Republicans deserve what they get

Given what other shitheads the Cubans are, like when they burned American flags when Elian got sent home, I'd be happy to ship them all back. "All yours, Raoul!"

Yet when a bunch of overgrown overpaid jocks take a knee while the flag is flying, I bet you jump up and down in pure delight because you love our flag so much.

Yes, yes, yes, your hate list.

So let's look at why we ran up 10 Trillion.
Bush's War
Bush's Recession
Bush's tax cuts for rich people.

That's why we had 10 Trillion in debt. On top of the 6 Trillion Bush added on his own watch.

Guess what, when Obama got us out of Bush's recesssion, ended Bush's tax cuts for the rich, and got us out of Bush's war, a funny thing happened. The deficit went down and the economy got better.

Bull. The deficit started going down a year after we kicked Democrat out of Congress and replaced them with Republican leadership. You guys blamed Bush for five years after he left office for all of Hussein's F-ups. He tried to spend more while the Republicans kept him at bay. That fight was the reason for the government shutdown, losing our three star credit rating for the first time in history, and even the sequester.

All that was caused by Republicans trying to stop DumBama spending.

It's not lying, guy, it's taking advantage of what's out there.

If you are not posting a loss on paper for rental property, you are either a slumlord or you are doing it wrong. In your case, I suspect it's a combination.

Oh, so besides being an expert resume writer :20: you now know more than certified and well experienced tax preparers. Well.....I'll take my chances with companies that have been around since the Reagan days to prepare my taxes, just like I trust expert investors which is why you got creamed during the recession and I made out like a bandit.
I grew up in a private catholic school also.

I'm also apathetic to religion these days. You are angry aboutcit for xyz reason but mostly cause life is hard and you got told no by god a few times.

God never said "no" to me. He was too busy not existing.

I'm angry about it because it's a fucking lie we keep foisting on people to keep them scared and in line.

so because you feel that way it MUST be right and all religious people are just scared.

you ever stop and think about the things you say?

if he doesn't exist *to you* great. but you may be wrong. to be clear, i don't believe in God either, but *I* may be wrong. i see nothing wrong with giving people a baseline of respect for how they feel that i would want in return. seems that is a foreign concept to far too many, however.

Funny how you don't follow your own advice. Has it ever occurred to you that you may be wrong about your worthless, mentally ill hero Trump and everything the Repug Party stands for? Of course not.
Let's see...would I rather be a liberal troll or an unabashed, unremarkable Repug racist with no ability to think rationally or critically like you?

I think I would rather be a liberal troll.

You call what you do thinking rationally or critically? Look punk, you're not only a troll, you're a flamer which we don't need more of on this site. I'm sure the only reason you're here is because you got kicked out of all the teen chat rooms.

Your viewpoints simply aren't legitimate. You're an unsophisticated Repug who actually takes Trump seriously, even though his West Wing is a total fucking circus circular firing squad. The bottom line is you're simply stupid.

And you are ignorant.

Just look at your previous post to Joe...blaming Obama for the deficit when it was caused by Bush's tax cuts and Bush's wars. What a fucking idiot you are.

When people post not knowing the difference between deficits and debt, I realize I'm dealing with a Class A rookie. Why don't you go away for a spell and learn WTF you're talking about, and then come back when you actually know something.

I know the difference, much better than you do. I made a mistake.

It doesn't matter if I say deficit or debt, you're not going to agree on either one. You're going to blame Democrats for both because you simply aren't honest. You have a third-rate mind, it's sad how much time you waste on this board, trying to pretend that you know something. The fact that you take Trump seriously, instead of just admitting that he's a total clown and an embarassment, renders all conversation with you meaningless. Fuck off, lightweight.
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I grew up in a private catholic school also.

I'm also apathetic to religion these days. You are angry aboutcit for xyz reason but mostly cause life is hard and you got told no by god a few times.

God never said "no" to me. He was too busy not existing.

