Republicans deserve what they get

So who should the government rely on for its revenue, genius? Last time I checked, the wealthy had all the money.
Every single American in this country enjoys the same “benefits” (if you can even call them that) that the government provides. Therefore, every single American should carry the same burden - 10%.

It’s bullshit that you people want to mooch off of society and have a free ride while demanding that the wealthy pay 90% or more. Especially from the jerks who always scream about being “equal”. You want “equality”? The parasite pays the same 10% that the wealthy does.
there's one hard fact about life. no one gets out alive. if that is the sole reason to not carry faith, you never had it to begin with.

The hard fiction the Nuns taught us for years was that the Magic Sky Fairy listens to your prayers if you show up every Sunday and give him money.

Except in this case, he didn't.

Then one of those old frustrated carpet munchers had the nerve to show up at my Mom's wake and claim God had a good reason for this. (Again, my mom was the art teacher at the Catholic School I went to for 8 years and still have the occasional nightmare about.)

Now, I was responding to Racist From Cleveland's claim that it was just horrible that Castro demonstrated the stupidity of religion to children. I wish someone had done that when I was a kid, it could have saved me a lot of grief.

For the record, I kind of had my doubts before Mom got sick. Mostly because what they were teaching us was sooooo messed up.

Sr. Mary Butch " And people were wicked, so God sent a flood and drowned them all!"

11 year old Joey "Why did God drown the babies, Sister?"

Sr. Mary Butch, "They were wicked babies!!!! WWWWWIIIIIICKED!!!!!"

Sadly, I had to put up with 7 more years of that insanity through High School.
I grew up in a private catholic school also.

I'm also apathetic to religion these days. You are angry aboutcit for xyz reason but mostly cause life is hard and you got told no by god a few times.

Now you can't let people have their own faith because you can't understand your own.
Well,no, they don't. The Trade Embargo with the US extends far beyond US Trade. For instance, I worked for a British Company from 2008 to 2015. Guess who they couldn't trade with? That's right, Cuba.

Foreign trade - Cuba - export

Actually, Cuba was poor and miserable for most of it's people long before the Commies got there. It's how they got there.

Yes it was, and things are not much better today either while countries like ours flourished.

When you have no ability to go anywhere no matter how hard you work, then what's the point of working hard? That's why we are successful and people in Cuba live in houses the size of our two car garages. When you are rewarded for work, you work harder and strive for success. It's the American way as much as you hate America.

Nobody from America is trying to sneak into Cuba in rubber rafts hoping not to drown or die on the way; they are trying to get here.

Yeah, here's the thing. You can pray to an imaginary sky pixie all day for good things to happen. I remember praying to him for my Mom not to die of cancer. spoiler alert, she died.

Again, we wouldn't need government benefits if the wealth was fairly distributed in the first place. YOu guys have created your own problem.

And if we did that, who would want to invent anything? Who would want to risk their money to create jobs? Who would want to get an education to learn technical fields of work? Nobody. We would all be working at McDonald's or dumping garbage cans for a living. In other words, there would be no wealth TO spread around.

You see, here's the thing. It's been 8 years since ACA passed. In those 8 years you could have sent out resumes to other companies. You could have gone to night class training to do something else. Instead you pick to whine and carp about how your misery is Obama's fault because your boss screwed you. You don't blame your boss, and you don't blame yourself.

The ironic thing is, the best thing that could have happened to you is some of the things Obama gave up on trying to get one Republican to sign up for ACA. Medicare buy in for people over 55 or a public option would have solved your problem.

Sure it would. I guess 20 trillion in debt isn't enough for you. Do you know what really works? Getting government out of our lives. Allowing us to choose our own destiny. After all, that's the way the country was designed. And if government stayed out of my life, my life would be so much better today.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
there's one hard fact about life. no one gets out alive. if that is the sole reason to not carry faith, you never had it to begin with.

The hard fiction the Nuns taught us for years was that the Magic Sky Fairy listens to your prayers if you show up every Sunday and give him money.

Except in this case, he didn't.

Then one of those old frustrated carpet munchers had the nerve to show up at my Mom's wake and claim God had a good reason for this. (Again, my mom was the art teacher at the Catholic School I went to for 8 years and still have the occasional nightmare about.)

