Republicans deserve what they get

Europe is just fine, buddy. I know the only time you hear about is when they have one terrorist attack a year, as opposed to our weekly mass shootings by angry white males, but they are still mostly white and fine.

Really? Did you ever speak with any Europeans living in the US and ask them why they are here?

Care to make a bet on which race leads in murder per capita in the US?

Waiting for Mac to denounce this open display of racism... but he won't.

That's because truth is even racist to you on the left.

Guy, I served with black folks in the military, went to school with them and work with them every day...

Um. Guess what. They worry about all the same things you do. They worry about their kids and putting food on the table and paying the bills, just like you do.

Yeah, they see this country differently, because you and I know that we probably are going to come out of any encounter with the Police alive, while it's a much less certain thing with them.

The real stupidity of people like you is you think the One Percent care about you because you have the same skin tone. They don't.

Yeah. You sound like my neighbor years ago. She went to school with blacks, she worked with blacks, she thought our suburb was way too white and we need to be more inviting to blacks to mix it up a bit.

When she realized her dream was starting to come true, she had her house for sale faster than you could blink an eye. I asked her why she was moving; she loved her little house so much. First she stated her family outgrew it. So I asked how that was since she didn't have any additional children? When she was caught with that lie, I interrogated her more and more.

Finally she told the truth. She was in great fear because of the change in the neighborhood. She feared losing money on her house. She greatly feared sending her daughter to our quickly changing school where gang fights, drug sales and teacher assaults started to become the norm. She bought a house in the whitest suburb her money could afford. And I'm sure she now preaches her diversity message over there.

Repugs always have bullshit anecdotes to justify their bullshit beliefs. Facts don't matter in their racist little worlds.

Repugs only care about the rich. The rich are the biggest enemy to this country, as the Wall Street crash in 2008 illustrated. But unsophisticated goobers like you want to blame the least powerful people in this country for their problems. Pathetic.
It's the left that makes everything a race issue. You are a perfect example of that. We could be discussing vending machines, and you would find a way to make it about race.

Um, no, what makes it a race issue is your racism.

the problem is you are so conditioned, you think it's normal.

Shoelace just went on a rant how he's not going to vote for a judge because he's white, and we have too many whites in our government. Well gee, I don't see him retiring to give his job to a black. But WTF does an appointment have to do with race?

Not sure who "Shoelace" is... but never mind.

You guys don't realize how much you're turning off the general public with this race crap. That's one good thing for us of course. And when are you going to make an appointment with a shrink about your OCD already? You've been bringing up my health insurance for two years now. Get off of it and try to get some sleep for a change. I'm living rent-free in your head.

Guy, if you can't see that your ENEMY is the guy who cancelled your health insurance to put a few more bucks in his pocket, it shows what a tool you are.

The thing is, this race crap started with Goldwater. The only problem is, that it isn't playing for you anymore. You haven't won a fair election since 1988.

And cheating only gets you so far.

Yep, this guy is a total sucker with a capital S.
Outside of tax reform, there isn’t one single thing that the Republicans have achieved. They haven’t repealed anything and they haven’t passed anything. They absolutely deserve to have their asses handed to them in the 2018 midterm election. What a wasted opportunity to make a positive difference for this country.

Is it too much to ask for politicians to deliver in what they promised to do? This is a prime example of why we needed the Tea Party so desperately. It is time that we bury the Republican Party for good. True conservatives, libertarians, the Tea Party, etc. need to join the Constitution Party.

I would like nothing better than if you Crazy Teabaggers and libertards formed your own party, so we could see how small of a slice of the electorate you are.

Sadly, the problem is, you hijack elections because so few people vote in primaries, and then the rest go along with you and your silly ideas. "Wow, tax cuts for rich people. Yeah, that won't run up the deficit like the last two times we did it!"
All that post tells me is the government relies to much on the rich for its revenue

So who should the government rely on for its revenue, genius? Last time I checked, the wealthy had all the money.
Outside of tax reform, there isn’t one single thing that the Republicans have achieved. They haven’t repealed anything and they haven’t passed anything. They absolutely deserve to have their asses handed to them in the 2018 midterm election. What a wasted opportunity to make a positive difference for this country.

Is it too much to ask for politicians to deliver in what they promised to do? This is a prime example of why we needed the Tea Party so desperately. It is time that we bury the Republican Party for good. True conservatives, libertarians, the Tea Party, etc. need to join the Constitution Party.

