Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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Ray, you are showing your Trumpism
Creating your own facts

What you are referencing occurs before the election goes to the legislature for approval
After it is rejected, the only option provided the court is approve a NEW election

Wrong. If they reject ballots any elector can file a petition to the superior court for a new election. If the court does not grant a new election, then the ballots are examined and recounted.
The actual bill does not prove your claims Ray

Page 33 audit is BEFORE Page 34 certification by the legislature

There are no provisions for actual facts to reject the election and no alternative other than request a new election
The legal section Ray seems unable to comprehend is that the legislature is allowed to audit elections. That power is not a dependent clause. It can be exercised whether the election results are accepted oir rejected.
You didn't answer the question. Are you or aren't you a retard?
I admire the fact that this is one of the most informative posts you have ever posted.

Welcome to Ignore.

My fellow posters who actually post non-ad hominems...
Let me know when Magnus actually starts posting facts and I'll take the retard off Ignore.

It has become an article of religious faith among Republicans that when a Republican candidate loses an election, it’s the consequence of ‘voter fraud.’
They need an excuse because they can't believe that the people rejected their positions.
Those same mail in ballots that they claim helps Democrats elected Republican Congressmen, Senators and state and local Republicans.
It's fun to force them to respond. Did you notice none of them could explain why it is Communism to make it easier to vote? :auiqs.jpg:

The poor retards are now reduced to sputtering their right-wing talking points!
The legal section Ray seems unable to comprehend is that the legislature is allowed to audit elections. That power is not a dependent clause. It can be exercised whether the election results are accepted oir rejected.

If that's the case then it's the same in every other state now isn't it?
it can be exercised whether the election results are accepted oir rejected.
I proved my claims Ray
Your turn to prove what you claim

Show in the bill where it allows anything but a new election after the legislature rejects the election
I certainly DO have a huge stake in your elections. What you fools do affects the entire world, whether you admit it or not, and the rest of the world is going to tell you your last President was a total asshole, and the whole world is still cleaning up after the mess he made of global trade and relations in the Middle East.

If Americans would stop gazing at their own navels long enough to realize that who is leading your country matters very much to what happens in the rest of the world.
Fine, then you can start paying taxes in The United States.
Do you leftists have major vision problems or something? It says right in the bill the court shall order an audit and recount in accordance with the law. And the law says if there are no problems found in a recount then the election stands as voted.
If it said it, you could post where it says it.
It's not in the bill. The court can only order a new election, or a recount under the recount provisions of election protests and contests.
I admire the fact that this is one of the most informative posts you have ever posted.

Welcome to Ignore.

My fellow posters who actually post non-ad hominems...
Let me know when Magnus actually starts posting facts and I'll take the retard off Ignore.
Awww..... a retard putting me on ignore! That too, a red highlighted ignore!!!! Oh, will I survive? :laughing0301:
I'm so glad my parents sent me to a private school. For the fifth time:

recount shall be conducted in accordance with the laws pertaining to
contests of elections.

Now, WTF does that mean to you?

It means the same as virtually every other states election laws. If a candidate or other person files suit in court seeking a recount, then the courts will order a recount in according to law.

We saw it when Trump filed suit for a recount in Wisconsin, or in Bush V Gore in 2000.
Very true
No nation on earth operates on the principle of the people voting on every issue.
So according to you…..there are no Democracies

But a Constitutional Republic is a form of Democracy where We the People vote to choose our representatives

Very true
No nation on earth operates on the principle of the people voting on every issue.
So according to you…..there are no Democracies

But a Constitutional Republic is a form of Democracy where We the People vote to choose our representatives
I know you wish the East and West Coast got to make all of the decisions for the country which is majority rule and what a Democracy is, but fortunately the US is still a Republic for now.
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