Republicans deserve what they get

I just gave you his physical characteristics, you can call him anything you like. And yes, that is where the media gets pictures from--family.

again, if there's a picture of him as this terrifying hulk you describe, you should really be able to provide one.

Yes we did. Trump won.

No, he cheated with help from the Russians, which is why he is under investigation...

He shot him less than a second because that's when the kid started pulling out the gun. What difference does it make how many seconds it was after he got out of the car?

I don't know, maybe to evaluate the situation. Maybe he could have taken a defensive position behind the car door before shooting. Maybe he could have you know, do what they do when they see white people with guns.

Do I really have to run this tape again?

Experienced police officers know that in most cases, an armed suspect runs when they approach, so the officer driving the car wanted to block him off from running to the rec center where the children were. He wanted him to run the other way.

You are really trying to cite Officer McWeepy's "experience". His "Experience" was being fired for weeping on the gun range.
again, if there's a picture of him as this terrifying hulk you describe, you should really be able to provide one.

I can't provide what isn't out there on the internet. What I can do if you like is give you the physical description of the boy provided by the coroner.

No, he cheated with help from the Russians, which is why he is under investigation...

No, he's under investigation because some FOREIGNER in London was drinking at a bar with a drunk American who said there was a Russian connection. He went to America and told the FBI. Now we find out this was not some other drunk at the bar. He was a huge Clinton campaign donor to the tune of 25 million dollars. Afterwards Clinton paid a FOREIGNER to get dirt on Trump which he got FROM THE RUSSIANS. Then they lied to a FISA court telling them it was legitimate evidence and not that it was opposition research by private company and individual paid for by Trump's opponent.

I don't know, maybe to evaluate the situation. Maybe he could have taken a defensive position behind the car door before shooting. Maybe he could have you know, do what they do when they see white people with guns.

Do I really have to run this tape again?

Only if you want me to reexplain how the tape is phony again.

And if he squared down behind the car and then shot Tamir, you would have been okay with that?

You are really trying to cite Officer McWeepy's "experience". His "Experience" was being fired for weeping on the gun range.

I'm talking about the officer driving the car.
I can't provide what isn't out there on the internet. What I can do if you like is give you the physical description of the boy provided by the coroner.

Yes, this is really scary... oh my Gosh, he looks like he's about to go on a raping spree any second.


No, he's under investigation because some FOREIGNER in London was drinking at a bar with a drunk American who said there was a Russian connection.

Okay, buddy, so you want to pretend that Manafort and Flynn and Eric Trump talking to the Russians in Trump tower didn't happen. You'll still be in denial when they are frog-marching him out of the White House

And if he squared down behind the car and then shot Tamir, you would have been okay with that?

If he tried de-escalation tactics first, maybe.

I'm talking about the officer driving the car.

The one who previously choked a suspect.

Silly Darkies, rights are for White people.
Yes, this is really scary... oh my Gosh, he looks like he's about to go on a raping spree any second.

No 10 year old goes on a raping spree. It's when they grow to 190 lbs and 5'9" when you have trouble.

Okay, buddy, so you want to pretend that Manafort and Flynn and Eric Trump talking to the Russians in Trump tower didn't happen. You'll still be in denial when they are frog-marching him out of the White House

There is no law against talking to any Russians. The MSM knows you sheep will jump at their command. Over a year into the investigation and Trying to pressure people to make up shit about Trump by threatening them with process crime charges.

The only people in collusion with the Russians are the Clinton campaign. THEY PAID the Russians to try and get something on Trump.

If he tried de-escalation tactics first, maybe.

That only works in a hostage situation, not when somebody is pulling a gun on you and you only have one second to react.

The one who previously choked a suspect.

Silly Darkies, rights are for White people.

If an officer is attacked they use any means necessary to escape danger be it chocking or even using their firearm.
No 10 year old goes on a raping spree. It's when they grow to 190 lbs and 5'9" when you have trouble.

Yup, he sure was a scary 12 year old. He was black!!!

There is no law against talking to any Russians. The MSM knows you sheep will jump at their command. Over a year into the investigation and Trying to pressure people to make up shit about Trump by threatening them with process crime charges.

Uh, yeah, it's a violation of the Logan Act and the Campaign Finance Act to receive help from the Russians. If Putin was promised policy changes it's downright treason.

That only works in a hostage situation, not when somebody is pulling a gun on you and you only have one second to react.

Except it was a toy, and he wasn't pulling it.. .

If an officer is attacked they use any means necessary to escape danger be it chocking or even using their firearm.