I would like nothing better than if you Crazy Teabaggers and libertards formed your own party, so we could see how small of a slice of the electorate you are.

Sadly, the problem is, you hijack elections because so few people vote in primaries, and then the rest go along with you and your silly ideas. "Wow, tax cuts for rich people. Yeah, that won't run up the deficit like the last two times we did it!"
All that post tells me is the government relies to much on the rich for its revenue

So who should the government rely on for its revenue, genius? Last time I checked, the wealthy had all the money.
Your question and answer are so blatantly honest I don't think you realized what you just did.
It's the left that makes everything a race issue. You are a perfect example of that. We could be discussing vending machines, and you would find a way to make it about race.

Um, no, what makes it a race issue is your racism.

the problem is you are so conditioned, you think it's normal.

Shoelace just went on a rant how he's not going to vote for a judge because he's white, and we have too many whites in our government. Well gee, I don't see him retiring to give his job to a black. But WTF does an appointment have to do with race?

Not sure who "Shoelace" is... but never mind.

You guys don't realize how much you're turning off the general public with this race crap. That's one good thing for us of course. And when are you going to make an appointment with a shrink about your OCD already? You've been bringing up my health insurance for two years now. Get off of it and try to get some sleep for a change. I'm living rent-free in your head.

Guy, if you can't see that your ENEMY is the guy who cancelled your health insurance to put a few more bucks in his pocket, it shows what a tool you are.

The thing is, this race crap started with Goldwater. The only problem is, that it isn't playing for you anymore. You haven't won a fair election since 1988.

And cheating only gets you so far.

Yep, this guy is a total sucker with a capital S.

And you're nothing but a troll. Just ask anybody here.
All that post tells me is the government relies to much on the rich for its revenue

NO, it tells me that the rich have too much of the wealth to start with.

The top 1% has 43% of the wealth. The top 20% has 87% of the wealth. The other 80% has 13% of the wealth and the bottom 40% has less than 1% of the wealth.

Something that might not occur to you clowns is that if the wealth were more evenly distributed, we probably wouldn't need as much government as we have.

And unfortunately, helpless progressives rely on the government for everything.

No, just things MODERN government should do.

Now when you go back and shit in a chamber pot and use leeches to treat strep throat, like the Founding Slave Rapists did, I'd take you seriously on your commitment to 'founding values".

But like most libertarians, you love living in a modern civilized state... you just don't like the obligations of one.
Europe is just fine, buddy. I know the only time you hear about is when they have one terrorist attack a year, as opposed to our weekly mass shootings by angry white males, but they are still mostly white and fine.

Really? Did you ever speak with any Europeans living in the US and ask them why they are here?

Care to make a bet on which race leads in murder per capita in the US?

Waiting for Mac to denounce this open display of racism... but he won't.

That's because truth is even racist to you on the left.

Guy, I served with black folks in the military, went to school with them and work with them every day...

Um. Guess what. They worry about all the same things you do. They worry about their kids and putting food on the table and paying the bills, just like you do.

Yeah, they see this country differently, because you and I know that we probably are going to come out of any encounter with the Police alive, while it's a much less certain thing with them.

The real stupidity of people like you is you think the One Percent care about you because you have the same skin tone. They don't.

Yeah. You sound like my neighbor years ago. She went to school with blacks, she worked with blacks, she thought our suburb was way too white and we need to be more inviting to blacks to mix it up a bit.

When she realized her dream was starting to come true, she had her house for sale faster than you could blink an eye. I asked her why she was moving; she loved her little house so much. First she stated her family outgrew it. So I asked how that was since she didn't have any additional children? When she was caught with that lie, I interrogated her more and more.

Finally she told the truth. She was in great fear because of the change in the neighborhood. She feared losing money on her house. She greatly feared sending her daughter to our quickly changing school where gang fights, drug sales and teacher assaults started to become the norm. She bought a house in the whitest suburb her money could afford. And I'm sure she now preaches her diversity message over there.

Repugs always have bullshit anecdotes to justify their bullshit beliefs. Facts don't matter in their racist little worlds.

Repugs only care about the rich. The rich are the biggest enemy to this country, as the Wall Street crash in 2008 illustrated. But unsophisticated goobers like you want to blame the least powerful people in this country for their problems. Pathetic.

You said it best in the highlighted sentence. Yes, we blame people for their own problems. It's the Republican way. The Democrat way is to blame others.

