Republicans either displayed stupidity or their true nature at the SOTU

Jesus Billy Obama administration fought South Carolina governor and lidsey Graham tooth and nail over Boeing building a plant here that provided thousands of middle class jobs
Obama didn't want to help Tbe poor here he wanted to help they unions in a blue state
Come On Billy please reply why are kids working at a Walmart and McDonalds in one red state making $15 bucks an Hour , Billy is that because of Obama? If it is he is an unfair Messiah to kids living in Chicago and Detroit who can not even find a job
What state? What does this pay have to do with republicans?
If you dont know those Answers you are ignorant
Jesus Billy Obama administration fought South Carolina governor and lidsey Graham tooth and nail over Boeing building a plant here that provided thousands of middle class jobs
Um one plant that provides thousands of jobs?

The wellbeing of the environment trumps jobs.
Well, Republicans were elected by people who don't like Obama, so there's your first clue.

Not liking the president has nothing at all to do with their Do Nothing attitude. Repubs are supposed to work for the American people.

They don't.

Sitting there like statues was their way of stating their Let Them Eat Cake position on issues that concern the working class.

Obama works harder for foreigners than he does for Americans. His policies prove it. The fact that the economy showed signs of improvement despite his best efforts doesn't prove his destructive acts are working. It merely shows how strong this economy is. It is not dependent on one thing and he had very little if anything to do with any improvement.
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When Obama listed off the major economic accomplishments of the last few years such as the stellar job growth and stock market performance republicans remained glued to their chairs. It's important to note that Obama did not even take credit for these accomplishments. He simply stated they happened. Had he taken credit for ALL of those things, I could understand the lack of response but that isn't what happened. Now why would republicans not react like everyone else did in that room? It's because they are childish, self-interested scumbags who refuse to acknowledge anything positive coming out of Obama's mouth. I hope most Americans will see republicans for what they truly are by this response because politically it was a dumb move.

Hell they didn't even respond to the mention of paying women equally for the same work.

Why can't republicans just admit that the country didnt turn into the failure they were hoping for at this point in his presidency?

Now I know some of you are going to inevitably bring up the labor participation rate and the stats on food stamps in this thread and pretend they are the ONLY things that matter in today's economy, but you will only come across as disingenuous and childish so why bother? I mean sure those are important economic problems, but you should at least be able to admit all the economic good news outweighs the bad. I would also like to mention that Obama tried to raise the minimum wage. That would have greatly helped both of those economic issues.

Give America a raise like he said. After all, polls show most Americans are in favor of it. Kick repubs to the curb!
Problem is if Obutthurt spouted those numbers you can bet they are manipulated or he is lying.
Neither, He stated facts pure and simple.
liberliar facts are the same as lies. :up: ..... :lmao:
Obama spends his entire presiduncy jacking up the price of everything, causing income stagnation, giving $85 billion a month to the rich, and then pounds his chest over a lousy few bucks an hour to the poor.

And his fans can't spot the deceptive nature of this without having it tattooed to their foreheads.
Obama spends his entire presiduncy jacking up the price of everything, causing income stagnation, giving $85 billion a month to the rich, and then pounds his chest over a lousy few bucks an hour to the poor.

And his fans can't spot the deceptive nature of this without having it tattooed to their foreheads.
What the hell has Obama done to cause the stagnant wages? Name the policy.
Obama didn't want to help Tbe poor here he wanted to help they unions in a blue state
Raising the minimum wage helps the poor.

We have 43 million people on food stamps. Raising the MW only effects a fraction of them and usually raises unemployment, which is what Democrats really want anyway.
You people are so ignorant of the most basic facts about poverty. If the federal minimum wage was lifted to 10.10, the large majority of people on food stamps would no longer be eligible.
Obama spends his entire presiduncy jacking up the price of everything, causing income stagnation, giving $85 billion a month to the rich, and then pounds his chest over a lousy few bucks an hour to the poor.

And his fans can't spot the deceptive nature of this without having it tattooed to their foreheads.
What the hell has Obama done to cause the stagnant wages? Name the policy.
Obamacare , cigarette tax, oil moratorium, tarp, evecutive criminal amnesty, ect Ect ect
Obama didn't want to help Tbe poor here he wanted to help they unions in a blue state
Raising the minimum wage helps the poor.

We have 43 million people on food stamps. Raising the MW only effects a fraction of them and usually raises unemployment, which is what Democrats really want anyway.
You people are so ignorant of the most basic facts about poverty. If the federal minimum wage was lifted to 10.10, the large majority of people on food stamps would no longer be eligible.
You stupid fuck cost of living goes up when you raise minimum wage so how is that helping ?
Obama didn't want to help Tbe poor here he wanted to help they unions in a blue state
Raising the minimum wage helps the poor.
Since when? Your ignorance is absolute.
Um it hasn't yet because it isn't high enough. It's nowhere near what it should be based on inflation.
It has never helped the any other tine itwas raised what makes you think it will now?
I just fucking explained why. If it were to be kept up with inflation the federal miminum wage would have to be doubled.
Obama didn't want to help Tbe poor here he wanted to help they unions in a blue state
Raising the minimum wage helps the poor.

We have 43 million people on food stamps. Raising the MW only effects a fraction of them and usually raises unemployment, which is what Democrats really want anyway.
You people are so ignorant of the most basic facts about poverty. If the federal minimum wage was lifted to 10.10, the large majority of people on food stamps would no longer be eligible.
You stupid fuck cost of living goes up when you raise minimum wage so how is that helping ?
You dumbass price increase on products depends on the raise. If it was raised to 10.10, the price increase would be pennies on the dollar. Not only that, but the prices would go down over time because the market would do better from the increase in consumer spending.
Obama spends his entire presiduncy jacking up the price of everything, causing income stagnation, giving $85 billion a month to the rich, and then pounds his chest over a lousy few bucks an hour to the poor.

And his fans can't spot the deceptive nature of this without having it tattooed to their foreheads.
What the hell has Obama done to cause the stagnant wages? Name the policy.
Obamacare , cigarette tax, oil moratorium, tarp, evecutive criminal amnesty, ect Ect ect
None of that has lead to stagnant wages you dumb piece of shit.
Obama spends his entire presiduncy jacking up the price of everything, causing income stagnation, giving $85 billion a month to the rich, and then pounds his chest over a lousy few bucks an hour to the poor.

And his fans can't spot the deceptive nature of this without having it tattooed to their foreheads.
What the hell has Obama done to cause the stagnant wages? Name the policy.
Obamacare , cigarette tax, oil moratorium, tarp, evecutive criminal amnesty, ect Ect ect
None of that has lead to stagnant wages you dumb piece of shit.
Sounds like a Turrets Syndrome convention.

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