Republicans deserve what they get

Uh, Fifty First Dates, Single Payer Countries spend half per capita what the US spends, they cover everyone and they do better in almost every metric than we do. But some rich Canadian came down here to get a private room once, so there's that.

No, they don't do better in every metric. You get what you pay for. The good doctors come to the US because they can make a good living here. Not that likely in their country. As a patient of the Cleveland Clinic, I can testify that when you go to their main campus downtown, you are the one who feels like the foreigner.

"A" Canadian once came here? Think again:

and you only won the national popular vote once in the last 30 years. Imagine that.

And you had to scare the shit out of the country to do it.

Nothing is scarier than a Democrat in charge as we seen with Ears. Hil-Liar won the popular vote with the overage of California. Our founders were great in thinking ahead of time so that over populated or large states don't get to control the leadership for the entire country.

They are getting paid. Simple enough solution. Single payer. This is what you are getting paid. Don't like it? Find something else to do for a living.

Come the fuck on, dude. Americas pay $8,000 per person a year for medical coverage, while Canadians pay $4000. Single Payer. Set costs at what they actually cost to provide. Done.

Well living up north, I get to talk with a lot of Canadian drivers. The younger and middle-aged drivers tell me how great their healthcare system is. The elderly ones told me we better keep what we got, or we will be sorry some day.

It got so bad over there that they started to sell health insurance just like we have here. People didn't want to wait forever for care. Those who could afford immediate care can now go to private facilities to get the help they need.

Yup, that's the ONLY Possible company where you possibly can work.

Battered housewife Republican, everyone...

Yes, that's just about the truth. Any other job I'm legally allowed to have is about the same where I work now: no health insurance and crappy pay. You have no idea the cancer your precious Mulatto started in this country.

Guy, I wouldn't want to share the road with a 58 year old with health problems driving a heavy truck. Those rules are there for a good reason. The fact is, you chose a profession where being younger is an advantage, and now you aren't young, and you blame EVERYONE else for your problems.

No, I only blame one person for my problems; the person that actually caused my problems.

Until that big eared freak invaded the White House, everything was fine and dandy.

Yeah, those rules are there for a reason. When I got sick the last time, I went to my doctor who couldn't help me. So then I decided to go to a bureaucrat for help, and he cured me immediately.

After all (according to you) bureaucrats now know more than doctors. That's who writes these idiotic rules you know. They are not presented by Congress, voted on with the Senate, or signed by the President. Just some yo-yo spinners who have nothing better to do than make our lives more miserable.

These are the same clowns that allow foreigners who can't even read our road signs to drive on our roads, take our jobs, and keep our wages down. But you would rather be driving on the road with them more than me--an America who's professional driving record is perfect.
Have YOU ever actually tried contacting your Senators or House Representatives these days? it's a joke.
They do NOT want to be bothered. Try it yourself.

Actually, the one time I had to, when I had to clear up an issue when I was discharged from the Army concerning separation pay, I did write to both my Senators and two Congressmen. (We had Congressmen Russo and Lipinski lumped into the same district that year due to redistricting.

Senator Simon and both Russo and Lipinski did follow up with me, and we got the problem resolved.

Oh, and there's no need to be such an ass, you moron. Your insults were un warranted.

Um, actually, insulting the Right Wing is ALWAYS warranted. And funny.

And your lobbyist only care because they get PAID to "care". Yes, lobbying is part of the problem but I can't cover everything in a single post.

No, that would require you to have more than a double digit IQ. Here's the thing about lobbyists. Yes, they are paid. They are paid for their SKILLS. Just like most of us who have jobs do. But not everyone can be paid to be a Lobbyist.... It actually takes a skill set most of don't have and a lot of time studying the comlexities of legislation.

But the real advantage is commitment. And I'll use as an example a Lobbying group I hate, the NRA. When theres a school shooting, we all get upset and say, "Why don't they do something about that?" A few weeks later, we've moved on to something else. Until the next shooting, anyway. Wash, rinse repeat.