We had a school shooting. The Democrats blamed the gun and the NRA.
Poverty is common in single parent homes. Democrats blame minimum wage and not the mother.
In police shootings, the Democrats blame the police officer, not the criminal.
A person working a low wage job is not his fault, it's the cheap companies fault for not overpaying him.
Cheap imported products that Walmart sells is not the consumers fault, it's Walmart's fault.

And let me give you some advice: When somebody makes a statement like All the Republicans care about are the rich, it automatically reveals you don't know much about politics. By the way you write, it's obvious you are very young; maybe even a teen in high school. But those off the shelf stereotypes tell me that you haven't been around politics very long.
NO, it tells me that the rich have too much of the wealth to start with.

The top 1% has 43% of the wealth. The top 20% has 87% of the wealth. The other 80% has 13% of the wealth and the bottom 40% has less than 1% of the wealth.

Something that might not occur to you clowns is that if the wealth were more evenly distributed, we probably wouldn't need as much government as we have.

We already have places like you liberals want where the wealth is controlled. You could try living in Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela....... just a number of places.

You don't have to worry about the rich, because there are no rich except government leaders. You don't have to worry about equality. Everybody is equally poor. You don't have to worry about guns because only government has the guns. Free government healthcare too!

Don't get me wrong, we have places like that in the USA too. We call them prisons.
I'd love for somebody to show me a President in recent times that got half of what they wanted to get done.

I have no complaints about Trump. Actually he got a lot done in spite of not having a super majority in the Senate and all these commie judges that are stopping his agenda at every turn. Unlike any other Republican President, he spit in the face of the MSM instead of caving into them all the time.

Our system was by design not to have sudden changes overnight. Trump has shown he is willing to work with the left, but the left (as usual) said do things our way or no way at all. WTF is anybody in Trump's position supposed to do?

It's been one year. In spite of the MSM brainwashing, I wouldn't put too much money on a change of Congress either. The Senate? That's always up for grabs.

Of course you have no complaints about Trump. You're too fucking stupid to see what a circus his administration is. He's been in office one fucking year and he's already on his 45th communications director, for Christ sakes. You're too stupid to be embarrassed by this fucking imbecile and the chaos that he's created. He can't even run the fucking West Wing, let alone the country.

He's doing a lot better running the country than Ears.

Sure he is, goober. Even if that were true, Trump's still a racist and a misogynist. Not that a evil little piss ant like you gives two shits about Trump's character.

Remember it's you on the left that told us it doesn't matter what a person does on his own time, as long as he's doing a good job. Now go have a cigar.

So it's OK to be a racist on your own time??? Don't think any liberal feels that way, lightweight.

And Trump is a racist all the time, not just on his "own time"....just like when he was defending those white supremacists at Charlottesville.

What did my comment have to do with race? Oh yes, that's right, everything to a leftist is about race.
In police shootings, the Democrats blame the police officer, not the criminal.

Yeah, because we don't think playing with toys and traffic violations should be capital offenses, for some reason.

We already have places like you liberals want where the wealth is controlled. You could try living in Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela....... just a number of places.

Meh, being poor in Cuba sucks just as bad as being poor in America. Of course, we've spent 60 years punishing Cuba for wanting to do their own thing.

But in Cuba, you'd have health insurance.

A person working a low wage job is not his fault, it's the cheap companies fault for not overpaying him.

Again, says the guy whose boss won't give him health insurance. So are you admitting that you are kind of worthless and not deserving of it?
Yeah, because we don't think playing with toys and traffic violations should be capital offenses, for some reason.

We don't either. We believe a police officer has the legal right to self-defense. Liberals think that cops should just stand there and be killed because they are making such great money at that job.

Meh, being poor in Cuba sucks just as bad as being poor in America. Of course, we've spent 60 years punishing Cuba for wanting to do their own thing.

But in Cuba, you'd have health insurance.

No, there is no insurance in Cuba. Government doctors work on you. Isn't that comforting?

Again, says the guy whose boss won't give him health insurance. So are you admitting that you are kind of worthless and not deserving of it?

Had it all my life until that big-eared clown invaded the White House. I'll admit I'm worthless when you admit you have deep psychological problems that need to be addressed. You know.......sometimes it's just a chemical imbalance or something medication can help with. But your cheap ass won't spend the money and take the time to get a cure for your problem.
No, there is no insurance in Cuba. Government doctors work on you. Isn't that comforting?

Given that their life expectancy numbers and infant mortality rates are equal to ours, um, doesn't bother me that much. Again, the thing about Cuba is we've been punishing them for 60 years for rejecting capitalism, and then we point to them and say, "See how bad things are because we've punished you?"

