Republicans deserve what they get

The Private Sector solution does not have government in it, forcing people to buy it, or fining people that don't. That's a government solution--not a private sector solution.

No, guy. The "Private Sector" never gets tired of sucking at the government teet.

The Heritage Foundation has no more to do with Republican policy than the NRA does on gun policy. it's crap your side makes up. As for HillaryCare, it's what caused the leadership change in Congress for the first time in over 40 years, so Republicans knew they were on the right side of that issue.

Actually, it was more the normal thing that happens in midterms in 1994, but never mind...

So imagine this, if HillaryCare had become the law of the land, when your boss decided you were as expendable as a sea-monkey, you could have applied for HillaryCare and they'd have taxed his ass to pay for it. It would have actually made your life better.

First off, Romney is no Republican by any stretch of the imagination.

So he wasn't a Republican, but the Republican party nominated him for president....

Holy shit, Fifty First Dates, this is getting pointless.
No, guy. The "Private Sector" never gets tired of sucking at the government teet.

Only if they are invited and the government says "we are going to force people to buy your product!" What are they supposed to say? No?

Actually, it was more the normal thing that happens in midterms in 1994, but never mind...

So imagine this, if HillaryCare had become the law of the land, when your boss decided you were as expendable as a sea-monkey, you could have applied for HillaryCare and they'd have taxed his ass to pay for it. It would have actually made your life better.

People didn't want government taxing anybody. We wanted government to stay out of our lives. And if DumBama and the Democrats didn't control everything from 2009, my healthcare insurance would have never been interrupted in the first place.

Prior to Hillary Care, the Republicans hadn't had leadership of the House since 1952. It was not a normal thing back then. It was historic actually.
Only if they are invited and the government says "we are going to force people to buy your product!" What are they supposed to say? No?

Big insurance pushed for the ACA, and they are the ones telling Trump not to repeal it.

People didn't want government taxing anybody. We wanted government to stay out of our lives. And if DumBama and the Democrats didn't control everything from 2009, my healthcare insurance would have never been interrupted in the first place.

Not sure what you mean by "people". Obama won overwealming majorities twice.

Again, buddy, your health insurance got cancelled because your boss is a greedy asshole who doesn't give a fuck about you.

Battered Housewife Republicans... got to love them.
Big insurance pushed for the ACA, and they are the ones telling Trump not to repeal it.

They are? Who is telling Trump that?

If Commie Care was so good for insurance companies, why did most of them drop out of the program?

Not sure what you mean by "people". Obama won overwealming majorities twice.

Yes he did, but nobody really knew the disaster of Commie Care until his second term. Why do you suppose he put such a delay on it's startup instead of instituting it right away? He wanted to help guarantee his reelection which would otherwise have been impossible if Commie Care started soon after it was passed.

And while he did get elected twice, he also lost the House, the Senate, the White House after he left, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.

Again, buddy, your health insurance got cancelled because your boss is a greedy asshole who doesn't give a fuck about you.

Battered Housewife Republicans... got to love them.

At least I'm man enough to admit my employers faults in the matter. It's a shame you can't do the same with Hussein.
They are? Who is telling Trump that?

If Commie Care was so good for insurance companies, why did most of them drop out of the program?

You are confused, as usual.

Insurers, doctors and hospitals oppose repeal of Obamacare individual mandate

Major industry groups representing insurers, hospitals and doctors jointly opposed repeal of Obamacare's individual mandate Tuesday on the heels of news that a Senate tax bill will propose elimination of that rule.

The groups, in a letter to Congressional leaders, said, "Eliminating the individual mandate by itself likely will result in a significant increase in premiums, which would in turn substantially increase the number of uninsured Americans."

TRy reading stuff, Fifty First Dates, re-educating you is a full time job.

And while he did get elected twice, he also lost the House, the Senate, the White House after he left, and 2/3 of the governorships across the country.

All meaningless, since none of those elections were about the ACA.

At least I'm man enough to admit my employers faults in the matter. It's a shame you can't do the same with Hussein.

Uh, the only person at fault is YOU.

The minute your boss cancelled your health insurance, you should have been sending out resumes.

And you should have kept sending them out until you got a new job that provided insurance.
You are confused, as usual.

Insurers, doctors and hospitals oppose repeal of Obamacare individual mandate

Major industry groups representing insurers, hospitals and doctors jointly opposed repeal of Obamacare's individual mandate Tuesday on the heels of news that a Senate tax bill will propose elimination of that rule.

The groups, in a letter to Congressional leaders, said, "Eliminating the individual mandate by itself likely will result in a significant increase in premiums, which would in turn substantially increase the number of uninsured Americans."

