Republicans deserve what they get

if government would get out of my way, I would be ten times more productive and successful. If government won't allow a person to be all they can be, then WTF is a person supposed to do?

Maybe all you can be is a whiny racist loser? Now, if you tried to evolve above that, we can talk.

Bull. They didn't get anything for coming here except freedom and the ability to be rewarded for hard work which didn't happen in Cuba.

Read up on some of the incentives we gave Cuban Defectors. Pretty much, you got here, you get the path to citizenship. If we treated Mexicans that way, Mexico would be empty.

A hobby and being an innovator are two entirely different things. People create new products or services for the sole purpose of profit.

But only if there is a demand for them.

And demand is never met until somebody with money opens up a business to create the products or services that consumers do demand. Consumers don't put ads in the paper looking for workers.

Again, buddy, you are mistaking a parasite for a vital organ. The function of a capitalist could be served just as well by a common fund to sponsor innovation,and in fact, most R&D in this country is government funded.
Maybe all you can be is a whiny racist loser? Now, if you tried to evolve above that, we can talk.

I hardly consider myself a loser. It's not like my only ability is to sit home writing resumes all day.

Everything considering, I'm not doing too bad. In fact I had my taxes done yesterday. My preparer told me how impressed she was that I was able to turn a profit on my rental properties. She said every other landlord client she has shows a loss by the end of the year.

Of course I could do better if government didn't F me up so badly, but there is nothing you can do about that except vote real Americans into office. Speaking of which, my preparer also told me how much better I'll be doing next year because of Trump's tax cuts because of the higher taxable income.

Let's see, I had one President that cost me a ton of money, and now I have a President that's going to save me a good amount of money. Gee.......which President is better???

Read up on some of the incentives we gave Cuban Defectors. Pretty much, you got here, you get the path to citizenship. If we treated Mexicans that way, Mexico would be empty.

Yes, every Cuban that makes it here is granted automatic citizenship. But they don't come here for citizenship (although it's a help) they come here to experience capitalism.

But only if there is a demand for them.

In may cases, the entrepreneurs create the demand for products. How would you desire a product that hasn't even been invented yet? When we were younger and heard about computers and the internet, most of us said "WTF would I need that for?" Now if the internet goes down, you think it's the end of the Fn world. Same with cell phones. Yeah, they are neat, but how often would I need one? Now we don't leave home without it. When a new model comes out, people rush out to get one before they run out.

Again, buddy, you are mistaking a parasite for a vital organ. The function of a capitalist could be served just as well by a common fund to sponsor innovation,and in fact, most R&D in this country is government funded.

So government should be our employers too? Are you sure you're happy in this country? Sounds to me like you want the government to run your entire life.
I hardly consider myself a loser. It's not like my only ability is to sit home writing resumes all day.

You are right. If you could write a resume, you wouldn't be taking it up the ass from a guy who won't even spring for your health insurance.

Naw, I could probably write a great resume for you,and you'd out yourself as an EEOC lawsuit in the first interview.

Everything considering, I'm not doing too bad. In fact I had my taxes done yesterday. My preparer told me how impressed she was that I was able to turn a profit on my rental properties. She said every other landlord client she has shows a loss by the end of the year.

That just tells me you aren't doing it right. You always find a way to show a "loss' on paper.

Of course I could do better if government didn't F me up so badly, but there is nothing you can do about that except vote real Americans into office. Speaking of which, my preparer also told me how much better I'll be doing next year because of Trump's tax cuts because of the higher taxable income.

Sure you will. I'm sure you'll get a whole extra $18 a week.

Yes, every Cuban that makes it here is granted automatic citizenship. But they don't come here for citizenship (although it's a help) they come here to experience capitalism.

Actually, they come here because we give them a shitload of goodies. Or we used to until the 1990s. Funny, after the 1990's, they stopped coming, pretty much.

So government should be our employers too? Are you sure you're happy in this country? Sounds to me like you want the government to run your entire life.

