Republicans deserve what they get

That's just the latest. It's socons who made gay sex illegal, interracial sex illegal, blowjobs illegal even between spouses. You have a long history of being Peeping Toms
Well considering almost all of that was outlawed before the Republican Party was even founded, I think it would be a difficult case to blame Republican's for.
Good luck with that. My solution is to minimize government. The smaller it is, the less damage it can do

Unfortunately a small Government generally lacks the ability (or in certain cases the legal power) to protect the intelligence deprived masses from people like me who are more than willing to let them destroy themselves (for my benefit or enjoyment) or from making the mistake of getting in my way and forcing me to move them out of it. .
But there's nothing moderate about morality laws or our over involvement with the military.
Our “morality laws” are absolutely moderate. I’m as big of a liberty person as you will ever meet - but I’ll be damned if my little girls are going to watch idiot nudists walking down the street. Your rights end where mine begin. And I have the right to have my children in public without subjecting them to things that children shouldn’t see.
Where did I advocate that again?
When you stated our "morality laws" were not moderate or acceptable.

Bull shit. I said nothing about nudists or little girls, you did
That's just the latest. It's socons who made gay sex illegal, interracial sex illegal, blowjobs illegal even between spouses. You have a long history of being Peeping Toms
Well considering almost all of that was outlawed before the Republican Party was even founded, I think it would be a difficult case to blame Republican's for.

No it wasn't. The Republican party was founded before the Civil War
That's just the latest. It's socons who made gay sex illegal, interracial sex illegal, blowjobs illegal even between spouses. You have a long history of being Peeping Toms
Well considering almost all of that was outlawed before the Republican Party was even founded, I think it would be a difficult case to blame Republican's for.

No it wasn't. The Republican party was founded before the Civil War
Yeah. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. But most of that stuff was long before the 1860’s.
That's just the latest. It's socons who made gay sex illegal, interracial sex illegal, blowjobs illegal even between spouses. You have a long history of being Peeping Toms
Well considering almost all of that was outlawed before the Republican Party was even founded, I think it would be a difficult case to blame Republican's for.

No it wasn't. The Republican party was founded before the Civil War
Yeah. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. But most of that stuff was long before the 1860’s.

You mean the 1960s
Brainwashing works though, just look at you. You've been brainwashed by the left and MSM (one of the same) that anytime you lose an election, it's not because of anything you did, it's because the Republicans cheated somehow.

First I was more right wing than you were up until 2008, buddy. Then after an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K, I realized I had no business voting Republican...

Neither do you with your cancelled health insurance living in a ruined city.

You're getting worse Joe. I told you your OCD would be getting worse if not treated, and I was correct. Now you are not only bringing it up every day, you are bringing it up with every post. You need to get a're losing it.

It doesn't matter how far you were either way, what matters is the left-wing media has brainwashed you. Don't feel bad, millions join you on that. But in making your claims, you fall under the same umbrella with the birthers.
again, buddy, you aren't thinking long term. All his histrionics aside, Mac has a point. The GOP has made an effort to play on white greviance over building bridges to minorities.

Paid off in the 70's and 80's when white people were 80% of the electorate, but now they are less than 70%.

So how does one build bridges with minorities, give them free shit?

No, we are not going to do that. Better to let the country fall than to pander to people with taxpayer money. At least history will be written if down the road, another country wants to escape the evils of Socialism and Communism to restart their own country. That way they can examine what caused our failure and not do it themselves.

Um, Id say given how poorly Trump is pollingn with Millenials, it's exactly the opposite. Younger White people who hang with minorities just don't get old folks and their racism.

What they probably don't get is where all this racism talk comes from and why. But this old wives tale of Republicans being old rich white guys that are dying off has been around the last 30 years. In fact after Ears won, they claimed we were just seeing the beginning.

You're getting worse Joe. I told you your OCD would be getting worse if not treated, and I was correct. Now you are not only bringing it up every day, you are bringing it up with every post. You need to get a're losing it.

I know, man, it's hard for you to admit that you got played by the one percent again.

It doesn't matter how far you were either way, what matters is the left-wing media has brainwashed you. Don't feel bad, millions join you on that. But in making your claims, you fall under the same umbrella with the birthers.

The left wing media had nothing to do with it. It's when my Romney loving boss screwed me over professionally and then announced, "That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union!"

And he wasn't even the worst person I ever worked for.

But you see, if the GOP ran on, "NO rights at work, you'll work harder to make the rich richer," even dumb white trash like you wouldn't vote for them.