Now, I was responding to Racist From Cleveland's claim that it was just horrible that Castro demonstrated the stupidity of religion to children. I wish someone had done that when I was a kid, it could have saved me a lot of grief.

For the record, I kind of had my doubts before Mom got sick. Mostly because what they were teaching us was sooooo messed up.

Sr. Mary Butch " And people were wicked, so God sent a flood and drowned them all!"

11 year old Joey "Why did God drown the babies, Sister?"

Sr. Mary Butch, "They were wicked babies!!!! WWWWWIIIIIICKED!!!!!"

Sadly, I had to put up with 7 more years of that insanity through High School.
I grew up in a private catholic school also.

I'm also apathetic to religion these days. You are angry aboutcit for xyz reason but mostly cause life is hard and you got told no by god a few times.

Now you can't let people have their own faith because you can't understand your own.

Joe thought that if you pray for something, it's supposed to magically happen. I don't know what religious school taught him that. If that were the case, everybody would be praying to be a millionaire.

I tell people that if they really want to find God, don't look in the Bible. Don't look for a specific religion. If you want to find God, just watch some of those nature shows. Learn how amazing it is we get our energy from a star tens of millions of miles away; how water magically falls from the sky, and food grows because of it; how all the animals interact with the planet, insects, and the environment. The very idea of reproduction is amazing in itself.

Everything we have today came from this planet earth. God gave us the resources for fuel, to create steel and plastic, bricks and cement, medicine, wood for homes and cooking, electricity, everything came from this piece of ground.

There is no other planet like it, and to think everything that takes place every day is not orchestrated by a powerful being is as ridiculous as it gets.
so you got crayons for christmas i see.

Want some more???................LOL

List of unfulfilled campaign promise by Trump:

Repeal and replace Obamacare- empty campaign promise.

Label China a currency manipulator- empty campaign promise.

Drain the swamp - empty campaign promise.

Bring back coal mining jobs - empty campaign promise.

Solve the North Korea problem - empty campaign promise.

Build the Wall - empty campaign promise.

Peace in the Middle East - empty campaign promise.

Get us a “better deal” with China empty campaign promise.

Lock Hillary Clinton up - empty campaign promise.

Play less golf and take fewer vacations than Obama - empty campaign promise.
If you weren't such a liar you'd put the blame where it belongs for all that, on congress.
there's one hard fact about life. no one gets out alive. if that is the sole reason to not carry faith, you never had it to begin with.

The hard fiction the Nuns taught us for years was that the Magic Sky Fairy listens to your prayers if you show up every Sunday and give him money.

Except in this case, he didn't.

Then one of those old frustrated carpet munchers had the nerve to show up at my Mom's wake and claim God had a good reason for this. (Again, my mom was the art teacher at the Catholic School I went to for 8 years and still have the occasional nightmare about.)

Now, I was responding to Racist From Cleveland's claim that it was just horrible that Castro demonstrated the stupidity of religion to children. I wish someone had done that when I was a kid, it could have saved me a lot of grief.

For the record, I kind of had my doubts before Mom got sick. Mostly because what they were teaching us was sooooo messed up.

Sr. Mary Butch " And people were wicked, so God sent a flood and drowned them all!"

11 year old Joey "Why did God drown the babies, Sister?"

Sr. Mary Butch, "They were wicked babies!!!! WWWWWIIIIIICKED!!!!!"

Sadly, I had to put up with 7 more years of that insanity through High School.
I grew up in a private catholic school also.

I'm also apathetic to religion these days. You are angry aboutcit for xyz reason but mostly cause life is hard and you got told no by god a few times.

Now you can't let people have their own faith because you can't understand your own.

Joe thought that if you pray for something, it's supposed to magically happen. I don't know what religious school taught him that. If that were the case, everybody would be praying to be a millionaire.

I tell people that if they really want to find God, don't look in the Bible. Don't look for a specific religion. If you want to find God, just watch some of those nature shows. Learn how amazing it is we get our energy from a star tens of millions of miles away; how water magically falls from the sky, and food grows because of it; how all the animals interact with the planet, insects, and the environment. The very idea of reproduction is amazing in itself.

Everything we have today came from this planet earth. God gave us the resources for fuel, to create steel and plastic, bricks and cement, medicine, wood for homes and cooking, electricity, everything came from this piece of ground.