Had it all my life until that big-eared clown invaded the White House. I'll admit I'm worthless when you admit you have deep psychological problems that need to be addressed. You know.......sometimes it's just a chemical imbalance or something medication can help with. But your cheap ass won't spend the money and take the time to get a cure for your problem.

Guy, you just said that when bad shit happens to poor people, it's their own damned fault, always.

Well, something bad happened to you. Despite the vast advantage of being a white straight male in this society, something truly bad has happened to you. And all you do is whine about it.

You don't try to learn another trade. You don't try to get a better paying job. You always find a way that it is someone else's fault.
Given that their life expectancy numbers and infant mortality rates are equal to ours, um, doesn't bother me that much. Again, the thing about Cuba is we've been punishing them for 60 years for rejecting capitalism, and then we point to them and say, "See how bad things are because we've punished you?"

Things are not bad in Cuba because of the US. If that were the case, they would have caved many years ago. They have plenty of trade with like countries.

Things are bad in Cuba because of the government; bad because there is no real capitalism; bad because the government knows you have to keep people poor and unarmed to maintain power.

I remember years ago when a person from Cuba called a radio show I was listening to. He said Castro would visit every child in school. He would tell them to close their eyes and cup their hands, and ask God for candy. After a half minute or so, he instructed the kids to open their eyes to see if there was any candy in their hands. Then he instructed the kids to do the same, except this time ask Fidel for candy, and he had his henchmen pass out candy to the kids.

The indoctrination here was having children look to government as the highest power in the world--not God. Kind of sounds like what some do here, doesn't it?

Guy, you just said that when bad shit happens to poor people, it's their own damned fault, always.

Well, something bad happened to you. Despite the vast advantage of being a white straight male in this society, something truly bad has happened to you. And all you do is whine about it.

You don't try to learn another trade. You don't try to get a better paying job. You always find a way that it is someone else's fault.

Well if the shoe fits......

I did everything the right and responsible way. But Democrats hate responsible people. After all, if everybody were responsible, nobody would need Democrats around. So no, it's not my fault the commies attacked responsible people--it's the blind voters fault.

All I can do now at this age is keep promoting conservatism so that millions of other people like myself don't fall into the clutches of evil like we did. Millions of lives ruined all for the sake of power.
All that post tells me is the government relies to much on the rich for its revenue

NO, it tells me that the rich have too much of the wealth to start with.

The top 1% has 43% of the wealth. The top 20% has 87% of the wealth. The other 80% has 13% of the wealth and the bottom 40% has less than 1% of the wealth.

Something that might not occur to you clowns is that if the wealth were more evenly distributed, we probably wouldn't need as much government as we have.

And unfortunately, helpless progressives rely on the government for everything.

No, just things MODERN government should do.

Now when you go back and shit in a chamber pot and use leeches to treat strep throat, like the Founding Slave Rapists did, I'd take you seriously on your commitment to 'founding values".

But like most libertarians, you love living in a modern civilized state... you just don't like the obligations of one.
And the top 5% pay what % of the total revenue?
Things are not bad in Cuba because of the US. If that were the case, they would have caved many years ago. They have plenty of trade with like countries.

Well,no, they don't. The Trade Embargo with the US extends far beyond US Trade. For instance, I worked for a British Company from 2008 to 2015. Guess who they couldn't trade with? That's right, Cuba.

Things are bad in Cuba because of the government; bad because there is no real capitalism; bad because the government knows you have to keep people poor and unarmed to maintain power.

Actually, Cuba was poor and miserable for most of it's people long before the Commies got there. It's how they got there.

I remember years ago when a person from Cuba called a radio show I was listening to. He said Castro would visit every child in school. He would tell them to close their eyes and cup their hands, and ask God for candy. After a half minute or so, he instructed the kids to open their eyes to see if there was any candy in their hands. Then he instructed the kids to do the same, except this time ask Fidel for candy, and he had his henchmen pass out candy to the kids.

The indoctrination here was having children look to government as the highest power in the world--not God. Kind of sounds like what some do here, doesn't it?

Yeah, here's the thing. You can pray to an imaginary sky pixie all day for good things to happen. I remember praying to him for my Mom not to die of cancer. spoiler alert, she died.

Again, we wouldn't need government benefits if the wealth was fairly distributed in the first place. YOu guys have created your own problem.

