Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. Their failed arguments are examined here:

Questions for Saint OKTexas and Saint Mac-7 :

Mac-7 said: If the child has a heartbeat it should be protected mvc-n.23.06.26 #31

OKTexas said: Think about the lifespan and make a list of what you would consider the basic periods of development. vktxs.23.11.25 #278

What is your position Saint Oktexas on the exact legal point where civil protections begin when a human being’ starts life on the full life continuum from conception until any cause of death?

Do you agree with Saint Macseven in POST mvc-n.23.06.26 #31 in which he states “when the child has a heartbeat it should be protected” ?

nf.23.11.25 to vktxs.23.11.25 #278

At 6 weeks gestation a heartbeat can be detected and as you would note in my previous post (the edit), they have all the features of of a human at 12 weeks, with a fully functioning central nervous system. So you tell me, when is it appropriate to kill this person?

I do not want to kill that person or the person that conceived and is gestating that ZEF person. So why do you ask me that question?

So are you saying the premise of your thread is a lie? You obviously approve of killing them at some point if it's not, I just want to know what that point is. Personally I think a woman should be only be able to kill her child in self defense, everyone has a right to take a life to defend their own life. Is that clear enough for ya?

Question for Saint Oktexas:

Do you agree with Saint Macseven in POST mvc-n.23.06.26 #31 in which he states “when the child has a heartbeat it should be protected” ? nf.23.11.25 to vktxs.23.11.25 #278

I agree with the US Constitution that society hss a to protect life from the moment a new person is born.

Can you make a rational argument as to why society has a duty to protect human life at the sixth week of gestation by invading the privacy of what is biologically going on inside a pregnant woman’s body?

Personally I think a woman should be only be able to kill her child in self defense,
Do you mean to save her life from harm and potential risk of death as documented in the maternal death rate?

nf.23.11.25 #284
Can you make a rational argument as to why society has a duty to protect human life at the sixth week of gestation by invading the privacy of what is biologically going on inside a pregnant woman’s body?
The rational argument is that; (in your own words), it's a human life. And is already recognized as such by the State regardless of the abortion issue. Just see all the convictions for double homicide, when a pregnant woman is murdered. Along with all the others where an otherwise healthy, unborn human is killed during the commission of a crime...
OKTexas said: So are you saying the premise of your thread is a lie?


The premise of this thread is;

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women because protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries.

The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

And that is the way it was when the US Constitution was written; protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

OKTexas said: So are you saying the premise of your thread is a lie?


The premise of this thread is;

Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women because protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries.

The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

And that is the way it was when the US Constitution was written; protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb.

No one "forces" full term gestation. Gestation is a naturally occurring event. Society is not participating in that event. So the premise is flawed from the get go.
Mac-7 said: From the moment of conception every unborn child is a unique human with its own DNA mvc-n.23.11.25 #274

When does it become a “protected” life?

nf.23.11.25 #277 to mvc-n.23.11.25 #274
Thats a legal question that only the gods in black robes can answer

And it depends on which side of the bed they wake up on that morning
NotfooledbyW said: Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. nf.23.11.21 #1

HeyNorm said: And again, even with your diatribe, it didn’t change the FACT that the only gestation EVER done by force, is through rape. hynrm.23.11.24 #269

It is an absurd statement if the phrase “full term gestation” were used as per the original POST of this thread nf.23.11.21 #1 .

What Saint Heynorm wants to say is that the only FULL TERM GESTATION EVER done by force, is through rape that lasts from conception for up to nine months until a baby is born or stillborn when full term gestation is complete.

To backup the absurdity used in this specific argument, Saint Heynorm will not only be required to cite a case where a rape victim suffers an eight to nine month duration of rape, he will have to verify with irrefutable data that never has there ever been a case where a woman was impregnated by a repost and she could not get away from him to end gestation by obtaining the medical or pharmaceutical procedure of induced abortion.

nf.23.11.25 #275 to hynrm.23.11.24 #269
So you would forgive the rapist who is guilty but kill the innocent child who is guilty of nothing?