Except this officer was reprimanded for choking the suspect, and suspended for his role in Rice's shooting.

Personally, I'd like the two of them to s hare a jail cell, keeping watch at night to make sure the brothers don't shank them.
I can't provide what isn't out there on the internet. What I can do if you like is give you the physical description of the boy provided by the coroner.

Yes, this is really scary... oh my Gosh, he looks like he's about to go on a raping spree any second.

No, he's under investigation because some FOREIGNER in London was drinking at a bar with a drunk American who said there was a Russian connection.

Okay, buddy, so you want to pretend that Manafort and Flynn and Eric Trump talking to the Russians in Trump tower didn't happen. You'll still be in denial when they are frog-marching him out of the White House

And if he squared down behind the car and then shot Tamir, you would have been okay with that?

If he tried de-escalation tactics first, maybe.

I'm talking about the officer driving the car.

The one who previously choked a suspect.

Silly Darkies, rights are for White people.

all i can tell you is if we can pretend that:
  • hillary didn't delete 33k mails to save her ass
  • the fbi didn't cover it up and let her go
  • obama didn't spy on everyone
  • obama didn't militarize the gov against itself
  • obama didn't start attacking journalists first
  • hillary got benghazi right
  • hillary didn't sell uranium to the russians
  • the clinton foundation is on the level
  • lynch and bill were talking about golf and their grandkids
  • it's ok for hillary to pay for fake information to use against trump
  • and hillary would have been a good president,
then i can GOD DAMN SURE pretend that the "meeting" to get dirt on people NOT doing all the above never happened.
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Yup, he sure was a scary 12 year old. He was black!!!

Anybody with the ability to pull a trigger on a gun is scary when you are the target.

Uh, yeah, it's a violation of the Logan Act and the Campaign Finance Act to receive help from the Russians. If Putin was promised policy changes it's downright treason.

He was never promised policy changes.

Except it was a toy, and he wasn't pulling it.. .

Of course not. After he was shot, the gun just jumped out of his pants all by itself. And you with this toy BS. So one more time. Which one is real and how would you be able to distinguish it on a dark rainy day?

Tamir Rice.jpeg

Except this officer was reprimanded for choking the suspect, and suspended for his role in Rice's shooting.

Personally, I'd like the two of them to s hare a jail cell, keeping watch at night to make sure the brothers don't shank them.

I'm sure that's exactly what you would like. You're anti-cop and pro-criminal. And the suspended cop was found not guilty of any wrongdoing in the case.
all i can tell you is if we can pretend that:
  • hillary didn't delete 33k mails to save her ass
  • the fbi didn't cover it up and let her go

Okay, let's look at that. You guys have yet to prove any of these emails were that big of a deal or represented any real breach in security. (The Russians and other had a much easier time hacking antiquated government systems.)

Go where? Hey, he was stating the obvious. we weren't going to come to any major bilateral agreements in an election year. You see, he can talk to the Russians when he's president. Trump wasn't president when he colluded with the russians, and was in violation of the Logan Act.

  • obama didn't spy on everyone
  • obama didn't militarize the gov against itself

Um, these are things every government does... and it kind of should.

hillary got benghazi right

Define getting it wrong. The idiot who made the decision to go to Benghazi was Christ Stevens, not Hillary Clinton. He's the one who went even though he knew the security situation was deteriorating. He was the one who decided to stay the night even though riots were breaking out.

hillary didn't sell uranium to the russians

Okay, are we really going to run down your whole paranoid list because you can't admit you made a mistake? The Uranium ONe thing has been debunked six ways to sunday. It wasn't even Hillary's call.
He was never promised policy changes.


Trump has refused to enforce bipartisan sanctions.
He's given Russia a free hand in Syria
He's not kept the pressure on their intervention in Ukraine.

Seems like Putin totally got his money's worth.

I'm sure that's exactly what you would like. You're anti-cop and pro-criminal. And the suspended cop was found not guilty of any wrongdoing in the case.

That's the problem. we don't hold these corrupt and thuggish cops accountable, and they make it harder for the good cops.
all i can tell you is if we can pretend that:
  • hillary didn't delete 33k mails to save her ass
  • the fbi didn't cover it up and let her go

Okay, let's look at that. You guys have yet to prove any of these emails were that big of a deal or represented any real breach in security. (The Russians and other had a much easier time hacking antiquated government systems.)

Go where? Hey, he was stating the obvious. we weren't going to come to any major bilateral agreements in an election year. You see, he can talk to the Russians when he's president. Trump wasn't president when he colluded with the russians, and was in violation of the Logan Act.

