Republicans deserve what they get

It is if it looks exactly like a real gun. This is what's so common about the left, you people lie so much. This "toy" nonsense is something you think will convince people that some kid was playing with a yo-yo and the cops just gunned him down.

He was playing with a toy.
It was in his belt.
The cop gunned him down in the street.

Do this: get a toy gun just like Tamir had. Crash a stop light in front of a cop prompting him to pull you over. When he starts walking to your car, jump out of your car and point that "toy" at him. Don't worry Joe, he won't shoot you. You are white and it's just a toy......remember?

Except the kid didn't crash a stop light. He didn't point the toy at this cop. Oh, yeah, and witnesses told the PD that 'it was probably a kid with a toy".
It is if it looks exactly like a real gun. This is what's so common about the left, you people lie so much. This "toy" nonsense is something you think will convince people that some kid was playing with a yo-yo and the cops just gunned him down.

He was playing with a toy.
It was in his belt.
The cop gunned him down in the street.

Do this: get a toy gun just like Tamir had. Crash a stop light in front of a cop prompting him to pull you over. When he starts walking to your car, jump out of your car and point that "toy" at him. Don't worry Joe, he won't shoot you. You are white and it's just a toy......remember?

Except the kid didn't crash a stop light. He didn't point the toy at this cop. Oh, yeah, and witnesses told the PD that 'it was probably a kid with a toy".

Okay, then next time you see a cop with somebody else pulled over, jump out of your car and point the toy at him and see what happens.
Okay, then next time you see a cop with somebody else pulled over, jump out of your car and point the toy at him and see what happens.

Except he didn't Jump OUt. He didn't have the gun in his hand. He wasn't making any threatening moves when he was shot.

The grand jury and rational people seem to disagree.

The point I was making is do something with your toy that only gives the officer only a second to react. I know you're going to keep avoiding the suggestion because you know I'm right.
The grand jury and rational people seem to disagree.

A grand jury that was only shown pro-police evidence because the prosecutor was determined to acquit them?

A procesuctor who had a long history of letting killer cops off the hook until people got fed up and fired him.

The point I was making is do something with your toy that only gives the officer only a second to react. I know you're going to keep avoiding the suggestion because you know I'm right.

The point is, "Standing around with it under my coat in a park" isn't something that only give an officer a second to react.

The reason why the officer only had a second to react is that his cowboy partner damned well near ran the kid over.
Okay, then next time you see a cop with somebody else pulled over, jump out of your car and point the toy at him and see what happens.

Except he didn't Jump OUt. He didn't have the gun in his hand. He wasn't making any threatening moves when he was shot.

when i see bullshit like "bill of whites" then i know the person has an agenda against people they don't care for, so they're willing to make shit up to demonize and entire faction of people or objects in order to feel superior about their hate.

frankly, it's long drawn out bullshit where you cherry pick a few examples of where the officer was likely wrong yet ignore the incidents where the officer didn't act and he or she was killed.

funny how some people only present 1 side in the most positive light they can vs. the entire situation to determine if we really have a problem at all.
A grand jury that was only shown pro-police evidence because the prosecutor was determined to acquit them?

A procesuctor who had a long history of letting killer cops off the hook until people got fed up and fired him.

Like what killer cops? And again I ask, what evidence was not shown to the grand jury?

It was a video recording. That means the evidence is not bias either way.

The point is, "Standing around with it under my coat in a park" isn't something that only give an officer a second to react.

The reason why the officer only had a second to react is that his cowboy partner damned well near ran the kid over.

No, but pulling the gun out in front of the officer before he barely got out of the car does only give an officer a second to think.
when i see bullshit like "bill of whites" then i know the person has an agenda against people they don't care for, so they're willing to make shit up to demonize and entire faction of people or objects in order to feel superior about their hate.

gee, that's what you see? I see a wonderful contrast between how police handle white people and black folks.

frankly, it's long drawn out bullshit where you cherry pick a few examples of where the officer was likely wrong yet ignore the incidents where the officer didn't act and he or she was killed.

964 Americans were killed by police officers in 2017...

More people died from officer shootings in 2017 despite Black Lives Matter movement

44 Police officers were shot by civilians and suspects in 2017.

Number of officers killed hits 2nd-lowest in more than 50 years

By comparison, police in the United Kingdom shot 5 people last year, four of them in terrorist incidents.

funny how some people only present 1 side in the most positive light they can vs. the entire situation to determine if we really have a problem at all.

Not at all. Most cops are good guys. I have cops in my family.

