Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

• ¥¥ • kaz said: I'm actually pro-choice, kvz!.23.11.22 #196

You cannot be serious about it if you ever voted for a Republican from dog-catcher to Trvmp the past fifty years.

Trump could not overturn RvW without you.

nf.23.11.22 #201
Nope. Not a single state has banned abortion, vermin.

The lying FuckBoi, who never backs up his false claims, strikes again:

You could stop embarassing yourself if you actually used google.
Seriously, are you that naive?

How many Republican women do you know that have more than 5 children?

"Up to 1965 the average woman in the world had more than 5 children. Since then we have seen an unprecedented change. The number has halved. Globally, the average per woman is now below 2.5 children."

Liberal women are just more honest.
Have you not heard of a hysterectomy, dumbass. Quite a common procedure among women who have had all the children they want.
The lying FuckBoi, who never backs up his false claims, strikes again:

You could stop embarassing yourself if you actually used google.
nope. You can still get an abortion on all 50 states, KKKanadian vermin.
Frankenstein said: Legal doesn't make it right! frnknstn.23.12.22 #95

Making decisions by law abiding individuals in this country that have an impact on an individual’s right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness are limited to actions that cause no harm to other individuals or to society as a whole. Abortion causes no harm to a separate individual person and has zero harmful impact on society:

So Saint Frankenstein’s argument that abortion being legal doesn't make it right should not allow a state government to enforce what a religious majority thinks is legal but not morally right.,

This is another argument fail by a Republican sanctimonious saint.

nf.23.11.22 #196

That's funny. You leftists argue you should be able to remove people's rights because "morality" all the time. Now suddenly you're against that while you continue to be for it.

Your typical crap
I suffered side effects as well. Not weight gain, but I wasn't able to take them at all. I got really sick with them. I was also really sick with two of my pregnancies as well. If your body responds badly to pregnancy hormones, you're going to have problems taking the pill.

You don't love or respect women at all. Lot of straight men hate women, but being card carrying heterosexuals, they put up with them. Your straight of hatred of women comes through in every post blaming women for "spreading their legs".
Who else are we to blame for an unprotected woman that spreads her legs? 🤷‍♀️
kaz said: You leftists argue you should be able to remove people's rights because "morality" all the time. kvz!.23.11.22 #206

What peoples rights being removed are you talking about?

No He's overly religious. And I connect the dots between believing the bible literally and believing conspiracy theories.

Plus he and his older adopted black son monitor each others pornography? That's weird. I bet the fuck.

Republicans will lie and say they are pro choice, then stab us in the backs.
1. Overly religious is better than this:

2. He and his older black son are none of our business. If his black son ever goes full-blown drug addict, like Hunter Biden, then let me know.


3. Republicans who lie about abortion will lose their election.
Mikeoxenormous said: There is nothing in the Constitution that says women can murder their babies. mkxnrms.23.03.26 #7,948

NFBW: When the USA was founded according to the common law at the time, abortion was a common practice was not murder and not considered a crime from conception through about five months.

Abortion was once common practice in America. A small group of doctors changed that​

JUNE 6, 20224:29 PM ET
By Ramtin Arablouei
Rund Abdelfatah
LISTEN· 8:068-Minute Listen
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Abortion wasn't always controversial. In fact, in colonial America it would have been considered a fairly common practice. But in the mid-1800s, a small group of physicians set out to change that.

NFBW: Legally snd Constitutionally speaking there never should have been anti-abortion laws in America written by white men and upheld by white male judges.

Common law on abortion in 1776 British Colonies should have been settled law matching RvW but 19th Century white racist men fucked that all up.

In U.S. history, abortion wasn't always controversial. In fact, in colonial America, it was considered a fairly common practice, a private decision made by women and aided mostly by midwives. But in the mid-1800s, a small group of physicians set out to change that. Led by a zealous young doctor named Horatio Storer, they launched a campaign to make abortion illegal in every state. Hosts Ramtin Arablouei and Rund Abdelfatah from our history podcast Throughline bring us the story.

RUND ABDELFATAH, BYLINE: In 1860, governors of every single state in the U.S. received this letter from the recently established American Medical Association.

UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: (Reading) The evil to society of this crime is evident from the fact that its instances in this country are now to be counted by hundreds of thousands.

ABDELFATAH: But there was really only one guy holding the pen.

Horatio Storer.

HAUGEBERG: Basically, he ghostwrote a letter from the president of the AMA - so it looked like it was coming from the president, but Storer was actually the one who wrote it - saying that the AMA opposes abortion. And he used the language of morality.

ABDELFATAH: The letter was pivotal to what historians call the physicians' crusade against abortion, and Storer was making a few key arguments for why abortion should be illegal across the country. First, he introduced a new idea.

UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: (Reading) The child is alive from the moment of conception.

That life began at conception.

Up till now, people generally agreed that life began when a woman could actually feel life move inside her, known then as quickening. But that wasn't enough for Storer. He campaigned on a moral argument that also tapped into the racial fears of the moment, fears that would eventually inspire a pseudoscientific field of, quote, "racial improvement" and planned breeding of the population - American eugenics. These racial fears would inspire forced sterilization programs to decrease certain populations where Storer's anti-abortion campaign was trying to increase other populations by focusing on...

HAUGEBERG: The birth rate for Protestant white women had been declining over the course of the 19th century. So he had fears of what were commonly - what was commonly referred to as race suicide, that the Anglo stock wasn't going to replenish itself fast enough to keep up with the swells of new immigrants to the United States.

And who is going to have power and populate this country and populate the Great Plains and the Great West?

REAGAN: Well, it is going to be Chinese migrants. It's going to be African Americans, newly freed people and Catholics. They are not the ones using abortion. It's our, you know, Yankee women who are using abortion, trying to get into medical school, trying to do politics when they should be at home, having babies and taking care of them.

“They began to say, we need white women to use their loins because they're concerned about the Blackening and the browning of what is now - what at that point became the United States and this real concern that, when Black people become free, what will this mean for white people? And white women become a key to that.​

ARABLOUEI: So part of Storer's thinking was that criminalizing abortion would help rebalance the scales of who was being born into this country. But there was more to this strategy. He saw this as a way to finally knock out the competition - midwives.

HAUGEBERG: And so if the AMA could wrest control over the marketplace of abortion, it would be lucrative to this growing cadre of university-educated, mostly male physicians who are beginning to specialize in things like obstetrics and gynecology.

ARABLOUEI: So midwives were slandered in this campaign.

GOODWIN: Described as unsanitary, unclean, as immoral.

ARABLOUEI: And as clueless as the mothers themselves.

REAGAN: Saying, women do not know. They don't know when they quicken - and really makes fun of women's own sensations and knowledge and says, you know, some of them quicken at one month. Some of them never quicken at all, and then they have a baby.

UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: (Reading) They may very constantly be recognized by the physician in cases where no sensation is felt by the mother.

REAGAN: So there's this scoffing at women's knowledge, saying, this is a sin. This is murder. You're killing children.

UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: (Reading) By the moral law, the willful killing of a human being at any stage of its existence is murder.

REAGAN: And the general public of women don't get it. They don't know that. And we need to change the laws.

“So to help people get it, Storer wrote - …… In one lecture called "The Origins Of Insanity In Women," he advocated for ovariectomies for women who, quote, "have become habitually thievish"... Profane or obscene, despondent or self-indulgent, shrewish or fatuous.​

ABDELFATAH: The solution, as he saw it...

UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: (Reading) Remove the cause.

ABDELFATAH: A woman's reproductive organs.

HAUGEBERG: He was really hostile to women.

ABDELFATAH: And that hostility was starting to gain traction. A few years into the campaign, some states began to pass laws outlawing or restricting abortion. Perhaps the harshest was in Connecticut in 1860. The law got rid of the quickening rule and made abortion a crime for which the abortionist and the woman getting the abortion could be fined and jailed. And over the next few decades, most states across the country would adopt similar laws thanks in part to another campaign that was going on at the same time that was getting even more attention. It was led by a Union Army Civil War veteran named...

Anthony Comstock, who's well-known for leading the anti-birth control crusade of the 19th century.​

ABDELFATAH: Anthony Comstock was a descendant of some of the earliest Puritans in New England. He took that ancestry to heart and went on to work with the Young Men's Christian Association, the YMCA, in New York City and founded the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice. And he dedicated his life to exactly that - suppressing vice.

ARABLOUEI: In 1873, Comstock began lobbying Congress to pass anti-obscenity laws. There had been a rise of prostitution and new forms of birth control, like diaphragms and rubber condoms, all of which triggered a powerful backlash, a backlash that culminated in the Comstock Law. The law made it illegal to mail sex toys, pornography, contraception, abortion drugs or even information about contraception and abortion.

GOODWIN: Including some medical books that had pictures of anatomy - right? - is just how deep it went.

ARABLOUEI: But here's the thing. Comstock conflated birth control with abortion. He saw no difference between the two, which meant that abortion was wrapped up into this new law, making it a federal offense to send or order material about abortion by mail with punishment of up to $5,000 in fines, which is over $110,000 today, and up to 10 years in prison. The law was the first of its kind in the Western world.