There is no other planet like it, and to think everything that takes place every day is not orchestrated by a powerful being is as ridiculous as it gets.
i was born and raised roman catholic. first 5 years a private catholic school and head alter boy. doled out communion every sunday. went to all the religious classes and CCD in high school where i was still an alter boy at times.

when i turned 21, i just walked away. i didn't like a lot of it and a lot was left to "faith" vs. answers. when my mother passed away from cancer i was already apathetic to it all but i knew what her faith meant to her.

being religious isn't always about the "magic pixie dude in the sky". in fact, it rarely is. it's more how we treat each other on a day to day basis. faith is something we all have in different areas and for our own reasons. but to come back and slam someone for theirs regardless of your own life experiences is shallow and speaks far to about the one slamming than the ones being slammed.

i don't think i'll ever be all that religious. it just isn't how i choose to believe. but i do however also choose to let others have that same right w/o my own animosity. when you're ok with who you are, you're usually a lot more lenient on others.

so while i may not believe in god, i do believe in faith. treat others how you'd wish to be treated and most problems fade away.
Brainwashing works though, just look at you. You've been brainwashed by the left and MSM (one of the same) that anytime you lose an election, it's not because of anything you did, it's because the Republicans cheated somehow.

First I was more right wing than you were up until 2008, buddy. Then after an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K, I realized I had no business voting Republican...

Neither do you with your cancelled health insurance living in a ruined city.

You're getting worse Joe. I told you your OCD would be getting worse if not treated, and I was correct. Now you are not only bringing it up every day, you are bringing it up with every post. You need to get a're losing it.

It doesn't matter how far you were either way, what matters is the left-wing media has brainwashed you. Don't feel bad, millions join you on that. But in making your claims, you fall under the same umbrella with the birthers.

Joe always used to say he flipped in 2000 when the Supreme Court stopped Democrats from stealing the election. Now he flipped in 2008 over the mortgage crisis?

The mortgage crisis was a total two party cluster. Clinton initiated the program. W came in and said wow, that's a bad idea. Then he expanded it. Typical W. An actual brain if switching over that would become a libertarian. We'd have never done that.

Also, he always claims he flipped sides over one thing. He never explains why that made him flip sides on every issue
Bull shit. I said nothing about nudists or little girls, you did
You said “morality laws”. What do you think those are for - to keep emissions low on automobiles? :eusa_doh:

When I say "morality laws," no, nudists and little girls are not what occur to me. You made that up
Again...what do you think “morality laws” are for - to limit the number of public utilities in your area? :eusa_doh:

You're just babbling. And I stopped discussing morality laws with you when your argument was little girls shouldn't see naked people
Brainwashing works though, just look at you. You've been brainwashed by the left and MSM (one of the same) that anytime you lose an election, it's not because of anything you did, it's because the Republicans cheated somehow.

First I was more right wing than you were up until 2008, buddy. Then after an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K, I realized I had no business voting Republican...

Neither do you with your cancelled health insurance living in a ruined city.

You're getting worse Joe. I told you your OCD would be getting worse if not treated, and I was correct. Now you are not only bringing it up every day, you are bringing it up with every post. You need to get a're losing it.

It doesn't matter how far you were either way, what matters is the left-wing media has brainwashed you. Don't feel bad, millions join you on that. But in making your claims, you fall under the same umbrella with the birthers.

Joe always used to say he flipped in 2000 when the Supreme Court stopped Democrats from stealing the election. Now he flipped in 2008 over the mortgage crisis?

The mortgage crisis was a total two party cluster. Clinton initiated the program. W came in and said wow, that's a bad idea. Then he expanded it. Typical W. An actual brain if switching over that would become a libertarian. We'd have never done that.

Also, he always claims he flipped sides over one thing. He never explains why that made him flip sides on every issue

His claim is that he lost everything in the market. Well, why didn't I? I benefited from it because I had competent investors handling my retirement account. When the market started to crash, they quit putting my (and my employers) contributions into it. When it started to go back up, they dumped all that saved money in. It was like a two-for-one sale. They bought a huge number of shares at less than half of the cost it was before the crash. Now my account is padded very nicely.

