Republicans either displayed stupidity or their true nature at the SOTU

Obama spends his entire presiduncy jacking up the price of everything, causing income stagnation, giving $85 billion a month to the rich, and then pounds his chest over a lousy few bucks an hour to the poor.

And his fans can't spot the deceptive nature of this without having it tattooed to their foreheads.
What the hell has Obama done to cause the stagnant wages? Name the policy.
Obamacare , cigarette tax, oil moratorium, tarp, evecutive criminal amnesty, ect Ect ect
None of that has lead to stagnant wages you dumb piece of shit.
All of it did. Everything you fools think helps doesnt.
Obama spends his entire presiduncy jacking up the price of everything, causing income stagnation, giving $85 billion a month to the rich, and then pounds his chest over a lousy few bucks an hour to the poor.

And his fans can't spot the deceptive nature of this without having it tattooed to their foreheads.
What the hell has Obama done to cause the stagnant wages? Name the policy.
Obamacare , cigarette tax, oil moratorium, tarp, evecutive criminal amnesty, ect Ect ect
None of that has lead to stagnant wages you dumb piece of shit.
All of it did. Everything you fools think helps doesnt.
No you're just a moron.
So now we need to applause mediocre speeches or we are stupid or evil. And you wonder why we don't think you guys should be in charge of protecting our freedom of expression.
The Democrats idea of helping the poor and middle class is to take more form the rich and give it to them with the goal of making them dependent on the government and thus creating a voting block to help them maintain power. This seems more like the actions of a drug pusher trying to keep addicts addicted so they can keep power over them and exploit them than if does trying to help them improve the quality of their lives.
Yes, a typical rightwing lie which isnt even close to the truth. Tell me how exactly are we taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor?

Duh, it's called the progressive income tax and welfare.
Do you even know how much a year is spent on food stamps?

All welfare spending adds up to about $1 trillion per year, that is if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
You obviously don't even know what all constitutes as welfare. Food stamps cost a measly 70 billion a year.

Welfare includes a lot more than food stamps. There's Medicaid, SNAP, Section 8 housing vouchers and hundreds of other programs.
Yes, a typical rightwing lie which isnt even close to the truth. Tell me how exactly are we taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor?

Duh, it's called the progressive income tax and welfare.
Do you even know how much a year is spent on food stamps?

All welfare spending adds up to about $1 trillion per year, that is if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
You obviously don't even know what all constitutes as welfare. Food stamps cost a measly 70 billion a year.

Welfare includes a lot more than food stamps. There's Medicaid, SNAP, Section 8 housing vouchers and hundreds of other programs.
The op has to be a dnc plant because no-one can be this stupid
When Obama listed off the major economic accomplishments of the last few years such as the stellar job growth and stock market performance republicans remained glued to their chairs. It's important to note that Obama did not even take credit for these accomplishments. He simply stated they happened. Had he taken credit for ALL of those things, I could understand the lack of response but that isn't what happened. Now why would republicans not react like everyone else did in that room? It's because they are childish, self-interested scumbags who refuse to acknowledge anything positive coming out of Obama's mouth. I hope most Americans will see republicans for what they truly are by this response because politically it was a dumb move.

Hell they didn't even respond to the mention of paying women equally for the same work.

Why can't republicans just admit that the country didnt turn into the failure they were hoping for at this point in his presidency?

Now I know some of you are going to inevitably bring up the labor participation rate and the stats on food stamps in this thread and pretend they are the ONLY things that matter in today's economy, but you will only come across as disingenuous and childish so why bother? I mean sure those are important economic problems, but you should at least be able to admit all the economic good news outweighs the bad. I would also like to mention that Obama tried to raise the minimum wage. That would have greatly helped both of those economic issues.

Give America a raise like he said. After all, polls show most Americans are in favor of it. Kick repubs to the curb!
1. Republicans won't applaud job growth and an improving economy because they didn't have anything to do with it and they can't pin bad numbers on Obama.

2. Equal rights for women has always never played well with republicans. Equal pay, reproductive freedom, ERA, you name it, republicans oppose it.

3. If it's the only thing they can honestly bitch about, that's what they'll bitch about the most. Then they'll bitch about made up shit.

4. Republicans oppose the minimum wage. If they could, they'd repeal it and pay everybody as little as they could possibly get away with.
Well, Republicans were elected by people who don't like Obama, so there's your first clue.

