Republicans deserve what they get

On one hand, you have liberals saying we need to get rid of Voter-ID because every single vote should count, and on the other hand, you have liberals saying over half of this country should not have their vote counted.

Um, no.

I'm sorry you are confused on this point, Fifty First Dates...

Did you suffer some head injury and that's why they won't let you drive OTR?

Every vote should count.

And when the votes are counted, that's what we do. If you didn't get 50% for your idea, then you lose. Sorry, that's how Democracy works.
The left loves to declare that President Trump has done “nothing” when in fact he has done everything he is constitutionally responsibile for (and very successfully I might add). It has been the Republican Congress that has done nothing.

They talked such a big game in 2010. They promised they would repeal Obamacare (they’ve done no such thing). They promised they would pass a budget (they’ve done no such thing). They promised they would restore fiscal sanity (they’ve done no such thing). They promised the world and they delivered absolutely nothing.
“Just a few years ago, Speaker Ryan was viewed as the individual in our party, in our country, who was focused on fiscal responsibility, and then you saw what happened last week,” Jordan said, referring to the budget.

“So all I’m saying is we need legislation in every policy area that is consistent with that we told them we were going to do and what they elected us to do,” he continued. “That did not happen last week, but I certainly hope it happens on immigration.”
Outside of tax reform, there isn’t one single thing that the Republicans have achieved. They haven’t repealed anything and they haven’t passed anything. They absolutely deserve to have their asses handed to them in the 2018 midterm election. What a wasted opportunity to make a positive difference for this country.

Is it too much to ask for politicians to deliver in what they promised to do? This is a prime example of why we needed the Tea Party so desperately. It is time that we bury the Republican Party for good. True conservatives, libertarians, the Tea Party, etc. need to join the Constitution Party.

Freedom Caucus issues a stern warning to Paul Ryan on immigration – here’s what they said
BS tax reform being another huge giveaway to the rich. Everyone else continues to go to hell. Great job!
On one hand, you have liberals saying we need to get rid of Voter-ID because every single vote should count, and on the other hand, you have liberals saying over half of this country should not have their vote counted.

Um, no.

I'm sorry you are confused on this point, Fifty First Dates...

Did you suffer some head injury and that's why they won't let you drive OTR?

Every vote should count.

And when the votes are counted, that's what we do. If you didn't get 50% for your idea, then you lose. Sorry, that's how Democracy works.

For your information, we don't live in a Democracy, we live in a Republic.

Sure, you say every vote counts because your side is having trouble playing by the rules. So instead of figuring out how to win by the rules, cry that you want the rules changed so it favors you.

Sounds to me like you're the one with Fifty First Dates.
Sure, you say every vote counts because your side is having trouble playing by the rules. So instead of figuring out how to win by the rules, cry that you want the rules changed so it favors you.

Uh, no, Fifty First Dates. We've won every popular vote since 1988 except for one.

Invoking "rules" to throw out what the people want is the exact opposite of a country that acts by the will of the people.

The People Said No. They'll have to say it a little louder in November and 2020.

In the meantime, in IL's 3rd Congressional District, the GOP managed to nominate an ACTUAL Nazi.
Uh, no, Fifty First Dates. We've won every popular vote since 1988 except for one.

YOU DID! And what did you get for it????

Invoking "rules" to throw out what the people want is the exact opposite of a country that acts by the will of the people.

Been doing it this way since our founding. Hey Joe, when we take a huge lead in the Senate, are you going to start crying Senators should represent the volume of people just like the House?

In the meantime, in IL's 3rd Congressional District, the GOP managed to nominate an ACTUAL Nazi.

Wow! How is he going to get along with all those racists in the GOP????
YOU DID! And what did you get for it????

Presidents we didn't want, wars, recessions, major cities washed into the sea due to sheer incompetence. That's what we got for ignoring what the people said to do, Fifty First Dates. I know you were asleep between 2001 and 2009, but that stuff all happened.

Been doing it this way since our founding. Hey Joe, when we take a huge lead in the Senate, are you going to start crying Senators should represent the volume of people just like the House?

Actually, you guys are probably done as a party after these midterms. and then you'll do all the whining.

Wow! How is he going to get along with all those racists in the GOP????

Probably pretty well, that's all you guys seem to have left. But amazingly, they couldn't find a non-Nazi to run against him, and he got 20,000 votes.