TRy reading stuff, Fifty First Dates, re-educating you is a full time job.

That's all fine and dandy, but it doesn't answer my question. Why did many of the insurance providers leave Commie Care?

If Obama created a law that all people applying for a job had to do so with a resume, wouldn't you oppose the repeal of that law?

Those people are correct, without forcing people to buy something they don't want, the program will deteriorate into nothing within time. And when insurance becomes too unaffordable for you, I'll be right here to rub it in as you have done to me.

All meaningless, since none of those elections were about the ACA.

They weren't? Then what were they about? What other major change did DumBama make to this country that would cause such outrage?

Uh, the only person at fault is YOU.

The minute your boss cancelled your health insurance, you should have been sending out resumes.

And you should have kept sending them out until you got a new job that provided insurance.

Easier said than done with my limitations by government and my age. But is that the kind of country you think we should have? One where everybody has to make major changes in their life because some incompetent managed to con people into electing them?

Again, you refuse to admit Ears started and caused the problem. You are blaming the bomb instead of the person that lit the fuse. You did the exact same thing with the housing crisis. You refuse to acknowledge who started it and instead, blame who was there at the end of it.
If Obama created a law that all people applying for a job had to do so with a resume, wouldn't you oppose the repeal of that law?

Dude, I can barely keep up with the customers I have now. That last thing I want are people who are getting one because they "have to".

Those people are correct, without forcing people to buy something they don't want, the program will deteriorate into nothing within time. And when insurance becomes too unaffordable for you, I'll be right here to rub it in as you have done to me.

Guy, the reality is, the reason why you needed a mandate was because when you don't let the insurance companies cheat people wiht pre-existing conditions, people just buy insurance when they get sick.

It's like letting people buy auto insurance after they have a car accident.

Now, again- single payer or a public option would have fixed these problems, but the Insurance Industry was dead set against it.

They weren't? Then what were they about?

Dumb people in rural states reminding us they are racist assholes?

Easier said than done with my limitations by government and my age. But is that the kind of country you think we should have? One where everybody has to make major changes in their life because some incompetent managed to con people into electing them?

Guy, I'm going to say something nice about you. You actually seem reasonably intelligent... but you take a job which really doesn't require any and you've made no attempt to re-invent yourself. That's kind of on you.

That IS the kind of country we have. Most of the jobs I've had in my career no longer exist. The Army unit I was in was disbanded, the first company I worked for when I left the Army went out of business, and so on. You have to be flexible and ready to reinvent yourself.

But do keep blaming the black guy that your ability to do jobs that involve driving in a straight line are limited.
Dude, I can barely keep up with the customers I have now. That last thing I want are people who are getting one because they "have to".

By golly, I think you're finally starting to catch on Joe. Most people don't want government telling us what we have to buy or obtain.

Guy, the reality is, the reason why you needed a mandate was because when you don't let the insurance companies cheat people wiht pre-existing conditions, people just buy insurance when they get sick.

It's like letting people buy auto insurance after they have a car accident.

Now, again- single payer or a public option would have fixed these problems, but the Insurance Industry was dead set against it.

So why did the Democrats listen to these insurance companies in the first place? If they could pass Commie Care, they could have passed anything.

Dumb people in rural states reminding us they are racist assholes?

Really? Then why did those dumb racists vote for DumBama in the first place?

Guy, I'm going to say something nice about you. You actually seem reasonably intelligent... but you take a job which really doesn't require any and you've made no attempt to re-invent yourself. That's kind of on you.

That IS the kind of country we have. Most of the jobs I've had in my career no longer exist. The Army unit I was in was disbanded, the first company I worked for when I left the Army went out of business, and so on. You have to be flexible and ready to reinvent yourself.

But do keep blaming the black guy that your ability to do jobs that involve driving in a straight line are limited.

Well thank you for the rare compliment. There are companies I worked for that no longer exist as well, but I'm in a profession where I used to always be in demand. I found a job that I liked; I still do like it. But because I cannot have over 90% of the jobs out there thanks to government, it really narrows things down a bit.

So what do I do at the age of 58? Go to school for a couple of years, graduate as a rookie in whatever field I get into, and try to get a good paying job with benefits at 60?

Sure, if I could have foreseen how left his country could go, I might have done something different years ago, but I had more faith in my fellow citizen. I thought there would never be a day where we would have enough people to surrender their freedom so easily that would put us in that direction.

If government just would have left everything alone, I wouldn't have a problem today. I'd still have my job that I enjoyed working, still making a reasonable amount of money, still having medical coverage. But government ruined all that for me, and at this age, there is little I can do about it.
By golly, I think you're finally starting to catch on Joe. Most people don't want government telling us what we have to buy or obtain.