But one percent of them are the bad apples like Loehmann (the emotional wreck who shot Tamir Rice) or Jason van Dyke (the guy who shot Laquan McDonald 16 times when he was lying on the ground.) And the police departments know they are bad apples. Loehmann was fired from one department before Cleveland hired him. Van Dyke had 20 complaints of excessive force and abusive behavior before he killed McDonald.
The Republicans had the ultimate opportunity. They did almost nothing with it.
The reality is that the entire GOP is one big lackluster party with no counter-narrative to what Democrats are putting out to jazz up the base and win over voters in the middle disgusted by the political system. And with the coming omnibus bill, Republicans are ensuring that this dynamic will get even worse headed into November.
While President Trump was leveraging Executive Orders (constitutionally) to revoke Barack Insane Obama’s very unconstitutional executive orders, approving projects such as the Keystone Pipeline for energy independence, jobs, and improved economy, and securing the border to protect the American people, the Republican Party didn’t even pass a budget after slamming Pelosi and Reid for failure to do so. The tax reform was great - but one legislative achievement in over a year is pitiful. A balanced budget, tax reform, and repeal of Obamacare was the bare minimum that was expected of them. They have no excuse, and they deserve exactly what they get. Unfortunately, it is the American people who will suffer the most from the GOP’s failure to deliver on their promises.

Republicans are giving voters no reason to support them
Shameful. Absolutely shameful.
Republicans campaigned for roughly a decade, promising voters they would dismantle President Obama's landmark legislation; but one of their own senators is trying to keep it alive.

Senate May Fund Obamacare Subsidies With This Sneaky Move

Silly little Poodle, thinking that they were going to undo a big windfall to big insurance..

Heh, heh, heh....

The thing was, ObamaCare was ALWAYS the GOP answer.

As opposed to single payer, which would work better, be cheaper and serve more people.
so you got crayons for christmas i see.

Want some more???................LOL

List of unfulfilled campaign promise by Trump:

Repeal and replace Obamacare- empty campaign promise.

Label China a currency manipulator- empty campaign promise.

Drain the swamp - empty campaign promise.

Bring back coal mining jobs - empty campaign promise.

Solve the North Korea problem - empty campaign promise.

Build the Wall - empty campaign promise.

Peace in the Middle East - empty campaign promise.

Get us a “better deal” with China empty campaign promise.

Lock Hillary Clinton up - empty campaign promise.

Play less golf and take fewer vacations than Obama - empty campaign promise.
The bigger problem is that Repugs simply have no good ideas.
You’re describing the Dumbocrats, snowflake. Over 150 years and your party has had one “idea” - let government control it.

You cannot provide even one single “idea” from the left that wasn’t “let government control it”.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are drowning in proven ideas from think-tanks. They have just been inept, lazy, and incompetent when it comes to actually implementing them. And that is going to cost them huge in the 2018 (and it should).

Oh well, that's still better than having Repugs in power. All Repugs do is hurt our country, whether intentionally or unintentionally. And yet unsophisticated dumb fuck Repug goobers such as yourself never seem to learn that lesson.

Disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the disastrous Bush tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, destroying the EPA, allowing the rich and powerful to hoard money in offshore accounts instead of paying taxes, weak ass financial laws that facilitated the 2008 Wall Street meltdown, allowing the NRA to write our gun laws, the list goes on and on...

You do know that more US troops have died in war because of Democrats than Republicans ?

The 2008 housing crash occurred because Democrats passed regulations that forced lenders to give loans to people who could never pay them back.

The Constitution is the law of the land and the 2nd states that the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Republicans blocking any legislation that interferes with that right is following the laws of the land.

Historical revisionism and unconstitutional actions that's all you got.
To my knowledge, Bush wasn't black, yet the Republicans didn't even consider anything like Commie Care.

Of course they did.

When Hillary proposed a Public Option in 1994, the EXACT SAME plan of mandates was proposed by the heritage foundation.

And in 2006, Mitt Romney implemented it in Massachusetts. And he ran for president in 2008 proposing that we do the exact same thing nationwide, and none of the other Republicans disagreed with him. They gave him shit for being a Mormon, but man, they were totally cool with his health care plan.

And then the BLACK GUY DID IT.

And because knuckle-dragging racists like you just don't like anything proposed by a black guy, it suddenly became the worst thing ever!!!!

Sorry I have to keep recapping this for you, because talking to you is like that movie "Fifty First Dates". You seem to have no memory retention.
Of course they did.

When Hillary proposed a Public Option in 1994, the EXACT SAME plan of mandates was proposed by the heritage foundation.

The Heritage Foundation is not the Republican party no more than Mother Jones is the Democrat party. The only reason you on the left keep bringing that up is because now that Commie Care is a failure, you want to shift the blame away from Hussein and the Democrats.

