Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs

Bullshit, Democrats just don't make a big fucking deal about other people's religions.

Democrats Attack Mitt Romney’s Religion
In this Weekend Commentary, Dan Rea looks at the stealth campaign by Democrats to discredit Mitt Romney because of his religion.

Anti-Mormon bigotry repeated by MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell

O'Donnell blatantly attacked Romney's religion by making inflammatory and inaccurate statements about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its founder, Joseph Smith, during political programming intended to offer analysis of Tuesday's presidential primaries in Wisconsin, Maryland and Washington, D.C.
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Republicans Have Strongly Negative Views Of Muslims, Arabs: Poll

Islamophobes, Buddaphobes, Hinduphobes, any religion that isn't WHITE and CHRISTIAN they view unfavorably. Batshit crazy party.

Yet you guys are Christianophobes, but somehow, thats OK.

Bullshit, Democrats just don't make a big fucking deal about other people's religions.

Bullshit, what about all the yelling and screaming about the Radical Religous Right?
Yet you guys are Christianophobes, but somehow, thats OK.

Bullshit, Democrats just don't make a big fucking deal about other people's religions.

Bullshit, what about all the yelling and screaming about the Radical Religous Right?

Its about those fuckers trying to force their religion onto others and make it into law, they're not bashing the fucking religion, just the fuckers who want to force it on others.
Bullshit, Democrats just don't make a big fucking deal about other people's religions.

Bullshit, what about all the yelling and screaming about the Radical Religous Right?

Its about those fuckers trying to force their religion onto others and make it into law, they're not bashing the fucking religion, just the fuckers who want to force it on others.
And, yet, Islam is not just a's law.

Bullshit, Democrats just don't make a big fucking deal about other people's religions.

Bullshit, what about all the yelling and screaming about the Radical Religous Right?

Its about those fuckers trying to force their religion onto others and make it into law, they're not bashing the fucking religion, just the fuckers who want to force it on others.

While the consitution prevents people from forcing you to pay for and follow anothers religion, nothing prevents religous people from trying to advocate laws that follow the tenets of thier religon.

Also Islam is far more of a forceful religon when it comes to trying to promote thier viewpoints. In addition one of the prime faces of the religon is the imposition of its legal system on those who believe, and those who do not beleive.
Bullshit, what about all the yelling and screaming about the Radical Religous Right?

Its about those fuckers trying to force their religion onto others and make it into law, they're not bashing the fucking religion, just the fuckers who want to force it on others.

While the consitution prevents people from forcing you to pay for and follow anothers religion, nothing prevents religous people from trying to advocate laws that follow the tenets of thier religon.

Also Islam is far more of a forceful religon when it comes to trying to promote thier viewpoints. In addition one of the prime faces of the religon is the imposition of its legal system on those who believe, and those who do not beleive.

You cannot make your religion law and push it onto other with fucking intolerance, the religious far right is the Christian version of Taliban, we are a nation of over 300 million people, I tolerate other people's religion but do not want their religion to become law that I must follow, fuck that.
What race are Muslims?

Be specific.

Hmm...if you check you will find that Islamophobia does meet most criteria defining racism.

And if you check, you will find people of every race that follow Islam.

That wasn't the question.

The point is that - contrary to what you may believe - hatred of Muslims can be considered racism, and is considered as such by most agencies and experts in the field.
Shit. I'm not a Rep and I have strong views on Muslims and Arabs.

The fuckers are trying to kill us.

9-11 anyone??

No, they're not. Extremists in their religion might, but do you really feel comfortable pigeonholeing an entire religion?

I bet it pisses you off when people do that to Christians, paint them all the same based on the extremists in that religion.

Nope. Can't say it pisses me off at all. I could care about religion.

Of course not to many Christians out there blowing folks away either.

I just have a problem with folks trying to kill my ass just because I'm American.

I also have a problem with the moderates in any religion who do jack shit about the extremists, the killers, in their religion. Of course the fact that those extremists would kill their asses might have loads to do with it.
Shit. I'm not a Rep and I have strong views on Muslims and Arabs.

The fuckers are trying to kill us.

9-11 anyone??

No, they're not. Extremists in their religion might, but do you really feel comfortable pigeonholeing an entire religion?

I bet it pisses you off when people do that to Christians, paint them all the same based on the extremists in that religion.

Nope. Can't say it pisses me off at all. I could care about religion.

Of course not to many Christians out there blowing folks away either.

I just have a problem with folks trying to kill my ass just because I'm American.

I also have a problem with the moderates in any religion who do jack shit about the extremists, the killers, in their religion. Of course the fact that those extremists would kill their asses might have loads to do with it.

Blame it on your neocon asswipes in the Repug Party.

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