Actually, my best time in life was when I worked for a government agency (the Army), compared to the cocksuckers I've worked for in the private sector. I do enjoy owning my own business most of all, now that I have the freedom to do that.
That just tells me you aren't doing it right. You always find a way to show a "loss' on paper.

Only if you lie. But I've never been audited in my entire life and probably never will least according to my tax preparer.

Sure you will. I'm sure you'll get a whole extra $18 a week.

That's $18.00 more a week than I had under the big-eared clown. I won't get fined for not having insurance. I will get a refund next year because my taxable income will decrease, and that's a huge help.

Actually, they come here because we give them a shitload of goodies. Or we used to until the 1990s. Funny, after the 1990's, they stopped coming, pretty much.

No they are still coming, it's just the MSM has shifted gears to concentrate on attacking Trump and the Republicans.

Actually, my best time in life was when I worked for a government agency (the Army), compared to the cocksuckers I've worked for in the private sector. I do enjoy owning my own business most of all, now that I have the freedom to do that.

Then why didn't you stay or reenlist? You could have retired fifteen years ago.
Only if you lie. But I've never been audited in my entire life and probably never will least according to my tax preparer.

Probably need a better one...

That's $18.00 more a week than I had under the big-eared clown. I won't get fined for not having insurance. I will get a refund next year because my taxable income will decrease, and that's a huge help.

Right.... because hey, let those future kids pay the huge deficits...

No they are still coming, it's just the MSM has shifted gears to concentrate on attacking Trump and the Republicans.

Nope, they really aren't. Clinton cut off the goodies and they pretty much stopped coming. Now if we can ship the ones we already have back.

Then why didn't you stay or reenlist? You could have retired fifteen years ago.

Didn't like fighting for the Jews and the Oil companies.
Nope, they really aren't. Clinton cut off the goodies and they pretty much stopped coming. Now if we can ship the ones we already have back.

Ship the people back who escaped a dictatorship but keep the Mexicans who came here illegally? Now that's a leftist plan if I ever heard one.

Right.... because hey, let those future kids pay the huge deficits...

You didn't seem to mind when Ears was running up our debt to over 10 trillion more than we had. And what did we get out of it? A failed new social program complete with a billion dollar internet site, cash for clunkers, double the food stamp recipients, tax breaks for electric cars and solar panels, giving guns to drug cartels..........

At least now people are actually getting the money. It's not going to pet projects and party supporters like the unions. But oh are those evil rich people in blue states bitching up a storm. You know, those people that always say we need to tax the rich more?

Probably need a better one...

Mine is just fine. Get a preparer that lies for you and you can find yourself in hot water.
Ship the people back who escaped a dictatorship but keep the Mexicans who came here illegally? Now that's a leftist plan if I ever heard one.

Given what other shitheads the Cubans are, like when they burned American flags when Elian got sent home, I'd be happy to ship them all back. "All yours, Raoul!"

You didn't seem to mind when Ears was running up our debt to over 10 trillion more than we had. And what did we get out of it? A failed new social program complete with a billion dollar internet site, cash for clunkers, double the food stamp recipients, tax breaks for electric cars and solar panels, giving guns to drug cartels..........

Yes, yes, yes, your hate list.

So let's look at why we ran up 10 Trillion.
Bush's War
Bush's Recession
Bush's tax cuts for rich people.

That's why we had 10 Trillion in debt. On top of the 6 Trillion Bush added on his own watch.

Guess what, when Obama got us out of Bush's recesssion, ended Bush's tax cuts for the rich, and got us out of Bush's war, a funny thing happened. The deficit went down and the economy got better.

Mine is just fine. Get a preparer that lies for you and you can find yourself in hot water.

It's not lying, guy, it's taking advantage of what's out there.

If you are not posting a loss on paper for rental property, you are either a slumlord or you are doing it wrong. In your case, I suspect it's a combination.
It's the left that makes everything a race issue. You are a perfect example of that. We could be discussing vending machines, and you would find a way to make it about race.