Okay, but here's the thing.

I'm sick and tired of paying a lot more for health care because the people who don't do the responsible thing show up at an emergency room when they get sick and never pay the bill.

Most people want health coverage... they just don't want to be cheated by insurance companies.

Really? Then why did those dumb racists vote for DumBama in the first place?

They didn't. IN fact, most of the guys who "won" in 2014 in JesusLand actually got LESS votes than Romney did in 2012.

Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than Romney did in 2016.

You guys aren't gaining support.

There aren't enough angry old white people to keep you afloat forever.

So what do I do at the age of 58? Go to school for a couple of years, graduate as a rookie in whatever field I get into, and try to get a good paying job with benefits at 60?

At your age, you could go into sales, into being a dispatcher...

My brother was a truck driver, but he had a stroke in 2012. They moved him into inside sales. He does just fine there.

Sure, if I could have foreseen how left his country could go, I might have done something different years ago, but I had more faith in my fellow citizen. I thought there would never be a day where we would have enough people to surrender their freedom so easily that would put us in that direction.

the problem is, whenever a Right Winger talks about "Freedom", it usually means those of us without money being exploited by those of us who do.

The reality is you picked a profession where someone younger and healthier is always going to be in demand. Now, age discrimination is a real thing.. I think I encountered it quite a bit in recent years... but you either overcome the obstacles or you just whine about them.
Only if they are invited and the government says "we are going to force people to buy your product!" What are they supposed to say? No?

Big insurance pushed for the ACA, and they are the ones telling Trump not to repeal it.

People didn't want government taxing anybody. We wanted government to stay out of our lives. And if DumBama and the Democrats didn't control everything from 2009, my healthcare insurance would have never been interrupted in the first place.

Not sure what you mean by "people". Obama won overwealming majorities twice.

Again, buddy, your health insurance got cancelled because your boss is a greedy asshole who doesn't give a fuck about you.

Battered Housewife Republicans... got to love them.
looks more like a grade b farrah fawcett movie, which would be about all of 'em.

care to link the actual pic here to your claim or would any battered woman do?
looks more like a grade b farrah fawcett movie, which would be about all of 'em.

care to link the actual pic here to your claim or would any battered woman do?

Naw, I could explain the analogy to you,and you still wouldn't get it.

For 40 years, the GOP has been busting up unions, sending jobs overseas, letting predatory banks cheat the working class... and dumb Battered Housewife Republicans like Ray keep voting for them.
The left loves to declare that President Trump has done “nothing” when in fact he has done everything he is constitutionally responsibile for (and very successfully I might add). It has been the Republican Congress that has done nothing.

They talked such a big game in 2010. They promised they would repeal Obamacare (they’ve done no such thing). They promised they would pass a budget (they’ve done no such thing). They promised they would restore fiscal sanity (they’ve done no such thing). They promised the world and they delivered absolutely nothing.
“Just a few years ago, Speaker Ryan was viewed as the individual in our party, in our country, who was focused on fiscal responsibility, and then you saw what happened last week,” Jordan said, referring to the budget.

“So all I’m saying is we need legislation in every policy area that is consistent with that we told them we were going to do and what they elected us to do,” he continued. “That did not happen last week, but I certainly hope it happens on immigration.”
Outside of tax reform, there isn’t one single thing that the Republicans have achieved. They haven’t repealed anything and they haven’t passed anything. They absolutely deserve to have their asses handed to them in the 2018 midterm election. What a wasted opportunity to make a positive difference for this country.

Is it too much to ask for politicians to deliver in what they promised to do? This is a prime example of why we needed the Tea Party so desperately. It is time that we bury the Republican Party for good. True conservatives, libertarians, the Tea Party, etc. need to join the Constitution Party.

Freedom Caucus issues a stern warning to Paul Ryan on immigration – here’s what they said

Republicans have shown a real lack of leadership. After 7 long years--of campaigning on we're going to repeal & replace Obamacare, they couldn't come up with a half way decent bill to do it. They were all talk. Even John Boehner stated that all the Obamacare rhetoric was nothing more than wildly optimistic happy talk for the campaign season.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

But that's not why they're going to get creamed in the midterm election cycle. Republicans biggest mistake of all was electing Donald Trump.

January 20, 2018 woman's 2nd annual women's march

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election


January 20, 2017--the day after Trump was inaugurated. This was going on in every state, you can go to this link and scroll through the many pages for more pictures, you might find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

The regular street protests of Trump.

trump street protest pictures - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Image Search Results

Republicans have awoken a sleeping giant, and it's pissed.
Okay, but here's the thing.