BUt the NRA, which really only represents about 3% of the population who are compensating for their shortcomings, is out there fighting this fight all the time.
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Yeah, those rules are there for a reason. When I got sick the last time, I went to my doctor who couldn't help me. So then I decided to go to a bureaucrat for help, and he cured me immediately.

After all (according to you) bureaucrats now know more than doctors. That's who writes these idiotic rules you know. They are not presented by Congress, voted on with the Senate, or signed by the President. Just some yo-yo spinners who have nothing better to do than make our lives more miserable.

YOu have yet to tell me what rule prevents you from getting the job you want. Because I suspect if you did, it would actually sound pretty reasonable to those of us who have to share highways with 18 wheelers when driving a Ford Focus.

Yes, that's just about the truth. Any other job I'm legally allowed to have is about the same where I work now: no health insurance and crappy pay. You have no idea the cancer your precious Mulatto started in this country.

Yes, he made every racist in the country more comfortable with his racism, apparently.
Nothing is scarier than a Democrat in charge as we seen with Ears. Hil-Liar won the popular vote with the overage of California. Our founders were great in thinking ahead of time so that over populated or large states don't get to control the leadership for the entire country.

Which they can't do then or now. The EC was because THEY DIDN'T TRUST DEMOCRACY. They wanted Buffers between the roiling masses and their big plantations... Now, thankfully, America has evolved beyond the Bourgeois feudalism of the Founding Slave Rapists, but this awful system that has produced the two worst presidents of the century is one that needs to go.
YOu have yet to tell me what rule prevents you from getting the job you want. Because I suspect if you did, it would actually sound pretty reasonable to those of us who have to share highways with 18 wheelers when driving a Ford Focus.

First off, I'm not allowed to have a Haz-Mat endorsement. That's required by 100% of the trucking lines across the country: UPS, Fed-Ex, Schnider, Roadway, everybody has to have drivers with that endorsement.

Can't leave state lines in a CDL vehicle; another requirement of most major transportation companies.

Can't get a passenger vehicle endorsement either. That's required for any vehicle that carries over 15 passengers; not that I would take any of those jobs, but it's another dead end street if I wanted to go into it.

Yes, he made every racist in the country more comfortable with his racism, apparently.

No, he made millions of us miserable the little commie.

Which they can't do then or now. The EC was because THEY DIDN'T TRUST DEMOCRACY. They wanted Buffers between the roiling masses and their big plantations... Now, thankfully, America has evolved beyond the Bourgeois feudalism of the Founding Slave Rapists, but this awful system that has produced the two worst presidents of the century is one that needs to go.

Good luck getting a rep to sponsor a Constitutional Amendment for that one.

The EC gives everybody a dog in the race. NYC has more people in it than four of our least populated states. Our founders didn't want one city in the entire country to have that kind of power. It's the same reason we have a population represented House, but every state gets two Senators no matter if you are Rhode Island or Texas. It's equal representation.

If we had popular vote to decide elections, all representatives would be catering to those few cities or states and not giving a shit about anybody else. If we needed a place to ship nuclear waste, send it to a state that has 1.5 million people. If a less populated state has a major hurricane or tornado, no federal funds for them. Instead, give that money to California for studies on why lesbians get so fat.

in other words, because most larger populated areas are liberal, we would have been a communist country long ago if we always used the popular vote, and more than likely double the debt we have today bringing us close to bankruptcy if not bankrupt already.
First off, I'm not allowed to have a Haz-Mat endorsement. That's required by 100% of the trucking lines across the country: UPS, Fed-Ex, Schnider, Roadway, everybody has to have drivers with that endorsement.

Can't leave state lines in a CDL vehicle; another requirement of most major transportation companies.

Can't get a passenger vehicle endorsement either. That's required for any vehicle that carries over 15 passengers; not that I would take any of those jobs, but it's another dead end street if I wanted to go into it.