“Between Comstock's laws and Horatio Storer's crusade, by 1880, every single state had a law outlawing abortion on the books. These laws launched a century of criminalization​

Bottom Line: Dobbs was a contrived and white Christian male domination decision.

nf.23.11.23 #211
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lennypartiv said: Christian were at Mar a Lago recently. They are looking forward to a more moral America. Hopefully they succeed.​
---"We don’t just ‘preach Jesus,'" said Garlow, according to Rolling Stone. "We preach what Jesus preached. He preached the Kingdom... What’s the King over? Everything. Everything. Including the governmental and political realm."---​

Presenting a clear picture that absolutist’s irrationality has festered in and absconded with the MAGA demented Republican Party and Saint Lennypartiv is proud of it and all in with white Christian nationalism.

nf.23.11.23 #212 to lnnyprtv.23 ww.23 #1
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Have you not heard of a hysterectomy, dumbass. Quite a common procedure among women who have had all the children they want.

I don't know of ANY woman who has ever done such a thing and neither do you because nobody does it.

You need to learn biology FuckBoi. No doctor is going to perform a "hysterectomy" on a healthy uterus. Added to which, you have to take hormone therapy treatment for the rest of your life if you have a hysterectomy, which has a high risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer.

Doctors will do everything possible to prevent removing a diseased uterus because of this and they certainly won't be taking out a healthy uterus. They used to use HRT to ease menopause symptons, but they don't do that any more because of the risks of long term use.

When I had two children and wanted no more, I had my tubes tied which is a very common procedure for women who don't want more children. But then we divorced, and when I remarried, my new husband wanted to have a child. I had a dangerous 4 hour tubal reconstruction surgery.

Tubal reconstructive surgery increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy, so my early pregnancies had to be carefully monitored to ensure the little zygot didn't get stuck on the scar tissue from the surgery on its way down the fallopian tube. I wouldn't recommend any of this to any woman.

Being a Canadian, OHIP paid for the procedure, although I understand it is now "delisted", which means that women have to pay up to $20,000 out of pocket for it now.

Not a practical suggestion at all.
There's more than enough babies being born. Only kooks fall for the declining birthrate lies.
Libby von H said: I know your type intimately. lobby h.23.11.22 #70

That is an extremely goofy argument Saint Libbyvonh. I ‘ll get to you soon.

kyzr said: Abortion is a state issue. kyzr!.23.11.21 #2

But forcing full term gestation on women when a state government is run by mostly white male fundamentalist REPUBLICAN Christians like Saint Mike Johnson is a violation of individual rights and violation of separation of church and state.

nf.23.11.22 #89
Mabye if I post it 5 more times, you will switch from your assumption that this is white male and Republican and Christian because almost all the groups I monitor are NONE OF THOSE, uninformed moron




Democrats for Life

PRogressive Anti-abortion Uprising

Feminsts for Life

IN my time on here you get the vote for MOST UNINFORMED
There's more than enough babies being born. Only kooks fall for the declining birthrate lies.

More than enough babies being born for what???? The human race has built their economies on an ever expanding number of people. If the American population drops, you won't have enough workers to sustain yourselves. It's already happening.

In order for the USA to sustain its economy, you need more people in each generation, to sustain it. You now have 9 million jobs and 3 million unemployed workers. American women are having fewer than 2 children each, so your population isn't replacing itself.

Where are you going to get the people you need for all of these jobs you're creating?????
Mabye if I post it 5 more times, you will switch from your assumption that this is white male and Republican and Christian because almost all the groups I monitor are NONE OF THOSE, uninformed moron




Democrats for Life

PRogressive Anti-abortion Uprising

Feminsts for Life

IN my time on here you get the vote for MOST UNINFORMED

I have never heard of any of these outfits lunatic anti-abortion organizations and have no interest in learning about any of them.

The anti-abortion movement is grounded in misogyny and hatred of women:

So take your woman hating anti-abortionist groups and shove them right up your ass.
Libby von H said:

Mabye if I post it 5 more times, you will switch from your assumption that this is white male and Republican and Christian because almost all the groups I monitor are NONE OF THOSE, uninformed moron
• ¥ •
• ¥¥ •
• ¥¥¥ •
Democrats for Life
PRogressive Anti-abortion Uprising
Feminsts for Life
.• ¥¥¥¥ •
IN my time on here you get the vote for MOST UNINFORMED
lbbyvnh.23.11.23 #216

Are you in favor of states having the right to force full-term gestation on women?

If so, make an argument for it and defend it instead of telling me that I am uninformed.

Telling people that they are uninformed is not an argument. What do you have Saint Libbyvonh?

nf.23.11.23 #219 to lbbyvnh.23.11.23 #216
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Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women.

Killing an innocent child in cold blood is simply wrong, and not something that ought to be allowed in any civilized society.

What more rational argument than that do you need?

What other rational argument can we offer, if we cannot even get you to agree that it is wrong and unacceptable to murder an innocent child?

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