It's apparent Joe doesn't understand the housing bubble or crash and how it began. As far as he's concerned, Bush was President and that's all that mattered. It's his fault.
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there's one hard fact about life. no one gets out alive. if that is the sole reason to not carry faith, you never had it to begin with.

The hard fiction the Nuns taught us for years was that the Magic Sky Fairy listens to your prayers if you show up every Sunday and give him money.

Except in this case, he didn't.

Then one of those old frustrated carpet munchers had the nerve to show up at my Mom's wake and claim God had a good reason for this. (Again, my mom was the art teacher at the Catholic School I went to for 8 years and still have the occasional nightmare about.)

Now, I was responding to Racist From Cleveland's claim that it was just horrible that Castro demonstrated the stupidity of religion to children. I wish someone had done that when I was a kid, it could have saved me a lot of grief.

For the record, I kind of had my doubts before Mom got sick. Mostly because what they were teaching us was sooooo messed up.

Sr. Mary Butch " And people were wicked, so God sent a flood and drowned them all!"

11 year old Joey "Why did God drown the babies, Sister?"

Sr. Mary Butch, "They were wicked babies!!!! WWWWWIIIIIICKED!!!!!"

Sadly, I had to put up with 7 more years of that insanity through High School.
I grew up in a private catholic school also.

I'm also apathetic to religion these days. You are angry aboutcit for xyz reason but mostly cause life is hard and you got told no by god a few times.

Now you can't let people have their own faith because you can't understand your own.

Joe thought that if you pray for something, it's supposed to magically happen. I don't know what religious school taught him that. If that were the case, everybody would be praying to be a millionaire.

I tell people that if they really want to find God, don't look in the Bible. Don't look for a specific religion. If you want to find God, just watch some of those nature shows. Learn how amazing it is we get our energy from a star tens of millions of miles away; how water magically falls from the sky, and food grows because of it; how all the animals interact with the planet, insects, and the environment. The very idea of reproduction is amazing in itself.

Everything we have today came from this planet earth. God gave us the resources for fuel, to create steel and plastic, bricks and cement, medicine, wood for homes and cooking, electricity, everything came from this piece of ground.

There is no other planet like it, and to think everything that takes place every day is not orchestrated by a powerful being is as ridiculous as it gets.
i was born and raised roman catholic. first 5 years a private catholic school and head alter boy. doled out communion every sunday. went to all the religious classes and CCD in high school where i was still an alter boy at times.

when i turned 21, i just walked away. i didn't like a lot of it and a lot was left to "faith" vs. answers. when my mother passed away from cancer i was already apathetic to it all but i knew what her faith meant to her.

being religious isn't always about the "magic pixie dude in the sky". in fact, it rarely is. it's more how we treat each other on a day to day basis. faith is something we all have in different areas and for our own reasons. but to come back and slam someone for theirs regardless of your own life experiences is shallow and speaks far to about the one slamming than the ones being slammed.

i don't think i'll ever be all that religious. it just isn't how i choose to believe. but i do however also choose to let others have that same right w/o my own animosity. when you're ok with who you are, you're usually a lot more lenient on others.

so while i may not believe in god, i do believe in faith. treat others how you'd wish to be treated and most problems fade away.

I no longer follow the religion and haven't for years, but I am a full believer in God for the reasons I stated.

Religion is pages of words written and you either believe those words or you don't. I just can't put full faith in words alone without any evidence that what was written was actually so. Anybody could have written those words or changed them throughout the many generations of rewriting of those words. Kind of like when you tell a neighbor you hurt your arm mowing the lawn. He tells another neighbor and that neighbor tells another neighbor, and before you know it, you find out that the neighbor down the line thinks your arm got ripped off by the lawnmower.

I trust God but I don't trust man. I've seen what some men do to financially benefit from religion while the folks they collect money from are living on dog food.

I don't expect God to make my life perfect no matter how much I do or don't pray. All I try to do is be a good person and help people when I can. If there is someplace we go after this, I want to make sure I get in. :21:
Brainwashing works though, just look at you. You've been brainwashed by the left and MSM (one of the same) that anytime you lose an election, it's not because of anything you did, it's because the Republicans cheated somehow.

First I was more right wing than you were up until 2008, buddy. Then after an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K, I realized I had no business voting Republican...

