Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

The exceptions for the life of the mother are vague and poorly written leaving hospitals erring on the side of caution and refusing all care. Some hospitals in red states have closed their maternity wards completely rather than risk law suits, and this is affecting ALL pregnant women, forcing them to drive great distances for care.

When things go horribly wrong in a pregnancy, women don't have time to travel to another state and find a hospital or clinic to help them. One of the women in the Texas law suit had an ectopic pregnancy. You have 10 minutes from the time your time your tube bursts, to get treatment, or you bleed out.

The woman with the ectopic pregnancy was admitted to hospital to wait for her tube to burst. But when the tube burst, the tiny heart kept beating and so long as the heart was beating, they couldn't start the surgery. I saw a Texas lawmaker interviewed saying that's not what the law intended at all. Doesn't matter if that isn't what they intended, that's the result.

A Texas Court overturn the "heartbeat" portion of the bill and added an exception where it's determined that the fetus isn't viable and the life of the mother is on the line, Doctors can perform the abortion and the Texas AG appealled that decision.

Sounds like states need to work on their procedures then, but that’s no reason to upend the entire system and disregard the cotus.

States have laws allowing abortions for the scenario listed above. If doctors are not doing it, then that’s on them not the state. The state says they can.

Also, you on the left always like to talk about the extreme examples, but ignore the more common reason for abortion, which is “I just don’t want it”.

That is generally the number one reason people have abortions.
Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. It is why Republicans are suffering politically since they won a states rights argument with the Dobbs decision.

But state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women.

One of Saint Ding’s failed arguments goes something like this:

ding said: It's extremely clear that the reason you are playing word games in your dehumanization of human life is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life. dvng. #4,716

An argument based upon what Saint Ding thinks I am thinking being evil, is not an argument at all.

Protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries. The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

Saint Heynorm does the same thing by accusing me of thinking ZEFs are worthless clump of cells,

HeyNorm said: “ ….. all they are carrying is a worthless clump of cells, right? Like a parasite, right?” hynrm.23.11.19 #772

I don’t think that at all. My response is here:
nf.23.11.21 #11,948 to hynrm.23.11.19 #772

nf.23.11.21 #1
HikerGuy83 said:

hkrgy.23.11.21 #62

With no argument whatsoever Saint Hikerguy pushes forced full term gestation on women who live in states where white Christian nationalists sick Jesus and a Badge on women for improper leg spreading if she ends up pregnant.

Subjugating women to white Christian nationalists is great with Saint Hikerguy although improper leg spreading causes no harm to his life, liberty and happiness.

nf.23.11.21 #63 to hkrgy.23.11.21 #62
playtime said: but if the SC rules that a female must gestate & give birth, or risk punishment or worse - death ... then all's good. • ¥ • right? plytm.21.12.18 #8

HikerGuy83 said: The SC will rule that the federal government should not be involved. • ¥ • States will then do the will of the people in the state and determine if they can have an abortion. • ¥¥ • From what I have read, more than 30 states will allow it with little or no restriction. hkrgy.22.01.10 #427 to plytm.21.12.18 #8

It is interesting to see how avoidance of reality in arguments gets started. In the above exchange Saint Hikerguy is confronted with truth by our Knight in Shining Armor Playtime in POST plytm.22.12.18 #8 shown above.

Saint Hikerguy responds by engaging in a fallacy as a political operative instead of truth-seeker when he makes the following a part of his argument;

“ …. federal government should not be involved”

An objective reality specifically when it comes to at least eight out of ten American women is the federal government should be involved in protecting their right to privacy against super hyper moralistic Republican white Christian.

Saint MAGA Hikerguy has been siding the entire truth in this matter for at least nearly two full years.

to hkrgy.22.01.10 #427
to plytm.21.12.18 #8

nf.23.11.22 #64
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But state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women.

In fact, it is not within the authority of the state to dictate to citizens personal, private matters – such as whether to have a child or not.