Shouldnt the rapist be executed also?
Dont spread your legs to any Tom, Dick, or Harry and you wont have to worry about carrying a baby. Abstinence works, but then most Democrats couldnt get laid then.
Or the guy can just wear a condom. It’s not like they’re expensive.
NotfooledbyW said: Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. nf.23.11.21 #1

HeyNorm said: And again, even with your diatribe, it didn’t change the FACT that the only gestation EVER done by force, is through rape. hynrm.23.11.24 #269

It is an absurd statement if the phrase “full term gestation” were used as per the original POST of this thread nf.23.11.21 #1 .

What Saint Heynorm wants to say is that the only FULL TERM GESTATION EVER done by force, is through rape that lasts from conception for up to nine months until a baby is born or stillborn when full term gestation is complete.

To backup the absurdity used in this specific argument, Saint Heynorm will not only be required to cite a case where a rape victim suffers an eight to nine month duration of rape, he will have to verify with irrefutable data that never has there ever been a case where a woman was impregnated by a repost and she could not get away from him to end gestation by obtaining the medical or pharmaceutical procedure of induced abortion.

nf.23.11.25 #275 to hynrm.23.11.24 #269

Gestation is a naturally occurring process that either occurs through consensual sexual contact with a member of the opposite sex, or through non consensual sexual contact (Rape) with a member of the opposite sex.

Glad I could clear that up for ya.
NotfooledbyW said: Republicans fail to make any rational argument why society must force full term gestation on all women. • ¥ • nf.23.11.21 #1

“But state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women.“ • ¥¥ • nf.23.11.21 #1

“Protected unborn life from the instant of conception has not been a norm for Americans for centuries. The norm the past fifty years has been that protected life begins at reasonable expectation of life outside the womb” • ¥5 • nf.23.11.21 #1

Mac-7 said: So you would forgive the rapist who is guilty …… mvc-n.23.11.25 #291

I would never forgive a vile human being who had raped or sexually assaulted another human being and that includes the dozens-times loser DJTrvmp.

When a woman who was raped comes forward to enable society to capture, try, convict and punish her attacker, my position remains unchanged for her from the point presented in POST • ¥¥ • nf.23.11.21 #1 which is state’s rights do not supersede individual right’s including the unenumerated individual right to privacy for impregnated women.

Can you please not go down the absurdity lane Saint Macseven and make the argument for the government as requested in POST ¥ • nf.23.11.21 #1

Thanks for your cooperation. OSU 38 Xichigan 13

nf.23.11.25 #295 to mvc-n.23.11.25 #291
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what about full term gestation and can you explain why you believe a rapist can force full term gestation on a woman when rapists don’t continue raping a woman for six weeks to see if his victim misses a period

Or do you have insight that that happens every time a woman is raped? Could you please share?
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Even a condom can come off or tear...But when people wait till they are ready for a baby, there cant be any baby unless it is immaculate...
We all know that’s extremely rare.

Abstinence only works if people are willing to be abstinent. Since almost no one actually is abstinent until marriage, birth control is the most effective solution.
what about full term gestation and can you explain why you believe a rapist can force full term gestation on a woman when rapists don’t continue raping a woman for six weeks to see if his victim misses a period

Or do you have insight that that happens every time a woman is raped? Could you please share?
Full term gestation is no different the mid term gestation, all part of the same natural process.

Rape is a criminal act. Did you not know this? And I’ve said on many occasions it is one of the few exceptions to the rule. In fact, I’ve said that a life sentence, without parole should be the minimum sentence for rapists in which a child is created and aborted.
How does a rapist force full term gestation on a woman in the same way the state of Texas and Alabama do?
Rapist: By the act of rape if it causes the process of gestation

States: by the process by which laws are passed.

Two completely different things.

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