD." Who are the ones complaining about the refugee children the most today? Answer: The Republicans.

And who was it that signed a law in 2008 to WELCOME those children into the United States? Answer: It WAS George W. Bush's fault, A Republican! So, go figure! :lol: :D

Again, your preachiness on display.

Nobody here or anywhere else needs a goddamned lesson in morality or ethics from YOU, hack.

You have never so much as made one single thread on this board that isn't partisan trollbait.

You have no right whatsoever to be waving your finger at anyone, moron.
Hey troll, put on your glasses so you can clearly see which finger is being waved at you. :lol: :D
This thread is George W. Bush's fault. :badgrin:

Observe that, you damned RETARD.
Talk about "damned RETARD." Who are the ones complaining about the refugee children the most today? Answer: The Republicans.

And who was it that signed a law in 2008 to WELCOME those children into the United States? Answer: It WAS George W. Bush's fault, A Republican! So, go figure! :lol: :D

So what your saying is that you've been lying about the Republicans helping the "refugees"?

I'm sure you are going to deny it, but you've just said Republicans are responsible.
You evidently don't see too well. Put on your glasses. Since when have Republicans, at large, helped the refugee children? At no time that I can think of. What I am plainly talking about is their complaining. There's a Big difference between Complaining and Helping and you should know that. But then again, maybe not. There's only one Republican that I don't fault, like I've said before, but it sure appears that your side does, and that's George W. Bush for signing this good law in 2008 that allows the children to come to the U.S., be fed, housed, and perhaps even educated here (as well they should be!) while they are awaiting a judge to hear their case.
:lol: Didn't you vote for Obama?
And didn't a whole lot of your own ilk also vote for Obama? In fact, so much so that he was re-elected President for a Second Term, Obamacare and All! :lol: :D


That's seriously the dumbest comeback ever.

Our ilk opposed the corruption and evils of this administration.
Ah, I see the truth hurts when you're faced with it. You are obviously still in denial that some Republicans crossed over and voted for President Obama (twice) to help get him elected as well as re-elected. Oh well, that's your problem. Fact are facts. Don't misunderstand me this time though, we more than appreciated their help in Obama's election and re-election!
Don't tell her that!

you people and your hardons for Palin is really just sad and it reflects what you think of women...not good either
Palin was a Governor, and ran for Vice President, which is just as important as Hillary being a Senator and until SOS was BESTOWED on her (she didn't have to win that position) and she ran for President, so Hillary was really a nobody just as you think Palin was

Palin is doing her best work right now going around making speeches and pontificating on this and that. I think she will make an excellent replacement for Ann Coulter.
As a politician she is finished. I have been a Reagan Republican since 1980 and there is no effing way I would vote for her. I like her ideas and ideals but she has proven herself incapable of holding office

I love it when cavemen and cavewomen disagree about ephemera. Pick up your douche nozzle and spray one another


Wow...showing [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] that a fellow shit-brained conservative thinks Sarah Palin is a joke shuts that daft bitch up right quick.

:badgrin:I LOVE IT!!!:badgrin:
All one has to do is open any random topic on this forum started by a right winger, and all you hear is one long, high pitched whine.

No solutions. Just a lot of crying.

The rubes are following the cues given them by the GOP leadership:





I'm sorry....but isn't it the left that is still blaming Bush SIX years post Obama's inauguration.
Republicans Complain But Never Accept Blame | vegasjessie

Well after all, isn't that intuitively obvious to the most casual observer!
Be sure to read this great article with good information everyone should know about!

Sorry, I couldn't get past the second paragraph when the writer clearly lied about budget constraints being responsible for Benghazi. The administration in sworn testimony said the budget had nothing to do with the security at the consulate. The article is just another echo chamber of commiecrat talking points and a waste of time.

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