I'm angry about it because it's a fucking lie we keep foisting on people to keep them scared and in line.

so because you feel that way it MUST be right and all religious people are just scared.

you ever stop and think about the things you say?

if he doesn't exist *to you* great. but you may be wrong. to be clear, i don't believe in God either, but *I* may be wrong. i see nothing wrong with giving people a baseline of respect for how they feel that i would want in return. seems that is a foreign concept to far too many, however.

Funny how you don't follow your own advice. Has it ever occurred to you that you may be wrong about your worthless, mentally ill hero Trump and everything the Repug Party stands for? Of course not.

Wrong in what way?

The economy is doing great, business and consumer confidence at it's highest level in decades, unemployment figures that haven't been this low in almost a half-century, working people who are keeping more of their money, the elimination of Commie Care penalties so that working stiffs can get their hard earned overpayments to the government back, a strong stock market, kicked ISIS out of Iraq (that DumBama Fd up) we have North Korea shaking in their boots, and in spite of this great economy, fuel prices have remained stable. Oh, and I forgot, the US no longer has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

And that's just in one year. What did DumBama do again in his first year?
I grew up in a private catholic school also.

I'm also apathetic to religion these days. You are angry aboutcit for xyz reason but mostly cause life is hard and you got told no by god a few times.

God never said "no" to me. He was too busy not existing.

I'm angry about it because it's a fucking lie we keep foisting on people to keep them scared and in line.

so because you feel that way it MUST be right and all religious people are just scared.

you ever stop and think about the things you say?

if he doesn't exist *to you* great. but you may be wrong. to be clear, i don't believe in God either, but *I* may be wrong. i see nothing wrong with giving people a baseline of respect for how they feel that i would want in return. seems that is a foreign concept to far too many, however.

Funny how you don't follow your own advice. Has it ever occurred to you that you may be wrong about your worthless, mentally ill hero Trump and everything the Repug Party stands for? Of course not.

Wrong in what way?

The economy is doing great, business and consumer confidence at it's highest level in decades, unemployment figures that haven't been this low in almost a half-century, working people who are keeping more of their money, the elimination of Commie Care penalties so that working stiffs can get their hard earned overpayments to the government back, a strong stock market, kicked ISIS out of Iraq (that DumBama Fd up) we have North Korea shaking in their boots, and in spite of this great economy, fuel prices have remained stable. Oh, and I forgot, the US no longer has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

And that's just in one year. What did DumBama do again in his first year?

Well, that sounds great, goober! So why is Trump's approval rating below 40% all the fucking time?? Maybe because only dumb fucks like you don't understand what a fucking embarrassment Trump is to the country. The whole world now sees the U.S. as a sick joke. That's why I pity and despise Repug fucktards like you.

Obama only saved this country from going into a depression in his first year, fucktard. Yep, that's all Obama did. He saved the country from total disaster after Bush destroyed our economy. That's all Obama did.

"Commie Care" says the mentally deficient, unsophisticated Repug goober. "Commie Care"....the plan first introduced by the Heritage Foundation and Repug Commie Mitt Romney. "Commie Care"...when you support the traitor Trump, who supports Commie Vladimir Putin. What a fucktard clown you are. Go put your clown suit on, dumb ass

And I really supposed to take your worthless goober ass seriously? Tell us some more how Trump is someone we should take seriously, when everybody he hires calls him an idiot behind his back. Dumb fucking Repug.
I grew up in a private catholic school also.

I'm also apathetic to religion these days. You are angry aboutcit for xyz reason but mostly cause life is hard and you got told no by god a few times.

God never said "no" to me. He was too busy not existing.

I'm angry about it because it's a fucking lie we keep foisting on people to keep them scared and in line.

so because you feel that way it MUST be right and all religious people are just scared.

you ever stop and think about the things you say?

if he doesn't exist *to you* great. but you may be wrong. to be clear, i don't believe in God either, but *I* may be wrong. i see nothing wrong with giving people a baseline of respect for how they feel that i would want in return. seems that is a foreign concept to far too many, however.