Um, no, what makes it a race issue is your racism.

the problem is you are so conditioned, you think it's normal.

Shoelace just went on a rant how he's not going to vote for a judge because he's white, and we have too many whites in our government. Well gee, I don't see him retiring to give his job to a black. But WTF does an appointment have to do with race?

Not sure who "Shoelace" is... but never mind.

You guys don't realize how much you're turning off the general public with this race crap. That's one good thing for us of course. And when are you going to make an appointment with a shrink about your OCD already? You've been bringing up my health insurance for two years now. Get off of it and try to get some sleep for a change. I'm living rent-free in your head.

Guy, if you can't see that your ENEMY is the guy who cancelled your health insurance to put a few more bucks in his pocket, it shows what a tool you are.

The thing is, this race crap started with Goldwater. The only problem is, that it isn't playing for you anymore. You haven't won a fair election since 1988.

And cheating only gets you so far.

Yep, this guy is a total sucker with a capital S.

And you're nothing but a troll. Just ask anybody here.

Let's see...would I rather be a liberal troll or an unabashed, unremarkable Repug racist with no ability to think rationally or critically like you?

I think I would rather be a liberal troll.

Your viewpoints simply aren't legitimate. You're an unsophisticated Repug who actually takes Trump seriously, even though his West Wing is a total fucking circus circular firing squad. The bottom line is you're simply stupid.

Just look at your previous post to Joe...blaming Obama for the deficit when it was caused by Bush's tax cuts and Bush's wars. What a fucking idiot you are.
So who should the government rely on for its revenue, genius? Last time I checked, the wealthy had all the money.
Every single American in this country enjoys the same “benefits” (if you can even call them that) that the government provides. Therefore, every single American should carry the same burden - 10%.

It’s bullshit that you people want to mooch off of society and have a free ride while demanding that the wealthy pay 90% or more. Especially from the jerks who always scream about being “equal”. You want “equality”? The parasite pays the same 10% that the wealthy does.

Nope, the rich benefit a lot more from this country than the poor. The rich get more of a "free ride" than anybody. They park their money in offshore accounts and pay a ridiculously low income tax rate and capital gains tax rate. Most corporations pay virtually no taxes. The rich destroy the economy like during the Wall Street crash in 2008, but unsophisticated Repugs like you continue to support them. And then the government gives them a $700 billion bailout with no repercussions. You don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.

I's your MORAL, peasant duty to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. You have no choice in the matter. After all, they are your moral and intellectual superiors.
You said in your OP that Repugs aren't achieving their agenda, yet you're agreeing with this fucking imbecile.
The Heritage Foundation is not a part of the Republican Party nitwit... :lmao:

And your point is??? You originally said the Repug Party is not achieving their agenda, and then you agree with this dumb ass. You're full of shit and you contradicted yourself because you're full of shit.
I grew up in a private catholic school also.

I'm also apathetic to religion these days. You are angry aboutcit for xyz reason but mostly cause life is hard and you got told no by god a few times.

God never said "no" to me. He was too busy not existing.

I'm angry about it because it's a fucking lie we keep foisting on people to keep them scared and in line.

so because you feel that way it MUST be right and all religious people are just scared.

you ever stop and think about the things you say?

if he doesn't exist *to you* great. but you may be wrong. to be clear, i don't believe in God either, but *I* may be wrong. i see nothing wrong with giving people a baseline of respect for how they feel that i would want in return. seems that is a foreign concept to far too many, however.
So who should the government rely on for its revenue, genius? Last time I checked, the wealthy had all the money.
Every single American in this country enjoys the same “benefits” (if you can even call them that) that the government provides. Therefore, every single American should carry the same burden - 10%.

It’s bullshit that you people want to mooch off of society and have a free ride while demanding that the wealthy pay 90% or more. Especially from the jerks who always scream about being “equal”. You want “equality”? The parasite pays the same 10% that the wealthy does.