Holocaust denier poised to claim GOP nomination in Illinois race for Congress
Presidents we didn't want, wars, recessions, major cities washed into the sea due to sheer incompetence. That's what we got for ignoring what the people said to do, Fifty First Dates. I know you were asleep between 2001 and 2009, but that stuff all happened.

So in other words, you didn't get anything. There is no consolation prize for second place in a presidential election.

Actually, you guys are probably done as a party after these midterms. and then you'll do all the whining.

Nah, we will be fine. We cheat, remember?

Probably pretty well, that's all you guys seem to have left. But amazingly, they couldn't find a non-Nazi to run against him, and he got 20,000 votes.

Holocaust denier poised to claim GOP nomination in Illinois race for Congress

Holocaust denier? Sounds like somebody right up your alley. However you probably hate Jews more than anybody.
Nah, we will be fine. We cheat, remember?

You can't cheat enough to beat the asswhooping that's coming.

Especially when you nominated nazis and kooks.

Holocaust denier? Sounds like somebody right up your alley. However you probably hate Jews more than anybody.

Um, no, I think the Holocaust happened and it was a horrible thing. Then again, my Dad liberated a concentration camp, so he saw it first hand.

I just don't think it's an excuse for their great grandchildren to run our country and do the same thing to the Palestinians.

(Psst...psst.. . you know the Holocaust wasn't just about the Jews, right?)
You can't cheat enough to beat the asswhooping that's coming.

Especially when you nominated nazis and kooks.

As compared to what, nominating Socialists, Communists and dictators?

Um, no, I think the Holocaust happened and it was a horrible thing. Then again, my Dad liberated a concentration camp, so he saw it first hand.

I just don't think it's an excuse for their great grandchildren to run our country and do the same thing to the Palestinians.

(Psst...psst.. . you know the Holocaust wasn't just about the Jews, right?)

No, it was about the Italians.

And how are the running the country? Very few Jewish politicians here. They run Hollywood though.
As compared to what, nominating Socialists, Communists and dictators?

Yeah, funny, I checked... we haven't sent all the Capitalists to the Gulags. Too bad, I'd have totally volunteer for the "Sadistic Camp Guard" job if that happened.

And how are the running the country? Very few Jewish politicians here.

You are kidding, right, Fifty First Dates? So you think that when Netanyahoo comes here and dictates to our president what our policy is, that's tots okay?
Yeah, funny, I checked... we haven't sent all the Capitalists to the Gulags. Too bad, I'd have totally volunteer for the "Sadistic Camp Guard" job if that happened.

I'm sure you would. Instead of sending them to the Gulags, you rather tax them to death and force them to overpay their labor. Then when you chase them all out of the country, you'll blame Republicans and greedy CEO"s.

You are kidding, right, Fifty First Dates? So you think that when Netanyahoo comes here and dictates to our president what our policy is, that's tots okay?

I don't recall him ever doing that. Care to give some examples?
And that’s exactly what they “promised”, Anathema. They “promised” to pass a fiscally responsibile budget. They failed to do that. They “promised” to repeal Obamacare. They failed to do that.

Both of those are 100% constitutional.

Yes they are, and I'm just as frustrated as you that they haven't done it. I think the difference is that somehow you actually thought they were going to. I never did. I learned all the way back in 1990, when I got my first taste of politics as a junior in High School that the only things that come out of the mouths of politicians are lies. I still believe that today. If a politician tells me my own name I double check my drivers license.
Well they voted to repeal Obamacare 47 times while Barack Obama was president. If they did it then, why the heck haven’t they while Donald Trump is President? Sorry - but lying doesn’t explain this one as they actually followed through on it an astounding number of times in the past.

You've just now discovered political theater? At least you're discovering, I suppose.
So what's your plan to accomplish that?

Actually the plan is pretty simple, and not that far out of line with most of the way our Founding Fathers looked at a nation...

Instead of being ruled by PEOPLE, you set up the Government to be ruled by the founding document (Constitution). You do that by taking the malleability out of the document. By making changes to the base document impossible and by making additions to it subject to legal review before they are even put into effect. Basically you turn the few Government Employees (including the Executive Officer) merely implementers of policy rather than creators of policy.

Sounds like religion. No thanks.
I'm sure you would. Instead of sending them to the Gulags, you rather tax them to death and force them to overpay their labor.

No, I would force them to FAIRLY pay their labor.

I mean, I know you like being underpaid and not given health insurance, being the battered housewife republican you are. But most of us like getting a fair wage for a fair day's work.

Then when you chase them all out of the country, you'll blame Republicans and greedy CEO"s.