Funny how you don't follow your own advice. Has it ever occurred to you that you may be wrong about your worthless, mentally ill hero Trump and everything the Repug Party stands for? Of course not.

Wrong in what way?

The economy is doing great, business and consumer confidence at it's highest level in decades, unemployment figures that haven't been this low in almost a half-century, working people who are keeping more of their money, the elimination of Commie Care penalties so that working stiffs can get their hard earned overpayments to the government back, a strong stock market, kicked ISIS out of Iraq (that DumBama Fd up) we have North Korea shaking in their boots, and in spite of this great economy, fuel prices have remained stable. Oh, and I forgot, the US no longer has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

And that's just in one year. What did DumBama do again in his first year?

Well, that sounds great, goober! So why is Trump's approval rating below 40% all the fucking time?? Maybe because only dumb fucks like you don't understand what a fucking embarrassment Trump is to the country. The whole world now sees the U.S. as a sick joke. That's why I pity and despise Repug fucktards like you.

Obama only saved this country from going into a depression in his first year, fucktard. Yep, that's all Obama did. He saved the country from total disaster after Bush destroyed our economy. That's all Obama did.

"Commie Care" says the mentally deficient, unsophisticated Repug goober. "Commie Care"....the plan first introduced by the Heritage Foundation and Repug Commie Mitt Romney. "Commie Care"...when you support the traitor Trump, who supports Commie Vladimir Putin. What a fucktard clown you are. Go put your clown suit on, dumb ass

And I really supposed to take your worthless goober ass seriously? Tell us some more how Trump is someone we should take seriously, when everybody he hires calls him an idiot behind his back. Dumb fucking Repug.

Let me explain something to you Troll: the approval ratings is a prime example of how much mind control the MSM has over people. Brainwashed dopes like yourself just spew out talking points created and repeated a thousand times over.

If you don't believe me, do this: picture all of Turmp's accomplishments only with the name Hillary Clinton on it. What do you think the media would do armed with that information?

In spite of all the great thing happening in this country at this very moment, all the commie networks can report is negativism. The guy made a joke on how China has a President for life and perhaps we should take a look at that. Even though it was a joke with accommodating laughter, the commie stations took it serious. They had programs with such deep concerns about his joke.

The Republicans had every opportunity to institute a plan like Commie Care during the Bush administration--and they didn't go near it. Every single Republican voted against Commie Care. But now that it's a complete failure, you puppets on the left want to shed the blame on Republicans because an organization talked about it or a fake Republican like Romney actually did it IN HIS LIBERAL STATE!
Yet when a bunch of overgrown overpaid jocks take a knee while the flag is flying, I bet you jump up and down in pure delight because you love our flag so much.

They aren't burning the flag, they are protesting.

Oh, yeah, and they weren't welcomed here after Castro chased them out. They're ancestors were brought here in chains and abused for 400 years. I think they have a better cause to protest.

Bull. The deficit started going down a year after we kicked Democrat out of Congress and replaced them with Republican leadership.

Um, you seem to not understand cause in effect.

Why did the deficit go down.
1) Tax cuts for the rich were allowed to expire.
2) Military spending decreased when we wound down operations in Iraq.

Those things were not things the GOP Leadership wanted and fought very hard against.

The third reason why was because the economy started gaining strength. Again, nothing to do with the GOP, who opposed stimulus at every turn.

Oh, so besides being an expert resume writer :20: you now know more than certified and well experienced tax preparers.

I know I owned a rental property for 13 years, and NEVER, EVER had to pay taxes on the rents I collected... but my preparer knew what he was doing.
I know I owned a rental property for 13 years, and NEVER, EVER had to pay taxes on the rents I collected... but my preparer knew what he was doing.

I've been doing this for 25 years and most of them I broke even or took a slight loss. But there were also years I made a profit; this year was one of my highest.

There were several factors why I made such a good profit this year. For one, we pay our property tax every six months. Since I filed for a reduction which the county barely gave me any, I had the issue heard in court, and the court ruled in my favor. I got a 50% reduction. However since the hearing was so late in the year, my bill didn't reflect the new rates, so I didn't make my second payment until the middle of January which doesn't count for 2017.