So they don't want an older guy with slower reflexes, less stanima, a history of medical issues, etc. driving vehicles filled with dangerous chemicals or live people. What a bunch of horrid people.

Hey, maybe you should have gotten a CDL when George Ryan was running IL. That worked out well.

The EC gives everybody a dog in the race. NYC has more people in it than four of our least populated states.

That's exactly the point. They have more PEOPLE. PEOPLE, not STATES.

The insanity that NYC has to get 600,000 for each elector but the sheep-fuckers in Wyoming just need 200,000 per elector is nuts.

But the reality is, since NY and Wyoming have voted the same way since 1984, those states are actually disenfranchised, if you are Republican in NY or a Democrat in WY.

National popular vote. Guy with the most votes from the WHOLE COUNTRY wins.

If we had popular vote to decide elections, all representatives would be catering to those few cities or states and not giving a shit about anybody else.

Are you going to run down every tired argument?

I'd rather have a president trying to get as many votes as possible than pandering to the Swing States.
So they don't want an older guy with slower reflexes, less stanima, a history of medical issues, etc. driving vehicles filled with dangerous chemicals or live people. What a bunch of horrid people.

Hey, maybe you should have gotten a CDL when George Ryan was running IL. That worked out well.

Right. They trust me with a 80,000 lbs vehicle, but not if I have a pallet of kerosine on it.

This is why people hate government; no common sense. But that's not all. During DumBama's years, they also started a new program. Now I can't get permission from my doctor to drive. I have to go to a government doctor who doesn't treat any of my conditions or knows anything about me to sign me out. How many doctors do you think are willing to do that?

Government is too Fn stupid to be making decisions like this. Let the doctors do the doctoring and the government do the governing and leave people alone.

That's exactly the point. They have more PEOPLE. PEOPLE, not STATES.

The insanity that NYC has to get 600,000 for each elector but the sheep-fuckers in Wyoming just need 200,000 per elector is nuts.

But the reality is, since NY and Wyoming have voted the same way since 1984, those states are actually disenfranchised, if you are Republican in NY or a Democrat in WY.

National popular vote. Guy with the most votes from the WHOLE COUNTRY wins.

Then we would have the entire country controlled by the commies in NY and Cali. Is that what you really want? Think about that.

Are you going to run down every tired argument?

I'd rather have a president trying to get as many votes as possible than pandering to the Swing States.

But a candidate has to pander to those states. That's the point I'm making. In a free country like ours, representatives on the federal level are supposed to represent all people. The Electoral College forces them to do just that.

Sure you would rather them ignore 95% of the country because you don't live in a lower populated state. If we had a popular vote and you did live in one of those states, you would virtually have zero representation on the federal level.

It doesn't make sense that a few places in the entire country control the entire country. How would you like it if the least populated states controlled the entire country? Do you think you would have your states with legalized pot, gay marriages, and ridiculous environmental laws? Commie Care wouldn't have been a thought yet alone reality, and God would be everywhere in public including our schools.
This is why people hate government; no common sense. But that's not all. During DumBama's years, they also started a new program. Now I can't get permission from my doctor to drive. I have to go to a government doctor who doesn't treat any of my conditions or knows anything about me to sign me out. How many doctors do you think are willing to do that?

Given he's going to lose his license and job when you fall asleep and plow into a busload of orphans, probably not many.

But a candidate has to pander to those states. That's the point I'm making. In a free country like ours, representatives on the federal level are supposed to represent all people. The Electoral College forces them to do just that.

They shouldn't have to. Frankly, I'm getting tired of a few rust belt states deciding these things because no one wants to tell you that Dad's Union Job at the Factory isn't coming back, and you wouldn't want that job, anyway.

Sure you would rather them ignore 95% of the country because you don't live in a lower populated state. If we had a popular vote and you did live in one of those states, you would virtually have zero representation on the federal level.

