Republicans have moved beyond Obama. They are looking towards the future.

Definition of personality (n)

Bing Dictionary


[ pùrss'n állətee ]

1.somebody's set of characteristics: the totality of somebody's attitudes, interests, behavioral patterns, emotional responses, social roles, and other individual traits that endure over long periods of time
2.characteristics making somebody appealing: the distinctive or very noticeable characteristics that make somebody socially appealing
3.somebody regarded as epitomizing traits: somebody regarded as epitomizing particular character traits

Jake your best personality feature is how convinced you are that we believe your "I'm a Real Republican" Schtick

Frank, you defend Joe McCarthy and that's where any belief in your cred on the board ends. :lol: tis what tis

Jake, McCarthy vastly understated the extent to which real Communist spies, since verified by the Russians, infiltrated the White House, State and Treasury and subverted US policy tilting it toward the Communists in China and the USSR

You were indoctrinated into believing a series of lies about McCarthy and it's possible you are incapable of overcoming your programming

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