Neither do you with your cancelled health insurance living in a ruined city.

You're getting worse Joe. I told you your OCD would be getting worse if not treated, and I was correct. Now you are not only bringing it up every day, you are bringing it up with every post. You need to get a're losing it.

It doesn't matter how far you were either way, what matters is the left-wing media has brainwashed you. Don't feel bad, millions join you on that. But in making your claims, you fall under the same umbrella with the birthers.

Joe always used to say he flipped in 2000 when the Supreme Court stopped Democrats from stealing the election. Now he flipped in 2008 over the mortgage crisis?

The mortgage crisis was a total two party cluster. Clinton initiated the program. W came in and said wow, that's a bad idea. Then he expanded it. Typical W. An actual brain if switching over that would become a libertarian. We'd have never done that.

Also, he always claims he flipped sides over one thing. He never explains why that made him flip sides on every issue

His claim is that he lost everything in the market. Well, why didn't I? I benefited from it because I had competent investors handling my retirement account. When the market started to crash, they quit putting my (and my employers) contributions into it. When it started to go back up, they dumped all that saved money in. It was like a two-for-one sale. They bought a huge number of shares at less than half of the cost it was before the crash. Now my account is padded very nicely.

It's apparent Joe doesn't understand the housing bubble or crash and how it began. As far as he's concerned, Bush was President and that's all that mattered. It's his fault.

Yep, Bush was President when the bubble burst. Joe doesn't care that it was Clinton's policy. And I'm blaming both of them. But I have intellectual integrity unlike Joe.

BTW, Joe also claims that he lost everything when he was fired. He was the star producer who made most of his company's money. Then he got sick and they didn't want to pay the insurance cost so they fired him. He doesn't know what group rates are obviously. And they fired their star rain maker? Yeah, sure.

Sounds like the one consistency with Joe is he likes to make up stories
Brainwashing works though, just look at you. You've been brainwashed by the left and MSM (one of the same) that anytime you lose an election, it's not because of anything you did, it's because the Republicans cheated somehow.

First I was more right wing than you were up until 2008, buddy. Then after an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K, I realized I had no business voting Republican...

Neither do you with your cancelled health insurance living in a ruined city.

You're getting worse Joe. I told you your OCD would be getting worse if not treated, and I was correct. Now you are not only bringing it up every day, you are bringing it up with every post. You need to get a're losing it.

It doesn't matter how far you were either way, what matters is the left-wing media has brainwashed you. Don't feel bad, millions join you on that. But in making your claims, you fall under the same umbrella with the birthers.

Joe always used to say he flipped in 2000 when the Supreme Court stopped Democrats from stealing the election. Now he flipped in 2008 over the mortgage crisis?

The mortgage crisis was a total two party cluster. Clinton initiated the program. W came in and said wow, that's a bad idea. Then he expanded it. Typical W. An actual brain if switching over that would become a libertarian. We'd have never done that.

Also, he always claims he flipped sides over one thing. He never explains why that made him flip sides on every issue

His claim is that he lost everything in the market. Well, why didn't I? I benefited from it because I had competent investors handling my retirement account. When the market started to crash, they quit putting my (and my employers) contributions into it. When it started to go back up, they dumped all that saved money in. It was like a two-for-one sale. They bought a huge number of shares at less than half of the cost it was before the crash. Now my account is padded very nicely.

It's apparent Joe doesn't understand the housing bubble or crash and how it began. As far as he's concerned, Bush was President and that's all that mattered. It's his fault.

Yep, Bush was President when the bubble burst. Joe doesn't care that it was Clinton's policy. And I'm blaming both of them. But I have intellectual integrity unlike Joe.

BTW, Joe also claims that he lost everything when he was fired. He was the star producer who made most of his company's money. Then he got sick and they didn't want to pay the insurance cost so they fired him. He doesn't know what group rates are obviously. And they fired their star rain maker? Yeah, sure.

Sounds like the one consistency with Joe is he likes to make up stories

The way I understood it, his supervisor was a Romney supporter, and because he had some bad times with him, he switched to the Democrat party because of his boss..............What???????

In my time I worked for companies I ended up hating. I worked for supervisors I wanted to beat the living hell out of, but at no time would I ever consider their political affiliation a reason for me to switch parties.