Repubs are supposed to work for the American people.

They don't.

Sitting there like statues was their way of stating their Let Them Eat Cake position on issues that concern the working class.
The overwhelming number of working class people are voting Republican now. You are approximately 30 years out of date if you think Democrats care about working class people.
Americans are dumb. Republicans have absolutely nothing to offer working class Americans. NOTHING
jobs and a strong work ethic you fuck head, democrats offer free shit so you become their slaves
Democratic presidents historically have a better track record over republicans when it comes to private sector job growth. 11 million private jobs were created since Obama came to office. Wake the fuck up.

Democrat presidents have a history of getting us into wars and also of debasing the currency and thereby creating credit bubbles. That makes the economic look rosy for a while but then the following administration gets stuck with the hangover.
Duh, it's called the progressive income tax and welfare.
Do you even know how much a year is spent on food stamps?

All welfare spending adds up to about $1 trillion per year, that is if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
You obviously don't even know what all constitutes as welfare. Food stamps cost a measly 70 billion a year.

Welfare includes a lot more than food stamps. There's Medicaid, SNAP, Section 8 housing vouchers and hundreds of other programs.
The op has to be a dnc plant because no-one can be this stupid

Billy? If anyone in this forum is getting paid for posting here, he's the one.
Yes, a typical rightwing lie which isnt even close to the truth. Tell me how exactly are we taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor?

Duh, it's called the progressive income tax and welfare.
Do you even know how much a year is spent on food stamps?

All welfare spending adds up to about $1 trillion per year, that is if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
You obviously don't even know what all constitutes as welfare. Food stamps cost a measly 70 billion a year.

Welfare includes a lot more than food stamps. There's Medicaid, SNAP, Section 8 housing vouchers and hundreds of other programs.
SNAP is food stamps you doof. Oh and all the programs you listed dwarf in cost to Medicaid and Medicare.
Do you even know how much a year is spent on food stamps?

All welfare spending adds up to about $1 trillion per year, that is if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
You obviously don't even know what all constitutes as welfare. Food stamps cost a measly 70 billion a year.

Welfare includes a lot more than food stamps. There's Medicaid, SNAP, Section 8 housing vouchers and hundreds of other programs.
The op has to be a dnc plant because no-one can be this stupid

Billy? If anyone in this forum is getting paid for posting here, he's the one.
Lol you people believe the dumbest things. You actually think the DNC pays people to post on political forums? That's such juvenile thinking it's not even funny.
Duh, it's called the progressive income tax and welfare.
Do you even know how much a year is spent on food stamps?

All welfare spending adds up to about $1 trillion per year, that is if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
You obviously don't even know what all constitutes as welfare. Food stamps cost a measly 70 billion a year.

Welfare includes a lot more than food stamps. There's Medicaid, SNAP, Section 8 housing vouchers and hundreds of other programs.
SNAP is food stamps you doof. Oh and all the programs you listed dwarf in cost to Medicaid and Medicare.

Medicaid is welfare, dumbshit.

When I said SNAP I was thinking of the program they used to call AFDC, but now I think they call it something else.
All welfare spending adds up to about $1 trillion per year, that is if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
You obviously don't even know what all constitutes as welfare. Food stamps cost a measly 70 billion a year.

Welfare includes a lot more than food stamps. There's Medicaid, SNAP, Section 8 housing vouchers and hundreds of other programs.
The op has to be a dnc plant because no-one can be this stupid

Billy? If anyone in this forum is getting paid for posting here, he's the one.
Lol you people believe the dumbest things. You actually think the DNC pays people to post on political forums? That's such juvenile thinking it's not even funny.

Why would anyone be such a loyal dedicated drone without getting paid?
Do you even know how much a year is spent on food stamps?

All welfare spending adds up to about $1 trillion per year, that is if you don't count Social Security and Medicare.
You obviously don't even know what all constitutes as welfare. Food stamps cost a measly 70 billion a year.

Welfare includes a lot more than food stamps. There's Medicaid, SNAP, Section 8 housing vouchers and hundreds of other programs.
SNAP is food stamps you doof. Oh and all the programs you listed dwarf in cost to Medicaid and Medicare.

Medicaid is welfare, dumbshit.

When I said SNAP I was thinking of the program they used to call AFDC, but now I think they call it something else.
Yeah right...
You obviously don't even know what all constitutes as welfare. Food stamps cost a measly 70 billion a year.