Nope, the rich benefit a lot more from this country than the poor. The rich get more of a "free ride" than anybody. They park their money in offshore accounts and pay a ridiculously low income tax rate and capital gains tax rate. Most corporations pay virtually no taxes. The rich destroy the economy like during the Wall Street crash in 2008, but unsophisticated Repugs like you continue to support them. And then the government gives them a $700 billion bailout with no repercussions. You don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.

I's your MORAL, peasant duty to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. You have no choice in the matter. After all, they are your moral and intellectual superiors.
you are a walking stereotype for anger.
So who should the government rely on for its revenue, genius? Last time I checked, the wealthy had all the money.
Every single American in this country enjoys the same “benefits” (if you can even call them that) that the government provides. Therefore, every single American should carry the same burden - 10%.

It’s bullshit that you people want to mooch off of society and have a free ride while demanding that the wealthy pay 90% or more. Especially from the jerks who always scream about being “equal”. You want “equality”? The parasite pays the same 10% that the wealthy does.

Nope, the rich benefit a lot more from this country than the poor. The rich get more of a "free ride" than anybody. They park their money in offshore accounts and pay a ridiculously low income tax rate and capital gains tax rate. Most corporations pay virtually no taxes. The rich destroy the economy like during the Wall Street crash in 2008, but unsophisticated Repugs like you continue to support them. And then the government gives them a $700 billion bailout with no repercussions. You don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.

I's your MORAL, peasant duty to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. You have no choice in the matter. After all, they are your moral and intellectual superiors.
you are a walking stereotype for anger.
if you're not angry at this poor excuse of a president you're not thinking
So who should the government rely on for its revenue, genius? Last time I checked, the wealthy had all the money.
Every single American in this country enjoys the same “benefits” (if you can even call them that) that the government provides. Therefore, every single American should carry the same burden - 10%.

It’s bullshit that you people want to mooch off of society and have a free ride while demanding that the wealthy pay 90% or more. Especially from the jerks who always scream about being “equal”. You want “equality”? The parasite pays the same 10% that the wealthy does.

Nope, the rich benefit a lot more from this country than the poor. The rich get more of a "free ride" than anybody. They park their money in offshore accounts and pay a ridiculously low income tax rate and capital gains tax rate. Most corporations pay virtually no taxes. The rich destroy the economy like during the Wall Street crash in 2008, but unsophisticated Repugs like you continue to support them. And then the government gives them a $700 billion bailout with no repercussions. You don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.

I's your MORAL, peasant duty to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. You have no choice in the matter. After all, they are your moral and intellectual superiors.
you are a walking stereotype for anger.
if you're not angry at this poor excuse of a president you're not thinking
why is the left never happy unless everyone feels as they do?

don't you need to go get angry and wish someone dead?
The left loves to declare that President Trump has done “nothing” when in fact he has done everything he is constitutionally responsibile for (and very successfully I might add).


His [golfing] and lack of any actual [wonderful plan to make healthcare cover everyone for a franction of Obamacare's cost] say otherwise.
So who should the government rely on for its revenue, genius? Last time I checked, the wealthy had all the money.
Every single American in this country enjoys the same “benefits” (if you can even call them that) that the government provides. Therefore, every single American should carry the same burden - 10%.

It’s bullshit that you people want to mooch off of society and have a free ride while demanding that the wealthy pay 90% or more. Especially from the jerks who always scream about being “equal”. You want “equality”? The parasite pays the same 10% that the wealthy does.

Nope, the rich benefit a lot more from this country than the poor. The rich get more of a "free ride" than anybody. They park their money in offshore accounts and pay a ridiculously low income tax rate and capital gains tax rate. Most corporations pay virtually no taxes. The rich destroy the economy like during the Wall Street crash in 2008, but unsophisticated Repugs like you continue to support them. And then the government gives them a $700 billion bailout with no repercussions. You don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.