He also claimed that's how he became a self-hating white as well. He said he had more in common with some minorities than he did with his white boss.

No matter what happens at work, once I'm home, work doesn't exist. I never before mixed the two together with the exception of being on call when I worked in home medical equipment. Then I had to be on call in case some idiot was running out of oxygen or some bimbo forgot to order electrodes for her infant monitor.
First I was more right wing than you were up until 2008, buddy. Then after an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K, I realized I had no business voting Republican...

Neither do you with your cancelled health insurance living in a ruined city.

You're getting worse Joe. I told you your OCD would be getting worse if not treated, and I was correct. Now you are not only bringing it up every day, you are bringing it up with every post. You need to get a're losing it.

It doesn't matter how far you were either way, what matters is the left-wing media has brainwashed you. Don't feel bad, millions join you on that. But in making your claims, you fall under the same umbrella with the birthers.

Joe always used to say he flipped in 2000 when the Supreme Court stopped Democrats from stealing the election. Now he flipped in 2008 over the mortgage crisis?

The mortgage crisis was a total two party cluster. Clinton initiated the program. W came in and said wow, that's a bad idea. Then he expanded it. Typical W. An actual brain if switching over that would become a libertarian. We'd have never done that.

Also, he always claims he flipped sides over one thing. He never explains why that made him flip sides on every issue

His claim is that he lost everything in the market. Well, why didn't I? I benefited from it because I had competent investors handling my retirement account. When the market started to crash, they quit putting my (and my employers) contributions into it. When it started to go back up, they dumped all that saved money in. It was like a two-for-one sale. They bought a huge number of shares at less than half of the cost it was before the crash. Now my account is padded very nicely.

It's apparent Joe doesn't understand the housing bubble or crash and how it began. As far as he's concerned, Bush was President and that's all that mattered. It's his fault.

Yep, Bush was President when the bubble burst. Joe doesn't care that it was Clinton's policy. And I'm blaming both of them. But I have intellectual integrity unlike Joe.

BTW, Joe also claims that he lost everything when he was fired. He was the star producer who made most of his company's money. Then he got sick and they didn't want to pay the insurance cost so they fired him. He doesn't know what group rates are obviously. And they fired their star rain maker? Yeah, sure.

Sounds like the one consistency with Joe is he likes to make up stories

The way I understood it, his supervisor was a Romney supporter, and because he had some bad times with him, he switched to the Democrat party because of his boss..............What???????

In my time I worked for companies I ended up hating. I worked for supervisors I wanted to beat the living hell out of, but at no time would I ever consider their political affiliation a reason for me to switch parties.

He also claimed that's how he became a self-hating white as well. He said he had more in common with some minorities than he did with his white boss.

No matter what happens at work, once I'm home, work doesn't exist. I never before mixed the two together with the exception of being on call when I worked in home medical equipment. Then I had to be on call in case some idiot was running out of oxygen or some bimbo forgot to order electrodes for her infant monitor.

Yes, of course it's absurd to change parties because of his boss. It's hilarious though that he changed when he switched parties. That's seriously not being able to keep his own lies straight
Unbelievable. This is pure Barack Insane Obama stupidity. The Republican's screamed at the top of their lungs when the Dumbocrats did this crap. But here they are doing the exact same thing.
The government said one project, a $1.9 million water supply line for a campground, would create 10 to 15 jobs and “increase economic development through adventure tourism.” That equates to $127,000 to $190,000 of taxpayer dollars per job created.
When you have to drop $150,000 of taxpayer money to "create" a job, you should be immediately removed from public office. Not only is that not a good deal - it's unconstitutional as hell.

Incidentally - this really illustrates the ignorance of the left. They complain about the Republicans who are continuing all of the failed policies of the Dumbocrats but since the left doesn't pay attention - they just scream and complain because they see an (R) behind the representatives name.

This Bill Won’t Help Coal Communities, but Rolling Back Regulations Will
I grew up in a private catholic school also.

I'm also apathetic to religion these days. You are angry aboutcit for xyz reason but mostly cause life is hard and you got told no by god a few times.

God never said "no" to me. He was too busy not existing.

I'm angry about it because it's a fucking lie we keep foisting on people to keep them scared and in line.