I'm sick and tired of paying a lot more for health care because the people who don't do the responsible thing show up at an emergency room when they get sick and never pay the bill.

Most people want health coverage... they just don't want to be cheated by insurance companies.

If you want to worry about who you are paying for with higher costs, look no further than your precious federal government.

Medicare and Medicaid typically pay only 2/3 of cost they are billed for their patients. It's one of the reasons more and more doctors and facilities are refusing new government patients. And while yes, it does increase the cost of your insurance that you pay for, it still isn't enough to cover all government losses.

People getting treated in the ER are a pittance compared to those getting treatment and government not paying the total bill for. Federal funds were setup for those people, but thanks to Hussein, those were cut for Commie Care:

Who pays when someone without insurance shows up in the ER?

They didn't. IN fact, most of the guys who "won" in 2014 in JesusLand actually got LESS votes than Romney did in 2012.

Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than Romney did in 2016.

You guys aren't gaining support.

There aren't enough angry old white people to keep you afloat forever.

Yes, I've heard that.......for the last 30 years. Those old white people just aren't dying on you Joe.

What you have to understand about the Democrat party is they are born liars. They have to tell their constitutions that the country is turning liberal, otherwise they won't come out to vote. If they told them the truth (conservatism is alive and well) it would knock the wind out of their sales.

So every election they lose, they can't tell their voters why they lost. Instead, they tell them they really won, it's just that the Republicans cheated somehow.

At your age, you could go into sales, into being a dispatcher...

My brother was a truck driver, but he had a stroke in 2012. They moved him into inside sales. He does just fine there.

Good for him, but I work for a transportation company. There is no inside sales work. Besides it's a family operation and the boss and his brother run the entire place. If he needed anybody else, he would have his son go off the road to work inside.

The reality is you picked a profession where someone younger and healthier is always going to be in demand. Now, age discrimination is a real thing.. I think I encountered it quite a bit in recent years... but you either overcome the obstacles or you just whine about them.

Why should I have to overcome the obstacles? Wouldn't it be better if we elected people that didn't put obstacles in my way?

Truck drivers are in high demand. That's one of the reasons I chose the profession. But because I can't accept most jobs due to restrictions, the few jobs I can accept are jobs highly in demand (local work) that kind of puts older people at the bottom of the list.
Republicans have awoken a sleeping giant, and it's pissed.
Yawn. You don’t even hear your own bat-shit crazy words when you post them. You show pictures the day of and the day after President Trump’s inauguration. At that point he hadn’t done anything. So what exactly were they “protesting”?

Oh yeah...the fact that they didn’t get their way in the election. :lmao:
If you want to worry about who you are paying for with higher costs, look no further than your precious federal government.

Uh, Fifty First Dates, Single Payer Countries spend half per capita what the US spends, they cover everyone and they do better in almost every metric than we do. But some rich Canadian came down here to get a private room once, so there's that.

Yes, I've heard that.......for the last 30 years. Those old white people just aren't dying on you Joe.

and you only won the national popular vote once in the last 30 years. Imagine that.

And you had to scare the shit out of the country to do it.

Medicare and Medicaid typically pay only 2/3 of cost they are billed for their patients. It's one of the reasons more and more doctors and facilities are refusing new government patients. And while yes, it does increase the cost of your insurance that you pay for, it still isn't enough to cover all government losses.

They are getting paid. Simple enough solution. Single payer. This is what you are getting paid. Don't like it? Find something else to do for a living.

Come the fuck on, dude. Americas pay $8,000 per person a year for medical coverage, while Canadians pay $4000. Single Payer. Set costs at what they actually cost to provide. Done.

Good for him, but I work for a transportation company. There is no inside sales work. Besides it's a family operation and the boss and his brother run the entire place. If he needed anybody else, he would have his son go off the road to work inside.

Yup, that's the ONLY Possible company where you possibly can work.

Battered housewife Republican, everyone...

Truck drivers are in high demand. That's one of the reasons I chose the profession. But because I can't accept most jobs due to restrictions, the few jobs I can accept are jobs highly in demand (local work) that kind of puts older people at the bottom of the list.

Guy, I wouldn't want to share the road with a 58 year old with health problems driving a heavy truck. Those rules are there for a good reason. The fact is, you chose a profession where being younger is an advantage, and now you aren't young, and you blame EVERYONE else for your problems.
As everyone knows,....Congress today has little to do with representing the American People.