I's your MORAL, peasant duty to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. You have no choice in the matter. After all, they are your moral and intellectual superiors.
you are a walking stereotype for anger.
if you're not angry at this poor excuse of a president you're not thinking
why is the left never happy unless everyone feels as they do?

don't you need to go get angry and wish someone dead?
Not today ,,,tomorrow maybe Today I laugh at the ineptitude of Republicans and Trump
Every single American in this country enjoys the same “benefits” (if you can even call them that) that the government provides. Therefore, every single American should carry the same burden - 10%.

It’s bullshit that you people want to mooch off of society and have a free ride while demanding that the wealthy pay 90% or more. Especially from the jerks who always scream about being “equal”. You want “equality”? The parasite pays the same 10% that the wealthy does.

Nope, the rich benefit a lot more from this country than the poor. The rich get more of a "free ride" than anybody. They park their money in offshore accounts and pay a ridiculously low income tax rate and capital gains tax rate. Most corporations pay virtually no taxes. The rich destroy the economy like during the Wall Street crash in 2008, but unsophisticated Repugs like you continue to support them. And then the government gives them a $700 billion bailout with no repercussions. You don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.

I's your MORAL, peasant duty to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. You have no choice in the matter. After all, they are your moral and intellectual superiors.
you are a walking stereotype for anger.
if you're not angry at this poor excuse of a president you're not thinking
why is the left never happy unless everyone feels as they do?

don't you need to go get angry and wish someone dead?
Not today ,,,tomorrow maybe Today I laugh at the ineptitude of Republicans and Trump
you'll find whatever it is you're looking for. maybe you should wonder why you always look for the worst in some.

and not blame them for being that way.
Nope, the rich benefit a lot more from this country than the poor. The rich get more of a "free ride" than anybody. They park their money in offshore accounts and pay a ridiculously low income tax rate and capital gains tax rate. Most corporations pay virtually no taxes. The rich destroy the economy like during the Wall Street crash in 2008, but unsophisticated Repugs like you continue to support them. And then the government gives them a $700 billion bailout with no repercussions. You don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.

I's your MORAL, peasant duty to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. You have no choice in the matter. After all, they are your moral and intellectual superiors.
you are a walking stereotype for anger.
if you're not angry at this poor excuse of a president you're not thinking
why is the left never happy unless everyone feels as they do?

don't you need to go get angry and wish someone dead?
Not today ,,,tomorrow maybe Today I laugh at the ineptitude of Republicans and Trump
you'll find whatever it is you're looking for. maybe you should wonder why you always look for the worst in some.

and not blame them for being that way.
The truth is there is so much to blame on both sides I just pick out who I dislike most Right now Trump wins hands down Even top republicans are against his tariffs
so because you feel that way it MUST be right and all religious people are just scared.

you ever stop and think about the things you say?

if he doesn't exist *to you* great. but you may be wrong. to be clear, i don't believe in God either, but *I* may be wrong. i see nothing wrong with giving people a baseline of respect for how they feel that i would want in return. seems that is a foreign concept to far too many, however.

Can't work up respect for Bronze age superstition.

Riddle me this, Batman, if the churches admitted they weren't sure there was a God, but dang it, keep coming to church and giving us money, people would?
Let's see...would I rather be a liberal troll or an unabashed, unremarkable Repug racist with no ability to think rationally or critically like you?

I think I would rather be a liberal troll.

You call what you do thinking rationally or critically? Look punk, you're not only a troll, you're a flamer which we don't need more of on this site. I'm sure the only reason you're here is because you got kicked out of all the teen chat rooms.

Your viewpoints simply aren't legitimate. You're an unsophisticated Repug who actually takes Trump seriously, even though his West Wing is a total fucking circus circular firing squad. The bottom line is you're simply stupid.

And you are ignorant.

Just look at your previous post to Joe...blaming Obama for the deficit when it was caused by Bush's tax cuts and Bush's wars. What a fucking idiot you are.

When people post not knowing the difference between deficits and debt, I realize I'm dealing with a Class A rookie. Why don't you go away for a spell and learn WTF you're talking about, and then come back when you actually know something.

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