Joe always used to say he flipped in 2000 when the Supreme Court stopped Democrats from stealing the election. Now he flipped in 2008 over the mortgage crisis?

Um, nope, I never said that. In fact my story has been pretty consistent about why I changed my mind around the 2007-2009 time frame.

Short version-

1) My boss proudly announced in 2007 he could screw me over professionally because "he didn't have to deal with a union"

2) The 2008 recession was truly bad, and frankly, it was bad because economically, the Republicans got every damn thing they wanted.

3) The realization that the religious crazies took over when the prominent members of the GOP were people who thought they were wearing magic underwear (Romney), performed excorisms (Jindal), hung out with witch hunters (Palin) and thought that the Rapture was going to be a thing (Huckabee). The crazies had taken over the asylum.

I wish i could say that I was upset that Bush stole the election in 2000, or that he lied us into a war in Iraq in 2003 or that he let all those poor folks drown in 2005. But those things didn't affect me personally, so I didn't care about them.

His fuckups in 2008, those affected me.

The mortgage crisis was a total two party cluster. Clinton initiated the program. W came in and said wow, that's a bad idea. Then he expanded it. Typical W. An actual brain if switching over that would become a libertarian. We'd have never done that.

Again, the mortgage crisis had nothing to do with the CRA (which actually started under Carter), or the attempts to increase minority ownership. The mortgage crisis happned because middle class people were buying huge houses they couldn't afford and flipping them a few years later at a profit. That resulted in a glut of overpriced housing, until the bubble burst.

Also, he always claims he flipped sides over one thing. He never explains why that made him flip sides on every issue

Because there was only ONE ISSUE. The issue being, "the struggle between the wealthy and the rest of us." The GOP never bans abortion, but they always, always, always make damned sure that rich get their deregulation and their tax cuts.

Shouldn't have taken FOUR Republican recessions for me to figure this out.

I'll give you a great case in point. Hey, remember in 2004 when Bush and Cheney thought gay marriage was the biggest threat in the world and they were going to pass a constitutional amendment to define marriage?

Then after the election, their priority was more tax cuts, more deregulation, and letting Wall Street loot social security (that was even a bridge too far for Congressional republicans.)
Nobody from America is trying to sneak into Cuba in rubber rafts hoping not to drown or die on the way; they are trying to get here.

Actually, they snuck in here because of government offered them a shitload of goodies for doing it, because Communism Bad.

If we treated Mexicans the way we treated Cubans, we wouldn't have an "immigration crisis".

And if we did that, who would want to invent anything?

I don't know, creative imaginative people? I know that for every person who creates something cool for money, there's someone who creates something just because they are creative.

My Mom painted hundreds of pictures and never got paid for any of them. She gave them away to friends and neighbors.

Who would want to risk their money to create jobs?

Capitalists don't create jobs, consumer demand does.

Sure it would. I guess 20 trillion in debt isn't enough for you. Do you know what really works? Getting government out of our lives. Allowing us to choose our own destiny. After all, that's the way the country was designed. And if government stayed out of my life, my life would be so much better today.

Actually, we didn't have a debt problem until REpublicans decided that giving tax cuts to rich people was more important than paying for the services government is supposed to provide.

in fact, the tax cut mentality has made government bigger. Look at all these goodies we get and we don't have to pay for them.

BUt don't worry, you aren't a miserable failure because of government. That's all on you, buddy.
His claim is that he lost everything in the market.

Actually, I never claimed that.

Now my account is padded very nicely.

But you still can't get health insurance.

It's apparent Joe doesn't understand the housing bubble or crash and how it began. As far as he's concerned, Bush was President and that's all that mattered. It's his fault.

I understand EXACTLY how it happened. It happened because the federal agencies that were supposed to watching the banks were filled with political cronies, and once the banks realized no one was paying attention, they did EXACTLY what they did.

Until it blew up.
I understand EXACTLY how it happened. It happened because the federal agencies that were supposed to watching the banks were filled with political cronies, and once the banks realized no one was paying attention, they did EXACTLY what they did.

Until it blew up.

Right, the banks were waiting until they knew nobody was paying attention. How did they know that?

Again, you know nothing of what happened. Banks cannot sell loans unless they meet HUD guidelines. HUD is the boss of Fanny and Freddy. They greatly reduced qualifications to get a loan, came up with 0% down and virtually no credit checks, and pressured banks that didn't comply.