Today, Congress has morphed into a self-serving frat house of self-indulgent puppets owned by the highest bidder.
They mostly work for the best interests of those highest bidders. (and themselves) We The People are seen as servants and a tax base.

As someone else mentioned, TERM LIMITS are about the only chance for the American People to get the ship back on course......

GOOD LUCK EVER getting Congress to agree to that !!!!!!
As everyone knows,....Congress today has little to do with representing the American People.

Today, Congress has morphed into a self-serving frat house of self-indulgent puppets owned by the highest bidder.
They mostly work for the best interests of those highest bidders. (and themselves) We The People are seen as servants and a tax base.

As someone else mentioned, TERM LIMITS are about the only chance for the American People to get the ship back on course......

GOOD LUCK EVER getting Congress to agree to that !!!!!!


I want you to try an experiment today. On the off chance you hold down a job, I want you to ask a bunch of your co-workers if they can name your state's two Senators.

I'm betting not a lot of them can.

So you complain a whole bunch about how Congress "doesn't listen to us", but we don't pay enough attention to what they are doing.

Lobbyists are just people who care enough to actually ASK.

Term limits aren't going to solve that problem, and will probably make it worse. If you change these guys every six years, they aren't going to know which lobbyists are totally full of shit.
As everyone knows,....Congress today has little to do with representing the American People.

Today, Congress has morphed into a self-serving frat house of self-indulgent puppets owned by the highest bidder.
They mostly work for the best interests of those highest bidders. (and themselves) We The People are seen as servants and a tax base.

As someone else mentioned, TERM LIMITS are about the only chance for the American People to get the ship back on course......

GOOD LUCK EVER getting Congress to agree to that !!!!!!


I want you to try an experiment today. On the off chance you hold down a job, I want you to ask a bunch of your co-workers if they can name your state's two Senators.

I'm betting not a lot of them can.

So you complain a whole bunch about how Congress "doesn't listen to us", but we don't pay enough attention to what they are doing.

Lobbyists are just people who care enough to actually ASK.

Term limits aren't going to solve that problem, and will probably make it worse. If you change these guys every six years, they aren't going to know which lobbyists are totally full of shit.

In a way, I agree with you. People don't get off their asses and demand change. Only the Progressive Left seems to be doing that today.
I can't speak for everyone else, but I sure as hell pay attention to what Congress does. Probably too much.

But as far as what you could be that people today can't name their senators is because their Senators are totally detached.
Have YOU ever actually tried contacting your Senators or House Representatives these days? it's a joke.
They do NOT want to be bothered. Try it yourself.

When I was younger, I can remember my representatives actually answering me on a personal basis. Not with some canned response or no response at all. Today it seems they put up filters designed to limit their exposure to their constituents.

But again, if people are too distracted to demand change, it's ultimately their own fault. That I agree with.

Oh, and there's no need to be such an ass, you moron. Your insults were un warranted.
And your lobbyist only care because they get PAID to "care". Yes, lobbying is part of the problem but I can't cover everything in a single post. Dipshit. (see, I tried being nice, until you showed your ass. If you insult others for no reason, expect the shit to get flung right back atcha)
Last edited:
When I was younger, I can remember my representatives actually answering me on a personal basis. Not with some canned response or no response at all. Today it seems they put up filters designed to limit their exposure to their constituents.

Today their aids do all of that work.

For snail mail, first they cross reference the return address with voter rolls. If you don't vote, your envelope goes into a shredder unopened. Then they cross reference party affiliation with the name on the return address. Then they open up the mail and make tallies. They briefly scan the letter for that procedure. In some cases, they return a form letter to the sender.

They present the representative with their tally totals, and that's all the information the representative gets; it's all that counts to them.
As everyone knows,....Congress today has little to do with representing the American People.

Today, Congress has morphed into a self-serving frat house of self-indulgent puppets owned by the highest bidder.
They mostly work for the best interests of those highest bidders. (and themselves) We The People are seen as servants and a tax base.

As someone else mentioned, TERM LIMITS are about the only chance for the American People to get the ship back on course......

GOOD LUCK EVER getting Congress to agree to that !!!!!!

Term limits won't help. The only way to make change is if we vote on all our representatives at once. Change the entire house every two years, and the Senate every six.

What happens in our current system is that new people come into the fray and get poisoned by the existing members. Even if their intent of leading the country is genuine, it won't be long until they are threatened, paid off, or persuaded into voting for things that they don't believe in or want.

Giving the voters the ability to drain the swamp every election could reduce some of that. If a Senator isn't up for election for another four years, what does he or she give a crap if they pass legislation most of us don't want? The Senators up for reelection during that time will vote with the people, but there are not enough of them up for reelection to make a difference.

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