  • obama didn't spy on everyone
  • obama didn't militarize the gov against itself

Um, these are things every government does... and it kind of should.

hillary got benghazi right

Define getting it wrong. The idiot who made the decision to go to Benghazi was Christ Stevens, not Hillary Clinton. He's the one who went even though he knew the security situation was deteriorating. He was the one who decided to stay the night even though riots were breaking out.

hillary didn't sell uranium to the russians

Okay, are we really going to run down your whole paranoid list because you can't admit you made a mistake? The Uranium ONe thing has been debunked six ways to sunday. It wasn't even Hillary's call.
He was never promised policy changes.


Trump has refused to enforce bipartisan sanctions.
He's given Russia a free hand in Syria
He's not kept the pressure on their intervention in Ukraine.

Seems like Putin totally got his money's worth.

I'm sure that's exactly what you would like. You're anti-cop and pro-criminal. And the suspended cop was found not guilty of any wrongdoing in the case.

That's the problem. we don't hold these corrupt and thuggish cops accountable, and they make it harder for the good cops.

Refused to enforce bipartisan sanctions? so what.

Given Russia carte blanche in Syria? better the Russians then us.

Not kept pressure in Ukraine ? Again, who cares?

Agree about the Cops though.
Okay, let's look at that. You guys have yet to prove any of these emails were that big of a deal or represented any real breach in security. (The Russians and other had a much easier time hacking antiquated government systems.)

Um, these are things every government does... and it kind of should.

Yes, communist and dictator governments do this all the time. Government should do it to protect the citizens--not to gather information on a political opponent.

Okay, are we really going to run down your whole paranoid list because you can't admit you made a mistake? The Uranium ONe thing has been debunked six ways to sunday. It wasn't even Hillary's call.

It's not over until the fat lady sings:

FBI Interviewed Uranium One Informant in Clinton Foundation Investigation | Sara A. Carter

Trump has refused to enforce bipartisan sanctions.
He's given Russia a free hand in Syria
He's not kept the pressure on their intervention in Ukraine.

Seems like Putin totally got his money's worth.

So what does this have to do with the price of rice in China? It doesn't prove anything. Do you now believe in thought police where you can read the President's mind on what he based his decisions on?

That's the problem. we don't hold these corrupt and thuggish cops accountable, and they make it harder for the good cops.

One more time: you can't convict somebody of a crime unless you can prove a crime was committed. What evidence do you have and what crime was committed here? Show me case and law.
Refused to enforce bipartisan sanctions? so what.

Given Russia carte blanche in Syria? better the Russians then us.

Not kept pressure in Ukraine ? Again, who cares?

okay, I think that the Russians expanding their influence is generally a bad thing, don't you?

Or are you that invested in the Trump Cult you are drinking the koolaid.
Refused to enforce bipartisan sanctions? so what.

Given Russia carte blanche in Syria? better the Russians then us.

Not kept pressure in Ukraine ? Again, who cares?

okay, I think that the Russians expanding their influence is generally a bad thing, don't you?

Or are you that invested in the Trump Cult you are drinking the koolaid.

No. But i dint believe our kids lives are worth some old soviet bloc family squabbles. fuck them. Let the rest of NATO deal with it. Oh, i dint vote trump. i voted NOT Hillary.
One more time: you can't convict somebody of a crime unless you can prove a crime was committed. What evidence do you have and what crime was committed here? Show me case and law.

Let's see now, he shot a kid.
That's murder.

That was simple.

Obviously you don't know the difference between self-defense and murder. Not all killings are murder and most are not murder by a police officer since we give them the right to use deadly force for self-defense.

That was simple.
No. But i dint believe our kids lives are worth some old soviet bloc family squabbles. fuck them. Let the rest of NATO deal with it. Oh, i dint vote trump. i voted NOT Hillary.

Okay, so beside your lack of literacy and your raging misogyny, did you have a point here?

You know, nobody was suggesting that we send kids to fight in Ukraine or Syria, just that we don't give the Russians a free hand there.

Which Trump totally did.
Obviously you don't know the difference between self-defense and murder.

Um, yeah, a 12 year old playing with a toy isn't a danger you have to really worry about.

It is if it looks exactly like a real gun. This is what's so common about the left, you people lie so much. This "toy" nonsense is something you think will convince people that some kid was playing with a yo-yo and the cops just gunned him down.

Do this: get a toy gun just like Tamir had. Crash a stop light in front of a cop prompting him to pull you over. When he starts walking to your car, jump out of your car and point that "toy" at him. Don't worry Joe, he won't shoot you. You are white and it's just a toy......remember?

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