And in 2006, Mitt Romney implemented it in Massachusetts. And he ran for president in 2008 proposing that we do the exact same thing nationwide, and none of the other Republicans disagreed with him. They gave him shit for being a Mormon, but man, they were totally cool with his health care plan.

No, they were against nationalizing his healthcare plan and supported his religious membership. It's the Democrats who bashed Romney because of his religion. You know, magic underwear man and all that.

Bush had total control over the federal government for several years. If the Republicans wanted anything like Commie Care, they would have introduced it during his administration. As for Romney Care, states can do as they please when it comes to creating social programs. On a federal level is a different subject because we have a Constitution for the federal government.

Sorry I have to keep recapping this for you, because talking to you is like that movie "Fifty First Dates". You seem to have no memory retention.

I would say the same about you.

The Heritage Foundation is not the Republican party no more than Mother Jones is the Democrat party. The only reason you on the left keep bringing that up is because now that Commie Care is a failure, you want to shift the blame away from Hussein and the Democrats.

Um, no, the reason we point it out is that you guys got your private sector solution, and you are whining about it.

The Heritage Foundation didn't have an all night bender one night and come up with their proposal. They came up with it because Hillary proposed a public option that would be paid for by taxing companies like your boss' that don't pay for health insurance. That got the GOP to shit itself, because at some point, that would probably work better than private insurance.

No, they were against nationalizing his healthcare plan and supported his religious membership. It's the Democrats who bashed Romney because of his religion. You know, magic underwear man and all that.

No, they didn't. Did you forget Huckabee going out there saying Mormons believe Satan and Jesus were brothers and Mormons weren't really Christians? That was a lot more serious than anything Democrats said.

Bush had total control over the federal government for several years. If the Republicans wanted anything like Commie Care, they would have introduced it during his administration.

Naw, man, you seem to not get this.

Republican priorities were starting wars, letting the banks fuck the working class, and giving huge tax breaks to billionaires. They only talk about health care when Democrats are in charge and might threaten Big Insurance Profits.

But funny, Trump has forgotten all about repealing ObamaCare. Doesn't even talk about it anymore.

As for Romney Care, states can do as they please when it comes to creating social programs. On a federal level is a different subject because we have a Constitution for the federal government.

Again, 50 First dates, Romney said again and again his plan should be the federal model. Until he realized that bigots like you were tots against it because the Black Guy did it.

Then he kind of disowned his own plan faster than the Mormon CHurch disowned Joe Smith's racism.
Um, no, the reason we point it out is that you guys got your private sector solution, and you are whining about it.

The Heritage Foundation didn't have an all night bender one night and come up with their proposal. They came up with it because Hillary proposed a public option that would be paid for by taxing companies like your boss' that don't pay for health insurance. That got the GOP to shit itself, because at some point, that would probably work better than private insurance.

The Private Sector solution does not have government in it, forcing people to buy it, or fining people that don't. That's a government solution--not a private sector solution.

The Heritage Foundation has no more to do with Republican policy than the NRA does on gun policy. it's crap your side makes up. As for HillaryCare, it's what caused the leadership change in Congress for the first time in over 40 years, so Republicans knew they were on the right side of that issue.

No, they didn't. Did you forget Huckabee going out there saying Mormons believe Satan and Jesus were brothers and Mormons weren't really Christians? That was a lot more serious than anything Democrats said.

I never heard of that, and apparently neither did YouTube. The videos I found were Huckabee complimentary towards Romney or saying his religion was irrelevant.

Naw, man, you seem to not get this.

Republican priorities were starting wars, letting the banks fuck the working class, and giving huge tax breaks to billionaires. They only talk about health care when Democrats are in charge and might threaten Big Insurance Profits.

But funny, Trump has forgotten all about repealing ObamaCare. Doesn't even talk about it anymore.

All he can do is try, but when you have one or two commie Republican Senators, there is nothing that can be done. But at least he tried. If we get enough real Republican Senators in 18, watch how fast we get rid of Commie Care. Hell, at least we got rid of those job killing penalties and government confiscating our hard earned income tax refund that the Democrats kept.

Again, 50 First dates, Romney said again and again his plan should be the federal model. Until he realized that bigots like you were tots against it because the Black Guy did it.

Then he kind of disowned his own plan faster than the Mormon CHurch disowned Joe Smith's racism.

First off, Romney is no Republican by any stretch of the imagination. Secondly, because he ran on the Republican ticket means that he doesn't represent the Republican view on government healthcare if it were some sort of national plan. We don't support government healthcare, never have and never will.

Commie Care is your baby. Every single Republican voted against it, the Republicans never even brought it up when they had power of the federal government, and all government plans (like the VA) are nothing more than problems, and we realize that. It's why our vets can now go to private facilities to get treatment they can't get from government.

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