Republicans advocate for neither ‘small government’ nor ‘individual liberty’ – this is among the right’s more glaring hypocrisies.
Sounds like states need to work on their procedures then, but that’s no reason to upend the entire system and disregard the cotus.

States have laws allowing abortions for the scenario listed above. If doctors are not doing it, then that’s on them not the state. The state says they can.

Also, you on the left always like to talk about the extreme examples, but ignore the more common reason for abortion, which is “I just don’t want it”.

That is generally the number one reason people have abortions.
Precisely. The overwhelming majority of women who seek abortion do so out of a desire to dodge the responsibility of parenthood. If these baby killers were honest in the debate over abortion, they could put the whole matter to bed by simply compromising. If women want abortion legal, as they predominately use it to absolve themselves of responsibility for their actions; simply make a legal mechanism available to the sires of said children to legally absolve themselves of any, and all responsibility for the same child...
Republicans advocate for neither ‘small government’ nor ‘individual liberty’ – this is among the right’s more glaring hypocrisies.
We can trace each poster to a Republican common fallacy or fake argument as is documented in POST nf.23.11.22 #64

Thanks for participating as a Knight in Shining Armor for all women including Republican women.
If a wife refuses to have sex with her husband, he can legally divorce her. 60% of all abortions are given to married women.


That doesn't mean daddy was the daddy. :p

Try again, fool.

Birth control is cheap and readily available in every corner store everywhere in America. (And even some bathrooms).
Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. It is why Republicans are suffering politically since they won a states rights argument with the Dobbs decision.

But state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women.

One of Saint Ding’s failed arguments goes something like this:

ding said: It's extremely clear that the reason you are playing word games in your dehumanization of human life is to make it easier to kill them and dismiss their right to life. dvng. #4,716

An argument based upon what Saint Ding thinks I am thinking being evil, is not an argument at all.

Protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries. The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

Saint Heynorm does the same thing by accusing me of thinking ZEFs are worthless clump of cells,

HeyNorm said: “ ….. all they are carrying is a worthless clump of cells, right? Like a parasite, right?” hynrm.23.11.19 #772

I don’t think that at all. My response is here:
nf.23.11.21 #11,948 to hynrm.23.11.19 #772

nf.23.11.21 #1
This is silly hard-hearted self-justification.
Have you EVER helped an unwed mother KEEP the baby she wants.
I am sure the answer is "NO', I know your type intimately. Abortion cheers you and working for a baby depresses you.

Have some respect for women
This is silly hard-hearted self-justification.
Have you EVER helped an unwed mother KEEP the baby she wants.
I am sure the answer is "NO', I know your type intimately. Abortion cheers you and working for a baby depresses you.

Have some respect for women
Roughly half the victims of abortion are women. So much for respect...
This is silly hard-hearted self-justification.
Have you EVER helped an unwed mother KEEP the baby she wants.
I am sure the answer is "NO', I know your type intimately. Abortion cheers you and working for a baby depresses you.

Have some respect for women
No, it’s calling out the right’s hypocrisy and authoritarianism; conservatives’ desire to compel conformity and punish dissent through the power of the state.

Rhetoric about a fetus being a ‘baby’ and abortion being ‘murder’ are red herrings, having nothing to do with the fact whatever one’s opinion on the subject, it’s not within the scope of the state’s authority to interfere with a woman’s reproductive autonomy.

In fact, it is not within the authority of the state to dictate to citizens personal, private matters – such as whether to have a child or not.

Republicans advocate for neither ‘small government’ nor ‘individual liberty’ – this is among the right’s more glaring hypocrisies.

But it’s not within the federal authority either.

And you’re wrong about the repubs, they do want small government, hence the handing the decision of abortion back to the states, in line with constitutional principles. Now, I will agree that they kind of get muddy on the personal liberty kind of things on certain issues, but most of that has to do with how it affects other people. In this case, they believe a pregnant woman is carrying a baby, at any stage of her pregnancy. If left to natural course, that embryo will grow up to be a child.