No empty rental units in 2017. I also paid off my home equity loan and put that balance on an interest free credit card. So I had less interest to write-off as well.

Um, you seem to not understand cause in effect.

Why did the deficit go down.
1) Tax cuts for the rich were allowed to expire.
2) Military spending decreased when we wound down operations in Iraq.

Those things were not things the GOP Leadership wanted and fought very hard against.

The third reason why was because the economy started gaining strength. Again, nothing to do with the GOP, who opposed stimulus at every turn.

The tax cuts didn't expire until 2010 which Congress extended to 2012. So no, that was not the reason. After DumBama handed Iraq over to the terrorists, we had to go back in to try and get them out. But we didn't start to leave Iraq until December 2011, so by the time it was all said and done, we weren't out of there until 2012.

They aren't burning the flag, they are protesting.

Oh, yeah, and they weren't welcomed here after Castro chased them out. They're ancestors were brought here in chains and abused for 400 years. I think they have a better cause to protest.

Disrespecting the flag is disrespecting the flag. Whether you burn it, stomp on it, turn your back on it or take a knee, it's all disrespectful.
God never said "no" to me. He was too busy not existing.

I'm angry about it because it's a fucking lie we keep foisting on people to keep them scared and in line.

so because you feel that way it MUST be right and all religious people are just scared.

you ever stop and think about the things you say?

if he doesn't exist *to you* great. but you may be wrong. to be clear, i don't believe in God either, but *I* may be wrong. i see nothing wrong with giving people a baseline of respect for how they feel that i would want in return. seems that is a foreign concept to far too many, however.

Funny how you don't follow your own advice. Has it ever occurred to you that you may be wrong about your worthless, mentally ill hero Trump and everything the Repug Party stands for? Of course not.

Wrong in what way?

The economy is doing great, business and consumer confidence at it's highest level in decades, unemployment figures that haven't been this low in almost a half-century, working people who are keeping more of their money, the elimination of Commie Care penalties so that working stiffs can get their hard earned overpayments to the government back, a strong stock market, kicked ISIS out of Iraq (that DumBama Fd up) we have North Korea shaking in their boots, and in spite of this great economy, fuel prices have remained stable. Oh, and I forgot, the US no longer has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

And that's just in one year. What did DumBama do again in his first year?

Well, that sounds great, goober! So why is Trump's approval rating below 40% all the fucking time?? Maybe because only dumb fucks like you don't understand what a fucking embarrassment Trump is to the country. The whole world now sees the U.S. as a sick joke. That's why I pity and despise Repug fucktards like you.

Obama only saved this country from going into a depression in his first year, fucktard. Yep, that's all Obama did. He saved the country from total disaster after Bush destroyed our economy. That's all Obama did.

"Commie Care" says the mentally deficient, unsophisticated Repug goober. "Commie Care"....the plan first introduced by the Heritage Foundation and Repug Commie Mitt Romney. "Commie Care"...when you support the traitor Trump, who supports Commie Vladimir Putin. What a fucktard clown you are. Go put your clown suit on, dumb ass

And I really supposed to take your worthless goober ass seriously? Tell us some more how Trump is someone we should take seriously, when everybody he hires calls him an idiot behind his back. Dumb fucking Repug.

Let me explain something to you Troll: the approval ratings is a prime example of how much mind control the MSM has over people. Brainwashed dopes like yourself just spew out talking points created and repeated a thousand times over.

If you don't believe me, do this: picture all of Turmp's accomplishments only with the name Hillary Clinton on it. What do you think the media would do armed with that information?

In spite of all the great thing happening in this country at this very moment, all the commie networks can report is negativism. The guy made a joke on how China has a President for life and perhaps we should take a look at that. Even though it was a joke with accommodating laughter, the commie stations took it serious. They had programs with such deep concerns about his joke.