Welfare includes a lot more than food stamps. There's Medicaid, SNAP, Section 8 housing vouchers and hundreds of other programs.
The op has to be a dnc plant because no-one can be this stupid

Billy? If anyone in this forum is getting paid for posting here, he's the one.
Lol you people believe the dumbest things. You actually think the DNC pays people to post on political forums? That's such juvenile thinking it's not even funny.

Why would anyone be such a loyal dedicated drone without getting paid?
Well that's republicans for you. They always believe in the most implausible explanation.
Yes, a typical rightwing lie which isnt even close to the truth. Tell me how exactly are we taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor?
The income tax.
It's more than taxing the rich - fuck them, I doubt any conservative here ever sheds a tear for their plight; they're doing fine. The liberals evil plan of taxation is directed against the "producers" like you, me and even the jackasses who support this unfair taxation policy. Unearned income credit? Give me a fucking break while I try to pay thousands in taxes still owed. They're giving our money to the non- producers with no expectation of them to work for it. They don't even have to pressure them to vote for the Democrat party. It's out there. If you want your ObamaPhone, then vote for the often as possible if they can.
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Welfare includes a lot more than food stamps. There's Medicaid, SNAP, Section 8 housing vouchers and hundreds of other programs.
The op has to be a dnc plant because no-one can be this stupid

Billy? If anyone in this forum is getting paid for posting here, he's the one.
Lol you people believe the dumbest things. You actually think the DNC pays people to post on political forums? That's such juvenile thinking it's not even funny.

Why would anyone be such a loyal dedicated drone without getting paid?
Well that's republicans for you. They always believe in the most implausible explanation.

Your explanation of your posting behavior is what's implausible.
The point is that John Boehner has absolutely no business inviting foreign leaders to the USA. The protocol for more than 200 years is that American politics, esp. American political strite, ends at the water's edge. It is the EXECUTIVE branch that invites foreign dignitaries, not John Boehner. Only, it is not specifically prohibited in the US Constitution. So, I doubt it is illegal, just classless. Typical for a Republican.

He's acting like the leader we haven't had the last 6 years. Now with Iran having a missile that can hit the USA, and just the other day Obama blasting the speaker for this, he's going to have to humble himself and admit he's a fucking moron for not inviting the PM.

I wasn't much of a boner supporter, but I knew once we won the senate he'd grow balls and challenge this President. Boner just made Obama look like his bitch. Literally and I'm LOVING EVERY BIT OF IT. :)

Obama didn't want to help Tbe poor here he wanted to help they unions in a blue state
Raising the minimum wage helps the poor.

We have 43 million people on food stamps. Raising the MW only effects a fraction of them and usually raises unemployment, which is what Democrats really want anyway.
You people are so ignorant of the most basic facts about poverty. If the federal minimum wage was lifted to 10.10, the large majority of people on food stamps would no longer be eligible.
You stupid fuck cost of living goes up when you raise minimum wage so how is that helping ?
You dumbass price increase on products depends on the raise. If it was raised to 10.10, the price increase would be pennies on the dollar. Not only that, but the prices would go down over time because the market would do better from the increase in consumer spending.
Why the ducks are liberals so bad at math?
You dumb ducks those pennys add up over a week to a tune of $40 ~$50 bucks you don't gain a damn thing by raising the minimum wage , your still fucking poor, it's just a tax on the middle class , companies don't pay taxes they just collect them for The government
Obama spends his entire presiduncy jacking up the price of everything, causing income stagnation, giving $85 billion a month to the rich, and then pounds his chest over a lousy few bucks an hour to the poor.

And his fans can't spot the deceptive nature of this without having it tattooed to their foreheads.
What the hell has Obama done to cause the stagnant wages? Name the policy.
Obamacare , cigarette tax, oil moratorium, tarp, evecutive criminal amnesty, ect Ect ect
None of that has lead to stagnant wages you dumb piece of shit.
All of it did. Everything you fools think helps doesnt.
No you're just a moron.
Moron? Now you're calling somebody else a Moron?

Is it possible for you to try something else. Something more original?
How bout half-wit, shitforbrains, ignoramus, dimwit, blockhead, mental defective, simpleton, mouth breather, numskull, oaf, Neanderthal, birdbrain, nincompoop, silly twit, pinhead, scatterbrain, shithead, fuckwit, dork, fool, nitwit, loon, lamebrain, retard, dolt, ot schlemiel.

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