So A Koch Brother, a Teabagger and a welfare person walk into a resturant and the waiter brings out 12 cookies. The Koch brother wolfs down 11 of them and says, "That welfare person wants half your cookie!!!"

So how does one build bridges with minorities, give them free shit?

How about Jobs and dignity? Guy, most minorities have jobs, and they work harder than you do. Most of them even get health insurance!!!

You see, the problem is you can't sell your junk to minorities because there's nothing there for them. THere's really nothing there for White people, except for maintaining the illusion of white privilege.

No, we are not going to do that. Better to let the country fall than to pander to people with taxpayer money. At least history will be written if down the road, another country wants to escape the evils of Socialism and Communism to restart their own country. That way they can examine what caused our failure and not do it themselves.

Guy, get real. most "Socialism" in this country are big fat benefits collected by white people- Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance. And no one is willing to part with it.

What they probably don't get is where all this racism talk comes from and why. But this old wives tale of Republicans being old rich white guys that are dying off has been around the last 30 years. In fact after Ears won, they claimed we were just seeing the beginning.

You haven't won the popular vote since 2004, so he probably had a point.
I know, man, it's hard for you to admit that you got played by the one percent again.

What one-percent played me? I work for a small family business less than 12 employees; small businesses dropped their insurance coverage the most.

The left wing media had nothing to do with it. It's when my Romney loving boss screwed me over professionally and then announced, "That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union!"

And he wasn't even the worst person I ever worked for.

But you see, if the GOP ran on, "NO rights at work, you'll work harder to make the rich richer," even dumb white trash like you wouldn't vote for them.

So A Koch Brother, a Teabagger and a welfare person walk into a resturant and the waiter brings out 12 cookies. The Koch brother wolfs down 11 of them and says, "That welfare person wants half your cookie!!!"

So why be pissed at Republicans? Romney is a liberal in our party. He's hardly what anybody would consider a conservative. He's hardly a Republican.

Let me correct your attempted scenario: The Koch brothers walk in and buy 12 cookies, and the welfare person thinks he deserves half of them.

How about Jobs and dignity? Guy, most minorities have jobs, and they work harder than you do. Most of them even get health insurance!!!

You see, the problem is you can't sell your junk to minorities because there's nothing there for them. THere's really nothing there for White people, except for maintaining the illusion of white privilege.

First you say they want jobs and dignity, and the very next sentence, you claim they have jobs. WTF?

Well if they want jobs, they shouldn't support the Democrat party. Democrats want to give all those jobs to foreigners who drift across our open border. The Democrats could care less about blacks because most are politically ignorant and don't realize what Democrats are doing to their race by selling them out. Democrats have the black vote tied up. Until they get more educated, it will remain that way too.

But I digress, I just have to know. Since you're a person with serious mental Issues (now that you're bringing up my insurance twice in each post) do you have dreams about my situation every night? Just curious. Since you know nothing of my appearance, does my avatar chase you around and you wake up screaming?

Guy, get real. most "Socialism" in this country are big fat benefits collected by white people- Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance. And no one is willing to part with it.

Well that's how the devil works you know. Many years ago the Communists stated they would take over this country from within--not with guns and an invasion. It will be done peacefully.
Your words, not mine. Why is it the left brings up race everywhere?
Because that's how you divide the country.
There's a huge misconception here. Most normal people would see a problem, such as race relations, and want to fix it. Improve it. Heal wounds. That's the obvious thought for a normal person, and that's what we tend to assume is the goal of any "conversation on race".

But that's not the case. The Regressive Left has zero (0) interest in healing wounds or improving race relations. They're just waiting for demographics to be on their side and it will be payback time. A few of the various minorities in my own family will admit that to you, after a beer or two. The rest haven't bought into the bullshit, thankfully.

Another mistake that is made is looking only at minority demographics. While blacks and browns still represent a total of far less than 50% of the population, remember that they also have most of the Left on their side as well. And the Regressives are so consumed by skin color, White Guilt and self-loathing that they're 100% reliable politically, and will probably put even MORE effort into this than minorities.

This is happening right now. I don't think most of the Right sees it. It's most likely too late, anyway.