The Republicans had every opportunity to institute a plan like Commie Care during the Bush administration--and they didn't go near it. Every single Republican voted against Commie Care. But now that it's a complete failure, you puppets on the left want to shed the blame on Republicans because an organization talked about it or a fake Republican like Romney actually did it IN HIS LIBERAL STATE!

All you do is repeat Trump's lies over and over, because you can't think for yourself. You are a member of a cult. 60% of Americans are totally embarrassed by Trump and are just ashamed of how he acts. You are simply too stupid to understand that fundamental fact.

Everybody in the fucking White House is quitting because they know Trump is crazier than fuck. They are embarrassed to be working with this human fucking disaster. And here is your stupid, worthless, unsophisticated ass, actually trying to defend this whack job. Pathetic.
There were several factors why I made such a good profit this year.

You're a slum lord who doesn't fix anything?

The tax cuts didn't expire until 2010 which Congress extended to 2012. So no, that was not the reason. After DumBama handed Iraq over to the terrorists, we had to go back in to try and get them out. But we didn't start to leave Iraq until December 2011, so by the time it was all said and done, we weren't out of there until 2012.

Yes, and that's when the deficits started to go down. The only regret is that we didn't do those two things a lot sooner.

Disrespecting the flag is disrespecting the flag. Whether you burn it, stomp on it, turn your back on it or take a knee, it's all disrespectful.

No, burning the flag AFTER we let you in the country because your fellow citizens back home ewre going to kill you is disrespecting it.

Refusing to stand for a song because cops shoot black children in the black is a peaceful protest.
Yes, and that's when the deficits started to go down. The only regret is that we didn't do those two things a lot sooner.

Bull. They went down in 2010, leveled off until 2011 and continued going down afterwards. Congress spends the money--not the President.

No, burning the flag AFTER we let you in the country because your fellow citizens back home ewre going to kill you is disrespecting it.

Refusing to stand for a song because cops shoot black children in the black is a peaceful protest.

About as peaceful as burning the flag.
Bull. They went down in 2010, leveled off until 2011 and continued going down afterwards. Congress spends the money--not the President.

Okay, here's thing. If they went down in 2010, then Republicans had nothing to do with it. It was because Obama turned the economy around, and cut back on military spending in Iraq.


Geez, educating you could be a full time job.

About as peaceful as burning the flag.

It looked pretty peaceful to me. They made a statement. Now, watching you guys go nuts about it was hilarious to watch. "How dare they protest police shooting them in the back, those ungrateful darkies!!"
Geez, educating you could be a full time job.

So you post a chart with deficits vs GDP? Here, try a real chart just showing deficits:


Again, it's the house that spends the money--not the President. Democrats took over the leadership of Congress in 2007. Republicans took it back in 2010.

It looked pretty peaceful to me. They made a statement. Now, watching you guys go nuts about it was hilarious to watch. "How dare they protest police shooting them in the back, those ungrateful darkies!!"

Yes, they did make a statement. They hate our country and are ignorant of our laws. Big dumb jocks that can barely tie their own shoelaces.
So you post a chart with deficits vs GDP? Here, try a real chart just showing deficits:

Same problem. It spikes at the end of Bush's term and then continues to go down under Obama.

Yes, they did make a statement. They hate our country and are ignorant of our laws. Big dumb jocks that can barely tie their own shoelaces.

Really? The Statement I heard was, "Cops shouldn't shoot children playing with toys". Not sure how that "hates our country".
Same problem. It spikes at the end of Bush's term and then continues to go down under Obama.

I know you people on the left live in your own little world and are pretty much delusional, but I never thought you were so far out there that you even see different things than the rest of us when we post pictures. So let's try this one more time:

Bush left in 2008 with a Democrat led Congress. The Republicans took over Congress in 2010. DumBama settled in the White House in 2009. you see how the debt went up until 2009? See how it started going down about a year after Republics took leadership of Congress?

Really? The Statement I heard was, "Cops shouldn't shoot children playing with toys". Not sure how that "hates our country".

