Republicans deserve what they get

No it isn't if YOU KNOW it's a toy. But when a 5'9" 190 lbs guy is pulling an exact replica out on you, there is only one thing you can do, and that is defend yourself before you get killed.

except he didn't have it out, and that was pretty clearly a child.


Yeah, that looks like a kid to me. But he's giving a gang symbol or something... OH MY GOD, SHOOT HIM!!!!!
No matter what Republican gets into office, they are bound to do things you disagree with.
And that is exactly why you should be supporting the Constitution Party. You won’t have that problem with a Constitution Party president.
And that's why I voted for McCain and Romney. I hated it, but there really was no other choice. Obama was the alternative.
There is another choice. The Constitution Party.
No matter what Republican gets into office, they are bound to do things you disagree with.
On a side note - there is a monumental difference between policy I disagree with and criminal actions. I’m ok with any representative enacting policy they are properly empowered to enact - even I’m against it. I am not ok with any of them violating the U.S. Constitution. And that is exactly what President Trump is doing in this case.
And that is exactly why you should be supporting the Constitution Party. You won’t have that problem with a Constitution Party president.

Since we will never see that, why waste a vote? Very few third parties stand a chance at hell in winning a presidential election.

There is another choice. The Constitution Party.

Then it's a choice between voting in a Republican that doesn't entirely have your back, or throwing your vote away and ushering in a Democrat.

The real choice is changing your party from within, not trying to start another party that few will be a part of.
No it isn't if YOU KNOW it's a toy. But when a 5'9" 190 lbs guy is pulling an exact replica out on you, there is only one thing you can do, and that is defend yourself before you get killed.

except he didn't have it out, and that was pretty clearly a child.

View attachment 181676
Yeah, that looks like a kid to me. But he's giving a gang symbol or something... OH MY GOD, SHOOT HIM!!!!!

Yeah, the media loves to post those innocent pictures just like they did with Trayvon Martin. Of course Martin looked nothing like that when he attacked Zimmerman and got killed. The picture you're looking at was probably when he was nine or ten years old.
Now, I can guarantee you that officer Loehmann went through the same thing by the Independence police department; maybe even more. He passed all the psychological tests, passed the police academy, but for some reason this ONE PERSON with no training in psychological matters was the only person that had a problem with the officer.

Well, no, the rest of the police force had a problem with him, as did the city which felt that moving to fire him was more practical than waiting for him to screw up.

Of course, Cleveland is such a shithole that they probably can't get good people to be cops. So yeah, we'll take the failed Squirrel Cops.

It's not that Cleveland is such a shit hole, it's that Cleveland is a dangerous city. It's all Democrat you know and mostly black. So that makes it a dangerous place.
Since we will never see that, why waste a vote? Very few third parties stand a chance at hell in winning a presidential election.
The only reason we will never see that is thinking like that. The Republican Party has convinced you they are the only option. And you bought it.

We got rid of the Wig Party. We can get rid of the Republican Party.
The real choice is changing your party from within, not trying to start another party that few will be a part of.
That’s exactly what the Constitution Party is. It’s “changing” the Republican Party from “within”. Take the true conservatives. Leave the RINOs.
The real choice is changing your party from within, not trying to start another party that few will be a part of.
That’s exactly what the Constitution Party is. It’s “changing” the Republican Party from “within”. Take the true conservatives. Leave the RINOs.

You really can't do that.

Conservatism has a negative connotation to it just like the word liberal. If we only had the Liberal party and Conservative party, probably one-third or more of the voting public would quit voting.

Years ago I remember a survey that they did. They asked people what they thought of conservatism. Many had a harsh reaction to it, but upon further questioning, those very same people were actually conservatives themselves, they just didn't know it.
Since we will never see that, why waste a vote? Very few third parties stand a chance at hell in winning a presidential election.
The only reason we will never see that is thinking like that. The Republican Party has convinced you they are the only option. And you bought it.

We got rid of the Wig Party. We can get rid of the Republican Party.

Different times.