Actually, those smaller flyover states have extra representation in the Senate. In a popular vote, Cleetus in Jesusland would have the exact same number of votes I have. One.
Given he's going to lose his license and job when you fall asleep and plow into a busload of orphans, probably not many.

Exactly. But since my personal doctors know that's not going to happen, it's better they make the decision than a guy who doesn't know me from Adam.

They shouldn't have to. Frankly, I'm getting tired of a few rust belt states deciding these things because no one wants to tell you that Dad's Union Job at the Factory isn't coming back, and you wouldn't want that job, anyway.

They don't decide these things, but they have representation to be part of it. Like I said, imagine what our country would be like today if they did make those decisions for the rest of us.

Actually, those smaller flyover states have extra representation in the Senate. In a popular vote, Cleetus in Jesusland would have the exact same number of votes I have. One.

No, those flyover states have EQUAL representation. That's what the EC is all about, making things more equal. That's besides the fact the President has to approve and pass any legislation coming out of Congress and the Senate.

If we had a popular vote starting next election, states would be seceding from the union by 2030. We would no longer have a United States.
They don't decide these things, but they have representation to be part of it. Like I said, imagine what our country would be like today if they did make those decisions for the rest of us.

We'd have a Orange Shitgibbon in charge most of us didn't want.

Oh, that is what we have.

No, those flyover states have EQUAL representation.

It's not equal if those WHITE states get more electors than the more populous diverse states.
We'd have a Orange Shitgibbon in charge most of us didn't want.

Oh, that is what we have.

Most of us did want him (except California) and that's why he's your President.

It's not equal if those WHITE states get more electors than the more populous diverse states.

Sure it is. If they didn't get more electors, then their vote wouldn't mean shit. They would be totally powerless in our federal government and again, probably work on getting out of the United States.
Most of us did want him (except California) and that's why he's your President.

Not my president. He's some clown the Russians put in.

Sure it is. If they didn't get more electors, then their vote wouldn't mean shit. They would be totally powerless in our federal government and again, probably work on getting out of the United States.

Again, guy, you dumb inbreds tried that once. It didn't work out so well.
Not my president. He's some clown the Russians put in.

See how the Democrats have you brainwashed already? The Russians did it. :21:

Again, guy, you dumb inbreds tried that once. It didn't work out so well.

Not enough people behind it. Tell a state they no longer count as far as the federal government is concerned, they won't want to have anything to do with the federal government.
See how the Democrats have you brainwashed already? The Russians did it.

That's what 17 intelligence agencies say.


Not enough people behind it. Tell a state they no longer count as far as the federal government is concerned, they won't want to have anything to do with the federal government.

Um, yeah, okay, here's the thing. YOu still get senators and congressmen... and your votes will probably count more if you don't live in one of ten swing states.
See how the Democrats have you brainwashed already? The Russians did it.

That's what 17 intelligence agencies say.


Not enough people behind it. Tell a state they no longer count as far as the federal government is concerned, they won't want to have anything to do with the federal government.

Um, yeah, okay, here's the thing. YOu still get senators and congressmen... and your votes will probably count more if you don't live in one of ten swing states.

You can have all the Senators and Congress critters you want, but nothing gets passed without the Presidents signature. That aside, what you are suggesting is that these lower populated states have no ability to choose a President. How un-American can you get? If I live in a state with 1.2 million people, our votes wouldn't mean squat without an electoral college to even things out against higher populated cities and states.

On one hand, you have liberals saying we need to get rid of Voter-ID because every single vote should count, and on the other hand, you have liberals saying over half of this country should not have their vote counted.
You can have all the Senators and Congress critters you want, but nothing gets passed without the Presidents signature. That aside, what you are suggesting is that these lower populated states have no ability to choose a President.

They have the same ability people in larger states have. One person, one vote.

This is NOT a difficult concept, unless, of course you want to rig the process because you know if we had true votes on stuff, you guys probably wouldn't win anything.

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