Republicans either displayed stupidity or their true nature at the SOTU

Well, Republicans were elected by people who don't like Obama, so there's your first clue.

Repubs are supposed to work for the American people.

They don't.

Sitting there like statues was their way of stating their Let Them Eat Cake position on issues that concern the working class.
The overwhelming number of working class people are voting Republican now. You are approximately 30 years out of date if you think Democrats care about working class people.
Americans are dumb. Republicans have absolutely nothing to offer working class Americans. NOTHING
With millions out of jobs what do the democrats have to offer since it was your messiah that did it
Obama did nothing to put people out of work. ObamaCare may affect job growth a tad, but that would hardly erase all that we have gained which is 11 million private jobs since his term began..
Well, Obama said the State of the Union was strong, and that was a LIE. Do you think the Republicans should stand up and applaud when Obama tells a LIE?
Ill agree he glossed over some things but thats what EVERY PRESIDENT has done during the SOTU.
In every SOTU I've ever seen, the opposing party disrespects the President by refusing to applaud him when he wants them to, and applauding him at inappropriate times. This is nothing new, and it's all part of a big show that both parties are putting on for the world. Put on your big boy pants and stop complaining.
When Obama listed off the major economic accomplishments of the last few years such as the stellar job growth and stock market performance republicans remained glued to their chairs. It's important to note that Obama did not even take credit for these accomplishments. He simply stated they happened. Had he taken credit for ALL of those things, I could understand the lack of response but that isn't what happened. Now why would republicans not react like everyone else did in that room? It's because they are childish, self-interested scumbags who refuse to acknowledge anything positive coming out of Obama's mouth. I hope most Americans will see republicans for what they truly are by this response because politically it was a dumb move.

Hell they didn't even respond to the mention of paying women equally for the same work.

Why can't republicans just admit that the country didnt turn into the failure they were hoping for at this point in his presidency?

Now I know some of you are going to inevitably bring up the labor participation rate and the stats on food stamps in this thread and pretend they are the ONLY things that matter in today's economy, but you will only come across as disingenuous and childish so why bother? I mean sure those are important economic problems, but you should at least be able to admit all the economic good news outweighs the bad. I would also like to mention that Obama tried to raise the minimum wage. That would have greatly helped both of those economic issues.

Give America a raise like he said. After all, polls show most Americans are in favor of it. Kick repubs to the curb!
Problem is if Obutthurt spouted those numbers you can bet they are manipulated or he is lying.
Neither, He stated facts pure and simple.
Doubt it with his history. Especially the unemployment numbers, misleading to say the least. But oh well, libtarded logic is the school of Pinocchio.
Nothing Obama said had the ring of truth. It was just more lip service, but had no substance. Republicans likely did have a hard time getting excited because they knew it was bullshit and they are done playing games.

Why should they play along and act as if Obama is being genuine or original?

There has been an equal pay act for decades. We do not need another one. If the one on the books is enforced, there should be no problems.

Democrats don't pay women staffers as much as men, so it's laughable for them to talk about addressing the issue. I guess they feel they don't have to pay them equally despite the Equal Pay Act of 1963.

Democrats pay women staffers less than their male counterparts

Sure, Obama didn't directly take credit for some gains made, thanks to the private sector, but he didn't give credit where it was due.

He also played his usual tricks. Aside from inviting illegal aliens as honored guests, he also had a former Democrat staffer posing as an average citizen who pretended to improve her economic status in recent years, as if Obama had something to do with it. She has been used before by Obama as a political prop.

Obama Used Former Democrat Staffer as Fake "Real Person" in Speech

"The woman whose story of economic recovery was showcased by President Barack Obama in his State of the Union address is a former Democratic campaign staffer and has been used by Obama for political events in the past.

Rebekah Erler has been presented by the White House as a woman who was discovered by the president after she wrote to him last March about her economic hardships. She was showcased in the speech as proof that middle class Americans are coming forward to say that Obama’s policies are working.

Unmentioned in the White House bio of Erler is that she is a former Democratic campaign operative, working as a field organizer for Sen. Patty Murray (D., Wash.).

This also wasn’t the first time the White House used the former Democratic campaign staffer as a political prop. Obama spent a "day in the life" of Erler in June so that he could have "an opportunity to communicate directly with the people he’s working for every day." "

What was there to applaud? Obama's speech was all bullshit.
Well, Republicans were elected by people who don't like Obama, so there's your first clue.

Not liking the president has nothing at all to do with their Do Nothing attitude. Repubs are supposed to work for the American people.

They don't.

Sitting there like statues was their way of stating their Let Them Eat Cake position on issues that concern the working class.