Unfortunately, the intolerance of the left and their vengeance through projection of their own guilt to the right ie slavery, segregation will, ironically, lead us into a civil war between ideologies that will ultimately destroy this country.
Bull shit. I said nothing about nudists or little girls, you did
You said “morality laws”. What do you think those are for - to keep emissions low on automobiles? :eusa_doh:

When I say "morality laws," no, nudists and little girls are not what occur to me. You made that up
Again...what do you think “morality laws” are for - to limit the number of public utilities in your area? :eusa_doh:
So why be pissed at Republicans? Romney is a liberal in our party. He's hardly what anybody would consider a conservative. He's hardly a Republican.

No, the fact you guys have gone crazier than Romney, who was bad enough in the combination of greed and religious crazy, doesn't say much for you.

The thing is, Reagan, Bush (both of them) Ford, Dole and just about everyone else who has been prominent in the GOP in the last quarter century would be "liberal" these days.

Let me correct your attempted scenario: The Koch brothers walk in and buy 12 cookies, and the welfare person thinks he deserves half of them.

Really? Welfare makes up less than 13% of GDP spending, and that's including middle class entitlements. Try again.

Well if they want jobs, they shouldn't support the Democrat party. Democrats want to give all those jobs to foreigners who drift across our open border.

Nobody wants the jobs illegals are doing.

The Democrats could care less about blacks because most are politically ignorant and don't realize what Democrats are doing to their race by selling them out. Democrats have the black vote tied up. Until they get more educated, it will remain that way too.

Blacks do better under Democrats than they do under Republicans. Then again, so do whites...

Or did you not just notice that 9 of the last ten recessions happened when Republicans were in charge? (Oh, please, spare me the excuses.)

Since you're a person with serious mental Issues (now that you're bringing up my insurance twice in each post) do you have dreams about my situation every night?

Naw, buddy, I don't give you any thought when I'm not here. I kind of feel sad for you, they keep screwing you and you keep bending over for it. YOu are the ultimate battered housewife republican.

Well that's how the devil works you know. Many years ago the Communists stated they would take over this country from within--not with guns and an invasion. It will be done peacefully.

Or we just sensibly realized that we don't let decent people starve to death or die of treatable diseases because the One Percent has no more use for them.

Maybe you should read a book about what America was like for most people before the New Deal happened.

Spoiler Alert- it sucked and people died before they were 60, for the most part.
They have till next January to complete the final 36% if the congress changes in November but I don't see that happening

I'd love for somebody to show me a President in recent times that got half of what they wanted to get done.

I have no complaints about Trump. Actually he got a lot done in spite of not having a super majority in the Senate and all these commie judges that are stopping his agenda at every turn. Unlike any other Republican President, he spit in the face of the MSM instead of caving into them all the time.

Our system was by design not to have sudden changes overnight. Trump has shown he is willing to work with the left, but the left (as usual) said do things our way or no way at all. WTF is anybody in Trump's position supposed to do?

It's been one year. In spite of the MSM brainwashing, I wouldn't put too much money on a change of Congress either. The Senate? That's always up for grabs.

Of course you have no complaints about Trump. You're too fucking stupid to see what a circus his administration is. He's been in office one fucking year and he's already on his 45th communications director, for Christ sakes. You're too stupid to be embarrassed by this fucking imbecile and the chaos that he's created. He can't even run the fucking West Wing, let alone the country.

He's doing a lot better running the country than Ears.

Sure he is, goober. Even if that were true, Trump's still a racist and a misogynist. Not that a evil little piss ant like you gives two shits about Trump's character.

Remember it's you on the left that told us it doesn't matter what a person does on his own time, as long as he's doing a good job. Now go have a cigar.

So it's OK to be a racist on your own time??? Don't think any liberal feels that way, lightweight.

And Trump is a racist all the time, not just on his "own time"....just like when he was defending those white supremacists at Charlottesville.
Outside of tax reform, there isn’t one single thing that the Republicans have achieved. They haven’t repealed anything and they haven’t passed anything. They absolutely deserve to have their asses handed to them in the 2018 midterm election. What a wasted opportunity to make a positive difference for this country.

Is it too much to ask for politicians to deliver in what they promised to do? This is a prime example of why we needed the Tea Party so desperately. It is time that we bury the Republican Party for good. True conservatives, libertarians, the Tea Party, etc. need to join the Constitution Party.

I would like nothing better than if you Crazy Teabaggers and libertards formed your own party, so we could see how small of a slice of the electorate you are.

Sadly, the problem is, you hijack elections because so few people vote in primaries, and then the rest go along with you and your silly ideas. "Wow, tax cuts for rich people. Yeah, that won't run up the deficit like the last two times we did it!"
All that post tells me is the government relies to much on the rich for its revenue

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