Clinton (the first black President) wanted to see a huge increase in black home ownership. After he left, we had a short and mild recession, but when Bush got the economy going again, the housing market picked up with the new weaker guidelines.

Home ownership went up greatly by blacks, Bush allowed the disaster to continue, and the Republican Congress wanted to create an oversight committee for F and F which the Democrats fought all the way.

But you still can't get health insurance.

And you can't get a shrink. Which one of us is worse?

Actually, I never claimed that.

Yes you did, several times.
Actually, they snuck in here because of government offered them a shitload of goodies for doing it, because Communism Bad.

If we treated Mexicans the way we treated Cubans, we wouldn't have an "immigration crisis".

Bull. They didn't get anything for coming here except freedom and the ability to be rewarded for hard work which didn't happen in Cuba. But even if you believe anything you say, how does that explain people from all over the world trying to get here? Most of them want the ability to try their hand at capitalism. Most of them want the opportunities that were totally impossible where they came from. That's why people come to the United States.

I don't know, creative imaginative people? I know that for every person who creates something cool for money, there's someone who creates something just because they are creative.

My Mom painted hundreds of pictures and never got paid for any of them. She gave them away to friends and neighbors.

A hobby and being an innovator are two entirely different things. People create new products or services for the sole purpose of profit.

Capitalists don't create jobs, consumer demand does.

And demand is never met until somebody with money opens up a business to create the products or services that consumers do demand. Consumers don't put ads in the paper looking for workers. Consumers don't invest their money for equipment and structure needed to manufacture. Consumers don't hire one single person; the investor of the company does. Consumers wanting a product that can't be produced doesn't create one job.

Actually, we didn't have a debt problem until REpublicans decided that giving tax cuts to rich people was more important than paying for the services government is supposed to provide.

in fact, the tax cut mentality has made government bigger. Look at all these goodies we get and we don't have to pay for them.

BUt don't worry, you aren't a miserable failure because of government. That's all on you, buddy.

if government would get out of my way, I would be ten times more productive and successful. If government won't allow a person to be all they can be, then WTF is a person supposed to do?

All the "goodies" come from Democrats. It's called vote buying and dependency.
Right, the banks were waiting until they knew nobody was paying attention. How did they know that?

The people at the SEC and FDIC and FSLIC all had "R" after their names.

That's how they knew no one was paying attention when they were selling bad mortgages as investments at an inflated price.

Again, you know nothing of what happened. Banks cannot sell loans unless they meet HUD guidelines. HUD is the boss of Fanny and Freddy. They greatly reduced qualifications to get a loan, came up with 0% down and virtually no credit checks, and pressured banks that didn't comply.

Except that HUD Cant' force anyone to make a loan they aren't qualified for.... that's the point. All the CRA did was say, you can't disqualify a candidate if he lived in a certain neighborhood or wanted to buy in a certain neighborhood, which is what the banks were doing.

Clinton (the first black President) wanted to see a huge increase in black home ownership. After he left, we had a short and mild recession, but when Bush got the economy going again, the housing market picked up with the new weaker guidelines.

Except Clinton's changes to the CRA guidelines weren't all that much.

Once again, the problem wasn't poor people buying houses in Cleveland or the West Side of Chicago. It was middle class people buying McMansions in Schaumburg or Orland Park, hoping to flip them before they ran out of money because they really couldn't afford the monthly mortgage payments. Worked fine, until they built so many McMansions the market was glutted.

So every day, I'd drive past these McMansions in Schaumburg where work had stopped in 2009 and didn't resume until 2014 or so.

Home ownership went up greatly by blacks, Bush allowed the disaster to continue, and the Republican Congress wanted to create an oversight committee for F and F which the Democrats fought all the way.

Yeah, Ray brought the Racism again. Blacks weren't the problem. It was middle class white people buying McMansions.

Fannie and Freddie weren't the problem, either. It was Bear Stearns and AIG and Morgan-Stanley who were the problem. F&F just got stuck holding the bag.

Yes you did, several times.

No, I never said I lost everything. I said that I had a busted 401K thanks to Bush. That it was worth less than what i put into it. I managed to recover some of that when Obama brought the market back.

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