When you don't like our laws and you hate the police, that's hating our country.

What I heard is that 5'9" 190 lbs "children" shouldn't whip out realistic looking guns identical to the model they were made after in front of a cop when he approaches you and tells you to freeze.
I know you people on the left live in your own little world and are pretty much delusional, but I never thought you were so far out there that you even see different things than the rest of us when we post pictures. So let's try this one more time:

Bush left in 2008 with a Democrat led Congress. The Republicans took over Congress in 2010. DumBama settled in the White House in 2009. you see how the debt went up until 2009? See how it started going down about a year after Republics took leadership of Congress?

Except it started going down when Democrats were still in charge.

Also, it didn't really go down because of anything Republicans did.

They didn't do anything to fix the recession.
They were dead set against getting us out of Iraq.
They fought repealling the Tax cuts to the rich tooth and nail.

Oh, yeah, and with the latest tax giveaways to the rich, the Deficit is set to spike past a Trillion again! Good work.

When you don't like our laws and you hate the police, that's hating our country.

Shooting children in the back is illegal, even when cops do it.

What I heard is that 5'9" "children" shouldn't whip out realistic looking guns identical to the model they were made after in front of a cop when he approaches you and tells you to freeze.

Good thing Tamir had that toy under his coat, before Officer, "Got fired for crying on a gun range" came along.
Oh, wait, no, he got shot by this emotional wreck anyway.
Except it started going down when Democrats were still in charge.

Also, it didn't really go down because of anything Republicans did.

They didn't do anything to fix the recession.
They were dead set against getting us out of Iraq.
They fought repealling the Tax cuts to the rich tooth and nail.

Oh, yeah, and with the latest tax giveaways to the rich, the Deficit is set to spike past a Trillion again! Good work.

You must be on crack or something. The chart clearly shows how the deficit went up under a Democrat Congress and down after the Republicans took over. Yes we were dead set against getting out of Iraq. Look what happened when we did! ISIS marched right in and took over. Not to worry though, Trump fixed Dumbama's F-ups.

Taxes went up on the rich: personal income, corporate taxes, and capital gains taxes, all because Republicans were trying to work with DumBama; something he never did in return with the Republicans.

Shooting children in the back is illegal, even when cops do it.

So what child ever got shot in the back?

Good thing Tamir had that toy under his coat, before Officer, "Got fired for crying on a gun range" came along.
Oh, wait, no, he got shot by this emotional wreck anyway.

No, the gun was in his pants; that's where he pulled it out from.
I grew up in a private catholic school also.

I'm also apathetic to religion these days. You are angry aboutcit for xyz reason but mostly cause life is hard and you got told no by god a few times.

God never said "no" to me. He was too busy not existing.

I'm angry about it because it's a fucking lie we keep foisting on people to keep them scared and in line.

so because you feel that way it MUST be right and all religious people are just scared.

you ever stop and think about the things you say?

if he doesn't exist *to you* great. but you may be wrong. to be clear, i don't believe in God either, but *I* may be wrong. i see nothing wrong with giving people a baseline of respect for how they feel that i would want in return. seems that is a foreign concept to far too many, however.

Funny how you don't follow your own advice. Has it ever occurred to you that you may be wrong about your worthless, mentally ill hero Trump and everything the Repug Party stands for? Of course not.
has it ever occurred to you i'm not a trump fan but i don't go bag on him 24x7 to prove it?

i'd call myself trump neutral. you do whatever it is you need to do to rage on with that. my apathy to you now rages.
ou must be on crack or something. The chart clearly shows how the deficit went up under a Democrat Congress and down after the Republicans took over. Yes we were dead set against getting out of Iraq. Look what happened when we did! ISIS marched right in and took over. Not to worry though, Trump fixed Dumbama's F-ups.

No, it shows that a Republican president turned surpluses into trillion dollar deficits...

So what child ever got shot in the back?

LaQuan McDonald.

No, the gun was in his pants; that's where he pulled it out from.

With his hands in his coat pockets? Good trick.

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