Most of the world, they can't get away with the shit they get away with here.

I don't recall him ever doing that. Care to give some examples?

You don't recall anything, Fifty First Dates.. It's amazing you remember how to get to work in the morning.
Most of the world, they can't get away with the shit they get away with here.

In other words they don't have to deal with liberals, their taxation, their overpowering regulations and demands. In other words, other countries just mind their own business.

You don't recall anything, Fifty First Dates..

Apparently neither do you; also called F.O.S.
In other words they don't have to deal with liberals, their taxation, their overpowering regulations and demands. In other words, other countries just mind their own business.

Most other countries they have.

Universal Health Care.
Much stronger unions than we have and a higher unionization rate.
Higher taxes on the rich.
CEO's don't get 8 figure salaries. A six figure salary is more the norm.

THis has been explained to you a bunch of times, Fifty First Dates.
I'm sure you would. Instead of sending them to the Gulags, you rather tax them to death and force them to overpay their labor.

No, I would force them to FAIRLY pay their labor.

I mean, I know you like being underpaid and not given health insurance, being the battered housewife republican you are. But most of us like getting a fair wage for a fair day's work.

Then when you chase them all out of the country, you'll blame Republicans and greedy CEO"s.

Most of the world, they can't get away with the shit they get away with here.

I don't recall him ever doing that. Care to give some examples?

You don't recall anything, Fifty First Dates.. It's amazing you remember how to get to work in the morning.

It's obvious from your bad attitude, hatred of businesses, intolerance and lack of interest in work why no one wants to hire you. You are not worth the crappy wages you keep whining you're getting now.

Your office would be a far better place without you there. Life is too shot to be around people like you. Straight up, guy. When I fire people like you, the people around them literally thank me. Most of the time I don't even need to replace you. I fired two of you in my customer service department the same day and didn't have to replace either of you.

The work for everyone else just gets so much easier without your bad attitude around all the time and it's not like you do much work anyway. And I don't have to keep paying you to undermine my business.

Government says pay you more? All the faster I'm showing you the door
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In other words they don't have to deal with liberals, their taxation, their overpowering regulations and demands. In other words, other countries just mind their own business.

Most other countries they have.

Universal Health Care.
Much stronger unions than we have and a higher unionization rate.
Higher taxes on the rich.
CEO's don't get 8 figure salaries. A six figure salary is more the norm.

THis has been explained to you a bunch of times, Fifty First Dates.

Yes, you want a system where you aren't accountable for anything because you aren't worth anything. You want life to be where everyone gets a participation trophy
I'm sure you would. Instead of sending them to the Gulags, you rather tax them to death and force them to overpay their labor.

No, I would force them to FAIRLY pay their labor.

I mean, I know you like being underpaid and not given health insurance, being the battered housewife republican you are. But most of us like getting a fair wage for a fair day's work.

Then when you chase them all out of the country, you'll blame Republicans and greedy CEO"s.

Most of the world, they can't get away with the shit they get away with here.

I don't recall him ever doing that. Care to give some examples?

You don't recall anything, Fifty First Dates.. It's amazing you remember how to get to work in the morning.

It's obvious from your bad attitude, hatred of businesses, intolerance and lack of interest in work why no one wants to hire you. You are not worth the crappy wages you keep whining you're getting now.

Your office would be a far better place without you there. Life is too shot to be around people like you. Straight up, guy. When I fire people like you, the people around them literally thank me. Most of the time I don't even need to replace you. I fired two of you in my customer service department the same day and didn't have to replace either of you.

The work for everyone else just gets so much easier without your bad attitude around all the time and it's not like you do much work anyway. And I don't have to keep paying you to undermine my business.

Government says pay you more? All the faster I'm showing you the door
:udaman: :udaman: :udaman:
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In other words they don't have to deal with liberals, their taxation, their overpowering regulations and demands. In other words, other countries just mind their own business.

Most other countries they have.

Universal Health Care.
Much stronger unions than we have and a higher unionization rate.
Higher taxes on the rich.
CEO's don't get 8 figure salaries. A six figure salary is more the norm.

THis has been explained to you a bunch of times, Fifty First Dates.

Yes, you want a system where you aren't accountable for anything because you aren't worth anything. You want life to be where everyone gets a participation trophy
Ask sparky there why he never moves to these other countries that he talks about 24x7. Answer: because he knows those other nations don’t have conservatives to mooch off of. He wants Cuba here but won’t move to Cuba because the entire nation lives in perpetual poverty.

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