Dems have been working against the people now for six years. Where have you been?
You have to be a complete idiot or the victim of the union based education system to swallow the pablum that Barry dished out at SOTU. If he has such an interest in the plight of the middle class where was he in the last six years? The median income for the middle class went down while democrats had total control of the federal government for two years and control of at least 2/3 of the government for the other four. Somehow the low information left has convinced themselves that a raise in taxes translates to tax breaks for the middle class. Didn't LBJ's "war on poverty" or the current Social Security problem teach the left anything? LBJ's "war on poverty" confiscated billions and billions and only made poverty pimps rich in exchange for votes for democrats while the Black family structure deteriorated. Social Security might have been a good idea but the greedy federal government saw all that confiscated money and routinely skimmed off it like the freaking mafia. LBJ finally proposed that the federal government be legally permitted to raid social security and surprise, surprise there ain't no money left and LBJ even stole the locked box. Even low information lefties should instinctively know that big federal tax increases never end up in a middle class wallet.
Well, Republicans were elected by people who don't like Obama, so there's your first clue.

Repubs are supposed to work for the American people.

They don't.

Sitting there like statues was their way of stating their Let Them Eat Cake position on issues that concern the working class.
The overwhelming number of working class people are voting Republican now. You are approximately 30 years out of date if you think Democrats care about working class people.
Really? Is that how President Obama won the election in 2012?

Republicans either displayed stupidity or their true nature at the SOTU

Have you noticed that the leftist whiners on the board never talk about their own (Democrats') policies, mistakes, lies, diversions, crimes etc.?

All they seem to do here is whine about Republicans.
Well, Republicans were elected by people who don't like Obama, so there's your first clue.

Repubs are supposed to work for the American people.

They don't.

Sitting there like statues was their way of stating their Let Them Eat Cake position on issues that concern the working class.
The overwhelming number of working class people are voting Republican now. You are approximately 30 years out of date if you think Democrats care about working class people.
Really? Is that how President Obama won the election in 2012?
Obama won Ohio with some districts voting 100% for him, which is impossible in an honest election.

Not even the Communists ever claimed to win 100% in an election.
Well, Republicans were elected by people who don't like Obama, so there's your first clue.

Repubs are supposed to work for the American people.

They don't.

Sitting there like statues was their way of stating their Let Them Eat Cake position on issues that concern the working class.
The overwhelming number of working class people are voting Republican now. You are approximately 30 years out of date if you think Democrats care about working class people.
Really? Is that how President Obama won the election in 2012?

The gravy train needed him.
Well, Republicans were elected by people who don't like Obama, so there's your first clue.

Repubs are supposed to work for the American people.

They don't.

Sitting there like statues was their way of stating their Let Them Eat Cake position on issues that concern the working class.
The overwhelming number of working class people are voting Republican now. You are approximately 30 years out of date if you think Democrats care about working class people.
Americans are dumb. Republicans have absolutely nothing to offer working class Americans. NOTHING

Are you still seething over the historic ass kicking the left got bitched slapped with in the Nov elections?
Well, Republicans were elected by people who don't like Obama, so there's your first clue.

Not liking the president has nothing at all to do with their Do Nothing attitude. Repubs are supposed to work for the American people.

They don't.

Sitting there like statues was their way of stating their Let Them Eat Cake position on issues that concern the working class.

The function of government is to leave people alone. The last thing I want is a government that is constantly doing things for me. That means looting me, regulating me and harassing me.
The Democrats idea of helping the poor and middle class is to take more form the rich and give it to them with the goal of making them dependent on the government and thus creating a voting block to help them maintain power. This seems more like the actions of a drug pusher trying to keep addicts addicted so they can keep power over them and exploit them than if does trying to help them improve the quality of their lives.
Yes, a typical rightwing lie which isnt even close to the truth. Tell me how exactly are we taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor?

Duh, it's called the progressive income tax and welfare.
I think it's time conservatives just boycott this poster, he never has any substance to offer.
Tell me if this was reversed and we had a republican president with a democratic majority behaving this way would you acknowledge it?

A Democratic majority that wasn't trying to create some new government boondoggle social program? Unthinkable.
Well, Republicans were elected by people who don't like Obama, so there's your first clue.

Not liking the president has nothing at all to do with their Do Nothing attitude. Repubs are supposed to work for the American people.

They don't.

Sitting there like statues was their way of stating their Let Them Eat Cake position on issues that concern the working class.

The function of government is to leave people alone. The last thing I want is a government that is constantly doing things for me. That means looting me, regulating me and harassing me.

We sure enjoy the police stopping the looters from fucking up our businesses. Don't go joining the leftist.
The Democrats idea of helping the poor and middle class is to take more form the rich and give it to them with the goal of making them dependent on the government and thus creating a voting block to help them maintain power. This seems more like the actions of a drug pusher trying to keep addicts addicted so they can keep power over them and exploit them than if does trying to help them improve the quality of their lives.
Yes, a typical rightwing lie which isnt even close to the truth. Tell me how exactly are we taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor?

Duh, it's called the progressive income tax and welfare.
Do you even know how much a year is spent on food stamps?
The Democrats idea of helping the poor and middle class is to take more form the rich and give it to them with the goal of making them dependent on the government and thus creating a voting block to help them maintain power. This seems more like the actions of a drug pusher trying to keep addicts addicted so they can keep power over them and exploit them than if does trying to help them improve the quality of their lives.

so explain how lowering taxes on the middle class is taking away from the rich ..

Obama proposed massive new taxes on the higher income earners.

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