Years ago people voted for the best candidate. Today, we are so divided our only goal is to keep the other person out.

I didn't vote for John McCain. I voted to keep Obama out.
I didn't vote for Mitt Romney. I voted to keep Obama out.
I didn't vote for Donald Trump. I voted to keep Hillary out.
I didn't vote for George W Bush. I voted to keep Al Gore out.

Since that is our goal in politics today, you vote for the only possibility of keeping the wrong person out of office. A third party just doesn't have that capability.
Conservatism has a negative connotation to it...
Only to the bat-shit crazy left. And for those rare, true independent voters - it only has a “negative connotation” to it because of the failed Republican Party you insist on supporting.

You’re almost like a liberal. You insist on supporting and advancing failure. What real conservatives do is fire people are are untrustworthy and/or fail to do the job they were hired to do.
Conservatism has a negative connotation to it...
Only to the bat-shit crazy left. And for those rare, true independent voters - it only has a “negative connotation” to it because of the failed Republican Party you insist on supporting.

You’re almost like a liberal. You insist on supporting and advancing failure. What real conservatives do is fire people are are untrustworthy and/or fail to do the job they were hired to do.

Well, like I said earlier, if that's the way you feel, don't vote Republican. All you will accomplish is getting Democrats in power again.
All you will accomplish is getting Democrats in power again.
Nope. I will “accomplish” either getting the Republicans to clean up their act and drain their swamp or replacing it with the Constitution Party.

Look what happened when the Republicans got their ass kicked after the GWB era. When Dumbocrats controlled everything, we got representatives like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Nikki Haley. The best Republicans we’ve had since Ronald Reagan.

As long as you continue to bash Dumbocrats for violating the constitution while applauding Republicans for doing it, you will continue to cause Dumbocrats to be in power again.
Yeah, the media loves to post those innocent pictures just like they did with Trayvon Martin. Of course Martin looked nothing like that when he attacked Zimmerman and got killed. The picture you're looking at was probably when he was nine or ten years old.

Yes, black people are magical beings who look like they are 15 when they are nine and like adults when they are 12.
Yeah, the media loves to post those innocent pictures just like they did with Trayvon Martin. Of course Martin looked nothing like that when he attacked Zimmerman and got killed. The picture you're looking at was probably when he was nine or ten years old.

Yes, black people are magical beings who look like they are 15 when they are nine and like adults when they are 12.

The magic is the media. Nobody loves protests, riots and the burning down of cities more than the MSM. So they use pictures of blacks when they were just playing with yo-yo's instead of a current picture to try and rile people up.
All you will accomplish is getting Democrats in power again.
Nope. I will “accomplish” either getting the Republicans to clean up their act and drain their swamp or replacing it with the Constitution Party.

Look what happened when the Republicans got their ass kicked after the GWB era. When Dumbocrats controlled everything, we got representatives like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Nikki Haley. The best Republicans we’ve had since Ronald Reagan.

As long as you continue to bash Dumbocrats for violating the constitution while applauding Republicans for doing it, you will continue to cause Dumbocrats to be in power again.

Besides the housing situation, Republicans began to behave like Democrats. That's what caused their demise. Idiotic ideas like a bridge to nowhere and out of control spending pissed a lot of the Republican voters off.

When we look at both parties, we see one totally unified party work in solidarity for their cause. The other spends their time inner-fighting with each other and often getting nothing done. No matter how left the Republicans go, they will never be as bad as the Democrats.

In our current situation, we have about a third of the voting public Republicans and another third Democrat. Break the Republicans up and Democrats will keep their third while we become two parties of 15%. In other words, breaking the Republican party up in two would guarantee we be one-party country forever.

The only way it could possibly be done is if the Democrats and Republicans both break up at the same time. The right would be Establishment and Constitutionalists, and the left be Progressive and Socialist or Communists.
The magic is the media. Nobody loves protests, riots and the burning down of cities more than the MSM. So they use pictures of blacks when they were just playing with yo-yo's instead of a current picture to try and rile people up.