I did everything the right and responsible way. But Democrats hate responsible people. After all, if everybody were responsible, nobody would need Democrats around. So no, it's not my fault the commies attacked responsible people--it's the blind voters fault.

You see, here's the thing. It's been 8 years since ACA passed. In those 8 years you could have sent out resumes to other companies. You could have gone to night class training to do something else. Instead you pick to whine and carp about how your misery is Obama's fault because your boss screwed you. You don't blame your boss, and you don't blame yourself.

The ironic thing is, the best thing that could have happened to you is some of the things Obama gave up on trying to get one Republican to sign up for ACA. Medicare buy in for people over 55 or a public option would have solved your problem.
Things are not bad in Cuba because of the US. If that were the case, they would have caved many years ago. They have plenty of trade with like countries.

Well,no, they don't. The Trade Embargo with the US extends far beyond US Trade. For instance, I worked for a British Company from 2008 to 2015. Guess who they couldn't trade with? That's right, Cuba.

Things are bad in Cuba because of the government; bad because there is no real capitalism; bad because the government knows you have to keep people poor and unarmed to maintain power.

Actually, Cuba was poor and miserable for most of it's people long before the Commies got there. It's how they got there.

I remember years ago when a person from Cuba called a radio show I was listening to. He said Castro would visit every child in school. He would tell them to close their eyes and cup their hands, and ask God for candy. After a half minute or so, he instructed the kids to open their eyes to see if there was any candy in their hands. Then he instructed the kids to do the same, except this time ask Fidel for candy, and he had his henchmen pass out candy to the kids.

The indoctrination here was having children look to government as the highest power in the world--not God. Kind of sounds like what some do here, doesn't it?

Yeah, here's the thing. You can pray to an imaginary sky pixie all day for good things to happen. I remember praying to him for my Mom not to die of cancer. spoiler alert, she died.

Again, we wouldn't need government benefits if the wealth was fairly distributed in the first place. YOu guys have created your own problem.

I did everything the right and responsible way. But Democrats hate responsible people. After all, if everybody were responsible, nobody would need Democrats around. So no, it's not my fault the commies attacked responsible people--it's the blind voters fault.

You see, here's the thing. It's been 8 years since ACA passed. In those 8 years you could have sent out resumes to other companies. You could have gone to night class training to do something else. Instead you pick to whine and carp about how your misery is Obama's fault because your boss screwed you. You don't blame your boss, and you don't blame yourself.

The ironic thing is, the best thing that could have happened to you is some of the things Obama gave up on trying to get one Republican to sign up for ACA. Medicare buy in for people over 55 or a public option would have solved your problem.
there's one hard fact about life. no one gets out alive. if that is the sole reason to not carry faith, you never had it to begin with.
there's one hard fact about life. no one gets out alive. if that is the sole reason to not carry faith, you never had it to begin with.

The hard fiction the Nuns taught us for years was that the Magic Sky Fairy listens to your prayers if you show up every Sunday and give him money.

Except in this case, he didn't.

Then one of those old frustrated carpet munchers had the nerve to show up at my Mom's wake and claim God had a good reason for this. (Again, my mom was the art teacher at the Catholic School I went to for 8 years and still have the occasional nightmare about.)

Now, I was responding to Racist From Cleveland's claim that it was just horrible that Castro demonstrated the stupidity of religion to children. I wish someone had done that when I was a kid, it could have saved me a lot of grief.

For the record, I kind of had my doubts before Mom got sick. Mostly because what they were teaching us was sooooo messed up.

Sr. Mary Butch " And people were wicked, so God sent a flood and drowned them all!"

11 year old Joey "Why did God drown the babies, Sister?"

Sr. Mary Butch, "They were wicked babies!!!! WWWWWIIIIIICKED!!!!!"

Sadly, I had to put up with 7 more years of that insanity through High School.
(Again, my mom was the art teacher at the Catholic School I went to for 8 years and still have the occasional nightmare about.)

Surprise surprise.

Now, I was responding to Racist From Cleveland's claim that it was just horrible that Castro demonstrated the stupidity of religion to children. I wish someone had done that when I was a kid

Surprise surprise.
(Again, my mom was the art teacher at the Catholic School I went to for 8 years and still have the occasional nightmare about.)

Surprise surprise.

Now, I was responding to Racist From Cleveland's claim that it was just horrible that Castro demonstrated the stupidity of religion to children. I wish someone had done that when I was a kid

Surprise surprise.

No surprise... if we didn't introduce people to the concept of religion until they were adults, we'd have a lot less people picking it up.

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