Ask any Republican if they care about what a woman does to her body in any other circumstance and they’ll tell you they don’t care. It’s only when it comes to a baby when they want to protect THAT life.
But it’s not within the federal authority either.

And you’re wrong about the repubs, they do want small government, hence the handing the decision of abortion back to the states, in line with constitutional principles. Now, I will agree that they kind of get muddy on the personal liberty kind of things on certain issues, but most of that has to do with how it affects other people. In this case, they believe a pregnant woman is carrying a baby, at any stage of her pregnancy. If left to natural course, that embryo will grow up to be a child.

Ask any Republican if they care about what a woman does to her body in any other circumstance and they’ll tell you they don’t care. It’s only when it comes to a baby when they want to protect THAT life.
True. See if any Republican would support a Bill that outlaws women running their fingers through a band saw. You won't find any the fact of the matter is the overwhelming majority of women in favor of abortion, are narcissistic, self centered women who like small children rebuff the notion of being responsible for their own actions. And they are willing to kill their own child th evade such responsibility...
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The voters should decide the issue not old white Uber wealthy men. And I'm an old white man.
How about encouraging contraception? Only crackpots are against it. Then encouraging giving up the child for adoption and having the state take care of the kid until adopted? Build orphanages and such.
How about encouraging contraception? Only crackpots are against it. Then encouraging giving up the child for adoption and having the state take care of the kid until adopted? Build orphanages and such.
This country already has a AAA Acountability Avoidance System in place for irresponsible women.

Adoption- with no strings attached, and no fear of the state coming after her for money later.

Abandonment- with Safe Haven laws women can legally just abandon their child at a fire station, or hospital with no worry of the state ever hunting her down, and making her financially responsible for her child.

Abortion- the nuclear option for those who just don't want the hassle of going through the pregnancy they initiated.

That doesn't mean daddy was the daddy. :p

Birth control is cheap and readily available in every corner store everywhere in America. (And even some bathrooms).

Birth control is available, but its reliability and effectiveness has been completely overstated, especially by men. All of the studies on pregnancy and childbirth indicate that the rate of unintended pregnancy in the United States is currently about 45% and that’s down from 51% in 1994.

The majority of women who are faced with an unintended pregnancy, will carry the baby to term. I have two beautiful grandchildren who were conceived while my daughter was taking the pill.

Yes in carefully controlled studies birth control is 98% effective might be but in real life it’s only 85% of effective and that means 15% of women taking the pill get pregnant EVERY MONTH.

40% of the women seeking abortions in any month through using birth control at the time they got pregnant. Birth control fails.
This country already has a AAA Acountability Avoidance System in place for irresponsible women.

Adoption- with no strings attached, and no fear of the state coming after her for money later.

Abandonment- with Safe Haven laws women can legally just abandon their child at a fire station, or hospital with no worry of the state ever hunting her down, and making her financially responsible for her child.

Abortion- the nuclear option for those who just don't want the hassle of going through the pregnancy they initiated.

Irresponsible women? No woman ever got pregnant by herself. It’s a biological impossibility.

Before a woman can get pregnant, she hast to have sex with a man who isn’t using birth control. Who is the responsible one here?

Maybe we should start having consequences for these irresponsible men who are impregnating women indiscriminately. We should arrest these fuck boys and hold them to accounts.

The notion that a woman has all sorts of options other than abortion, when she finds herself pregnant is a fallacy. You can be fired for being pregnant in the USA, so poor women, end up homeless and unemployed and do.

Carrying the baby to term is not an option for low income women with one or more children already.

Every time I read one of the posts written by these misogynistic assholes who blame women for being pregnant, their posts are based on a deep and abiding hatred of women. This is why men should never be legislating women’s health matters.

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