Really? So apparently no pictures of scary looking Tamir Rice exist. I mean, he hit pre-puberty and then he developed Bigfoot powers.

Even Fox News couldn't find a picture of him when he looked like a big scary thug at 12.

Did I mention he was 12? I don't think that gets mentioned often enough.

In our current situation, we have about a third of the voting public Republicans and another third Democrat. Break the Republicans up and Democrats will keep their third while we become two parties of 15%. In other words, breaking the Republican party up in two would guarantee we be one-party country forever.

Actually, that's not true, either.

In the last five elections, the GOP has gotten between 45-51% of the vote and the democrats have gotten between 48-55%. The only way the GOP wins is by cheating or scaring the shit out of people.
Really? So apparently no pictures of scary looking Tamir Rice exist. I mean, he hit pre-puberty and then he developed Bigfoot powers.

Even Fox News couldn't find a picture of him when he looked like a big scary thug at 12.

Did I mention he was 12? I don't think that gets mentioned often enough.

Of course you can't find a picture of him at 12 because his family only gave that one out. Does that picture look like a 5'9" 190 lbs boy???

But even if he did look like that picture, do you think a police officer should lose his life? A 12 year old can squeeze a trigger of a gun and kill people just like any 40 year old.

Actually, that's not true, either.

In the last five elections, the GOP has gotten between 45-51% of the vote and the democrats have gotten between 48-55%. The only way the GOP wins is by cheating or scaring the shit out of people.

No, you have states like California with a bunch of illegals voting that puts Democrats over the top. The amount of popular vote Hillary won was less than the amount of popular vote she got in California. That's besides the fact we don't elect people on popular vote. We elect Presidents based on the electoral vote. We all played by the same rules, it's just that when Democrats lose, they want to change the rules so they can win.
Of course you can't find a picture of him at 12 because his family only gave that one out. Does that picture look like a 5'9" 190 lbs boy???

so the only pictures of this kid that can POSSIBLY exist are family?


Was he like Bigfoot?

But even if he did look like that picture, do you think a police officer should lose his life? A 12 year old can squeeze a trigger of a gun and kill people just like any 40 year old.

Um, the cop has armor, he has training, he has judgment... They practically ran this kid over and shot him less than a second from exiting the car.

No, you have states like California with a bunch of illegals voting that puts Democrats over the top. The amount of popular vote Hillary won was less than the amount of popular vote she got in California.

No one has proven any signifigant amount of illegals voted in CA or anywhere else. Hey, remember Trump's voter commission that was supposed to prove that? Oh, that's right, he shut it down.

That's besides the fact we don't elect people on popular vote. We elect Presidents based on the electoral vote.

Yes, we have an archaic system invented by slave-owners who didn't trust the people... but the people got it right in this case.

We all played by the same rules, it's just that when Democrats lose, they want to change the rules so they can win.

The rule for every other office is one person, one vote, period.

The people said no.
so the only pictures of this kid that can POSSIBLY exist are family?


Was he like Bigfoot?

I just gave you his physical characteristics, you can call him anything you like. And yes, that is where the media gets pictures from--family.

Um, the cop has armor, he has training, he has judgment... They practically ran this kid over and shot him less than a second from exiting the car.

He shot him less than a second because that's when the kid started pulling out the gun. What difference does it make how many seconds it was after he got out of the car? Experienced police officers know that in most cases, an armed suspect runs when they approach, so the officer driving the car wanted to block him off from running to the rec center where the children were. He wanted him to run the other way.

Do you know how many armored police officers get killed every year?

No one has proven any signifigant amount of illegals voted in CA or anywhere else. Hey, remember Trump's voter commission that was supposed to prove that? Oh, that's right, he shut it down.

Irrelevant. The point is the only reason Hil-Liar had the popular vote was because of that one state.

Yes, we have an archaic system invented by slave-owners who didn't trust the people... but the people got it right in this case.

Yes we did. Trump won.

The rule for every other office is one person, one vote, period.

The people said no.

Yes it is the rule, made by slave owners who didn't trust people.

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